Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 116 [115] Iron Fist from Riot, is it really just a renaissance?

Chapter 116 [115] Iron Fist from Riot, is it really just a renaissance?
FPX base.

The left hand said that his Yasuo was not bad, but Verus restricted his performance on the field.

If he can still get the Sauron combination next time, he wants to use Yasuo to go down, and let Lin Weixiang choose an AD hero such as ***, Verus, etc. to go.

Lin Weixiang, who had eaten crabs, naturally refused to give it up.

"I have a tacit understanding with Liu Qingsong for many years, can you have it?"

"The hero Yasuo, from S5 to now, I have played a total of 2000 games, how many games have you played?"

"Even if you use two moves, your Yasuo can't beat me, Feng Nan!"

The left hand caught the loophole in Lin Weixiang's words and proposed Yasuo solo, whoever wins will play Yasuo.

Of course, he wasn't so brazen as to let Lin Weixiang make double moves.

Soon, the two sat on their respective chairs, and the keyboards slapped.

Qi Zhou hung up the phone, walked into the training room from the balcony, and found that the two of them were staring at the computer screen tightly, but their mouths kept roaring.

"That's it? That's it!"

"You wind, it's gone to King's Canyon!"

"Where's the Nimma dog tag? Isn't W a normal operation to block the wind?"

"The dog tag is bound to W, Brother Zhou taught me how to pinch~"

The tone of the left hand is very low, but Qi Zhou poked around and found that Lin Weixiang's Yasuo was actually more dominant.

Both chose Dolan Dun to go out.

The current condition of the left hand is slightly better than that of Lin Weixiang, but Lin Weixiang still has a bottle of red medicine hidden in it, which is useless.

At some point, White Crescent also opened the door and stood beside Qi Zhou, silently watching the battle between the two in the imperial city.

When I was young, both Qi Zhous reached the stage of slowly rising from level 5 to 6.

White Crescent hugged her hands behind her back, and said loudly, "Zhong Xiao, what does he think?"

Zhong Xiao nodded, and said solemnly: "The operations are stronger than yours!"

"Ha...cough cough...cough cough!"

Before getting up in the morning, Datian, who had been putting on a dead face, couldn't hold back any longer.

But I wanted to hold back my laughter and maintain a low-grade image, but I choked on the air and my face flushed.

At the same time, the solo of the right hand and Lin Weixiang also retreated into the cold stage.

The two sides are fighting each other, trying to find a chance to kill the enemy with one blow.

Two Tuoersuo were floating around outside the pawn line, and the one with the cheapest right hand was the broken bright mark.

Lin Weixiang took the red medicine and finished his preparations for the decisive battle.

The frequency of tapping the keyboard and clicking the mouse with the right hand is also constantly increasing and slowing down.

Cross your hands.

At first glance, it looks like Brother Octopus making crab burgers, and he is in a hurry.

But in the picture, my source plan is smooth and normal.

Every swing of the sheathed blade, every swipe of Tide Wave Slash, hides various intentions.

Looking at the right time, Zhong Xiaojian was blown up by the right hand EQ whirlwind.

Flat A then small.

Steel collisions and mechanical sounds are constantly ringing.

The Galewind Endless Slash begins.

Lin Weixiang's blood volume is only [-]% and his right hand is less than [-]%.

The right hand is very cautious, there is no pursuit.

Because my wind wall has been handed over, and Zhong Xiaojian is still saving the wind.

"Crooked, learn a little."

Lin Weixiang drank hot, and the beeping sound of the mouse suddenly became less.

The western cowboys ended up E to E outside the pawn line, and it was the plan to break the A source.

With the right hand reflexive Q skill, Lin Weixiang took advantage of the soldier's displacement to avoid it.

I was not a little relaxed, but not flustered.

Guessing that Lin Weixiang's wind is about to disappear, the moment the western cowboy raised the knife with his right hand, he released the W skill.

However, Zhong Xiaojian only used special attacks.

QA is not over until the wind blows away.

In the end, Yuan Jihua on the right hand was hacked to death by QA at the same time as the western cowboy showed his graceful posture.

"Crooked, Qi Zhou's essence is E, it's a trick."

"He's too tender~"

And listen to the wind, keep the sword in your heart.

A real swordsman never sticks to form.

Many players hate the wind that pinches Qi Zhou, and no summoner invented the double wind technique.

