Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 117 [116] Is he an alien species that disrupts the ecology of the alliance?Qi Zhou's co

Chapter 117 [116] Is he an alien species that disrupts the ecology of the alliance?Qi Zhou's Conspiracy

In S5, LGD was shrouded by Tetsuo's Japanese power.

Yet the source of horrors of yore.

Today it has become a sharp edge to sanction JDG.

In the end, LGD defeated JDG 2:1 and won the first spring split.

This game gave many teams a devastating shock.

If it is said that when FPX played against EDG yesterday, Yasobron dominated by virtue of the control chain.

So today, the S5 bully renaissance is rising again relying on the function of the new rune.

The teams that have not played this week, and WE who will play against FPX the day after tomorrow.

At the moment, they are all nestled in the training room, restless.

The censer turned into a urinal, and the censer monster was not wiped out.

Heroes such as Luo, Gem, and Lulu are still active in their combat system.

And hard supporters such as Bron, Bullhead, and Titans have also rejoined the competition stage.

The order of the alliance seems to have returned to the past.

However, the two consecutive days of "tank battle combination down the road" beat the classic Shefu violently.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

Before the spring split, they were still training traditional bottom lane combinations.

The improvement and research are all about the collocation of runes.

In addition to bringing the hard support back to Summoner's Canyon and slowly changing the phantom hero on the road.

Each team is still exploring the version, and has not made any changes to the lineup.

These two days of competition opened up the closed loop in their thinking.

At the same time, a deep sense of crisis also swept over.

Usually it is the Snake team that will play against FPX tomorrow.

Before the S7 Snake team lost to DAN, Ke Weisi was kicked off and ran off to IG to reminisce with King Ning.

The snake team also completed the molt.

In the recent training match, we played that look and showed the physique of a white horse.

However, we have no confidence in the first match of the Spring Split tomorrow.

"Is there any other way than to ban Bron?"

Brother Crystal's face was ferocious, and his tongue was sticking out, "You son of a bitch is an iron girl!"

Iron Maiden restrains Yasuo, which is considered a heroic relationship recognized by the minority.

Before seeing the Sauron system yesterday, we were helpless.

Today, LGD's male tank and iron woman opened up our minds.

However, Brother Crystal felt his scalp go numb.

There's a game tomorrow.

That is the "one-night preview and crash online class" for elementary school students.

Come to think of it, some guys practice Gnar all season long.

If Brother Crystal can practice Iron Maiden in one night, will this be the lowest flower pot in the league?

"Is the Sauron combination terrible?"

"The scariest person in FPX is Rune!"

You Wu looked as if he didn't have any lingering fears in his heart, "As long as I'm the end."

"Two more bans are fine!"

That night, the snake team discussed until late at night.


Very slowly, the contest between Team Snake and Team Phoenix started.

Runes have no end.

That made You Wu feel more at ease.

In the first game, the Snakes adopted a strategy of seven guarantees and one.

Mid laner Lulu, supporting Feng Nan.

The wild wine barrel produced a bird shield, and Aoun also produced a bird shield when he placed an order.

The output of the whole team is nothing but Brother Crystal's small mouth.

I'm living up to expectations.

Kegwang, who is wearing an April Fool's Day limited edition, seems to be possessed by Brother Crystal.

Every time you stick out your tongue, it is a heavy blow to the enemy.

The protection of the teammates is also quite good, except that at level 5, Brother Crystal was killed by seven members of the Phoenix team weakly jumping over the tower and died once.

Never died before.

In 35 minutes, my little mouth hit an output of 6.8, and the Snake team lost the first game.

In the seventh game, we want to do the same.

But it was cracked by the Phoenix team.

Verus Bullhead cooperated with the mid laner Tsar, and easily dismantled the skeleton of the Snake team.

Brother Gangzi was cut out and exploded with a hammer.

In just 24 minutes, the red square base where the Snakes were located turned into gorgeous fireworks.



The Phoenix team didn't say or laugh.

You Wu, the team manager of the Snake team, encountered Rune when he went to the bathroom at the beginning of the seventh game.

Song Lang was very rude, and his smile was dark.

You Wu returned a friendly smile.

Then I walked back to the toilet... But the water was not successfully released.

That's because in terms of psychological effects, I feel that the smile of the rune is too penetrating.

When I was in the toilet, I remembered a Kimchi Country movie I had watched.

There is no lingering fear.

Unable to complete unusual drainage operations.

I glanced at my watch to see if I had any qualms.

Immediately ran back to the front desk and vaccinated everyone in the Snake team, "The rune is on the game, and it may be down."

