Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 114 [111] Technology product from Glp-800 nebula, I will lead the charge

Chapter 114 [111] Technology product from Glp-800 nebula, I will lead the charge

Pig girl clears the wild fast already.

Ray can also help with discipline.

Soon, the blue glyph golem was knocked down by Pig Girl.

"Brother Kai, why don't you catch it at level 2?"

The last long-range soldier has just left a tower, and the lines of soldiers have not yet met.

Facing Xiao Zhao's question, the corners of Kelie'er's mouth curled up into a smile, "I'll farm one more magic marsh frog now, and I can get to the bottom of the road before the blind man!"

Grabbing is a must.

But before that, it is more important to fatten the poro pigs.


The red and blue soldiers met, but before they dispersed, Xiao Zhao controlled Lucian and began to tie A.

Prior to this, Sister Control has already done a good job of river grass vision.

The essence of the Luna combination is to grab 2 to fight and explode.

Being able to kill the opponent is naturally the best.

Unable to complete the kill and gain the advantage in blood volume, this will also make the two short-handed players of the Phoenix team feel miserable.

After all, sometimes being alive is more difficult than being dead.


Zoe against Verus.

The All-Star game, the most common lineup for the Howling Abyss solo game, appeared on Summoner's Rift.

Heroes play style will naturally be different.

The keystone rune of Scout chooses electrocution, obviously wanting to pursue high burst.

In the early stage, strive to cripple the left hand in a wave.

In the mid-term, if the E skill stuns the enemy, you can use the ultra-long-range Q to complete the spike.

Verus, on the other hand, chose the comet.

I want to use the E skill consumption on the line.

Avoid Zoe's Q skill to clear troops slowly in the later stage, turning the line into a unilateral suppression.

When the juniors are off the assembly line, they will use 1 shot of [Flying Stars Randomly Entering], and the melee soldiers in the back row will have a lot of blood.

Lin Weixiang's level 1 Q skill CD, 16 seconds.

The E skill takes 18 seconds.

The right hand is likely to use skills to push the line like Scout.

What I rely on is Lin Weixiang's frequent basic attacks.

With the back row of soldiers being emptied.

The right hand has to beware of the bouncing Zoe's dirty tricks, so he can only hover behind the long-range soldiers.

On the camera, I crossed my hands and fiddled with the mouse, letting the audience know that I am right-handed with a right-handed mouse, and the topic was full of topics.

Zoe has only been offline for two months.

But the college students haven't fully grasped the essence, and the degree of unfamiliarity is full.

The mischievous old loli pony tail is bouncing, but in fact, she has not released the laws of arcane mathematics.

A flying star hides in the fog of war.

Taking advantage of Lin Weixiang's tail knife, Zoe waved sideways, and the star magic hit the long-range soldiers behind.

While replenishing the two soldiers, it caused splash damage to Lin Weixiang.

Yuna grinned in her right hand.

The college boy deserves to be the champion mid laner, so he is alert enough.

At the same time of consumption, the position is still cautious.

Daten, who was hiding outside the row of grass, and Yuna crossed the middle road and walked towards the Ueno area.

The normal direction of Datian is also the reason why the director cut the screen.

Otherwise, alchemy vs. vampire in the bottom lane, Braum combined with small battle runes in the top lane, I will definitely end the laning period and give those precious ten seconds to the middle lane.

"Da Zhao and sister-in-law are very fierce!"

"It's very aggressive, it looks like it's going to be a soldier for the duo of the Phoenix team!"

In the picture, Qi Zhou just QQ Shang Dabing.

Lin Weixiang and Nami went back together, ending the attack.

But Liu Qingsong and Lu Xi'an bit the bullet and took the line weakly.

"Yan Ning's cornerstone soldiers are the guardians. With Qi Zhou being passive, it's no wonder that the duo of the Phoenix team is so arrogant!"

Sister control is more conservative.

Nami learns W skills at level 1.

Qi Zhou retreated immediately before Lin Weixiang broke the wind shield, and the cornerstone soldier "Guardian" carried by Jin Bi also played a role at this time.

Yan Ning gained another 70 points of left and right shields, and her movement speed was increased.