As a mid laner, the right hand is more inclined to combo damage.

The tricks are smooth and smooth, and there is no delay.

But because Zhong Xiaojian got a bottle of red medicine to take the lead when they were facing each other one after another.

Therefore, in the level 6 wave, even if I found a chance to blow up the western cowboy, I could still complete the spike.

A hundred or so points of damage are missing.

As for Lin Weixiang, as an AD player, my basic attack damage calculation and pull reached the extreme.

When laning, he deliberately sold a loophole and let his right hand blow up.

However, the EQ damage of the original plan · Suo cleared the front row of soldiers, and made the right hand lack more E skill displacement pedals.

Although he was beaten first, Lin Weixiang turned his right hand into a right foot by relying on the sword to the flesh and the E to E to pull.

Then rely on the agility and blood recovery effect of [Fast Step].

Complete the anti-kill.

The setting sun sets against the setting sun, the cliffs stand in Huanna, the autumn geese fall on the flat sand, and the hot moon looks for wandering, reading is full of vicissitudes...

The hero Qi Zhou was created by the chicken shooter, and he is destined not to be the lonely and extremely low-level Ye Gucheng character in Gu Long's pen.

The summoner who controls Qi Zhou has always been against Ximen Chuuxue.

It's his own heavy spirit sword edge, and the Huanhua that falls from time to time.

Patience, self-denial, and precise moves are the ultimate.

Lin Weixiang's Qi Zhou may behave like a right hand when playing in a group.

But in the solo line, it is definitely the most terrible killer.

"He has blown you in the wind..." His right hand was still stubborn.

In my opinion, in the 7-minute solo, I just lost in the first wave.

But it has to be denied that Lin Weixiang's pull and moves have reached the extreme.

E walks and wind shield refreshes the time, allowing Yuan Jihua Suo Youfa to hurt the western cowboy at all.

Forcibly using flat A and Q, polished his 777 points of blood.


When White Crescent's words came, the seven who were still reminiscing about the details of their solo didn't take it seriously.

The right hand of the right hand touches the left hand.

Obviously nothing is restraint.

White Crescent did not comment, and took out a large board with A4 paper sandwiched between it.

"The final update of version 8.2 has been confirmed. The kimchi server will be offline tomorrow, and the national server will be released at the end of the month."

"It was an accident. It should be officially launched in the eighth week of the Spring Split."

"You didn't have two games that week, you didn't have one last week."

"The schedule was friendly, they listened carefully and used last week's time to be less familiar with the less familiar version."

The white crescent scanned the crowd.

Like a university teacher, I pointed out bit by bit.

"First of all, it's not the eye stone, the eighth-level auxiliary equipment has been removed."

Hearing this, everyone in the Phoenix Team didn't show much surprise.

Yasuo and Zhong Xiao often discuss all aspects of the game together.

Chun Li, who is the post-game balancer of Riot Games, and the CEO of FPX e-sports club, can have far less impact than others.

Auxiliary equipment is bound to usher in reform.

That's just Yasuo's conclusion, and it's the unanimous opinion of the analysts of each team.

Like S7, the Censer's notoriety has yet to haunt Summoner's Rift.

Everyone knows that if the fist can sacrifice a small machete, it will turn the incense burner into a urinal.

Because of the existence of the blazing incense burner, the auxiliary equipment is purchased before going out.

My task then becomes to make the fiery censer as slow as possible.

In order to achieve that goal, there was even a bizarre scene where the AD went out to install the shield of the holy object to help the assistant to make money.

Fortunately, before the start of the world competition, the fist smashed the incense burner.

But the auxiliary has returned to the old path of "auxiliary equipment + eye stone" two-piece set.

That's definitely what Riot wants to see.

Because the audience is the one who has upgraded the auxiliary equipment, there are seven places to do vision and eye-rowing assistance.

In addition, when the chicken shooter was interviewed, the big news flowed out.

Teams are convinced that support items will be revamped.

Supporters need to spend a small amount of gold coins and equipment slots to buy two pieces of equipment that are always around us, and they will definitely be wiped out.

While the analysts of our team were still guessing, Yasuo clearly pointed out to Li Chun that the eye stone and the auxiliary equipment will be seven in one.

Let the auxiliary save gold coins and have fewer equipment options.

The reason why Yasuo knew about that was because the idea of ​​Riot hadn't been finalized after I left.

