As for Ye Xingchen, after hanging up the phone, he cheerfully picked up his phone, and when he was about to leave the balcony, he was taken aback by Ye Xingyao who was hiding behind.

"Oh my god, what are you doing, you scared me to death." Ye Xingchen looked at a person squatting behind him, and almost kicked him.

I saw Ye Xingyao grinning, and asked with an extremely wretched expression: "Hey, brother, are you in a relationship?"

Ye Xingchen's expression was slightly angry: "You overheard my phone call!"

"Shh, don't let mom and dad hear, they're still outside." Ye Xingyao pointed to the two elders outside, and their gazes were also looking this way.

Ye Xingchen looked at his stupid younger brother and couldn't help but ask, "What do you want?"

"Who is sister-in-law?" Ye Xingyao pushed his glasses and said with a smile.

"Zhao Jinmai!"

Ye Xingchen didn't hide it and said it directly.

"Zhao Jinmai... what? Zhao Jinmai!!! The one playing the boy pie?"

Ye Xingyao shouted in shock.

"What's wrong, Xiao Yao?"

Listening to the shouts over there, Mu Ying thought that the two brothers had quarreled, and asked worriedly.

Ye Xingyao quickly waved his hand and said, "It's all right."

"Come and eat, the dumplings will be cold in a while."

"Here we come." Ye Xingchen shouted.

Ye Xingyao had a serious expression on his face: "Brother, you are kidding me."

"What do you think?" Ye Xingchen smiled mysteriously, "Let's go, go to dinner first, and I'll talk to you later."

Ye Xingchen strode out of the balcony, and Ye Xingyao followed behind.

Ye Xingyao believed what Ye Xingchen said just now. Judging from his brother's recent performance, he might have really chased his idol. Although it is a bit dreamy, everything is possible.

Back at the dining table, Ye Bowen asked curiously, "It's late at night, who's calling?"

"Girlfriend!" Just as Ye Xingchen was about to answer, Ye Xingyao said first.

Ye Xingchen couldn't help covering his head with his hands, why is this bastard's mouth so broken, blame me, I just forgot to tell him not to speak.

Ye Xingchen saw the appearance of his brother next to him, and realized that he seemed to have said something wrong.

When Mu Ying heard that Ye Xingchen had a girlfriend, she asked in surprise, "Xiaochen, do you have a girlfriend? Why didn't you tell your parents?"

"That's right, why don't you tell us, this time we went out to play with someone, right? Boy, he has the demeanor of your father and me back then." Ye Bowen said cheerfully.

Ye Xingchen saw that the matter was exposed, and he didn't explain it clearly. In the days to come, the two elders would definitely inquire endlessly, and finally he solemnly announced: "I will not be able to explain this matter about parents for a while, give me some time , I will explain everything to you.”


Mu Ying and Ye Bowen looked at each other, and then said with a smile: "Haha, it's okay, when you grow up, your parents don't care about your affairs, just take care of yourself."

"Thank you dad, thank you mom!" Ye Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief.

In the two worlds, he knew very well that his mother would not easily give up on asking this question, so this confession was almost a conditioned reflex, but what he didn't expect was that he would give up so easily this time.

After Ye Xingyao knew that he had done something wrong, he finished eating and ran back to the bedroom as quickly as possible.

Ye Xingchen returned to his room after clearing the dishes on the table.


Silent all night.

The next day Ye Xingchen got up early to clean up the house. He had a hunch that the other party would definitely come to visit today, so he really had to think carefully.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the other party really came.

dong dong...

"Excuse me, is Ye Xingchen at home?"

"Wait a mininute."

Ye Xingchen responded, and then went to open the door. Standing outside was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a kindly face. Although he knew his identity, Ye Xingchen still pretended not to know and asked, "Excuse me?"

"You are Ye Xingchen, classmate Ye, right? I'm a teacher in the Admissions Office of Tsinghua University, and my name is Ye Tingshu."

The middle-aged man first introduced himself.

"Hello, Teacher Ye, please come in." Ye Xingchen politely stepped aside and invited the teacher into the room.

"Teacher, please sit down first, I'll make you a cup of tea."

"Do not bother."

"It's okay, no trouble."

Ye Xingchen took out the freshly washed cup, made tea, and handed it over.

Although the other party came to beg me to go to their school, but the basic etiquette as a student is still required.

"Then thank you, classmate Ye." Seeing Ye Xingchen's politeness, Ye Tingshu couldn't help but want to recruit him even more.

Be sure to let him come to your school.

"Should be."

Ye Xingchen also sat down on the side sofa.

"I went out to play a few days ago, and I kept Teacher Ye waiting for a long time."

"No, no, it's time to go out and play after the college entrance examination. It's not the time for me to come, hahaha." Ye Tingshu said politely a few times, and then went straight to the point, telling his conditions for recruiting Ye Xingchen, "Classmate Ye , I represent Tsinghua University to invite you to our school, the teaching resources of Tsinghua University are the top in China, I believe that Yee understands something."

"Well, I do have some understanding." Ye Xingchen nodded and said with a smile.

Yes, all the teachers at Tsinghua University and Peking University have been swept away by Heitan. It can be said that Ye Xingchen knows him better than his father.

"The school can waive student Ye's tuition and miscellaneous fees for four years and reward him with a bonus of 4 yuan. Do you want to think about it?" Ye Tingshu pushed his glasses and said confidently.

"80, that's a huge comparison." Ye Xingchen smiled, "However, does Teacher Ye know that I'm a repeat examinee?"

"Re-examination?" Ye Tingshu smiled and said, "I know, I also read the news, okay. Recently, classmate Ye is very popular in short videos."

Ye Xingchen sat up straight and couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect this group of old antiques to keep pace with the times.

"I know better than anyone else what a university is like. You may be able to combine university and high school studies in less than two years, and you haven't failed any subjects yet. It's not easy to get such good grades after dropping out." Ye Tingshu said Ye Xingchen's evaluation was particularly high.

Ye Xingchen was quite surprised to be praised by this teacher. After all, although this person said that he was just a teacher of the general admissions office, he was actually a famous professor of physics at Peking University.

That's right, this is what Heitan found yesterday.

"Thank you teacher for your appreciation, but I still want to think about it." Faced with the other party's high regard for himself, the famous professor of the physics department actually came to recruit himself. This is what Ye Xingchen did not expect. Agreed directly.

"Okay, old man, I can chat with classmate Ye for a while." Ye Xingchen's answer was also expected by Ye Tingshu.

"Of course!"

Ye Xingchen did not refuse.

"I don't know what major Ye is going to study in the future." Professor Ye pushed up his glasses, and looked at Ye Xingchen with sparkling wise eyes.

"Computer!" Ye Xingchen answered without thinking.

Because when Heitan was activated, the system gave Ye Xingchen a set of network defense system, Xingdun.

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