Mu Ying smiled gently: "Of course I went to work. Xingyao should go to play with his classmates. Ever since he finished the exam, this kid is like a different person, going out to play every day."

Although he was full of blame when he talked about Xingyao just now, he didn't feel his mother's anger at all.

Ye Xingchen went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and then followed Mu Ying to the kitchen to help make dumplings.

"Stinky boy, I didn't expect you to make dumplings." Mu Ying looked at Ye Xingchen's decently made dumplings, not only showing a hint of surprise on his face.

Hearing what his mother said, Ye Xingchen curled his lips and said slightly dissatisfied: "What's so difficult about making dumplings, I'll see how you make them."

"Yes, yes, you are smart. After your father and I know your score, it feels a little unreal now. With a score of 745, I'm afraid it's not just the first place in the province."

Although Mu Ying said so, she was very calm at this moment.

"It must have been a lot of hard work."

"It's okay, not too much." Ye Xingchen said in a relaxed tone.

It's just that I secretly added a sentence in my heart: Not many, just a few years, Oh yes, add a cheat.

"Okay, your dad and I are really happy to see you are so good." A bright smile appeared on Mu Ying's face again.

Ye Xingchen looked at the wrinkles in the corners of his mother's eyes, and couldn't help feeling distressed. During the time travel, because his family was relatively well-off, Mu Ying took good care of it.But now...

Ye Xingchen looked at his mother in a daze, and said seriously: "Mom, this is just the beginning. I will become better and better and earn a lot of money. When the time comes, you and my dad will resign and travel all over the country." .”

When Mu Ying heard this, she was very moved. The child has finally grown up:
"Okay, listen to you, when you earn a lot of money, your dad and I won't have to work, and we will show our faces in front of relatives then."

As soon as Mu Ying finished speaking, Ye Xingchen suddenly thought of something. His grades should be out soon, and there might be reporters coming to interview him by then.

"Mom, you'll be able to show your face soon." Ye Xingchen smiled confidently.

"Hahaha, okay."

Although she didn't know what Ye Xingchen said, as a mother, she was very happy when she heard her child say that.

After the dumplings were made, Ye Xingyao just came back from outside. He threw away his backpack and lay down on the sofa.


"Mom! I'm back."

Ye Xingchen came out of the bathroom after washing his hands, and looked at Ye Xingyao lying on the ground without hitting him: "I'll be back when I come back, why are you arguing?"

"Brother, why did you come back so soon? I thought you would be late at night." Seeing that his brother had returned, Ye Xingyao said with joy on his face.

Ye Xingchen patted Ye Xingyao on the shoulder unceremoniously, and said, "I haven't asked you yet, how many points did you score this time?"

"Forget it, I failed the exam, with a score of 680." Ye Xingyao's face was filled with frustration.

If it was before, Ye Xingchen would definitely think that Xingyao was also in Versailles, but now he feels normal.

"680, it's a little less, but you can call 985 211 casually."

Hearing what his brother said, a black line appeared on Ye Xingyao's forehead.Do you think that everyone is like you, a pervert with almost full marks.

"Hehe, thank you brother for your comfort."

"You're welcome. Well, we'll eat dumplings when Dad comes back."

Ye Xingchen turned on the TV and tuned to the channel of Golden Eagle Animation to watch Pleasant Goat.

"By the way, brother, where did you go this time?" Ye Xingyao asked curiously.

"Hulan, what are you doing there?" Ye Xingyao asked in surprise.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen's gaze was still on Lazy Sheep and Big Big Wolf, without any distraction, he just said casually: "I said I'm going to participate in a variety show, do you believe me?"


Hearing that his younger brother said he believed it without hesitation, Ye Xingchen turned to look at him, squinted his eyes and asked, "Why?"

"There's no reason, just believe." Ye Xingyao's eyes were extremely firm.

Ye Xingchen patted his younger brother's shoulder lightly twice, then lay on the sofa and continued to look at the great Big Big Wolf, but he always felt that there was something he didn't do, but he couldn't think of it.

Anyway, let's watch anime.


"No, it seems that everyone is really not in the mood to play today, why don't you go back and rest early." Yang Mi said looking at the listless look of this group of people.

"Well, let's go paragliding tomorrow." Han Dongjun agreed.

"Xiaochen should be home, why don't you call us, even if you don't call us, you should call Maimai." Li Sidani said doubtfully.

Ding Chengxin defended Ye Xingchen: "Maybe he is too busy, or he hasn't come home yet. Brother Chen will definitely call us when he gets home."

"After dinner, if Ye Xingchen still doesn't call, then we'll call."

Yang Mi said.

After Mai Mai on the side heard it, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes.


In the evening, Ye Xingchen's family of four had already eaten hot dumplings, enjoying themselves happily.

"Those teachers may come to visit tomorrow, or, Xiaochen, have you decided where to go?"

Ye Bowen asked calmly.

Ye Xingchen paused slightly: "I want to make a decision after talking with them tomorrow."

"Also, you should be more cautious in choosing a university."

Ye Xingyao sighed heavily: "Hey, this is still difficult. If you want me, you can do anything."

"Okay, you did well in the exam this time. Although you can't get into these two schools, you can't choose the others randomly. Besides, I may not choose these two schools. National defense technology is also good. I still need to think carefully. a bit."

Ye Xingchen thought more than all of them, not just sticking to the aspect of learning, he was thinking about the future layout now.

According to Heitan's report in the past two days, he seems to be targeted by high-level personnel. Although his money comes from positive sources, there is one thing, that is, how can an ordinary student come into contact with such a large amount of money.

It will be troublesome to explain clearly at that time, but after Heitan's shield, they can't find Ye Xingchen's head for the time being, but this is not the way.

So in order to develop safely and steadily in the future, Ye Xingchen decided to slowly show his value to the top management.

"As long as you choose, your parents will support you." Mu Ying said with a smile.

"Thank you mom!" Ye Xingchen said gratefully.

At this moment, Ye Xingchen suddenly remembered that he seemed to have forgotten to call them.

"It's over, it's over!" Ye Xingchen picked up his phone and hurried to the balcony.

"What's the matter?" Mu Ying asked.

Ye Xingyao also looked confused: "I don't know, I'll go and see."

Ye Xingchen came to the balcony and called Mai Mai.

And Mai Mai and the others were sitting outside chatting, waiting for the call to be remembered.

"Mai Mai's phone, who is it, is it Ye Xingchen!"

Zhao Jinmai blushed and said, "Yes."

"Hahaha, what am I talking about, is it for Mai Mai?" Li Sidani smiled proudly.

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