However, due to the news of the new rune reforging, it was released during the mid-season.

Riot came up with the idea to see if the new version of the rune could save the support rigid build route.

After all, Ma Yinglong is better at treating white circles than hemorrhoids.

Many "medicines" may be symptomatic, but they will definitely cause ecological changes.

The new version of the rune was offline. Before Zhong Xiao and Yasuo studied it together, he thought that the status quo of support would not change.

Fist's combination of support items and eye stones is unstoppable.

Therefore, Li Chun also had concerns.

It was directly used in the spring competition, the white technology of "creating a miracle in 14 seconds".

After all, it is used now, and it will be useful immediately.

The ferocious netizens online don't know that the fist is hitting the right way.

Seeing that the insight ruby ​​was removed, I thought it was an update made by Riot against Li Chun.

[Add the monster hunter first, then remove the red eye stone, the fist will be staring at you, Aquaman, right? 】

[The reaction is too slow, the dog's paw stretched out the dishes just made last night? 】

[I used to see what brother Zhou played, so I knew what was going to be cut in the last version. 】

[I vomit... I just cut the diamond from platinum, and cut it right away? 】


"The weakening of the auxiliary equipment is very small, and the task has changed from earning 750 gold to 500 gold."

"And before completing the task, it can be automatically upgraded."

The white crescent moon is too much.

That made the seven Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong feel that I am not chattering.

White Crescent noticed that the seven were patience.

After giving us a blank look, he continued to explain.


"Most! Front! One! Point!"

"Very important!"

All the people listening to the lecture, except for the two who placed the order, the other team members and the e-sports chairs formed strange postures.

It must play the abstract function of the cerebellum, and it is difficult to associate English words such as "Q", "L", "G", and "N".

The white crescent gritted his teeth angrily, and several people sensed that the atmosphere was right.

The dead man's face covered by the big pot head and the thick glasses suddenly looked bright.

Lin Liu and the others stopped whispering.

Put your right hand on your left leg, and your left hand on your right leg, "sitting upright".

White Crescent was silent for a minute before continuing to speak:

"Targeted damage abilities will draw aggro from privates."

"Be careful when laning!"

The updated content only occupied a few words in the update announcement of the fist pickle server.

But it is an exaggeration to say that it is the most important update in version 8.2.

Private hatred problem.

It has always been the top priority of League of Legends.

It is the primary consideration for changing blood during the laning phase.

On the loading interface of the League of Legends game, "the damage of the eight ranged soldiers is lower than that of any special attack of a level 1 hero" pops up from time to time.

Remind novice players that they must act recklessly offline and consider the existence of pawn lines.

After version 8.2 is updated.

General attacks or skills that can trigger special effects of general attacks (such as captain Q, etc.) can attract the hatred of soldiers.

Area-of-action skills (AOE) and designated damage skills will not attract the hatred of soldiers.

But the update of version 8.2 broke the 7-year rule.

Skills such as [Spear Throwing] and [Twin Fangs] that can consume brains need to be cautious when releasing them.

"That change is equivalent to weakening Akali and other 61 heroes in disguise."

"Line matchups will become even more brutal!"

White Crescent stared at the right hand, the direction of Lin Liu and eight people, and said word by word: "In the first game against EDG, they played very well in the lane."

"Under the understanding of the pawn line, we are in an absolute leading position."

"So, in my spare time, I have to do some meaningful solo."

"Don't ask Zhong Xiao for advice."

As soon as the white crescent's words turned, Li Chun, who was sitting quietly, was instantly fixed on by several pairs of eyes.

I am very restrained.

A strange voice seemed to appear in my mind:
"Good guy, no wonder you were beaten so badly, it turned out to be him!"

"Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou, is the difference as a teammate so small? You still hide your private affairs."

"As long as you squeeze Brother Zhou dry, you will be able to resist the pressure offline, Sismecta."

Li Chun looked calm on the surface, but he was actually hot and sweaty.

"Cough, actually..."

"They go to [Desert Death Bar] first and read "The Art of the Dog's War", and then come to ask you for advice."

"This is the most basic soldier line teaching on the entire network."

"What you expressed is definitely ambiguous in what the 8Us wrote."

"As for upgrading the pro version, it's too late to ask after they finish learning "The Art of War". (That requires a subscription)"

After speaking slowly or rashly, Li Chun was also feeling emotional in his heart.