But in fact, the Phoenix team did not submit a member change application to the referee team.

In the deciding game, the Phoenix team still has the lineup for the next game.

That made You Wu at the foreground breathe a sigh of relief.

Look at BP.

The Phoenix team placed an order for Karma, the jungle prince, the mid laner enchantress, AD Verus, and the auxiliary bullhead.

The Snakes placed Aoun, jungler Blind, mid laner Tsar, AD Delevingne, and support Thresh.

You Wu is very satisfied with the lineup that the Snakes have taken.

Did any skirmishes break out between the two sides at the beginning?

Lao Suifen's rhythm is much better than that of Team Phoenix's Datian.

That made You Wu regain his confidence in failure.

The rune can only be the trump card of the Phoenix team, and I may appear in the field for a long time.

The Snakes were weak that season.

Compared with EDG, it is also showing little concessions.


The game time receded to 15 minutes, and the late first blood finally broke out.

In the situation where Saofen captured the duo of the Phoenix team and forced the seven of them to flash, she made a comeback.

The Snakes changed 2 for 1 and completed the foundation of their advantage.

It was Guo Datian who joined forces with Qi Zhou to win the Canyon Pioneer.

The right-hand demon girl gave up a wave of troops in the middle, crossed the tower to beat Ao En, and cooperated with the field to kill him.

Then Datian released the canyon pioneer and took a blood tower.

Before that rhythm point passed, the two sides returned to the stalemate at the end of the game.

Until 20 minutes, there was no too small conflict broke out.

In the team battle that ended before, the two sides never came back.

But when the game time came to 28 minutes, the balance ended and turned to the Phoenix team.

It was all because of Qi Zhou and Song Langmin's weird outfits.

Yes, that's kind of weird.

Because it was Li Chun's choice for the "14-second miracle" that Rune will show the day after tomorrow.

It's just that once, all seven of Xiafu used that white technology.

Qi Zhou's Karma first chose the rocket belt, and then made up for the ruby ​​to participate in the team.

Liu Qingsong is a well-behaved auxiliary seven-piece suit.

Then he also retreated and wandered to fight in groups.

However, when the game went back to 28 minutes, a piece of equipment made by seven people at the same time changed the situation on the battlefield.

This is not "Zzlot Portal".

On the 65% equipment minus CD, the portal CD becomes 42 seconds.

That means that heroes who use the "14-second miracle" can at least release 2 portals off the field.

There are seven subordinates and four portals.

After the team fight, we put the portal on the same road.

The enchantress on the right is stationed around.

In case of a group, I have no teleportation and no W displacement, and I cannot reach the battlefield slowly.

If no one comes to dismantle the portal.The enchantress can't retreat and persuade her to advance.

You know, the Void Beast produced by a portal can change the direction of the army line.

And 4 portals.

The speed of clearing the line is even inferior to that of a special hero.

The Phoenix team took the initiative to force the team, while the Snake team had the law to divide people to defend the line.

That caused the snake team's defensive towers to be breached one by one.

And the owner of the portal will lose sideline benefits.

One less and one more.

The original balance of power immediately turned into a small disadvantage for the Snakes.

In that case, even if the Phoenix team's outfits are too non-mainstream, but with the "number advantage" and "pawn line advantage" from time to time.

We are a broken group, and we are still making positive returns.

You know, each of the seven positions is indispensable to the team.

One more, the combat effectiveness of the team will increase by several percent.

That's multiplication and division, not addition and subtraction.

"Let you all congratulate the Phoenix team, take it to the game and watch."

In the passionate sound of the commentary, the big snake was taken away by the phoenix and thrown into the fire pit.

You Wu at the front desk also had a sad face.

The mid laner of the Snakes chose Tsar, whose line clearing ability is extremely weak.

Moreover, 31 god costumes were made in 5 minutes.

But Qi Zhou dismantled the move when he saw it.

I directly made the Banner of Command, and Liu Qingsong was even more frantic. Before pushing down the two lowlands of the Snake Team, I sold the portal and made the Banner of Command.

The active skill of Banner of Command is promotion.

It can slightly increase the ability of a soldier, while making it immune to magic damage.

In terms of the cooperation with Xiaolong buff, the mid laner playing Tsar was so angry that he vomited blood, Xiao Ming's fist was to delete the equipment, and I went straight into the game.


The Phoenix team showed an almost dependable style of play.

Before the start of the S7 finals.

Xiaojia believes that the operating version may come to an end, and the era of testing the personal abilities of players is coming.

But on January 1th.

