Zhao Jinmai didn't understand what Ye Xingchen said at the beginning, what is the road she knows, and whether it is possible to continue to be a university teacher.

Thinking of Ye Xingchen's coquettish appearance when he was a university teacher, and the enthusiasm of those students for Ye Xingchen, and most importantly, those girls...

No, this kind of thing is not allowed to happen a second time.

But at this time, Mai Mai looked at Zhou Wei's camera and hesitated to speak.

Seeing the change of expression on Mai Mai's face, Ye Xingchen was very puzzled, so he asked, "What's the matter, is there a problem?"

"No, no problem, let's move on to the next question." Mai Mai said absent-mindedly.

"Okay... ok. If you have any questions, just ask. Now it's time for a confession, I guess." Maimai didn't say anything, and he didn't ask any more questions, and continued with the interview below.

After sorting out his emotions, Zhao Jinmai then asked the following question: "Do you have any regrets about this trip?"

"Regrets... Of course there are regrets. For some reasons, I can't accompany you to complete this trip. I feel that this will become my regret. The main reason is that I heard from the director that you were paragliding together, and In the end, I was very proud to spend money, and I felt unbalanced in my heart.”

"Pfft ha ha ha ha, why are you so annoying."

"What's the matter, am I not telling the truth? When I was here, you still knew how to save money. I left and spent a lot of money. I suspect that you did it on purpose." Ye Xingchen folded his hands on his chest and turned his head pretending to be angry.

Because she is an actor, her professionalism is still on the table here, but as the girl who knows Ye Xingchen best, she couldn't help but want to laugh. In the end, Mai Mai lay down on the table and buried her face between her hands.

Looking at her trembling body, Ye Xingchen knew that this guy must be laughing. After looking around, Ye Xingchen still resisted the urge to give her a headache, suppressing his anger and waiting for her to finish laughing.

And Maimai seemed to feel something, immediately raised his head and rubbed his face, then sat upright, and proceeded to the next question seriously: "Well, first of all, we really didn't do it on purpose, save it, and finally found that the rest seems to be really good. There were too many, so in the end everyone let go and played, and you just happened to be away."

Ye Xingchen was speechless for a while, and finally could only utter two words: "Damn it."

Ye Xingchen's expression clearly expressed grief, anger and helplessness.

As an excellent actor, Mai Mai couldn't help but laugh.

"Can we skip this question?" Mai Mai said with a smile.

Because she was afraid that she would really go crazy, and for some reason, she felt that Ye Xingchen's appearance just now was very funny and cute.

And Ye Xingchen naturally knew that there was a time limit for the interview. After all, this was a link that everyone needed to participate in, so he didn't continue to make fun of it.

"Okay, then you have asked me so many questions, it is not too much for me to ask you one."

"Okay, of course."

"Do you have any regrets about this trip?" Ye Xingchen asked the question just now.

"Well... I don't think I have much regret, maybe there is a little regret."

"Oh? Tell me?"

"You just said it yourself, because the whole team still lacks one person in the final journey, so I feel that the step is incomplete."

What Zhao Jinmai said was very general and did not refer to a specific person, perhaps because she was afraid of being too public.

But Ye Xingchen was not prepared to let her go like this, because he was not very satisfied with this answer:

"No matter who left, you feel regretful, don't you?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Mai Mai naturally knew what Ye Xingchen meant, but she still chose to tease him.

"Okay, I'm fine now." Ye Xingchen shrugged and said.

"Okay, then, let's go." Zhao Jinmai smiled and got up and said.


Ye Xingchen also got up and left the room.

After all, we still need to let others talk about some things face to face. Although Ye Xingchen is the main character today, we must give the supporting roles some roles.

Almost all of the following sessions were face-to-face confessions. At the end, everyone said what they wanted to say, and also said what opinions and suggestions they had. It can be said to be "frank and honest".

This night was relatively busy, from the time after dinner until two or three o'clock in the evening, it was officially over, and the short recording was over.

This night was regarded as the last night for everyone to be together, so Ye Xingchen didn't take it into account on this night when there was no camera, and directly confessed his relationship with Mai Mai.

Of course, there are many questions, such as how the two met and how long they have known each other.

Ye Xingchen also explained, summed up as fate, and answered vaguely: "Mai Mai and I may really be matched by Yuelao, the process is amazing, but I can't explain it to you, so... you guys Think for yourself."

This answer must be unsatisfactory, so several people coerced Ye Xingchen to tell the truth, but Ye Xingchen's answer was always vague.

There's no way, it's too miraculous, and they probably won't believe it if I tell them, so they might as well attribute it all to love at first sight.

In the end, everyone slowly left and went back to sleep in the tent, it was really unbearable.

Early the next morning, Ye Xingchen bid farewell to everyone formally. After the show ended, the managers and assistants of these stars had already prepared in advance, so they picked them up and left.

"Ye Xingchen, sister is leaving first, don't forget what you and Mai Mai promised me." Yang Mi returned to his car and did not forget to say to Ye Xingchen behind.

Ye Xingchen smiled wryly and said, "Don't worry, I can't run away again."

"Hmph, it's not too bad!" Yang Mi smiled satisfied after getting the answer he wanted.

Then he waved to Ye Xingchen and left.

The same goes for the others, there were dedicated people to pick them up, and after saying goodbye to each other, only Mai Mai and Ye Xingchen were left.

At this time, the assistant lady is ready to take Mai Mai to the airport at any time.

"Are you going home too?" Ye Xingchen asked.

"Well... there is no announcement recently, so I went back to rest for two days." Mai Mai said.

Ye Xingchen: "That..."

Zhao Jinmai: "That..."

Ye Xingchen: "You speak first!"

Zhao Jinmai: "You speak first!"

"You should talk first, ladies first." Ye Xingchen smiled gently.

"You, want to go home?" Zhao Jinmai asked after hesitating for a while.

"Of course, otherwise where would I go?"

Ye Xingchen said with a wry smile.

Zhao Jinmai really wanted to say to go with her at this time, but seeing the assistant next to her, she still didn't say it.Then she suddenly thought of a very good idea.

"I might learn to drive when I go back, so..."

Zhao Jinmai thought to herself: I have hinted so clearly, you should understand.

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