I've been researching new runes and new combinations recently, and it's been a long time since I visited [Desert Death Bar].

It should be immersed in [Clap your feet], and happiness is thinking about Shu.

Now it's time to break into the [Dragon Turtle Bar] and investigate the retreat of "Dagongji".

In-depth study, all kinds of knowledge.


LCK Division.

Those who eat kimchi are very sensitive to the "smell" of "meat".

The video of the game between EDG and FPX was quickly picked up by us and uploaded successfully.

"Assi, why does Sea's team always hate targeting top lane?"

A certain little mouse is too happy.

In the mouse nest next door, none of the little mice in the same position as me have been beaten into service by the "serial deratization package" invented by Li Chun.

The first time I saw Sauron's combination, I understood that the dose of poison could cause little harm.

"Hehe, you don't think the Zoro combination is weak. Your team has developed that combination a long time ago, but it was too weak, so it was not shown in the competition."

"EDG's strength has improved too little, are we still immersed in our championship dream?"

"It's the right way. It is said that no new hero is an AD hero..."

"Double row with you, use that combination for entertainment, in the words of Chinese people, Sauron's stuff can't be ranked in the Xiaoya hall, it can only be ranked."


The evening of July 1.

Shangcheng District, a large e-sports and digital entertainment town.

LGD main stadium.

It was not far from Shangshahuo Baocheng, so the stadium was full of seats.

The one who came to watch the game was a primary school student.

The match between JDG and LGD was the first match not held in Shanghai.

Therefore, the attention it has received is also very low.

The time came to 21:01.

JDG and LGD have not yet reached a 1:1 tie, and the deciding game has also retreated to half.

But that game was not as tense as the last two games.

At this time, the game had only retreated to 20 minutes, and LGD used the power of the dragon to break through JDG's mid-lane low ground.

Yes, there are mistakes.

It is the power of the big dragon, not the little dragon.

Because of that game, LGD selected the combination of Metal Master and Shuguang Male God.

The seven are the shields of the holy objects to go out.

Brush each other's economy, plus the shield of the holy object can restore 2% of the health before killing the soldiers.

That made the LGD duo very comfortable in the late game.

Wait until Iron Girl's level 2 Q, the male tank finds a chance, and E hits the male gun.

With the glacier boost, you forcefully create an output time of nearly 3 seconds for Iron Girl.

And the iron girl's explosive eight hammers, combined with electric shock, directly killed the male gun in seconds.

[Your Iron Bahammer, he is finally back! 】

[Lying C, flatten the western hemisphere with one hammer, two hammers...]

[Yesterday Zoro, today Tetsuo, is that a renaissance or a contention? 】

[What do you think, why are the eight families divided into promotions? 】

 A few days ago, I said Riwan because there were classes in the morning during the first week of school. For a few days, Bo1 was played every day in the summer game.It's really that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

  The manuscript fee came out today, but it was not on the shelves on the 1st, and there was no full attendance this month, and there was no 20% subscription reward (1100).After working hard for 2 months, the manuscript fee is actually less than 5700, and 680 tax will be deducted.

  It's actually a bit uncomfortable...

  This book currently has an average order of 2995, but in fact it all depends on the chapters before S7 won the championship to support the scene, and the subsequent assignments are a mess.

  The latest chapter is only 1/11 of the first chapter... It is equivalent to updating a chapter, and the order will be lost by seventy or eighty. The spiritual victory of the boutique is also far away.

  In the summer vacation, I boasted to my mother, saying that I would pay the tuition myself, and she didn’t need to pay for it. In the end, the manuscript fee was still 2000 yuan short of the tuition fee, and I had to subsidize it from the living expenses I gave.

  How to spend 500+187.5 for a month (urgent!)

  Hey, I originally wrote a novel to improve my quality of life and experience a wonderful college life.

  Now that I think about it, I still take the postgraduate entrance examination, after all, I am a junior.

  Tonight, my mentality collapsed again. In the afternoon, I coded 5.8k or 5.9k. I didn’t turn off the computer to do sour, but when I came back, it was 1.6k.I abruptly deleted the end of the title (Wanzi Dazhang).


  There will be no continuous updates. The book is estimated to be about 120 million words. I don't have the ability to write 600 million words in three seasons.

  If you are successful in your studies, I will see you in the next book after the end, maybe it will be 4 years later.

  For four years, the league...

(End of this chapter)

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