"Yes, that's right. I didn't expect Classmate Ye to still remember me."

There was no way she could only bite the bullet and say.

"deep impression."

"Haha, I should be honored to be remembered by the No. [-] scholar. Well, let's not waste everyone's time. After all, there are still people waiting to interview you. What I want to ask is, after you finished the exam, did you expect to have such a good score?"

The beautiful reporter looked at the eagerness of the colleagues behind, and hurriedly asked her own question.

Ye Xingchen rubbed his chin pretending to think, then asked cautiously: "Should I tell the truth or lie at this time?"

"Haha, Student Ye is really humorous, of course he is telling the truth."

Even though she said that, the little sister scolded her in her heart, even if you want to say it, don't say it, what's the matter if you say it.

Ye Xingchen nodded, and then said: "Although everyone may think that I pretend to be 13, but... this result is indeed expected."


"I'm going, this is crazy."

"There's a good show to watch now."

"I want to hit him, it's too cheap."

"Me too."

All the reporters looked at each other and said in a low voice.

The beautiful elder sister looked at the people around her, and then she had a gloating expression on her face.

"Student Ye is very confident."

"Originally, I wouldn't drop out of school and take the exam again without this calculation." Ye Xingchen rubbed his nose and said innocently.

Although this is indeed telling the real truth, it is too embarrassing.

"Okay, I don't know which school Ye is going to apply for?"


"Not necessarily, it may be Peking University, but it must be one of the two universities."

People around talked about it.

And Ye Xingchen gave them a particularly shocking answer: "None, I'm going to apply to the National Defense University."

"I heard that this school is also our key university, and it also trains professionals for the country. It seems that Ye is going to contribute to the country?"

One of the reporters below suddenly asked.

This question is difficult to answer, because if the answer is too official, it will be a bit fake, and if the answer is not good, it will definitely become the target of public criticism.

But this question is not difficult for Ye Xingchen, just seek truth from facts, he can say what he thinks in his heart, he is not afraid that these reporters will over-interpret it.

"To be honest, I'm not that great, but what I think in my heart can really make a little contribution to the country. Of course, this has nothing to do with my choice of this school, because I can make contributions no matter where I am. I just want to fulfill my childhood dream. Bar."

After Ye Xingchen finished speaking, he saw that some of the reporters below started videotaping and taking pictures frantically.

"Excuse me, does student Ye have a girlfriend?"

"What is Student Ye's criteria for choosing a mate?"

"I remember that classmate Ye said that the college entrance examination is for one person. May I ask if that person is classmate Ye's lover?"

Ye Xingchen: "..."

Well, before he came, he thought that the interview with the reporter was a tough nut to crack, but when he came, he found that he was wrong. This is not a rock, but a mace.

In the following time, the serious interviews turned into gossip interviews. If he hadn't developed a certain quality, Ye Xingchen would probably be able to scold her.


Ye Xingchen couldn't take it anymore at noon, and found a reason to run away. If this continues, he will collapse.

And this interview video was released on various video software within half an hour, and it was also popularly searched.

Then the more coquettish operation came. Some passers-by claimed to have seen Ye Xingchen eating with the stars, and matched a blurry picture. One piece, even intimate from a filming standpoint.

Ye Xingchen was the top five searches on Weibo.

This is really a big earthquake in the entertainment and academic circles by one's own power.

And on this day, all the members of Hua Shaotuan were called together to watch Ye Xingchen's interview video on their mobile phones.

"It's so majestic."


"Are you handsome? Why do I feel like wanting to beat him up so much?"

Then Ding Chengxin put his mobile phone on the table and shouted: "Look, brother Chen is on the hot search."

"The top scorer in the college entrance examination is suspected of participating in the program."

"Suspected number one student in the college entrance examination and entertainment floret Zhao Jinmai take a close photo."

"Shocking! A genius with a score of 745, his dream university is the University of Science and Technology of China."


"Good guy, Xiao Chen has taken five at once. I can't buy it even if I want to." After leaving as Ye Xingchen.Han Dongjun, the number one tease in the team, said.

"It's posted, it's time to explode." Yang Mi doesn't care about this, she now guesses that the ratings of this season's flowers must be high regardless of whether the quality is good or not.

At this time, Zhao Jinmai didn't say a word on the surface, but her heart was already exploded: it's over, it's over, it's really over now, and my mother will definitely be angry when she sees it.What if she doesn't like Ye Xingchen, ah, it's so annoying, Ye Xingchen, come back soon.

At this time, the director team was not idle either. Seeing that Ye Xingchen had such a big battle online, it was impossible to let the heat go like this.

So he directly notified the publicity team to urgently make a publicity poster. Of course, he couldn't say it directly, but he had to give netizens room to guess.

This requires the Propaganda Department to understand in seconds, and skillfully model the image of Ye Xingchen's comics, even without modeling it himself, there are ready-made ones that Ye Xingchen draws by himself.

Just such a poster was quietly posted on Weibo by Mango, along with the copywriting: A temporary guest of Huashaotuan, a mysterious amateur student, who could he be?Please pay attention to Mango TV for follow-up reports.

Good guy, do you dare to be more direct, how good it is to apply for an ID number directly.

The result is naturally that the official Weibo exploded, completely exploded, and now the trending searches have directly dominated the screen from 5, and Mango TV's show operation can be called a nuclear bomb level.

Ye Xingchen's family naturally saw it too, especially Ye Xingyao. Now he was 100% sure that his brother must be dating a celebrity.

Even Mu Ying couldn't believe it and asked Ye Xingchen if he really went to the show.

Who knew that Ye Xingchen just replied, and he would know after a while.

At night, Ye Xingchen called the director team.

"Hello, director."

"Xingchen, you are famous now."

Ye Xingchen couldn't help but feel amused in his heart: "That's right, it's the director who planned a strategy. This directly increased the popularity of our program by more than a little."

"Haha, that Xiaochen, I can call you that, and you won't be angry if I do this."

"It's okay, everyone will know about it sooner or later. This will make our show better, but I have one request."


"Give me a raise."

"Hahaha, of course."

Then Ye Xingchen said the main purpose of calling today: "Director, I can go back tomorrow, please send me my current address, and don't tell them about my going back."

"Understood, understood, no problem."

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