Of course, among these paintings, Mai Mai is naturally the one treated differently.

But this time, she didn't look at them one by one like everyone else, but carefully put them aside, and took out her schoolbag to prepare gifts for everyone.

"Well, I also prepared a small gift for everyone." Mai Mai took it out and gave everyone a copy, "This is a photo taken with Polaroid, which records our life, and then I wrote some words inside."

When handing it to Ye Xingchen, the two looked at each other for two or three seconds, and then both pretended to be nonchalant.

"The two of you are working too hard. One is preparing for the painting and the other is preparing the photo album. You really have a good understanding. This can't be what you have discussed a long time ago." Seeing the tacit understanding between the two, Li Sidani asked suspiciously .

Zhao Jinmai quickly waved her hand: "No, no."

Ye Xingchen also said: "Maybe I really want to go together. After all, we have been together for so long, and it is not surprising that there is a tacit understanding."

"Hey, why do you feel full before eating?"

Li Sidani joked like a child who didn't grow up.

Yang Mi: "Okay, no matter what, I'd like to thank my brother and sister. This is really memorable."

"As long as you like it." Ye Xingchen smiled.

Seeing Yang Mi come out to rescue Mai Mai, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Let's eat first."



Then everyone was separated one-on-one for the last activity of this time, the one-on-one interview session.

In fact, there was a voting stage before, that is, who is the person you want to interview the most?
As soon as this question came up, they all pointed to Ye Xingchen, because there were too many things to ask about Ye Xingchen. In this wonderful session, maybe everyone could ask their own questions.

The second is our Mai Mai, because she has a mysterious relationship with Ye Xingchen, so everyone wants to ask her a lot of questions.

As an interviewer, Yang Mi was the first person to interview Ye Xingchen.

"Is Xiaochen immune to interviews? He hasn't stopped in the past few days." Yang Mi first cared about Ye Xingchen's situation at home.

Ye Xingchen coughed lightly: "Ahem, it's okay, it's mainly because I'm used to it, so if you have anything you want to ask, sister, just ask."

"I don't have anything to say if I don't ask you?" Yang Mi said with a wink at him.

But Ye Xingchen pretended to think about it and said: "Let me think about it. This scene is so familiar, oh, I remembered, when the police uncle catches the bad guys, don't they just ask the criminals to explain themselves."

"Go, you can talk, don't make trouble."

"No trouble, how do you know what to say if you don't ask me?" Ye Xingchen said innocently.

Seeing Ye Xingchen pretending to be a fool, Yang Mi has nothing to do with him, because almost everyone wants to interview Ye Xingchen for the same reason, and the problems are naturally the same, it must be a relationship problem, but since Ye Xingchen wants to avoid it, Yang Mi has no choice. Continue to be in trouble.

"In it, I'm quite clear, so I won't ask this question and leave it to others."

"Uh, well, what does Sister Mi want to ask now?" Ye Xingchen's heart is clear, anyway, today is definitely not going to escape.

"Were you excited when you first met us?"

Ye Xingchen carefully recalled the scene at that time. At that time, he had just returned from the small world and was still in the process of missing Miaomiao, so he was really not too excited when he saw them, but seeing Mai Mai It's really exciting.

Then he replied truthfully: "I'm really excited. Although I'm not a fanboy, it's the first time I've seen a celebrity, so..."

Hearing Ye Xingchen's answer, Yang Mi nodded in satisfaction, and then continued to ask: "Then did you want to stay in the first place? Or if we don't invite you, do you want to continue with us?" The idea of ​​travel."

Ye Xingchen said without hesitation: "This... I didn't think too much about it at the time, I just saw that you guys were recording the show, it was quite novel, so I wanted to watch it for a while, who knew that it was a bit...haha, but I just wanted to help Help, whoever knows something inexplicable will spend 15 days with everyone."

"Hahaha, how did you feel after the whole trip?"

"Tired, first of all this is for sure, because our schedule is very fast, so we are not as relaxed as I thought, but the time spent with everyone is very good, if we can continue to travel, I believe we will really It's a trip for a big family too."

Ye Xingchen, as an outsider, told the truth directly that although the 15 days were not long, the process was beautiful, but tiring is tiring, no matter how beautiful the process is, it is still tiring.

Yang Mi rolled his eyes at him and said, "You are so sincere."

"That's right, you must be honest." Ye Xingchen boasted of himself regardless of whether he was mocking or not.

"Okay, I'm done asking my questions, don't move, there are other people coming, I believe their questions will be more interesting." Yang Mi got up and said with a malicious smile.

Ye Xingchen frowned, thinking to himself, it seems that the food will be stopped today.

Sure enough, as soon as Yang Mi left, Li Sidani walked in, and naturally asked the question that had been hidden in her heart for a long time: "Have you known Mai Mai for a long time?"

"Reason!" Ye Xingchen didn't admit it directly, but asked rhetorically.

"Do you still need a reason? You think it took less than half a month to get along like this. Who would believe it?"

"I believe!"


After several rounds of wits and courage, Li Sidani still failed, because he found that Ye Xingchen's brain circuit was very strange, and he was obviously very close to the answer, but Ye Xingchen always avoided it with a sliding shovel, and then repeated the cycle.

In the end, I had no choice but to hastily end this interview.

After she left, a third person walked in from the tent. At this time, Ye Xingchen was lying on the table without looking back, and said, "Oh, I feel like a prisoner being interrogated back and forth today. What do you want to ask?" Hurry up and ask."

At this time, Mai Mai showed a smile on his face, walked slowly to sit down opposite Ye Xingchen, and said, "That...that's why I was asked to be autistic."

Hearing this voice, Ye Xingchen regained his energy immediately, looked up at Mai Mai and said, "Why are you?"

"Why, you're not welcome, then I'm leaving."

"No, no, I just think it's strange that you also came to interview me." Ye Xingchen shrugged his shoulders, this kind of two-person game is very interesting, and he also wanted to know what Mai Mai wanted to ask.

Zhao Jinmai took out a notebook under Ye Xingchen's shocked expression, and recorded the questions asked this time.

"You, are you really going to report to the University of Science and Technology of China?"

"Really." Ye Xingchen said,

Then Mai Mai didn't know what to write down from the notes.

"Then what are your plans for the future?"

"First of all, it is to follow the old path, which is the path you know. Secondly, Sister Mi said that if there is cooperation, we will definitely need help."

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