"Jinbi used the shield of the sacred object to be passive, and directly cleared 2 melee soldiers!"

"And Qi Zhou pretended to be Shaolan Shield when he went out. Our wave almost lost blood, so we ate the melee soldiers in the back row."

"That's definitely the Phoenix team's impromptu idea!"

Yasuo Xun's angle was tricky, "The Bron combination, the Phoenix team may have been practicing for a long time!"

Brand new minions that provide very low early game poke damage for many ranged supports.

For example, Nami AWA's electrocution just now consumed a lot of Yan Ning's blood.

In order to add tank support, the torment I received when I got [Trophy].

The fist has greatly strengthened and weakened the thing of the holy shield.

[Trophy] Effect When killing a soldier, in addition to the basic healing effect, it will also heal 2% of the lost HP.

Thanks to this, Yan Ning and Jin Bi started to be beaten, and their blood volume did not lose much.

"The duo of the Phoenix team gave up 3 long-range soldiers!"

"I'm not willing to give up, we just need to learn experience now, and we'll be fine when we level up!"

From the perspective of God, Yasuo Xun pierced through the arena.

After being confronted by professional players, Guan Xiaoxiao also dared to "speak out".

Although I did a lot of homework after the game, I was terrified of being slapped in the face after the S7 World Championship.

"...Indeed, when Qi Zhou loses W, gold will lose E, and the combination of runes will be strictly restrained."

Yan Ningxun did not agree with Guan Xiaoxiao's words that took a long time to hold back.

But my emotional intelligence is very low, so I just commented in my heart and didn't interrupt.

Boss, what he said was wrong.

A question with 100 points, even if you are Haidilao.

For his answer, you can at least give 59 points.

Why is it just to be timid and talk less?
Just at one point, when the Heavenly King Laozi came, he was the one who saved him.


"Strange...why do you keep seeing sister pig?"

The jewelry eye placed in the blue square wild area on the right hand will soon dim and cannot be illuminated.

But from FPX's point of view, there is no pig girl.

According to the factory manager's wild clearing speed, even if I cleared the lower wild area all over, I should start building the upper wild area at this moment.

"Datian's eyes inserted at the entrance of the red zone also saw me."

Against vampires, Luna just puts drugs and takes corruption potions, she is absolutely greedy.

That made Ray a little uncomfortable.

I am learning Q at level 1, and the consumption is less and more blood for alchemy, and the speed of line clearing is even faster than that of Housulian tractors.

At level 2, fortunately, there is no E skill for difficulties.

However, Alchemy relied on its pawn line advantage and sold a block and a half of health, which once again put a huge pressure on Ray's pawn line.

Luna looked at the vampire being tortured by soldiers, and couldn't help laughing.

I seldom underestimate the tone in public. I have been a trainee in Tieba for two and a half years.

How come no one is so naive?
Just like Judging the Angel and the Hand of Noxus, they are constantly studying how to fight the Desert Reaper.

Alchemists have been studying how to fight vampires.

As a special hero, Luna may be equal to all beings.

But when I met Luna who was more restrained, I was able to form a reverse suppression through a series of micromanagement, play style, and outfit...!
"Wait for 3 before hitting, it's time to slow down."

Luna is now watching the vampire replenish soldiers.

There is no pressure on the line.

Therefore, I also learned from Teacher Xiaofei's cutting screen to watch teammates.

Finding that Lin Liu and the others were ready to move, they immediately stopped that kind of rational behavior.

"It's just a few soldiers. If you play dog ​​heads, even if the cannon line is charged, you will always have a look."

Lucian looked at the bloody soldier and sighed.

The sister-in-law, who was preparing to fight, cursed secretly in her heart.

Qi Zhou's "fake action" not only deceived my feelings, but also made me make up an extra melee soldier.

"Lin Weixiang made eyes."

Lucian pinned a signal under the map.

Da Tian observes the top lane and realizes that he has no chance.

After eating the swift crab in the upper river, I went to the middle again.

"Crooked, you come again~"

Hearing this, the corner of his right mouth twitched...

Brother Zhou also called me "a crooked man", but when he said it from Datian's mouth, it was kind of obscene.

"You feel... If you want to be a junior, that position is fine!"

