Chapter 509 again

"2000 is too expensive, why don't you play it, Chen, Xiaochen, do you want to play? If you want, then let's try it." Yang Kaili flinched subconsciously after hearing the price, but when she thought of today's protagonist It was Ye Xingchen, so he quickly asked his opinion.

Ye Xingchen looked at the glass trestle under his feet, and then at the valley 400 meters away from him. His face was slightly excited. Even if the rope was broken at this distance, he could still rely on wind magic to protect himself from death, so I especially want to try it: "Sister, I want to try it. To be honest, this is quite a challenge, but if the funds are limited, I can come here to experience it by myself later. After all, there will be opportunities in the future."

The purpose of Ye Xingchen's words is not moral kidnapping, he can wait for the recording of the show to end, and spend his own money to experience it, because the rules of this variety show game cannot use his own money, although compared to the life he yearns for Much better, but also has financial constraints.

Yang Mi looked at Ye Xingchen's eager eyes, and finally waved his hand: "Then let Xiaochen try, isn't it only 2000, if you don't have it, ask the director for it."

"Okay, let's go all out. I'm happy today. My sister just became the team leader, so I won't ruin everyone's fun. Who else wants to play? Let's go together, and my sister will pay for it." Zhang Kaili said directly and proudly.

Ding Chengxin walked to the side and looked down from above.

Then he said to Han Dongjun, "Brother, are you playing?"

"Don't panic, let me take a look." Han Dongjun also looked down, then closed his eyes and struggled in his heart.

Seeing their hesitation, the staff came back and said, "I forgot to mention that just now, there is an event today, buy one get one free, that is, one person's money, two people can experience it."

"That's not bad, it's equivalent to sending 2000 yuan."

When Liu Mintao heard this, it was indeed a good deal.

Yang Mi: "Indeed, in this case, we need to have one person to play, otherwise we won't lose 2000 blood."

Standing by the side, Ye Xingchen was already convinced by their algorithm, and now he wanted to say something: You may not lose money, but they will definitely make money.

"Mai Mai, haven't you always wanted to bungee jump?" Yang Mi turned his mind on Zhao Jinmai again.

"Who said it, I didn't say it."

Mai Mai hastily waved his hands and shook his head, refusing to acknowledge this "framed accusation".

"Okay, let's talk about this later. First, the three younger brothers are going to play. We have to cheer on the sidelines. Is Xingchen going to fight first?" Yang Mi said, looking at Ye Xingchen playfully.

It's just that this exciting method hit Ye Xingchen's heart, and he couldn't wait to experience it.

"No problem, I'll be the first one, and then I'll tell you how I feel." Ye Xingchen walked directly towards the staff.

"Hello, where can we play this?"

Staff: "Below, I'll take you down."

"it is good."

Then 8 people were taken to the bottom of the bridge by the staff.

The senses here are even more tense than above.

And Ye Xingchen, like a warrior who is not afraid of fear, asked the staff to put on the equipment for him without any hesitation.

"It's not just a rope, is there nothing else?"

After the staff fastened Ye Xingchen, Ding Chengxin asked in disbelief.

"Yes, just this one and this one. Don't worry, it's safe. When we are free, we will dance when we are bored."

"I'm bored and dance for a while, my god." Yang Mi couldn't stop laughing after hearing this sentence behind him.

"It's really fierce. This is called specialization in the art industry. Otherwise, how can people work." Han Dongjun praised.

In this short period of time, Ye Xingchen's equipment has already been put on, and everything is ready, only one jump is needed.

"If you're afraid, we can help you." The staff looked at Ye Xingchen hesitantly and thought he didn't dare to dance.

Ye Xingchen turned around and said calmly, "It's okay, I'll just do it myself."

In fact, he wasn't afraid, but rather excited. He just wanted to feel more on it.

"Sisters, watch out, I'm going to... jump!" Ye Xingchen opened his arms and bent down directly.


The shout was not Ye Xingchen, but the sisters who were watching and...Mai Mai.

Ye Xingchen still maintained the posture with his arms outstretched, then turned around abruptly, and lay down on his back. He fell very fast, and soon the rope reached the bottom. Ye Xingchen directly turned several somersaults with the help of inertia, and even In the end, they all had fun and swung directly below.

"God, isn't he afraid?"

At this moment, the girls above couldn't stop tears from their eyes, maybe they were scared or excited.

Especially Zhao Jinmai kept lying on the railing and shouting at Ye Xingchen loudly.

Ye Xingchen naturally heard the shout from above, and responded loudly: "It's so fun, Mai Mai, it's really fun."

Regardless of whether they heard it clearly, Ye Xingchen continued to swing his hands open.

Ye Xingchen was fascinated by the rapid descent and adrenaline rush just now. He wanted to play it once, instead of playing it five times.

Soon Ye Xingchen was pulled up, and the first thing he said was: "Can I play again for free?"

"This, it won't be free." Maybe he didn't expect the other party to say this, the staff was obviously taken aback, and then said with a wry smile.

"Ah, it's boring, I still want to play, Miss Mi?" Ye Xingchen saw that the free one didn't work, so he turned his eyes to Yang Mi again.

"Is it really that fun? When you just fell, I couldn't help but burst into tears. It was too scary." Yang Mi looked down and was still a little scared.

Li Sidanni: "Look at Ye Xingchen's expression, it's obviously very funny, and he did somersault just now, he's too courageous."

"No, I'm a little excited too, I'll be the next one." To be honest, Han Dongjun was a little scared at first. After he came down, he kept cheering himself up to overcome it. After that, the whole body was filled with strength in an instant.

Yang Mi looked at Han Dongjun with great interest and said, "Oh, it seems that Xiaochen is very powerful, Brother Sun God doesn't even hesitate."

"Well, I actually want to play first too."

Xiao Ding also raised his hand eagerly behind him. As a young man, he was so handsome after seeing Ye Xingchen jumping down, so now he only wants to try, and his fear is very small.

"Wait, something is wrong, this is bungee jumping, right? Why do I feel that they are all more excited than marrying a wife." Li Sidani pointed to the three people and said.

"The change is a bit fast, and I also want to play a little bit." Yang Mi said after thinking for a while.

Zhao Jinmai was still hesitating in the back. To be honest, she wanted to play this way, not for any other reason, but to get closer to Ye Xingchen's shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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