The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 511 It Feels So Good to Have a Secret Date

Chapter 511 It Feels So Good to Have a Secret Date

Li Sidani looked at Ye Xingchen angrily, at this moment she really had the urge to throw Ye Xingchen down.

"Why? Am I not telling the truth?" Ye Xingchen was still frantically rubbing on the verge of death.

In the end, Zhao Jinmai really couldn't stand Ye Xingchen's fuss, so she interrupted the conversation between the two: "Isn't there another chance, and it can't be wasted, so I want to try it."

Yang Mi thought for a moment and finally said: "Sure, but Mai Mai, are you really not afraid?"

What Yang Mi didn't expect was that Zhao Jinmai, who looked so weak, would have such courage, at least much braver than her.

"Of course I'm scared, but it doesn't look like they're all right, and it looks super fun."

"Okay...well, the uncle must tie Maimai well." Li Sidani still reminded worriedly.

The staff also said there was no problem.

Then Zhao Jinmai came to the bungee jumping platform and began to put on the equipment.

"You can do it!" Ye Xingchen cheered her on from the sidelines.

"If you can do it, I will definitely do it." Zhao Jinmai looked at Ye Xingchen not only with love, but also with compulsion.

But no matter what, Mai Mai has the courage to try, and is still going forward bravely like the little Huniu back then.

Just when Maimai was about to close his eyes and jump down, a weak voice from the system sounded: "Activate the courageous halo, the copy was successfully created...began to test..."

But Ye Xingchen didn't hear it, and disappeared immediately after saying a word, as if he never existed.

And here Mai Mai finally mustered up the courage to jump down.

It was a lie to say that he was not worried, Ye Xingchen hurriedly lay down on the railing and looked down.


"It's so fun, it's like flying."

"Ye Xingchen, I did it."

Although everyone couldn't hear what Mai Mai said, it seemed that there should be no big problem.

However, Ye Xingchen and Mai Mai have some bonds, so Ye Xingchen can accept all the information from Mai Mai with the bracelet.

After hearing Mai Mai's words, Ye Xingchen smiled.

If Mai Mai appeared in front of Ye Xingchen now, Ye Xingchen would definitely hug her and say, fool, I know.

Soon, Zhao Jinmai was also pulled up, and the moment he took off his equipment, he rushed to Ye Xingchen and hugged him, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"Uh, what's the matter, don't you say it's fun." Ye Xingchen looked at the strange eyes of the people around him, and hugged Mai Mai lightly with his hands in embarrassment, whether he would let him go or not.

Zhao Jinmai didn't speak, but hugged Ye Xingchen silently.

Ye Xingchen looked at this girl who was familiar with human nature, smiled and stretched out his hand to stroke her hair skillfully: "Okay, my sisters are all watching here, and the two camera brothers have been taking pictures."

The second sentence Ye Xingchen said in a very low voice, so it was not heard by others.

After hearing this, Zhao Jinmai reluctantly let go of Ye Xingchen, and she was only shy after the impulsiveness. She explained in a panic: "I, I was just too scared, I didn't mean it..."

The voice behind was getting smaller and smaller.

Yang Mi stretched out his hand to make a stop gesture, and then said: "Don't explain, you understand everything, that's enough, you two jumped and hugged, how about we withdraw?"

"Let's withdraw now, everyone has played with Mai Mai, sister, you two just leave like this?" Although there was nothing wrong with Han Dongjun's tone, his movements and expressions were extremely mocking.

Ye Xingchen immediately showed a smirk and said, "That's right, Mai Mai jumped, why don't you show it?"

"Ye Xingchen, why are you so busy? We are saving money for the team and actively contributing to the team." Li Sidani looked at them and was furious. Of course, she would not admit that she was afraid, So he said stiffly.

"Oh, that's fine, let's go, let's make an agreement in advance, if you miss it, you will have no chance to play if you want to play again."

Ye Xingchen finally reminded again.

However, Li Si was still not moved. Although Yang Mi seemed to try, she was pulled back by Li Si who was 50.00% excited, and finally did not dare to challenge.

After a few people left this scenic spot, they drove to Huanglong Cave again. This place belongs to the beautiful area, and overall it is very romantic, especially suitable for two people to stay together.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the others intentionally or unintentionally created opportunities for Ye Xingchen and Zhao Jinmai to be alone, and they were also left behind in the team.

However, since the opportunity was created, it is impossible for the two of them to give up this opportunity. Although it is impossible to blatantly flirt, it is still possible to secretly hold hands, anyway, they can't see it in the dark.

The scenery here is indeed very good, but the dark and narrow space always gives people a particularly depressing feeling.

If Qian Sanyi was here, he might have another attack.

On the way back at night, it started to rain lightly again. The weather seemed to be against them. As soon as they planned to watch the starry sky and watch the sunset, their plans would come to nothing.

Even in the end it rained harder and harder.

Everyone could only hurry back to sleep in the tent.

The sound of the rain falling on the tent is particularly healing, so Ye Xingchen sounds more enjoyable.

"I especially like to sleep listening to the sound of the rain. I feel that lying in bed watching dramas and sleeping on a rainy day is a great feeling." Ye Xingchen said after the three of them lay down.

"Me too, listening to the sound of rain is very comfortable." Ding Chengxin agreed.

Ye Xingchen: "Hey, by the way, let me ask you two questions."

"What's the problem?" ×2
"When you come to participate in this program, do you feel... Tired? In other words, if you are more happy, you should be more tired."

"Let's be happy, because there are so many entertainment items. To be honest, if I were myself, I might not have time to do so many things, and I would not experience things that I dare not experience, but I can do it with everyone. .”

Ding Chengxin's idea is indeed quite right. Although it feels a bit forced to open the business, it is quite interesting to have so many free items to play. In other words, if you go to a tour group by yourself, you may not be as happy as you are now.

"I think what Xiaoding said makes sense. No, it's possible that you feel tired. You eat and drink for nothing, and even kidnapped the most beautiful sister. You are a winner in life, and you are still complaining here. It's too much."

Han Dongjun thought about it for a second, since Ye Xingchen raised this question, it means he must have some opinions.

At this time, Ye Xingchen said calmly: "I'm asking you a question? Don't blame me, I won't blame you."

(End of this chapter)

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