The right hand also imitated Datian's tone, retreating back.

But my operation did not stop, and Yan Ningwan retreated into combat readiness.

"Depend on!"

Suddenly, Luna's voice came from the earphone.

In the picture, standing in front of Singed, who was staggering in place, a pig girl suddenly appeared.

"Sea King never thought that the pig girl would spare her wilderness to gank." Yan Ningxun's eyes were burning, "I just finished clearing the line, and I purposely planted wards in the star anise bushes."

"But I thought that after finishing the second half of the wild area, the pig girl would burst out from Xiaolongkeng."

"Before brushing off the big skystone beetle, go around and gank!"

Luna didn't have any firmness, and started sprinting.

At the same time, the poisonous gas from the brakes was also discharged from the front.

Regardless of whether he will be caught to death or not, the disgusting Kreer Hot Dance is a must.

Going around in such a small circle, even letting go of the upper half of the field, and running over to catch himself, it is simply... a sin that can be forgiven!
Sejuani drove the poro pigs into Singed.

The factory manager pressed the Q key when he approached Luna.

Therefore, even though Alchemy was driving sprint, Pig Girl still bumped into me.

But the vampire came late, and as soon as he played AQ, Alchemy got out of control and started running.

"With or without the command to synthesize the Frozen King, vampires still lack the ability to chase sticky people."

"Ray chose the unsealed cheats, and the output in the later stage is enough."

"With or without sprinting at the same time, I can't continue to chase."

The factory manager is weak in raising pigs, and playing with pigs is even more miraculous.

Rao played the E skill freezing smoothly, but the vampire also dealt damage.

In the end, Luna ran back to the tower with 1/4 health.

"The functionality of the cornerstone soldiers of the Enlightenment system is very weak, but they are much stronger than witchcraft, domination, and precision combat power."

"Of course, the main reason is that Ray brought the unsealed cheats."

"If I increase the glacier, alchemy will die!"

Yan Ningxun looked at the alchemy tower going back to the city, "Actually, after alchemy collects the last wave of troops, it's time to go back to the city."

"Rings and shoes are very important equipment for me."

Weiwei is right.

Friends of [Alchemist Bar], through small discussions, have always come to the conclusion:

"Except for shoes, small or large potions, and the Ring of Killing, is there any piece of equipment made by Lian Chuyu?"

Because the heroes in each game and the direction of each game are the same.

For the piece of equipment like the ice stick, many young masters would think that it was the equipment produced by Lian Yanning.

It is true.

Alchemy makes ice sticks for the deceleration effect, but for output.

In the game with a slightly lower end point, the ice stick is to make the enemy lineup slow down by the whole team when they are in a group.

Give your teammates a good output environment.

The most important thing in alchemy is frankness and flexibility.

Do a good job in the role of a shit-stirring stick in team battles.

Another piece of equipment in the minds of many players-a small mask.

It is not the equipment produced by Lian Yan Ning.

The alchemy Q skill is combined with the small mask, and it deals magic damage based on the percentage of the enemy's health.

The more fleshy the enemy is, the more painful it is.

That is the equipment that will only be chosen when the opponent's lineup is relatively low.

As for Xiaojia, it hurts to beat the crispy skin of the small mask.

This is because, me!Yes!crisp!Skin!

The real panacea for alchemy is "Justice Agriculture (Rong) Medicine".

"Speaking of the glacier boost, Qi Zhou brought the glacier boost in that round." Xiaoxiao Guan had a flash of inspiration and caught some information in Yasuo Xun's words.

And found out, Yan Ningwan Qi Zhou's ordinary cornerstone soldier.

At the same time, the director switched the camera to the road.

Both Bron and Yan Ning reached level 3.

A new wave of troops converged, Liu Qingsong's Qi Zhou could bear it no matter how hard he went, and there was no future.

Following the curved pawn line, Nami faced her face.

Lin Weixiang wanted to output, but Qi Zhou swung the sheathed blade, and the wind wall summoned locked the output position.

You can only slide with the E skill and switch the angle.

At the same time, Kim Bi W jumped into the Qi Zhou, and Nami was passive with his basic attack.

Seeing that the seventh floor [Shock and Slam] is passively broken, the sister-in-law flashed in fright.

