Chapter 506
Maybe there was an element of active cooperation at the beginning, but after the end, Ye Xingchen completely aroused everyone's memories of the past, as if they returned to the era when the gods fought overnight.

The whole market party was really fulfilling and everyone had a great time.

But happiness also has a limit, after the happiness is over, there will be emptiness.

When they went back, Hua Shaotuan packed up their stalls and walked back slowly.

"Today, Ye Xingchen's performance is really amazing. I feel so excited." Li Sidani is still a little excited.

Yang Mi also nodded and praised repeatedly: "The ability to control the field is too strong. In the end, everyone followed his command completely, completely like a real small concert."

Liu Mingtao: "I am so satisfied today. I have never been so happy. Really, I am so relaxed."

Um, actually Ye Xingchen doesn't think so, after singing all night, his voice is almost hoarse, he hasn't been this crazy for a long time.

After accumulating the influence of Sunshine Boy for so many days, he completely broke it tonight and became the prince of love songs, which is still a crazy kind.

That year Xu Song was busy breaking up, Xu Liang was busy breaking up, and Wang Sulong was busy falling in love.

It's not his fault, who made today's topic unknowingly slant to that side.

Han Dongjun took pleasure in his misfortune: "Let me just say that my brother is a mobile karaoke station. Look at today, I can't hide it."

Li Sidani: "Agreed, he is indeed lying to us. A big liar!"

"Um, I just said I don't want to, who said it wouldn't come, you guys are thinking too much." Ye Xingchen was still arguing, playing with words, "By the way, what time is it?"

"It's 11 o'clock, and we have a meeting when we go back." Zhao Jinmai looked at the time on the bracelet.

"Yes, yes, let's hurry up, and we will go back to discuss important matters later."

"let's go."

Seeing that everyone finally put aside the topic again, Ye Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that everyone was having fun, otherwise his life would be difficult compared to the truth.


After returning, everyone cleaned up briefly, and then began to sit in front of the tree stump for a meeting.

"If you have anything to say, let's just talk about it. Everyone is tired and sleepy. You can hardly open your eyes." Li Si pointed to Zhao Jinmai who was leaning on his shoulder.

"Okay, tomorrow we have an event called starry sky camping, although Ye Xingchen gave Maimai a gift last time, allowing me to see the starry sky and the vast Milky Way, but Maimai is too stingy to let us play , so let’s experience the star tent tomorrow.”

Yang Mi said this while looking at Zhao Jinmai, and his tone was full of "condemnation" towards Maimai.

"How can I not let you use it. Huh, huh, Sister Dani, Sister Mi bullied me." Mai Mai lay on Li Sidani's shoulder and "cryed" aggrieved.

"Be good, don't cry, Sister Mi is a devil, we ignore her and don't play with her."

Li Sidani stroked Mai Mai's hair and comforted her.

Yang Mi gave the two of them a blank look and didn't say anything.

Next, our director, Brother Chao, started to speak: "Two things, one is that our journey is already halfway through, so I will supplement the funds for everyone."



"nice! It's time to splurge again."

Seeing that everyone was so excited, the director pressed his hand and continued: "Secondly, we plan to change the head of the group, and the position of the head of the group will be replaced by Sister Kelly."

"Ah, really give it to me, I can't, I can't be this." Zhang Kaili said nervously.

"Don't worry, the children are traveling with the adults, so the rest of our journey will be the adults with the children to complete this process, so I appointed Sister Kaili as the group leader."

Zhang Kaili thought for a while and said hesitantly, "Well, can I appoint a deputy team?"

"Okay, it's up to you."

"Then I want to appoint a deputy, Mi..." Zhang Kaili looked at Yang Mi, as if asking her for help.

Yang Mi agreed without thinking, "Okay, then I'll be Sister Kelly's deputy."

"Mizhen is so understanding, that's great, no, I want a hug." Zhang Kaili went over to hug Yang Mi.

"It looks like a perfect solution, shouldn't we go to bed?" Han Dongjun couldn't open his eyes anymore, and every minute and every second here was suffering.

Yang Mi: "Sleep?"

Liu Mingtao: "Go to sleep."

"Okay, go to bed, good night sisters and brothers." Yang Mi made a quick decision.

"Wow, have you noticed that our decisions are becoming more and more vigorous." Ding Chengxin sighed.

Li Sidani: "Really, don't delay at all."

"This is called tacit understanding. Good night everyone, let's go tomorrow." Yang Mi finally issued the last "order" for tonight and went to bed.

Ye Xingchen quickly returned to the tent. This time, he didn't go to sleep immediately, but took out his mobile phone to play games.

"Why didn't you go to bed early today and started playing games, what's the matter, did you just play too high and can't fall asleep?" Han Dongjun said in surprise when he came back.

"That's right, not all of it. I haven't played for a long time. Let's have some fun." Ye Xingchen ordered the ranking match again.

When Ding Chengxin saw it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "Take me one and I'll play too."

Looking at the interface where the matching has not been successful, Ye Xingchen slowly clicked Cancel Matching, then added Ding Cheng's new friend, and the two played ranked together.

However, what surprised Ye Xingchen was that Ding Chengxin played very well, and already had a level of more than 1600 points in the peak competition, which made Ye Xingchen not only admire him in admiration.

"Wow, you two are so good, you are so good, I don't know how to play such a hero, I will play Arthur." As a Han Dongjun who only takes the game of kings as entertainment, he looked at Yijing Yiyao can't help being a little envious of Yiyao's fancy operations.

"It's okay, practice makes perfect." Ye Xingchen said calmly, "Another one?"

"Come here."

Ding Chengxin also became addicted to playing, so he played two more games with Ye Xingchen, and he won both of them.

Because it was too exciting, Han Dongjun didn't sleep either, and kept watching the two people operate.

Time soon came to the morning.

Ye Xingchen quit the game and opened the browser.

"What's the matter, stop playing?" Han Dongjun asked reluctantly, he hadn't seen enough yet.

"Well, it's time."

"What?" Both of them were confused.

"You can check your grades early this morning." Ye Xingchen explained.

Han Dongjun patted his head suddenly: "Yes, why did I forget this, quickly check the score."

When Ding Chengxin heard that his grades had been checked, he moved his head over.

Ye Xingchen quickly found the website, then entered his name and student number and clicked Search.

Although there are many people checking the results at this point, Ye Xingchen used the fast track, a temporary network channel established by Heitan, so he got in in the blink of an eye.

However, the results did not show the results of each subject.

"What's wrong now? Why are there no results?" Han Dongjun thought the system was malfunctioning because he didn't pay attention.

But Ding Chengxin saw the small print at the bottom and read it: "Your ranking has entered the top 50 in the province. Please check the details on the 27th."

Han Dongjun looked at the screen in disbelief and said slowly: "Fuck..."

(End of this chapter)

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