The deciding game between the Phoenix team and the Snake team.

People once again saw the power of operations.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the overall strength of the players of the Phoenix team is still somewhat inferior to that of the Snake team.

However, we rely on methods such as pushing towers, pushing lines, and forcing groups.

It is unspeakable suffering for the snake team that the inner world has always regarded as the "white horse".

In the end, he lost the game inexplicably.

Although Xiao everyone knows that the game was a failure under the operation.


Is the operation of the Phoenix team really low-level?
The EDG team repeatedly watched the video of the final game between the Phoenix team and the Snake team several times that night.

get conclusion:

"It's so far from you, it's just so poor."

"Definitely change to EDG players, and definitely watch the game after 32 minutes."

But we also have to deny it.

It seems that with such a smooth operation, the Phoenix team turned the Snake team into a string of Muggles.

Because that set of operations is really too dependent.

You just need to stay offline until these few pieces of equipment are made, and then proceed step by step.

Where there is no defensive tower and where to put the portal, and then there is a brain to fight.

You can get the game failure.

Is that an operation?
That is obviously a set of formulas to do the topic, and it is the kind that uses the brain completely.

For a while, the small LPL teams who were originally studying the role of the control chain lineup.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the "portal gate, flag of command" system.

After a few seasons, the "Flag of Command" that showed short-lived glory has become a hot-handed equipment.

At the same time, Qibai passers-by are in the game.

The style of play like that is even more explosive.

On the other side of the small ocean.

The bald chicken shooter who replaced Chun Li, just woke up.

However, the bad news immediately reached my ears through radio waves.

I walked to the bathroom slowly, wanting to wash up a bit, then went to the company to discuss countermeasures with my colleagues.

Facing the mirror, I touched my Mediterranean Sea.

As I was about to wipe my face with a towel, I had a sudden idea - I took the towel and wiped my hair.

Immediately, a few brown hairs appeared on the jet-black towel.

At the same time, my Med is slightly smaller again.



Misuse of Portals and Banners of Command.

Slowly spread to kimchi, European servers...

The Li server team, which was originally studying the new lineup system, immediately ended the unfamiliar set of "depending on the style of play".

You know, all teams aim for the World Championship and are champions.

Although it is said that something that destroys the ecological balance of the alliance, the fist will definitely be weakened.

But now, as long as it is banned or modified, it is not a near-enemy existence.

Is your team strong?

It is really strong.

But it prevents you from defeating the recognized No. [-] team in the division by using the "dependant style of play".

After all, winning means that he has gained points.

The accumulative accumulation of points represented the continuous rise of the team's ranking.

Although the rankings at the top of the spring split, the penalty points for each team are compared to the next summer split.

But first, the number of points for No.7 is still very objective.

If they can win the Spring Split, even if their performance in the Summer Split is a bit special, there is no small possibility that they will be able to qualify for the World Championship.


Phoenix team base.

White Crescent, Rune Seven are in Jin Gong's exclusive office.

"You still think it's too early to release the Banner of Command of the Portal..."

There was no regret in Jin Gong's tone, but judging from the exposure, it meant that there was no way to recover.

"Actually, you think that if you show it in the form of a hole card years ago, the effect will be much better."

"After all, at this time, the 8.2 version will be used in the game. The exploration of the version by each team will also reach a very low level."

"The appearance of the Portal Command Banner will definitely make us stop the training that has not yet taken shape in our hands. For the sake of ranking, we will use that white technology in the game."

"Now we still understand the new version, releasing the Portal Command Banner, the damage to it is not very small!"

The white crescent is a broken head, and the rune is the feeling in the heart, Jin Gong is ashamed of Irelia's reputation of beheading.

There is nothing wrong with disgusting people!
" and White Crescent decided to show off that style of play against the Snakes, mainly for the Phoenix to get a good ranking in the Spring Split."

Rune did indeed join the Phoenix team as a substitute.

But as time goes by, I seem to be a contradictory combination of "coach and player" in the team at this time.

I don't have a share in the next game.

I can also play a role in tactical arrangements.

"Compared to these veteran teams... the gap in strength of FPX is still very small."

"It looks like the Eastern Conference. The two-day game was normal and calm..."

"That way of playing, if my team is better than yours."

"After all, the goal he set for you is not to withdraw from the World Championships, to get to the top seven or below..."

When Jin Gong heard this, he nodded.

I found that my perspective of thinking was indeed narrow, which was in line with my identity as the team manager.

You know, the capital behind FPX is Funplus.

Good results are what investors want.

(End of this chapter)

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