Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 10 [10] You think it's a loss, but it seems like a big profit for us!

Chapter 10 [10] You think it's a loss, but it seems like a big profit for us!

"Are the two sides going to exchange wild areas?"

Looking at the situation on the field, Wawa was a little uncertain and said: "EDG made a circle of vision in C9's blue buff wild area, and C9 is also very smart, and Ueno and Ueno immediately rushed to EDG's blue area."

EDG's 500 million troops, with a threatening momentum, scared away the left-behind personnel on C9's side.

The bottom duo didn't even dare to go to the first tower, and evacuated directly to the junction of the second tower and the highland to avoid accidents.

Big Mouth's field of vision left in the grass of the blue BUFF camp is also excluded by the scanning lens placed by the dog's head.


"Haha, this game is stable!" Qi Zhou's hearty voice came from the earphones of the other four players, "At the beginning of the game, I stacked three layers of Q and earned 15 gold coins. I am opposite to the tulle!"

In the current version, excluding the Guardian of True Sight can reward 30 gold coins, and the yellow surveillance totem (ornament eye) is 10 gold coins.As for the foresight modified blue eyes that can only be purchased after level 9, 15 gold coins will be rewarded for exclusion.

In fact, Qi Zhou used the scanning lens to find the jewelry eye inserted by Big Mouth, and let the other teammates eliminate it. Both of them can get a reward of 10 gold coins, which is the most effective.

However, iBOY and Scout, considering the difficulties Gotou will face in the next game, and the special mechanism of his Q skill, generously gave up the economy of this eye to Qi Zhou.

The voice of Qi Zhou's lively atmosphere came from the earphones, and smiles appeared on the faces of the four of EDG.

It just so happened that the director's camera swept across, and the scene of violation temporarily became an unsolved mystery of the game scene.

"The first stage with scanning lens is actually a little trick."

There was no war between the two sides, and Miller also popularized some details to the audience.

Just like Qi Zhou's first-level scan, it can help the team suppress the enemy's vision at the beginning. At the same time, as long as you go back to the city to buy the accessory eye, it doesn't have much impact except that you have to wait for about 3 minutes to insert the first eye.

After finishing their eyes, the four of them retreated, while the Desert Reaper stayed where he was and returned to the city. There was no movement between C9's bottom duo and mid laner.

"They have no vision, change the field!"

The Desert Reaper returned to the spring, and Claire Lawu and the other three teammates stood in the triangle grass on C9's bottom road. After a short thought, he decided to switch wild areas.

Without her own vision of the blue zone, Kelier Lawu didn't dare to ask Qi Zhou's dog head who had just left the city to help check the situation.

You know, Qi Zhou Goutou doesn't have a flash, and Big Chongzi's current mainstream style of play is to learn E at the first level.If you advance rashly, it is easy to get stuck, or even send out a blood.

Qi Zhou was not surprised to learn that Kelieer Lawu wanted to exchange wild areas.

The tone has been set before the game, and it will never change to ensure the development of double Cs and resist pressure on the road.

Claire Spicy Dance chose to change the field, which ensures that he can stay in the bottom field for a period of time at the beginning of the game, ensuring the safety of his middle and bottom lanes, and looking for opportunities to gank.

Galio's E skill and W's taunt dual control, the long-armed policewoman can cooperate with Lulu in the early stage to suppress the C9 bottom lane duo very well.

As long as you can grasp the timing, it is not impossible to produce an early kill.

It was nothing more than wronging Qi Zhou.

Kelieer Lawu believes that Qi Zhou is ready to spend his whole life in loneliness by replacing the big tree with a dog's head at the end.

On the other side, after C9's male gun and big bug left their vision in the EDG blue zone, they withdrew to their own red buff.

C9Impact: "They want to swap jungles."

C9Contractz: "That's fine. I'll finish brushing wild monsters and see if I can find a chance to help you gank a wave. The teleportation + sprint brought by the Husky on the opposite side can kill you or disable you!"

C9Impact: "Indeed, EDG didn't use the big tree to take the Desert Reaper. This is something I never thought of. Could their subs be more resistant to pressure than Mouse?"

C9Contractz: "Who knows, it's gold or silver, you'll know after a trial with my big troll! If he's too bad, I'll definitely give him a good military training for his coach!"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Although Qi Zhou had no way of knowing about C9's Ueno and Ye's conspiracy, he knew in his heart that the hardships and hardships he would face in this match were absolutely unprecedented.

Scout's mid laner takes out Galio, and the level 6 ultimate move [Hero Appears] can provide ultra-long-range support, but most of them still have to be given to the bottom lane.

Of course, in the face of a life-and-death crisis, it is impossible for him to ignore death.

However, for EDG, Galio's ultimate move in this case is equivalent to a waste.

The lines meet.

The big bug Kogas also appeared on the road.

"Going out at the first level is Dolan's shield. Sea chooses a regular style of play, and doesn't intend to be the main E in the early stage to ensure that he can get the army economy." Miller observed the equipment column and deduced Qi Zhou's game arrangement.

"In this case, Big Chongzi's right to push the line is better than Goutou. However, according to the play style of the two sides at the beginning, Big Chongzi's right to push the line is of no real use."

"Impact has to control the line to make room for the jungler to catch people."

The three melee soldiers were bloody.

Qi Zhou's dog's head, which had been dancing all this time, finally moved.


A normal attack and a Q skill make up to 2.

Impact's big worm has been dormant for a long time, and the dog's head, who has been cowering and standing behind the ranged soldiers since the beginning of the game, finally stepped forward and activated the E skill without hesitation.

The spikes with normal attacks pierced through the dog's head, causing damage to it and taking in two bloody soldiers.

Unlike what he imagined, the dog's head didn't turn around and run away, but turned around and wanted to A the big bug.

The moment the hammer was knocked down in his hand, he turned his head again.

"Sea made a mistake in this wave of operation! The big bug of Impact hit a complete E skill for nothing!" Wawan's sharp eyes, Bing added: "Fortunately, it is Dolan's shield when he goes out, otherwise he will be suppressed at half health at the beginning .This is still very uncomfortable for the dog head."

"The dog's head's passive provides life stealing, while the big bug's passive [meat eater] can provide health and mana when it kills units."

"Both are to help the hero continue online, but obviously, in this case, the dog's head can no longer touch the minions before the blood volume returns to the top, and there is no room for life stealing. The big bug can eat soldiers and make up at the same time. state."

"This wave is equivalent to losing a bottle of red medicine, a total of 50 gold coins!"

The baby's comprehensive and pertinent explanation made the fans of EDG present sweat tightly.

You know, at the beginning of the bottom lane, iBOY cooperated very well with Meiko's policewoman and Lulu. With a very small loss of blood, Dazui was hit to half blood, and the suppression force was full!

Not surprisingly, before the first wave of returning to the city, he was able to lead Sneaky Dazui by about 10 knives.

Even if the C9 bot lane duo is careless, the prince of Kreer Hot Dance finds an opportunity, and it is very likely that the first blood will be born.

Don't go wrong on the road!
However, at this moment, the friends of the Desert Death Bar are jubilant on the Internet!

Earned, this wave of huge profits!
 Will Jiang Zi break the chapter and be beaten?
(End of this chapter)

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