Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 115 [114] A miracle was created in 14 seconds, and a new control chain system was born?

Chapter 115 [114] A miracle was created in 14 seconds, and a new control chain system was born?

Insight Ruby? !

Looking at Qi Zhou's equipment, Chu Yuxun looked at Colonel Guan.

They both saw shock in each other's eyes.

"That's right..."

Su Xiaoyan was cautiously on the side, "If you get out of the spring, you won't be able to change your equipment."

Generally speaking, in the 10-15 minutes of alchemy, the output and battery life are still the main focus.

After 15 minutes, the meat will start to pile up, and the output ratio will gradually decrease.

And after the laning period is over, do some functional equipment for acceleration and deceleration.

"The ice spear is indeed a very suitable piece of equipment for alchemy."

Chu Yuxun said, "It can provide spell power, mana, and blood volume."

"Passive eternal damage is transformed into mana, and alchemists don't have to worry about running out of mana. At the same time, active skills can both output and stick to people."

"Brother Zhou's first ice gun is indeed the finishing touch, but I really don't understand the Boots of Brightness and the Ruby of Insight."

Colonel Guan was also staring at the wobbly Alchemy on the screen, constantly meditating.

Eye of Insight gem, total price 1600 gold.

Provides 500 health and 4 scout wards.

Compared to the 800 gold eye of insight.

350 more health points and 1 scout ward charge.

According to unit conversion, 1 point of life is worth 2.67 gold.

350 health equals approximately 933 gold.

But compared to buying red crystals, the cost performance is indeed much higher.

However, the cost performance of synthesizing other equipment from red crystals is definitely lower than that of insight rubies.

"The Phoenix team's next move is also Morgana, who is more of a supportive nature."

"After that round of alchemy, making the ice gun red eye stone is obviously more teamwork."

Xiaoxiao Guan finally stated my inference, "Otherwise, Neptune can't choose the more violent outfits of ghost books and small masks!"

"Combined with the queen of the sea, Karma took out the order for a long time."

"In your personal opinion, it's the Phoenix team trying a new tactical system."

"Placing orders with a soft auxiliary nature restrains traditional orders."

"Thus making the team's ability in terms of vision and protecting the C position even better!"

Yasuo Xun felt refreshed by the words of the small school.

But I also raised my own question very slowly: "Brother Zhou can't buy the 800-gold Insight Stone!"

"There is a need to waste those economies, regressively escalate."

Yasuo Xun has no idea in his heart:

"Auxiliary is in the later stage, you need to spend a small amount of gold coins and equipment slots to buy auxiliary equipment, upgrade equipment and eye stones."

"After AD's crit suit has not yet come out, the tank's blood volume is also very low, and the support can use the gold coins saved to buy pure tank equipment."

"In that case, everything the Phoenix team did was born for the team."

"Our style of play will start the laning period early, and at the same time use the explosive team-fighting ability to complete the dimensionality reduction strike, so as to gain a small advantage."

However, that set of theories that can almost perfectly explain the strange outfits of runes is due to the Stone of Insight under Liu Qingsong's equipment column.

It is self-defeating.

The seven members of the Phoenix team were resurrected, and after clearing the sidelines, they went straight to Xiaolongkeng.

Under EDG's eyelids, kicked the canyon pioneer's front eye blind, and then forced the group to the middle.

"It's absolutely necessary...that's a waste of money!"

Yasuo Xun murmured: "Use the vanguard to push the middle, and we still have to play a team."

"The Zhou family can't buy real eyes at all, and the gold coins spent on eye stones can be used to stack frankness."

Although in terms of a huge economic lead, the current Houhuang team's ability to play a team is weaker than EDG.

But Yasuo Xun is still struggling with the two "sight stones".

In my opinion, if something goes wrong, there must be no demon.

It is a reasonable thing in the professional arena, and it may be a mistake or a farce when it happens to other players, but it is under the body of the rune.

It was definitely not premeditated.

Check it out first.


Zhou's [Glacier Fissure] and Sai Demi's [Chain of Corruption] are very staggered team skills.

However, the middle line is short, and it is difficult to hit successfully in the case of whether the opponent has made a mistake in positioning.

"Da Tian's blind man is in the front..."

"It's relatively easy for the Phoenix team to take the initiative to start a group... Unless the two sides continue to consume blood, it will be difficult for me to find opportunities."

"Both sides are very cautious about the release of key skills!"

That was the speech of Guan Xiaoxiao.

Therefore, a reckless scene appeared in the picture.

Alchemy threw weak glue, barely slowing down to the broken passive pig girl.

The factory manager rushed forward decisively, but the rune was obedient.

An exploding ice bomb is fired from behind Alchemist, applying the slow again to Piggy.

