Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 9 [9] The audience was shocked, the desert god of death is like a Chinese New Year

Chapter 9 [9] The audience was shocked, the desert god of death is like a Chinese New Year
"Dog head?!"

The camera was staring at Wawa and Miller, and they were also startled and distracted for a while.

"I can't even remember what hero Goutou was in an official event last time... Top laner Goutou, it doesn't help much to the lineup!"

Miller nodded in agreement.

In his opinion, the dog head is not as resistant to pressure in the early stage as the big tree, and the frankness in the middle and late stages is even worse than the big tree, and it doesn't even have a decent control skill.

The two of them didn't know how to comment on this dog's head that came out of nowhere.

After all, EDG is now in a "crisis of life and death, when the building is about to collapse", if you don't pay attention to your words, it is easy to be slapped by fanatical fans.

Fortunately, C9 began to choose the last mid laner, so that Miller and Wawa could change the subject.

Unlike the cheers and cheers of the audience in the arena, the audience who watched the live broadcast on the Internet had different opinions on EDG's final selection of Desert Reaper:

"Choosing a dog's head is really [life and death, endless reincarnation, they live, we die]?"

"To the north, we live and they die!"

"If this round doesn't work, the ancestral tree is obviously very useful, but if it produces a dog's head, there is a high probability that it will be hammered into a dog's head by the big bug."

"In my opinion, not picking Lucian is EDG's victory!"

"Hehe, that bench substitute brings a bench hero on the field, it really is a perfect match."

"My giao! My Great Desert Reaper actually appeared in the World Finals! Doesn't this prove that the Desert Reaper and all the top lane heroes are on par!"

"It is our duty to recast the glory of the Desert God of Death!"


Among the millions of viewers watching online, there are many bar friends of [Desert Death Bar].

They were so excited that the Desert Reaper appeared in the professional arena again, and they immediately rushed to tell everyone.

Qin Yu, the owner of the Desert Grim Reaper Bar, is fighting in the Summoner Canyon.

He has been playing silver all the year round, and he has basically mastered how the Desert Reaper can stack Q better in low-end rounds.

In just 34 minutes of this game, his desert god of death's Q skill layer broke through a thousand layers.

At this time, there was only one front tooth tower left at home, but this did not affect Qin Yu's confidence in winning the game in the slightest.

——"Invincible Big Golden Retriever (Desert Reaper): Brothers, I can come out of the mountain!"

After the message was sent, Qin Yu's desert god of death just returned to the city.

After drinking a bottle of steel mixture, the blue bar reached its full state. Qin Yu controlled the Desert Reaper, held the hammer in both hands, and rushed towards the middle without going forward.

Four teammates are fighting fiercely with the enemy.


Suddenly, Qin Yu found a message from the owner of the bar appeared in the chat box in the lower left corner.

"Let me hear the experience: Desert Reaper is in the World Championship!"

"Let me smell the experience: the dog's head is always T0!!!"


In almost a millisecond, Qin Yu cut out of the League and entered the official live broadcast room of the League of Legends Global Finals from the browser.

C9 just finished selecting players and took out the mid laner Ryze.

The Desert Reaper also switched from "EDG Meiko" on the 5th floor of the blue square to "EDG sea" on the 1st floor.


Looking at this somewhat familiar ID, Qin Yu didn't have time to think, and immediately opened the post bar again.

Click the "+" to start posting.

[Desert God of Death is mighty!After a thousand days, return to the world competition! 】

"EDG's substitute Sea is at..."

Excited heart, shaking hands!



Take a few deep breaths and calm down.

Refresh the page again.

Dozens of comments jumped out.

"I still remember that the last time I played as a big dog was in the 2014 LPL Summer Split. IG played against WEA. WEA topped the bull head, supported the dog head, and smashed IG!!!"

"Upstairs is talking about the auxiliary dog ​​head, this time it is the top lane dog head! This dates back to 2013PEvsEP.HK!!!"

"It doesn't matter if we win or lose this game, the appearance of the Desert Reaper is our dog's head club's victory!"

"I suggest, how about letting EDGsea be our boss? After all, the big boss has played [-] dog heads so far, and it's only silver."

"Why are there tears in my eyes? Because I love the Desert Grim Reaper so much~"

"Originally, Wu Wu opened the dog's head to beat Chogas. I believe that with the power of our friends' belief, this one can achieve 5.5 open vs. 4.5 open."

"Big bug? It's just a dog's head's plaything!"


On the other hand, the lineups of both sides are finally determined.

Blue side EDG: Top laner Gotou, jungler Prince, mid laner Galio, ADC policewoman, support Lulu.

Red square C9: top laner Big Chongzi, jungler Gunner, mid laner Wandering Mage, ADC Big Mouth, support Fengnv.

The E skill of the policewoman on EDG's side is a soft displacement, and the attack speed has been weakened not long ago, and the prince, Galio, and Kotou are not late-stage heroes.

In this round, it is obvious that they will play in the mid-term, use their speed push system to gain an advantage, and finally lead to the victory of the game.

On C9's side, the mid laner Jenson finally made up for the counter position and took out the rune mage. Big Zui, Male Spear, and Ryze are all explosive points, and Big Zui and Big Chongzi are both late-game heroes.

Basically impeccable.

After EDG and C9 coaches shook hands with each other, the director's camera once again scanned the lineup of both sides and the sponsorship advertisement of "L'Oreal Man".

In the end, it landed on the silver-white championship trophy, the Summoner's Cup, presented on the main screen.

EDG's coach shook hands with C9's coach.

Summoner's Canyon slowly appeared, and the match officially began.

"I hope that EDG can be optimistic about life and death, and play this game well! Although the probability of winning all three games is very low, it is always possible, come on"

After Miller finished speaking, Baby added: "This game is a very important game for EDG on the blue side and C9 on the red side..."

The audience on the field all chorused "Come on! EDG! Come on! EDG!".

Shouting and cheering, wave after wave.

It is full of their eager hope for EDG's victory!
Both parties have purchased the equipment.

On C9's side, a long snake lined up, guarding each pass that could enter the wild area.

On the EDG side, the dog's head stood between the river wall in the middle road and the Raptor camp, Galio, Lulu, and the prince gathered in the grass behind the red buff monster camp to defend the river, and the policewoman took a look at the triangular grass.

Suddenly, Fengnv's thin figure appeared in the river, which attracted the attention of five people on the EDG side.

The female policeman had already rushed towards the three people in the grass after inserting eyes in the triangular grass, and the dog's head was not far away.

Kelieer Lawu thought for a while, and then said in the voice: "There should be a long snake on the opposite side. There is a shortage of people in the lower river, so let's invade directly!"

Seeing this, Feng Nu immediately ran towards her wild area.

At the same time, the male guns and big bugs in the upper half of the red field are also heading towards the upper half of the blue field.

(End of this chapter)

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