The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 510 Is This Bungee Jumping? This Is The Expendables

Chapter 510 Is This Bungee Jumping? This Is The Expendables
Han Dongjun saw this posture, he wanted to grab the second position for himself, so he quickly ordered the staff: "Hurry up, tie me up."

This sentence confused the staff again. To be honest, I have not been working here for a day or two, but tourists like them are really rare. The point is that these people are all stars, which is outrageous. During the hour, he refreshed his cognition of stars.

What kind of fresh meat, what kind of sissy, this is clearly the Death Squad, and the bungee jumping is still rushing to jump.

The staff could only follow suit, and quickly took safety measures for Han Dongjun.

Although his courage was successfully inspired by Ye Xingchen, it was impossible not to feel nervous when looking at the distance of 400 meters.

"Hua'er and Boy, here we come!" Han Dongjun yelled a slogan and jumped down.


This sound was from Han Dongjun.

"It's so cool, it's so cool, Ding, it's so fun."

After Han Dongjun reached the bottom, he shouted loudly.

I don't know if I heard it, but the anticipation in Ding Chengxin's eyes grew even stronger.

At this time Ye Xingchen came to his side and said to him: "You can try to lean down later, it will definitely be more fun."


"Really, I lied to you like a puppy! I'll ask Sister Mi later if they want to play, if not, I'll play again, after all, there is still a chance to use it for nothing."

Hearing what Ye Xingchen said, Ding Chengxin naturally believed it.

Soon Han Dongjun was pulled up.

Everyone hurried forward and asked, "How is it?"

"Shuang, sister, are we spending our funds casually? I want to play again later." Han Dongjun and Ye Xingchen had the same idea.

If it was said by one person, it might be tempting them to play too, but now there are two of them, which made Yang Mi and Li Sidani, who didn't dare to try it at first, already tempted.

To be honest, if Yang Kaili and Liu Mingtao were not old and had some minor problems, they would all want to try it.

"It's really so fun, don't lie to us, look at Li Si, even after being fooled by you, he wants to play." Yang Mi looked at them seriously and said.

"Otherwise, we can pretend?" Ye Xingchen spread his hands and saw Mai Mai who had been looking down thinking, and immediately ran over and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Mai Mai, your heart is moving, right? ?”

Zhao Jinmai nodded, then looked at Ye Xingchen and said seriously: "A little bit, but I'm scared."

"You are brave Lin Miaomiao, I am with you, Nuo."

Ye Xingchen revealed the bracelet on his hand and said.

Mai Mai also gently rolled up his sleeves, revealing the same style of bracelet.

"I'll go, I said last time that this is a couple's money. I found out at a glance, and you said that you didn't know each other before, and the tokens of love have been sent." Li Sidani turned around and broke the secret of the two. Talk, and discover a great secret.

Mai Mai quickly put away the bracelet, and then nervously hid behind Ye Xingchen.

This sentence also caught Yang Mi's attention: "It's true, I saw it last time, but I didn't pay attention, I thought it was normal for a young man to wear a bracelet."

"Eh... If I say this is a coincidence, you probably won't believe it." Ye Xingchen waved his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, then looked at his sisters and said.

"What do you say, big liars..."


At this moment, Ding Chengxin had already put on his equipment, and then looked at the few people who were chatting with each other, and couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face, as if he had been ignored.

The careful Ye Xingchen and Han Dongjun next to Ding Chengxin naturally saw this, so Ye Xingchen took this opportunity to divert attention:
"My brother is ready, let's cheer on my brother."

"You are too much, there is no one who cares about others, you sisters..." Han Dongjun complained.

Yang Mi and the others immediately knew that they had neglected Ding, so they quickly turned around and apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I blame Ye Xingchen and the others for making me forget about Dingdu."

"That's right, it's all these two people's fault."

"Go home and take care of me."

"Yes, the family law serves."

The four of them talked one by one as if they were talking about a collective cross talk.

Ding Chengxin couldn't help laughing and said: "It's okay, why are you blaming Brother Chen and Sister Maimai, okay, I'm ready to dance."

"Come on, Ding."

"You have to be brave."

Ding Chengxin looked down, took a deep breath, and then directly carried it on his back, making up his mind to lean back.

Immediately, the sound of hula hula came from my ears, and the high platform was getting farther and farther away from me. The weightlessness of this kind of falling was more than twice as high as that of bending down. Although I couldn't see the scenery below, the physical feeling It is indeed 10 times cooler than watching the scenery.

"Ah... so comfortable, ah... Hua'er and Boy! Hua'er and Boy!"

If there is bgm, the scene at this time is really exciting and even moving. I don't know why, but I can't help crying when I see this scene.

Maybe this is the blood of boys.

Since getting along with Ding Chengxin, Ye Xingchen has changed a lot about him. Although he is a boy group fan, he can get by with basic skills, has a high EQ, and is very smart. He knows how to measure some things. Most importantly, be brave.

Especially today, it is quite surprising that he can make this decision.

"Wow, they are all so good. I want to play, what should I do? No, this kind of thinking is a devil, this kind of thinking is a devil." Li Sidani was already squatting on the ground at this time and self-hypnotized.

"Is there anyone else who wants to play? There is one more chance." Yang Mi looked around. What she actually thought in her heart was that as long as no one was playing, she would like to try it in the spirit of not wasting it.

However, the scene in his mind didn't come true. Mai Mai stood up at this moment, raised his little hand and said, "I want to try!"

Yang Mi: "?"

Li Si: "?"

The rest: "?"

Ye Xingchen: "o>_<o"

"What's wrong? Can't you do it?" Mai Mai thought that he was not allowed to play, and said nervously.

Li Sidani looked at Zhao Jinmai who looked expectant and asked: "Do you really want to try, this is more than 400 meters."

"En!" Zhao Jinmai nodded solemnly, her eyes extremely firm.

Li Sidani still wanted to persuade: "No, aren't you afraid, it's so tall..."

"Mai Mai wants to try it, what are you doing, Danni." Liu Mintao couldn't stand it any longer, the courage Mai Mai finally mustered up, she insisted on letting others extinguish the fire of courage.

Ye Xingchen on the side smiled funnyly, looked at Li Si and said, "I'm afraid that after Mai Mai dances, it won't end well if she doesn't dance."

"Ye! Star! Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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