At the same time, Datian also seized the opportunity to launch [Sky Sound Wave].

The factory manager's heart trembled, and he flashed decisively.

"The alchemy ice gun is indeed not miraculous, but it seems to be a wise choice to use the pig girl alone."

"The CD of the ice gun is 40 seconds. In case of a team battle, it will be used for the seventh time."

"Dazhao dispatched small Qing soldiers, and a team battle may have started."

The director of the factory, Zhumei, has eight heads in hand, and her frankness is the best in the audience.

Even though the Huang team's bottom and top lanes are well developed, but Alchemy lacks explosive damage, it's easy for the Zhou family to lose Zhumei in seconds.

If Qi Zhou's wind wall is too restrained Nami.

EDG can't even counter-engage.

The reason why the factory manager ran away in a flash was because I was afraid of the long control chain of the Phoenix team.

The so-called chain of control should not be understood in a complicated way as that through the matching of heroes' skills, intermittent control is formed, just like a chain, one link after another.

The combination of Zoro, not because of the existence of the soft control chain, made Dazhao sister control almost collapsed when laning.

The Zhou family retreated first, and Tetsuo jumped W and threw Q. Cooperating with Glacier Boost and [Concussion Slam], the EDG duo couldn't move an inch.

And the double shield system makes Lucian's output and Nami's control even more a laughing stock.

It is even more important to improve Iron Man before he is promoted to 6, and be able to cooperate with Slow Le Fengnv to make various low-difficulty poses in the air.

That's why the double melee is able to combine the traditional AD support, and it's the reason why you can find it in the southeast and northwest.

Relying on the long and thick 【Control Chain】.

Moreover, the chain of control between Qi Zhou and Tie Nan is very unique.

Because 'Glacier Amplification' and 'Concussion Slam' are one-off.

The existence of those two nodes enables the control we export to be continuously extended, extending branches from the original chain.

Specifically... It's like the trick for the first show of the game.

And the hero in the first show of the game is now the mid laner of the Phoenix team.

It is even more important to mention the alchemy team battle that has not yet fallen over the shoulder + the sticky mouse is weak.

Therefore, if the factory manager wants to save that flash, he must be able to!
"Another wave of soldiers has arrived, and the Phoenix team is finally approaching!"

"Whether there was a holy gun baptism that time, what should EDG do?"

Zhou Jia and Sai Shouxiu cleared the line, and alchemy summoned the canyon vanguard.

It's like a weak demolition posture.

EDG and several players stood very forward on the tower, obviously looking for an opportunity to fight back.

Suddenly, a howl of wolves came out.

The red wolf's head appeared on top of the pig girl.

The seven members of the Phoenix team engulfed the soldiers, and the canyon vanguard retreated from the tower, while Alchemy turned on the predator and sprinted, trying to rush to EDG.

Sister Pig throws a trick in front of her.

But Alchemy's movement speed was extremely slow, and he turned around to avoid it.

Throwing the weak glue, the poro pig's movement speed instantly increased.

In version 7.14, Alchemy ushered in long-lost changes.

Passive [Life Barrier] has changed to [Poison Rush], and Singed gains extra HP based on the minimum mana, but the clinging ability is lowered.

The animation effect of Q skill has been weakened to improve the friendliness of the game for colorblind players, and the AP bonus has also been changed from 0.6 to 0.8.
And the last change that needs to be made is to add the 'ground binding' effect to the W skill.

My W skill is the same as Snake Man's W. It can enable enemies within the range to use displacement skills, interrupt teleportation, and return to the city.

The 40% deceleration effect makes it difficult for the pig girl to move forward.

Binding the ground also makes it impossible for the pig girl to use the Q skill.

For a moment, the picture of herself being thrown over the shoulder by Alchemy, and then Feng Nu picking up Little Hasa and hacking appeared in Kelier Lawu's mind.

However, the reality picture is not like this.

Relying on the ultra-low speed, Alchemy continued to retreat.

When she came to Zhumei's side, a bunch of ice bombs burst out suddenly.

"What the hell?"

"Have you just used the ice gun initiative?"

Guan Xiaoxiao once again acted as the editor of UC, and the end was shocking.

And in Yasuo Xun's mind, a line of words that was difficult to ignore above the introduction of Insight Ruby suddenly passed by.

The teamfight continues.

All members of EDG were slowed down, and the Zhou family took aim at the most naughty Zoe among them, grabbed your back and threw it forward.

At the same time, Qi Zhou's E flashed W, blocking Nami's Q and tricks.

【Blaster of Absolute Breath】!
Fengnv was happy after the end, and Tetsuo's little trick also smashed EDG's vampires and Nami.

On the loud sound of the canyon pioneer slamming into the defense tower.

Team fight begins!

