Ye Xingchen's eyes flickered slightly and said, "Computer."

Ye Tingshu was a little surprised when he heard Ye Xingchen's answer: "Student Ye taught himself?"


Leaf type standard answer.

"The computer major has been very good in recent years. Boys basically choose this major, and the employment prospects are very good. I don't know if it's because of your interest or..." Ye Tingshu said.

Ye Xingchen: "I have all of them, but I'm more interested in it. After all, I prefer to make some systems and software. By the way, is there any teacher in our university who is particularly good at computers?"

"Computers contain a lot of things, I don't know what you are talking about." Ye Tingshu smiled and looked at Ye Xingchen and said.

"Network attack and defense!"

Ye Xingchen said proudly.

"Hmm... It seems that classmate Ye is quite ambitious. This thing is very complicated. First of all, it is the proficient application of basic windows. If you go deeper, you need advanced languages ​​such as Python, java, c, and c, and you need to be better at English. Classmate Ye You should have been exposed to C language in college, by the way, I haven't asked you yet, what is your major in college?"

"What a coincidence, it's this..." Ye Xingchen scratched his head and said.

"It seems that Student Ye still wants to continue to study this major. It just so happens that there are many teachers with excellent professional skills in our school. I believe they can definitely help you."

Seeing this, Professor Ye Tingshu immediately began to promote the teachers of his school. To be honest, if Ye Xingchen hadn't had his own plan, he might have been convinced. It seems that Tsinghua University invited him to invite him as a professional counterpart.

Just as the two of them were chatting, the doorbell of Ye Xingchen's house rang.

"Ms. Ye, wait a moment." Ye Xingchen got up and went to the door to open it. He saw a man who also looked very knowledgeable at the door. If he guessed correctly, this might be the recruitment of BJ University. Bah , recruit teachers.

"Student Ye Xingchen?"

Before Ye Xingchen could speak, the other party recognized Ye Xingchen immediately.

"It's me, who are you?"

"Student Ye, I am..."

"Old Qian, I didn't expect you to come too." Ye Tingshu felt very familiar after hearing the voice inside, and when he looked back, it turned out to be his old opponent.

"Isn't this Ye Lao, he came very quickly."

The two hit it off as soon as they met, and they seemed to be old friends.

"It seems that the two teachers have known each other for a long time. Teacher Qian, please come in." Ye Xingchen politely invited the other party to the room.

Then the teachers from Peking University began to tell Ye Xingchen about the advantages of their school, the main purpose was to attract Ye Xingchen.

"I heard from Teacher Ye that Student Ye is a little interested in computing?"

"That's right, whether it's my first major or my hobby, computers are more suitable for me." Looking at the two teachers opposite, Ye Xingchen said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Then Peking University just meets your requirements. I believe that Ye has already understood it. Our treatment is the same as that of Tsinghua University. Whatever conditions they offer, we will do the same."

Qian Lao said confidently.

That's right, Ye Xingchen did see from Heitan's information that Peking University's Academician Mao is excellent in this area, which Tsinghua University can't compare to.

Ye Tingshu naturally knew this too. In fact, when he just talked about this topic, he knew that Tsinghua might really miss this talent this time.

Just when the two teachers had some results in their minds, Ye Xingchen said at this moment: "I am really happy and honored that the two teachers are so interested in me, but I have already chosen another school. It’s not that Tsinghua University and Peking University are not good enough, I just want to fulfill one of my dreams.”

Hearing Ye Xingchen say this, the two professors were very surprised. They didn't expect to say this earnestly. They thought they won it and prepared to open champagne to celebrate. Now it's over, and the game is over.

"Then, can you tell us which famous school you chose, and let us two old guys know where we lost?"

"National Defense University."

"So that's the case, the loss is not wronged, it seems that classmate Ye is very enlightened, hahahaha, the younger generation is awesome."

"Liao praised."

"Okay, let's interrupt then, Mr. Ye, do you want to go together?"

Professor Qian got up and said to Ye Tingshu next to him.

Ye Tingshu sighed lightly: "What else can you do if you don't leave? Classmate Ye already has an ideal school."

"Sorry, I kept the teacher waiting for so long." Ye Xingchen scratched his head and said awkwardly.

"Hey! You can't say that. Everyone is rushing to recruit outstanding students."


"Okay, classmate Ye, let's go, let's go first."

"I'll send it to you."

"it is good."

Ye Xingchen sent the two downstairs, watched them leave the community, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this is the first time that such a thing of being robbed by Peking University and Tsinghua University would happen to him.


Soon time came to the 27th, and Ye Xingchen's score could be checked online, which meant that the name Ye Xingchen was going to be popular, or it would be a big hit.

Just as he thought, a large group of reporters had already arrived at the gate of the community in the morning. Thanks to the property of the community blocking them, otherwise they would all have gone to Ye Xingchen's house by now.

In the crowd, Ye Xingchen saw a familiar person, a very familiar person.

"Reporters, please wait outside. We have sent someone to notify Ye." The community property has begun to maintain order.

I have to say that although Ye Xingchen is an ordinary family, the location of his house is not bad, at least there is someone in charge.

Ye Xingchen walked over slowly.

The reporters also saw him and swarmed around him.

"Student Ye, what do you think of this provincial champion exam?"

"Mr. Ye, I heard that you are a sophomore. Why do you think you will suddenly retake the college entrance examination?"

"Mr. Ye, are your grades this time real?"

Facing the questions from the reporters, Ye Xingchen felt like his messy head was about to explode.

He pressed his hands and said, "Everyone can ask questions one by one, and I will answer them all, so please hold on to it. As for me, I will specify the order, and everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions."

He was not angry at the unfriendly question just now. Anyway, he began to habitually maintain the order of the scene. He has been a college student for a year, and Ye Xingchen already has the ability to control the field like a college teacher, so when he finished speaking , The reporters all fell silent.

"Very well, then I will choose immediately. It's up to you."

Ye Xingchen's first designated reporter was the young lady who interviewed him at the entrance of the examination room.

The young lady who was selected was naturally very happy. She couldn't wait to ask: "Student Ye, do you remember the last time we met?"

"Remember! You have interviewed me several times." Ye Xingchen said with a smile.


The beautiful reporter didn't want to recall this incident, because apart from the first and second times, the rest of the times were all made up by this guy himself.

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