Slow Music Girl uses Lin Weixiang as a springboard.

Move to Nami who is slowed down by "Glacier Amplification".

Lin Weixiang immediately handed over the healing technique, but Qi Zhou didn't delay to hang up the ignition.

The amount of milk is halved.

And Qi Zhou's Q skill can be regarded as a special attack, and the superposition gold will be passive.

Therefore, Nami instantly turned into a murloc ice sculpture, and was ravaged by the two little men.

"First blood!!!"

Before killing Nami, Lin Weixiang became the target of Bron's group.

Dazhao felt a chill down his spine.

Straightforwardly hand over the flash.

But Yan Ningwan predicted the Q skill, and the ice cube hit by the shield hit!
Be slowed down!
Fengnv chased after her with a drifting pace.

When the deceleration effect disappeared, Yan Ning blew out.

Hasa give it!
Lin Weixiang was knocked into the air, and at the same time the glacier boost was triggered.

I will be slowed by 2% for 40 seconds.

Qi Zhou wields a steel sword, he will be passive if he hits gold, and double kills with chaotic swords.

[Yan Ning, he is only one Jinbi away from the number one swordsman in the world! 】

[Sure enough, there are no billion things! 】

【Get on the road Qi Zhou, you know how complicated things are.】

【My glory, I haven't parted yet; the long road is long, and only the sword is my companion! 】

[Lin Weixiang=0 output]

Watching the playback of the director, Guan Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded.

Except for iBoy's Q skill that destroyed Qi Zhou's wind shield, his W and basic attacks were all blocked by Yan Ning's wind wall.

Yan Ning, two melee fighters, are as flexible as a 200-jin fat man.

The rune was beaten, and there was no way to fight back.

"The increase of the glacier is so critical!" Yasuo Xun sighed with emotion in a low voice, "That cornerstone minion can be triggered by every hero unit."

"Its built-in CD can be reduced from 7 seconds to 4 seconds as the level changes!"

"It's really B... outrageous, 40% deceleration, the EDG duo can't move at all!"

Qi Zhou's general attack and Q skill can trigger the glacier boost.

At the same time, it can also superimpose Jinbi's passive.

Yan Ning, who was originally nimble, has become a clumsy one!
Front desk.

Abu covered his eyes, with a half-smile expression on his face. When he looked closely, he seemed to be crying, but there were no tears.

White crescent oh white crescent.

That's right, it's Li Chun Luna.

Those two of them are really ruthless!
In the first show of the Spring Split, he played such a strong hole card, which really gave him a little bit of face.

Suddenly, Abu thought of his joy when he clapped his hands and found the rune...

Ridiculous, pathetic.

I can think of electrocuting Nami with Lin Weixiang's explosive output, how could the Phoenix team think so?

Obviously, that was not a bare-faced trap.

"Chun Ri Chu debuts, is he willing to fight for the junior high school again?"

"Today is still Saturday, everyone knows~"

At the beginning of the replay, Guan Xiao Xiao Ding came up with a bunch of strange codes.

That's a KFC ad.

It was also a long time later, the butterfly effect produced by LPL's championship, one of the results of capital admission.

As for the advertisements of Wahaha, Xiaozhong, etc., I haven't read them after the start of the competition.

"The EDG duo is off the assembly line, it's not a dare A soldier yet."

"Obviously we are still afraid of the fierce retreat of the Phoenix duo!"


"Brother Kai, let's take a chance..."

iBoy is far away from the line of soldiers, for fear that the slow music gangster duo will attack.

Qi Zhou of Liu Qingsong just now.

Flowing clouds and flowing water, swords fall like clouds and smoke.

The movements are natural and wanton, smooth and comfortable.

It takes less thinking, and it must have been practiced hard.

With the pig girl around, I definitely dare to eat the thread again.

You know, I and my younger sister have handed in the flashes, but the flashes of the seven of Bron have not yet been handed in.

Even Jin Bi still has a healthy body!
"Come here after eating the magic marsh frog." The director's voice was dignified.

When the battle broke out in the top lane, I hadn't returned to the city to farm in the red zone.