As a result, there is no doubt that the Phoenix team crossed the 2nd tower, chased to the low ground, and wiped out EDG.

Qi Zhou and Alchemist survived.

"Did I just hand in the ice gun?"

On the gray and white screen, Dazhao looked depressed.

In the team battle just now, I thought the Zhou family was targeting the pig girl.

The factory director with eight heads is Ju Rou, so Dazhao chose to turn around and do alchemy.

But he didn't expect to be slowed down by the ice gun, and then died under the serial control of the Phoenix team.


"You guess I also brought the astral insight and the spiritual hunter!"

Claire Lawu gritted her teeth and spit out every word.

My teammates also understood why the Zhou family made such a weird outfit.

[Astral Realm Insight] is Braum of the Enlightenment Department.

It increases cooldown reduction, minimum cooldown reduction, summoner skill cooldown reduction, and equipment cooldown reduction by 5%.

And [Spiritual Hunter] is the "Hunting Bloom" of the domination system.

As the name suggests, it is the same as its counterparts [Greedy Hunter] and [Sentimental Hunter]. When it participates in killing an enemy hero for the first time, it can earn 1 layer of bounty hunter effect.

[Spiritual Hunter] can provide active equipment cooling reduction, the amount is equivalent to 10% + 6% * bounty hunter layers.

When fully stacked, the minimum cooldown of active equipment will be increased by 40%.

The purpose of the rune's insight into the ruby ​​is not to reduce the heat to the highest level when actively equipped.

Because its only passive is: the cooling time of the active effect of the equipment is increased by 20%.

In the default of summoners, the eye stone has become one of the two must-have equipment for support.

And the auxiliary economic sources are unlimited.

In order to minimize the benefits, we often only issue 800 gold eye stones. Unless the economy overflows, there will be no seven cups to upgrade the eye stones.

Similarly, there are also players who have no other way, because of the 20% reduction in equipment heat, they will deliberately produce eye stones.

In that case, the "unique passive" of insight into rubies has been forgotten by a very small number of summoners.

And the rune is used as "brother".

Before the exposure of New Bron, it was found that the "Spiritual Hunter" can increase the cooling of equipment by 40% when fully stacked, and immediately thought of the passiveness of the ruby ​​equipment.

Again, that was a few minutes later.

Zhou Jiaming knew that the weak jumping up the tower would allow EDG to restore blood and continue life, but it was also the reason for letting his teammates jump the tower together.

I want to earn "Bounty Hunter Layers"!
[Astral Realm Insight], [Spiritual Hunter], Insight Ruby, the eight pieces of equipment provide a total of 65% equipment cooling reduction.

Active skills of the Hex series, such as technology guns, rocket belts, and Hex Glp-800, all share cooling.

Therefore, they both have a cooldown time of 40 seconds.

The set of runes and Braum can make the CD of the eight active equipment 14 seconds.

What is that concept?
If he has a rocket belt, then he can get a sudden retreat damage skill that consumes mana and has a CD of only 14 seconds.

If he uses a technology gun, then you can get one, which is a low-value spell bonus stable directional deceleration skill that consumes mana and has a CD of only 14 seconds.

If he uses Hex Glp-800, then he can get a small-scale deceleration damage-type skill that consumes mana and has a CD of only 14 seconds.

At the same time, it will disrupt the opponent's inherent concept and misjudge the time period when he can have the ability to kill or start a group.

To achieve unexpected results.

What's even more outrageous is that the golden body, justice pesticide, blue shield, and even the accessory eye will all get corresponding heat reduction.

The golden body only takes 42 seconds.

Just Pesticide takes just 31.5 seconds.

Blue Shield only takes 21 seconds.

It only takes 21 seconds to accelerate the ball.


Such equipment with extremely weak team battle functions can be cooled in a short time.

In addition, before the ruby ​​is released, the Phoenix team has no absolute vision to suppress.

As long as there is a small mistake in the team, what will FPX lose?

Everyone in EDG, who had come to understand, hadn't despaired of that game yet.

And Guan Xiaoxiao and Su Dayan are still continuing their lives for us.

"Lu Xian got 2 heads, Nami got 1 head, and the duo ended up getting better."

"EDG procrastinates, but there is no chance."

"The factory manager is very meaty. Qi Zhou was almost killed by the defense tower in order to kill me."

"As long as EDG seizes the gap between Qi Zhou and the wind wall and starts a wave, it is very unlikely that they will fight back!"

Yasuo Xun shook his head.

I haven't seen yet that the Phoenix team's pursuit across two defensive towers was not a bottom line.

It's just that we think we must win, just to have fun.

16 minutes, 9/1 Qi Zhou.

Even if Lin Weixiang's Q button is deducted, he can still play EDG!

The game continues.

