As everyone looked at Mai Mai more and more "weirdly", Zhao Jinmai slowly picked up the phone.

"Turn on the speakerphone." Yang Mi said.

"Oh, good."

Zhao Jinmai was taken aback for a moment, but still listened to Sister Mi's advice.

"Hello, Ye Xingchen?"

"Well, it's me."

Ye Xingchen's voice came from the phone.

Although the two hadn't seen each other for only a few hours, Zhao Jinmai always felt separated for a long time.

At this time, Yang Mi put his index finger to his mouth, telling everyone not to talk, and quietly listened to what Ye Xingchen said, and signaled Mai Mai to continue chatting with him with his eyes.

Zhao Jinmai could only bite the bullet and continue chatting: "Did you just get home now?"

Ye Xingchen: "Uh, well, I'll be there in the afternoon, but I was busy chatting with my mother, so I forgot to call you back."

"Oh, that's it."

Zhao Jinmai looked at so many people around here, she really didn't know what to say, although she wanted to say something, but she was too embarrassed to say it.

Ye Xingchen looked at the crowd gathered around a table from the holographic projection screen of his bracelet, and frowned slightly.

That's right, Ye Xingchen, the camera lens of the program group, has already been tampered with, so with the help of Heitan, he can directly show the scene there.

Ye Xingchen sighed and said, "Mai Mai, what about the others, why didn't you hear them talking?"

"They..." Mai Mai glanced at the crowd and didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing that Ye Xingchen didn't fall into the trap this time, Yang Mi didn't continue to wait, and then said into the microphone: "We are here, and you forgot to tell us when you got home. It's too much."

Li Sidani: "That's right, it must be that we are not regarded as family members."

Ye Xingchen said helplessly: "No, I really forgot, my mother and I were making dumplings, and we forgot while chatting."

"Tch, only ghosts will believe you."

"Okay, stop making trouble, you're home now, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Ye Xingchen said.

"It's okay, as long as you get home safely. Everyone misses you so much today that you can't play well, know."

When Yang Mi spoke, he took a special look at Mai Mai.

Zhao Jinmai hurriedly turned her head away so that she would not see the blush on her face.

Ye Xingchen smiled slightly: "I know, but there is no other way, I really need to come back here."

"I know, I know, I didn't say anything wrong with you, you should deal with it quickly and try to come back as soon as possible." Yang Mi said.

"Okay, I'll try my best. By the way, Miss Mi, I want to have a private conversation with Mai Mai, so..."

"All right, all right, I'll give her the phone right now, alas, it's a wrong payment after all."

As soon as these words came out, Ye Xingchen's hair was blackened.

Immediately, Yang Mi handed the mobile phone to Mai Mai, and said: "Okay, as long as Xing Chen gets home safely, let's break up, don't delay the two of them whispering."

Zhao Jinmai took the phone and sat there at a loss.

Li Si: "Oh, let's go, let's take a shower."

Han Dongjun: "Let's go play that paraglider tomorrow, shall we?"

Ding Chengxin: "Yes, I have wanted to play for a long time, and now I can finally fulfill my wish."


After everyone had left, Mai Mai switched the phone to receiver mode, and said in a low voice, "Hello."

"Hey, Mai Mai, did you turn on the speakerphone just now?"

"Ah, how do you know?" Zhao Jinmai asked in surprise.

"I know everything!"

"Ha ha!"

Ye Xingchen could feel the speechlessness over there, and then said directly to the business: "Mai Mai, which school do you think I should apply for?"

"Ah, are you asking me?"

"Yes! I want to hear your opinion."

Zhao Jinmai was surprised that Ye Xingchen would hand over such an important life choice to himself.

"I, I don't know, Tsinghua University and Peking University are very good, and you will always be the best one wherever you go."

"Well, although I'm telling the truth, it's like I didn't say anything. Tsinghua University seems to be only 12 kilometers away from your school. It's pretty close, so we can meet every day in the future." Ye Xingchen asked with a smile.

Hearing that Ye Xingchen was trying to get closer to her, she couldn't help being moved, but she still told Ye Xingchen the real situation: "Well, although the two schools are close, I'm basically not in school, so , it's useless."


Ye Xingchen nodded slightly. He really forgot about this. He checked the notice behind Mai Mai and found that the queue was indeed full, with almost no time to rest. It was really troublesome if it was either live commercials or filming.

"How about the National University of Defense Technology?" Ye Xingchen expressed his real thoughts at this time.

After hearing this, Zhao Jinmai couldn't help asking, "Do you want to join the army?"

Ye Xingchen shook his head lightly, and then said to Mai Mai on the phone: "Joining the army is not enough, but I can make a little contribution to this country."

"As long as you're happy," Mai Mai said.

That's right, no matter what decision Ye Xingchen made, she would support it.

"Okay. Well, did you miss me?"

Ye Xingchen asked seriously.

Zhao Jinmai answered very neatly: "No!"


"No lie."

"Sister Mi said you wanted to."

"Sister Mi is wrong."

Hearing Mai Mai's "cold" tone, Ye Xingchen bowed down.

"Okay, then go to bed early, I'll be back soon, good night."

"good night!"

At this time, Maimai regretted a little, why did he have to be stubborn, now it's over, alas, I will suffer for my face.

But after speaking, Ye Xingchen didn't hang up the phone for a long time, as if he was waiting for something.

Mai Mai was no longer reserved at this time, and said directly: "I miss you, let's hang up, goodbye."

Then cut off the phone.

After hanging up, she realized that she didn't seem to ask Ye Xingchen if she missed her.

Ah, so annoying, what happened to me.

Just when she was feeling proud and annoyed, Ye Xingchen sent a WeChat message, and Mai Mai picked it up to have a look.

"Fool, I miss you too, go to bed early."

Looking at the words on the screen, Mai Mai sat outside and smiled silly.

But what she didn't know was that the scene just now was overheard by Yang Mi and others squatting behind.

"Did you hear that? Did you hear that? Mai Mai actually said that he misses him, oh my god." Li Sidani said while covering her mouth.


Yang Mi behind her bluntly smacked her head: "Keep your voice down, don't let Mai Mai hear you."

Ding Chengxin said with some guilt: "Is it not good for us to do this, it always feels weird."

"Xiao Ding, you don't have to listen to it if you think it's not good. What's the meaning of your ears so forward." Han Dongjun looked at Ding Chengxin who was in the front and complained speechlessly.

"Uh, I'm so curious, you have to be brave to explore unknown things, I'm exploring the unknown."

Yang Mi: "Good guy, a man of culture."

At this time, the director set up a camera to shoot the group of people from behind, thinking to himself: Damn, if this is broadcast, the company of these stars will not be sued, the human set will collapse.

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