That's less thanks to the college boy Zoe, who used the F6 wall and the E skill to stun the blind man who wanted to invade the wild area from a long distance.

And Q skills to disable it.

Otherwise, if he wins in the bottom lane, the Ueno District will definitely be eaten by the sky.

The duo of the Phoenix team saw that Yan Ning was so timid.

We also end the control line.

With the way of the people, also treat the body of the people.

How the EDG duo tortured themselves in the last 3 minutes, now we will torture the EDG duo.

Although under the guidance of Yan Ning, Dazhao went to [Desert Death Bar] to visit.

But my temper is not slow, have I learned the essence.

There is a way to put an end to the temptation of soldiers.

Seeing the factory manager dragging the stone beetle, he moved quickly on the road.

Dazhao suppressed his excitement.

Plant to replenish soldiers.

At the same time, Liu Qingsong and Lu Xian's smirks spread throughout the FPX team voice channel.

The wind girl's long hair flutters with the wind.

Dressed in blue rags, he shuttled among the large soldiers.

The younger sister control immediately put the E skill on Lin Weixiang to increase the movement speed.

Dazhao retreated.

But in the last second, a yellow light flashed.

A whirlwind followed Yan Ning's blade and circled her body for seven weeks.

Lin Weixiang was blown up!

"EQ flash?!!!"

Xiaoxiao Guan yelled, "Qi Zhou is only level 4, do you have any tricks!?"

"Then get off?"

Amid the sound of hyperthyroidism, Lu Xi'an calmly manipulated Jin Bi.

[Come forward], jump to Qi Zhou's side, and throw the Q skill backward at the same time.

Qi Zhou's wind wall blocked Nami's Q skill [Blue Wave Prison].

At the same time, work together with Jin Bi to launch a passive concussion slam.

Lin Weixiang, who had just landed, was imprisoned again, and at the same time suffered passive magic damage from Yan Ning.

Lin Weixiang with residual blood ran forward with E skill before Nami took a mouthful of blood back.

But my health was suspended by Yan Ning.

Qi Zhou chased into the defense tower, AQ killed him!

Rune, there is no power to fight back!

Verus yelled into the headset Mai Xiao, and manipulated Yan Ning to turn around and leave.

But last moment.

Zhumei suddenly rushed out through the wall.

Qi Zhou was knocked into the air.

"The factory manager's Q flashes and flies Qi Zhou, and the E skill is used to cooperate with the defensive tower."

"That Povirus has it!"

Before the 7.9 version of the pig girl revision, you have become a frequent visitor to the League of Legends professional arena.

Among them, the E skill applies deceleration from the basic attack skill, and actively releases it to cause magic damage.

Become similar to Jin Bi passively.

Before stacking seven layers of passive, it can actively stun the enemy.

In other words, it is not a weakened version of the Jinbi Passive.

However, the two effects of the W skill cannot help it to stack the E skill passively very slowly.

Therefore, as soon as Qi Zhou resumed his actions, sister Zhu planted it to fill up the seven layers of [Frost] under me.

"It's going to be terminated!"

His face was flushed, and Guan Xiaoxiao, who seemed to have hyperthyroidism, was planted to cast spells.

The factory manager smiled respectfully and pressed the E key.

But last moment.

Jin Bi raised the shield, activated the E skill, and handed over the flash at the same time.

I came behind Qi Zhou!

"Jinbi's shield blocked Miss Zhu's E!"

"He always doubts, one is Yan Ning who can raise the shield!!"

Yasuo Xun was also shocked by the scene just now.

It is well known that Yan Ning's E skill can block projectiles.

In this bar owner's repeated weak tone, many readers also know that Kim Bee can also block Galen and Nuo's tricks.

But many people know that Jinbi's E skill can block Zhumei's E!

That's all because of the description of its trajectory outside the game code!
Version 7.15 Crab has been reworked.

And the code ballistic of my little trick is also the same as the pig girl's E skill.

If no gold will come forward, so teammates can also escape the fate of being beheaded.

On the astonishment of the factory manager.

The seven of Bron walked away.

"Xiang, that E flash, is it worth a supper?" Lucian said naughty.

Yan Ningwan replied slowly: "Of course it's worth it!"

