Chapter 504 Eat Her

Ye Xingchen looked at the way everyone was holding that painting as their treasure, and he was naturally very happy. After all, this is the result of his own labor, and he must be happy to receive such respect.

But since we came here, we must have a stroll, taking advantage of my sisters not paying attention, Ye Xingchen quietly whispered into Zhao Jinmai's ear, "Let's go for a stroll."

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to wink at her, signaling to follow him.

Anyway, it's free time now, Mai Mai took a look at the brothers and sisters who were preparing, didn't pay attention to the two of them, and followed Ye Xingchen to wander around other stalls.

The quality of Ye Xingchen's paintings is already very high, and the paintings are indeed very good, which made Maimai's vision a lot higher. Although she also saw the paintings made of stones over there, although they were beautiful, they were not that big. interest.

Ye Xingchen watched Mai Mai staring at the painting, and asked, "Do you like it? Change it if you like it."

But Mai Mai shook his head: "It's pretty good-looking, but let the sisters decide on this."

Seeing what Mai Mai said, Ye Xingchen shrugged and did not speak.

Suddenly, Zhao Jinmai seemed to have noticed something, and walked towards a young lady on the right.

Ye Xingchen was also very surprised. Could it be that he met someone he knew?
So I went to have a look.

Who knew that Mai Mai pointed at his clothes and said, "Well, Miss Sister, can I change your clothes?"

Ye Xingchen is stupid, that is to say, you are beautiful and a celebrity, otherwise you will be beaten if you go out so arrogantly.

What Ye Xingchen didn't expect was that when they saw Mai Mai coming, they didn't even need to change anything, they just took Mai Mai to change clothes, agreed directly, and gave it away for nothing.

"Wait for me." Zhao Jinmai turned to Ye Xingchen and said.

"Um, good." Ye Xingchen could only stay where he was.

The bored Ye Xingchen could only wander around other stalls. Although many people didn't know him, there were quite a few young ladies who came to take pictures with him, and they even exchanged a lot of things for free.

After about 10 minutes, the things on Ye Xingchen were enough to set up another stall.

He figured it out, this group of people dared to be so arrogant because they watched the main palace leave, alas, he is a decent person, and his might cannot be subdued.

At this time, Mai Mai just came out.

Ye Xingchen looked at Maimai who was wearing Miao clothes, the expression on his face was already dull, and he didn't even blink his eyes.

So beautiful.

Ye Xingchen unconsciously took two steps forward, wanting to take a closer look.

Of course, Mai Mai also noticed Ye Xingchen's appearance, and she couldn't help but feel secretly happy. She walked around in front of Ye Xingchen and said, "How does it look good?"

Ye Xingchen came back to his senses, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: "Don't you know my expression already?"

Mai Mai directly gave 0 points for this answer.

"Haha, Sister Maimai wants you to praise her." Ding Chengxin also walked over at some point, and Maimai was also moved when he saw this moment.

Ye Xingchen is not stupid, of course he knows this, but he just wants to be skinny.

"Well, I admit it's beautiful, and it's thanks to the crowds here."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Ding Chengxin didn't understand what it meant at all.

After Zhao Jinmai glared at him, she put on her clothes and went to her sisters to show her the clothes.

Ye Xingchen raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and followed her back.

After coming to her booth, Li Sidani, who was guarding the house at home, was surprised and amazed when she saw Mai Mai's costume.

Surprised that Mai Mai came back with changed clothes, surprised that Mai Mai is so good-looking.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, where did you get that?"

"That sister gave it to me." Zhao Jinmai pointed to her sister over there shyly and said.

"It's really beautiful, hurry up and take a photo, yes, Ye Xingchen, please draw a picture for Mai Mai..." When Li Sidani wanted Ye Xingchen to draw a picture for Mai Mai, she happened to look at Ye Xingchen. The stars are drawing delicately on the drawing board this time.

Eyes looked at Mai Mai from time to time.

Ye Xingchen can naturally think of this thing if others can think of it, and this is the purpose of coming back.

"It's started again, let me take a look." Li Sidani ran behind Ye Xingchen.

Because it was just the beginning, Ye Xingchen only sketched a general outline of Mai Mai, and it was not particularly complete.

Seeing that Mai Mai followed, Li Sidani asked, "Do you need to keep looking at Mai Mai to draw this?"

"Normally, it's not necessary, but..." Ye Xingchen glanced back at Mai Mai.

"But what?" Zhao Jinmai asked.

"But it's the first time I've seen you wearing such clothes, so I need to look at it for a while before I can remember."

Ye Xingchen's eyes were particularly clean when he was speaking, without the fiery heat just now.

Ye Xingchen is in this situation at work, his mind is always empty, thanks to Bing Xin Jue.

Ye Xingchen himself felt that Bing Xin Jue had been completed. (Actually, Ye Xingchen didn't think that way in his heart. What he thought was when the filming of the show was over, when he really stayed at home with Mai Mai, and then ate her.)
After hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Zhao Jinmai stood in front of Ye Xingchen so that he could see it when he looked up, and Li Sidani was next to her to take pictures of her, so that the work on both sides was going on at the same time.

Ye Xingchen looked at Mai Mai only to deepen the impression of this outfit, but Mai Mai's movements were not completely drawn according to Mai Mai's standing posture just now, but were processed.

"Finally finished." Ye Xingchen stood up and stretched.

"Let me see."

Zhao Jinmai ran over and wanted to take a look at it, but Ye Xingchen took the painting away and ran away.

"No, I can't watch it now, I'll show you later."

"Ah? Why? What did you draw?" Although he didn't know the reason, Mai Mai knew from Ye Xingchen's expression that this guy must have drawn something shameful.

Ye Xingchen put the scroll up and put it away and said, "No, it's absolutely green and pollution-free, but I really can't show it to you now, and I'll show it to you later in the evening."

The two of them had no choice but to give up on Ye Xingchen's trickery.

At this moment, there seemed to be some movement on the stage over there. Several people looked over there, and Ding Chengxin had already gone up at some point.

Li Sidani watched her younger brother come on stage, and excitedly pulled Mai Mai over to join him.

But Ye Xingchen didn't go with them to mingle, and continued to sit down and draw.

After all, this is a gift for everyone, so this task is still very heavy, and Ye Xingchen has more important things tonight, that is the college entrance examination results.

It should be possible to check in the early morning. If you can't check, you can only wait until tomorrow.

As time passed, the older sisters who were playing outside came back one after another, and they were surprised to see Ye Xingchen here alone.

(End of this chapter)

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