The road to academic dominance from the juvenile school

Chapter 512 Ye Xingchen's Halfway Leaving

Chapter 512 Ye Xingchen's Halfway Leaving
"Come on, but the entertainment industry is not as simple as you imagined. Mai Mai also has a contract with her agency, so things for you may not go so smoothly."

Although Han Dongjun had said this before, he had never spoken so seriously like today, and this time he was really giving advice from a senior.

Ye Xingchen was also very surprised, he didn't expect that the celebrity who met by chance and only lived together for a few days would think about him.

Of course, it doesn't mean that these days' life is all acting, but variety shows, as actors, they are born to act.

A different feeling arose in Ye Xingchen's heart. He was probably moved. The corners of his mouth raised slightly and he said, "Although I don't understand the circles of the entertainment industry, I do understand one truth, that is to use magic to defeat magic." .Entertainment companies also need to make money, liquidated damages only, simple."

"You're a bit arrogant. It's easy to say. You know the liquidated damages of the contract. Although you were lucky and won some money, these are just a drop in the bucket and far from enough. Just ask Ding Ding."

Han Dongjun threw the topic to Ding Chengxin, and Ding Chengxin also took his words and said: "I don't know the liquidated damages of Sister Mai Mai, but I know that my liquidated damages are 3000 million. I believe that Sister Mai Mai's liquidated damages Gold will be more."

Ye Xingchen didn't take the two people's reminders to heart at all. He also read a lot of things in the entertainment industry. It's not like news about liquidated damages broke out before, and 3000 million is almost a lot.

"More, how much? [-] million? [-] million? One billion?" Ye Xingchen said disdainfully.

When he came back from the world of Youth Pai, Ye Xingchen had already handed over 300 billion cash directly to Heitan, and the 30 billion was brought into countless online virtual accounts by Heitan, and then flowed into the stock market as a legal fund. It is said that it has turned upside down now, and if such a large amount of cash flow is fully withdrawn, the entire stock market will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes.

Now Ye Xingchen has more or less shares in various important listed companies in the country, and these companies are not randomly selected by Heitan. If you look carefully, you will find that this is an entire ecological chain, one link after another , One ring supports one ring.

"Uh, brother, do you think you are Ma Huateng, and it's worth [-] to [-] million, is there any mistake?" Han Dongjun was completely speechless by Ye Xingchen's arrogant tone.

Ye Xingchen didn't bother to explain, and said directly: "Thank you Sun God brother and younger brother for reminding me, don't worry, I won't do anything that is detrimental to Maimai's future."

But at this moment, he was thinking in his heart: I hope that Mai Mai's company will not look for trouble. If he knows that Mai Mai has been tripped up, Ye Xingchen will not mind letting him disappear, both virtual and real, and then change the headquarters of this economic company to The world's largest public toilet.

Hearing that Ye Xingchen listened to his own advice, Han Dongjun heaved a sigh of relief: "That's good, you are still young, and when you have enough ability in the future, you can naturally..."

Hearing the sound of snoring, Han Dongjun realized that Ye Xingchen had fallen asleep.

"This guy sleeps really fast, forget it, let's sleep too."

"Brother, tell me how Brother Chen and Sister Maimai met. I remember they were strangers at the beginning. I'm sure it's not an act." Ding Chengxin asked with doubts.

Just as Han Dongjun lay down, he was taken aback when he heard this question: "I don't know, how could I know about the two of them, forget it, it might be love at first sight."

"Heh, let's play with the colors, but, Sister Mai Mai is really pretty, and Brother Chen is also pretty handsome." Ding Chengxin looked at the transparent tent top and said to himself.

Han Dongjun stretched his body and turned over: "Well, a man is a man and a woman."


In the early morning, Ye Xingchen was woken up again by the ringing of the phone, picked it up and looked at the caller ID, and instantly woke up.

"Mom? What's the matter?" Ye Xingchen got up and quickly put on a coat over his Xiaoha pajamas, then went out to answer the phone.

"Xiao Chen, come back quickly. The teachers from the Admissions Office of Tsinghua University just came to visit, and the staff from Peking University also came. Your father and I told them to wait for you to come back and make a decision, but they insisted on waiting for you to come back with us." , and now I have stayed in a hotel in the county seat. You see..."

Mu Yingying was both joyful and helpless. She never thought that she would be troubled by where her son would go to Tsinghua University or Peking University.

Ye Xingchen frowned, it seemed that he had to stop the recording and go back.

"Okay, I see Mom, then I'll pack up my things today and hurry back."

"Okay, then your dad and I will wait for you to come back."

"And me, brother, my parents don't let me go out to play, come back and save me."

"Shut up, go online every day, where did you learn the bad habits—"

Listening to Mu Ying scolding his younger brother, Ye Xingchen thought of Little Miaomiao back then.

"Okay Mom, I'll hang up first, I still need to prepare here."

"Well, come back quickly and pay attention to safety on the road."


Ye Xingchen hung up the phone and looked at the camp and sighed, it seemed that he could only leave early.

Afterwards, Ye Xingchen also came to the director's office, and explained the situation to the director in advance, so that he could make preparations in advance. In order to express his apology, he didn't have to ask for salary.

But this director is still very talkative, the salary will be given, and people can leave, but he suggested that we should wait for everyone to wake up and say goodbye to them.

Ye Xingchen naturally agreed, so after washing up, he sat on the table next to the camp and waited for everyone to get up.

Yang Mi is always the first among the girls to wake up. When she got up and saw Ye Xingchen here alone, she couldn't help asking in surprise: "Xiaochen, you woke up so early, what are you doing here by yourself?"

Ye Xingchen turned his head to look at Yang Mi and said with a wry smile, "You are the only one, are the others still awake?"

"Why, looking at you, you seem very disappointed?"

Ye Xingchen's words made Yang Mi feel very upset, she thought Ye Xingchen was waiting for Mai Mai again, little white-eyed wolf, so quickly forgot who kept you, damn it!
"No, it's just that I have something to tell everyone, so I have to wait for everyone." Ye Xingchen waved his hand quickly and said.

Yang Mi frowned slightly: "What is it, it's so mysterious."

"You wash up first, and you can talk about it when everyone gets up."

"I don't know why, I'll wash up and see you later." On the surface, she didn't care about Ye Xingchen's riddle, but in fact, she already had a bad premonition in her heart, after all, her experience was here.


Soon everyone got up one by one, and received an order from Miss Mi, Ye Xingchen had something important to tell everyone, so at this moment everyone looked at Ye Xingchen expectantly.

And Ye Xingchen was watched by everyone, and the guilt in his heart became even worse.

"Well, maybe I won't be able to accompany everyone on the final journey..."

(End of this chapter)

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