The battle between the two sides was very peaceful, and there was no time for single-line development.

Phoenix Alchemy can always start a team in various ways.

The locked over-the-shoulder fall of the E skill can cooperate with Qi Zhou to pick up the small seconds.

Before the runes made righteous pesticides, the alchemist carrying the gas tank was like Brother Bo outside the crazy stone.

Predator, Sprint, Justice Pesticide.

Singed Nitrogen Accelerates and is Blockable.

After several rounds of team battles, the Zhou family threw all seven EDG players away.

Both the old comrades-in-arms and the successors enjoyed the ultimate Blast of Never Breathing.

That was destined to be engraved in the minds of everyone in EDG, an unforgettable game for life!

In the deliberate manipulation of Qi and Lin.

The Phoenix team slaughtered all the heroes of EDG in a reckless way every time.

At the same time, the Phoenix team will also suffer heavy losses.

But in every team battle, the Phoenix team was the best until the very beginning.

In the end, the game that could be played in 25-28 minutes lasted a full 34 minutes and 29 seconds.

Zhou Jiacong of the Phoenix team in the spring, won a complete success with the 2:0 champion team EDG.


[Gives you a feeling of playing the bronze game, it is so enjoyable to watch! 】

[As a professional player, weiwei is not a professional player. Park Zeyuan knows that rubies can reduce equipment CDs. 】

[They are still posting barrage?You haven't finished ranking yet! 】

[Choose the kind of spider leopard man, the one with less skills should come here~]

[Sea King is too affectionate, the factory manager's face turned pale. 】

Game start.

The seven members of the Phoenix team shook hands with EDG.

Datian, Lin Liu and others returned to the front desk, but found the figure of the rune.

"Brother Zhou went down to fill the cups before the game?" Datian asked Bai Yueya.

White Crescent looked at Li Chun.

Irelia hacked continuously to show that I also knew the situation.

Just when everyone was wondering, the official staff came to the front desk of FPX and asked us to send a representative to be interviewed.

Datian was elected by everyone.

Wearing thick lenses, my eyes stand still, but the whole body is full of spirit.

Stand behind the camera.

"Verus in spring is mainly to show the demeanor of Zhou Ge and LWX, the two old juniors."

"As a jungler, you are very cooperative with us!"

"In fact, today's game against EDG did not show your true strength."

"As the spring season retreats, time will tell Xiaojia who is the wild king of the canyon."


The runes were not missing.

Just now I was rubbing my red hands when I was being held, walking in front of the line against my old habits, when I passed the intersection.

They were pulled back to our base by the unplanned EDG people.

Justice is being criticized at this moment.


Phoenix team spring Verus.

What impresses special audiences the most is ruby ​​alchemy, ice guns every 14 seconds, and justice glory every half a minute.

However, before the match, almost all teams set their sights on Sauron.

Two melees hit the road.

Except for the ancient times, Summoner's Canyon still hasn't figured out the most reasonable splitting match, or matching the man-machine game.

Deep in people's memory, there is only the combination of the Zhou family and the male tank that S5 is domineering on the top lane.

The emergence of that lineup first benefited from the revision of the Zhou family's tricks.

If he chooses to go on the road, there is no guarantee that Chu Yu will be able to cast the "Xiangxi" dragon chasing technique in time.

Secondly, and the most critical point is not a perfect match of the seven.

Nan Tan and Chu Yu are both very fleshy.

And Zhou's W can clear the line very slowly.

Before leveling up, if the male tank can control someone, it can provide Chu Yu with about 3 seconds of output time.

And Chu Yu's Q skill, Eight Hammers, was enough to kill the opponent's ADC.

How weak are we?

Looking at Chu Yu's ban rate and win rate in the S5 professional competition, you can know it before the video of the LGD leader Tiefang Zhou's being violently beaten.

And Qi Zhou and the Zhou family of the Phoenix team appeared in the professional arena.

The professional players who watched the live broadcast, and the coaches who were thinking about the replay before the game, were instantly awakened by the iron eight hammers hidden deep in their memories.

Why were the Zhou family and Tetsuo able to blow up the "innately full of soul power" Luna combination?

That question has become the primary issue discussed and studied by each team.

Even the players and coaches of the LGD team who hadn't played tomorrow ended their small discussion before hastily eating dinner.

Go back and forth for details.

It is an ongoing research discussion.

In the end, the LGD team came to two conclusions.

One is the wind wall and ice shield of Qi Zhou and Tie Nan, combined with the passive wind shield and guardian, the continuous combat ability of the seven people has become extremely low.

At the same time, it minimally limits the output and control of ADC heroes and auxiliary heroes on the road.

Seventh, Qi Zhou and Tie Nan can create a wonderful chain of control.

(End of this chapter)

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