Chapter 505 Solo Concert (Ye Xingchen's First Show)

"Why is my brother here by himself? Aren't you going to play with them?"

Yang Mi pointed over there.

Ye Xingchen: "No, it's boring. I need to be quiet and work hard. I want to go and finish the painting as soon as possible. I just have time now."

"Oh, there's no need to be in such a hurry. We're not in a hurry. Let's go play with my sister and relax." Liu Mintao looked at Ye Xingchen, who was serious about painting, and said distressedly.

Ye Xingchen showed a flowery smile on his expressionless face and said, "I feel that painting is very relaxing. If I wear headphones, it will be even more relaxing."

Seeing Ye Xingchen say this, Liu Mingtao didn't force it: "Okay, then if you don't go to play, we will go."

Ye Xingchen: "Well, let's go."

Yang Mi: "Then take a good look at the stall, and I'll cook something delicious for you tonight."

Ye Xingchen smiled and nodded in response.

After everyone left, Ye Xingchen let out a breath: "It's finally quiet."

Ye Xingchen doesn't particularly like this kind of lively scene, he likes to be quiet.

Ding Chengxin and Li Sidani have let themselves go on the stage, and the atmosphere on the stage has become even more exciting, just like a grass concert.

Ye Xingchen wore the earphones and turned on the noise reduction mode, as if he was completely incompatible with this world, forming a special aura of himself, isolated from the world.

About 10 minutes after college, Ye Xingchen felt that there was someone standing in front of him. When he raised his head, he found that it was Mai Mai holding two halves of sweet potatoes.

"Why are you back?" Ye Xingchen asked in surprise.

Wearing Miao clothes, Mai Mai sat down beside Ye Xingchen slowly, and then gave him half of the sweet potatoes: "Come back to see you, Nuo, I'll eat it for you!"

Ye Xingchen didn't show any pretense either, he took it directly and took a light bite: "'s still this familiar taste."

"It's delicious." Zhao Jinmai said proudly.

"Well, it's delicious, but you can't eat too much."

"Hey, shut up, you."

Ye Xingchen didn't say anything, the two of them ate sweet potatoes together and watched everyone's performance on stage.

Taking advantage of Ye Xingchen's inattention, Zhao Jinmai stole the finished painting from beside him, and there was a picture of herself that she had just painted inside.

"Hmm... she's pretty good-looking, she's 8 times as pretty as me." Zhao Jinmai said narcissistically.

Ye Xingchen saw that Mai Mai could say such a thing, and thought to himself that it seems that he has eaten a lot recently, and the flesh on his face has increased: "How can it be, at most 6 points."

But since everyone said so, Ye Xingchen couldn't refute Mai Mai's face, after all, one thing more is worse than one thing less.

"Hmph, you have eyesight."

Ye Xingchen frowned slightly, thinking: Well, everything is fine, except that she is a little tsundere, but she is quite cute.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't speak, Zhao Jinmai took down the paintbrush, and then dragged Ye Xingchen to the stage.

"Why, I don't want to go." Ye Xingchen subconsciously resisted.

This also aroused Mai Mai's dissatisfaction: "Don't you know how to sing? Why don't you come up with one?"

"No, refuse!" Ye Xingchen moved his fingers and said in resistance.

"Rejection is invalid!"

Then it was pulled inside.

Seeing Ye Xingchen coming, Liu Mintao asked in surprise, "Aren't you not coming?"

Ye Xingchen curled his lips, looked at Mai Mai next to him and said, "You can ask her."

Zhao Jinmai: "I pulled him here, it's so fun here, I'm going to let Ye Xingchen sing a song too."

"No, I refuse."

"Rejection is invalid!"

Ye Xingchen rubbed his temples with a headache, thinking that this little girl is really difficult, it seems that she can't do without singing today.

"Xiao Chen, just sing one, it's so fun, you see so many people here, don't you want to have a solo concert?" Yang Mi urged.

When Ye Xingchen saw Sister Mi interrupted, he suddenly thought of something, and said to Yang Mi playfully, "Then can I sing the offering of love?"

Yang Mi: "? Ye Xingchen, are you tired of working!!!"

As soon as he said it, he was going to fight.

Ye Xingchen dodged and hid behind Mai Mai, causing Mai Mai's weak body to suffer an indiscriminate disaster.

"Just kidding, but I don't have many brothers, the main reason is that it's embarrassing without accompaniment." Ye Xingchen scratched his head and said.

Since you can't avoid it, then boldly charge forward, it doesn't matter anyway.

"What are you singing? I'll help you find it." Zhao Jinmai said excitedly beside her.

Ye Xingchen thought for a while and said, "What's wrong with Xu Song."

"Okay, leave it to me."

With that said, Mai Mai went to the side to search for the accompaniment.

It didn't take long for Mai Mai to find him: "Okay."

"Wow, what are you planning to do? Is Xingchen ready to sing?" Li Sidani said in surprise.

Ye Xingchen ignored her and went directly to the stage to snatch the microphone from her hand.

"Hate it!" Li Sidani, who was robbed of the microphone, said dissatisfied.

"Can Mai Mai sing this song?" Yang Mi asked.

Zhao Jinmai replied without thinking, "Yes."

Yang Mi smiled inexplicably: "Then, just the two of you together."

"Ah?" Mai Mai didn't react for a while, "Why?"

"Don't you know how to sing? It just so happens that you sang with your younger brother. Didn't Tintin and Danni just form a group together? It just so happens that the two of you are the same."

When Mai Mai heard it made sense, he took the microphone from Ding Chengxin and walked onto the stage.

The two stood awkwardly on the stage, waiting for the prelude.

"No, the two of you have to look at each other, and you have to look at each other affectionately when you sing together." Yang Mi looked at the two weird people on the stage, and started to play tricks again.

After hearing this, Mai Mai subconsciously looked at Ye Xingchen, and Ye Xingchen was also looking at her at this time, and Mai Mai's face turned red a lot in an instant, and she couldn't help squatting down and laughing loudly.

With the end of the prelude, Ye Xingchen sang:

The sky really wants to rain, and I really want to live next door to you.

Silly standing downstairs in your house, looking up and counting the dark clouds

Ye Xingchen's voice is very standard, except that his voice is different from Xu Song's, but Ye Xingchen's voice is better.

Zhao Jinmai squatted down and laughed for a while, then slowly got up, and spoke in harmony with Ye Xingchen:
There is no style to sing this song for you

It just means I want to give you happiness.

Thaw the ice for you
To be a moth to a flame for you,

Nothing is unworthy.

There is no style to sing this song for you

It just means I want you to be happy.


Mai Mai's voice is nice, but a little out of tune.

But Ye Xingchen was there, so it was easy to come back.

This song can be regarded as a memory of the post-90s generation. It was one of the campus god songs at the time, and it still sounds good even now.

Even at the end, the people in the audience sang together, the whole chorus.

After one song was over, the audience in the audience clamored that they were singing another song.

Being coaxed together like this, Ye Xingchen's feeling also came up.

In the next one and a half hours, this place completely turned into Ye Xingchen's solo concert, which can also be said to be a campus concert. Wang Sulong, Xu Song, Xu Liang, the songs of the post-90s generation followed one after another, and the scene became more and more popular. Hi come on.

(End of this chapter)

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