"Let's go crazy tonight!"


EDG's top lane situation was completely corrupted.

And the next road is where to go.

Ray's vampire was tortured by the Lord of the Rings, and his blood volume was actually inferior.

Datian seized the opportunity and went to gank later.

In the end, he cooperated with Yan Ning to cross the tower and killed Ray.

Before being revived on the road, he became a land-bound man on the tower. He only dared to watch the soldiers from afar, but he didn't dare to hear them up close.

Game time 11:23.
Scout in the middle, finally played a little bit for EDG.

I killed the soldier with the gift bag, picked up the rocket belt, and stunned Lin Weixiang with the E skill.

Pushing the stick with a small move, playing a super long-distance Q skill, directly killing the right hand with 3/5 blood volume.

It's a good time and a long time.

At 14 minutes and 30 seconds.

Luna and Datian came to the middle.

1 head, Yan Ning, who can eat dog-headed slow music worms in addition to clearing soldiers, has a total of 139 make-ups.

It simply doesn't follow the time.

Similarly, my equipment is also very different.

Corruption Potion, Killing Ring, Killing Ring, Straw Sandals, Hex Glp-800.

The last few pieces of equipment are familiar to everyone.

The first piece of equipment was added to the League of Legends in version 6.9 at the same time as the rocket belt.

Players give it a vivid name - ice gun.

The difference between the active skill of the ice gun and the pushing stick is very small, they both shoot bullets backwards.

It is a kind of ice bomb shot by an ice gun, which can cause a 0.5% deceleration effect for 65 seconds.

Because of this, even if Scout moves well, I still have the Q skill that can turn blind people.

After the final violent death of the tower.

That made everyone in EDG, who were already at a disadvantage, shrouded in haze again.


"Let's beat us."

Yan Ning returned to the city before killing Zoe, but did not choose to go down the road.

The vampire's tower pushing speed is slow, and I didn't teleport, so I decided to hit the road.

"The factory manager seems to have just finished brushing the lower wild area, so here we go."

Lucian looked around.

But Luna took it for granted, "You have already smelled the ^(* ̄(oo) ̄)^ dirty smell under my body."

"There's something wrong with jumping the tower, and it's also wrong if you let me take the head. It's a complete loss for you to exchange 5 for 3!"

Lu Xi'an, Liu Qingsong and the others naturally knew what Lu Na was referring to as "a loss".

"After all, it's our old club, so it's too ugly for us to lose."

Henceforth, the seven members of the Phoenix team walked towards the road together.

Qi Zhou took the lead in charging.

I smoothly chased the soldiers, and chased Yan Ningwan and Nami who were running towards the defense tower.

Dazhao took a sliding step to distance himself from Qi Zhou.

But just when I thought I escaped from the sky, a cloud of blood came out from under me.

The first piece of equipment for Verus is Destruction, the active skill can absorb damage to the enemy and slow down.

Although the duration is long, it is enough to pull back the distance.

At the same time, Nami was also slowed down by the freezing deceleration field triggered by the active skill of [Glacier Amplification].

The small army of the Phoenix team arrived in no time.

The younger sister-in-law threw out a trick in despair, but Qi Zhou opened the wind wall.

Ray the vampire teleports, and at the same time the factory manager, Zhumei, emerges from the defense tower.

The team battle begins.

The Phoenix team took the lead by virtue of their level and equipment, 4 for 4 on the tower.

But the surviving Verus was stunned by Zoe, who had arrived before, with another E skill.

Was KO by [Flying Star Random Entry].

All the commentators and audience thought that the Phoenix team would give up.

But on the camera, Yan Ning and her teammates had happy and nervous expressions on their faces.

Datian with a square face and a small nose, even smiled kindly.

"Brother Zhou, it's time for his happy hour!" Verus said quickly.

Luna grinned stupidly, "Your happy time is his happy time~"

"It is to let Ming Kai know that the eight kills are so easy to get!"

Luna opens the store and upgrades the shoes.

But I didn't upgrade the eight speed shoes, but bought the gloomy boots instead.

At the same time, I locked my eyes on an auxiliary equipment that was sent into the Hot Palace.

Bai Technology, rely on it!
(End of this chapter)

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