Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 130 [129] How does the dragon turtle carry?

Chapter 130 [129] How does the dragon turtle carry?

People are always afraid of the unknown.

Strange starting outfit, and summoner skills.

It made all LGD members look ugly.

Why does Dragon Turtle bring punishment, but not buy a wild knife?

The doubtful seedlings began to take root and germinate deeply from the bottom of their hearts.

Soon, everyone thought of the "Sword Combination".

The emergence of the sword combination has made the "wild core" style of play popular.

This kind of play has no other flaws except for blocking during Banpick.

Abnormal pain in the fist.

In the end, the chicken shooter joined the "wild monster hunter mechanism" in advance.

If the hero buys a jungler, he will be affected by this debuff.

Before 14 minutes of game time, if the economy is the highest, the income from online minions will be halved.

"Is this going to feed Dragon Turtle the jungle resources?" Yuuki's mind turned quickly, "Won't the Phoenix team want to replicate EDG's play style in the final?"

"Selective support, scavenging jungler?"

"If you keep it like this, any fighter or AD hero is no better than Dragon Turtle?"

Synthesize the information a little bit.

Yuuki thought of Qi Zhou's Juggernaut and people who beat Emperor Chi to retirement.

In the finals of the S7 World Championship, EDG even covered up in the early stage.

But now, the Phoenix team directly put the plan on the surface.

"Hehe, he thought the dragon tortoise was a centaur?"

"Can one Q kill a person?"

"I remember this hero, the Q skill AP bonus is low..."

As an AD player, Big Bitch hates any core hero's style of play except AD.

Because of any changes in League of Legends, or the emergence of new styles of play.

40.00% Four, all are beneficial to ADC.

For example, armor-piercing equipment has been weakened.

Although the chances of ADs such as Verus and Miss Lucky to play can be increased.

But at the same time, AD assassins like Jie and Nvdao will be more deadly.

Crispy AD, crispy and crispy.

AD players who are good at type A will scold their mothers angrily.

So it's unforgivable for the big bitch to blindly belittle Qi Zhou.

"The AP bonus of Sheng Biao's Q skill doesn't seem to be 1.0." Eimy said suddenly, "It may be that low."

"Anyway, when S6 hits Rank, the bonus is 1.0."

"It should have been weakened recently, right?"

As Qi Zhou is a popular hero, the jungler of LGD also remembers his statistics very clearly.

Shaking his head, Eimy continued: "Han Bing should be able to produce AP."

"My rune belt is aftershock."

"If you must play AP Sheng Biao, bring a predator."

"The damage is lower, and before the Q skill is activated, his dragon turtle has no way to run."

The big bitch nodded deeply.

In the case of the Zhihuang team's idea, there must be something wrong with step-by-step.

No matter how bad it is, it is weaker than self-disruption.

In that case, too, the game retreats hastily...

LGD's blue buff has not been countered by the Phoenix team.

And the middle road.

Yuuki was afraid of being caught by few people, so he was caught at the seventh level.

So I took the lead in inserting my vision in the lower river to discharge grass.

Then go to replenish troops.

And cringe throughout the whole process, punching and looking at the big eight-eyed map.

I'm afraid that when the eight little guys will run behind.

And Yuuki in the middle lane is full of bewilderment, not knowing what to do.

"What about people?"

"Are we eating thread?"

The melee soldiers in the first wave of soldiers haven't died yet, but did anyone from the Phoenix team show up in the middle.

Looking at the eight red ranged soldiers, Yuuki didn't dare to eat them.

I want to wait for them to be beaten by my own soldiers' blood volume, and then take away the previous Q skill.

That is the most dangerous.

Just as Yuuki was staring at the eight ranged soldiers with burning eyes.

The sword fairy who went down the road screamed again and again.

"Why are the cannons there!"

When Shen was killed just now, the first wave of pawns had not reached between the seventh tower and the first tower.

In order to lose experience.

Before the sword fairy was resurrected, he chose to use the teleportation.

Can you think of it.

As soon as I arrive offline, don't be dizzy from the [Dazzling Light] carried under the cannon of W Jumping Face in the river grass.

"We gave the blue buff to the gem?"

The Sword Immortal saw the level 2 gems and knew it beforehand.

Very slowly, Shen Ye lost himself in the wine barrel E skill knocking into the air and Qi Zhou's taunt.

Killed again.

"Then who wants to get it?"

Miller does not have the perspective of the emperor, of course he knows that the Phoenix team chose to let the gems eat the blue buff.

In fact, at that time, Miller thought it was the disappointment of the Phoenix team. The passiveness of the jewel hunter's amulet and the burning took away Qi Zhou's blue buff.

Until Cannon had to hit the road, he chose to capture it with Nakanosuke and eight others.

It was only then that I realized that it was the Phoenix team's plan.

Because of the cannon's W skill, it doesn't have a range of 900 yards!
Combined with gem E skill, it can stun enemies within 1475 yards.

Inertial thinking dictates.

When Jianxian reminded Yuuki that there was someone in the middle lane to eat the lane, he thought that the Phoenix team would catch it.

My position is also slightly leaning against the wall on the right to facilitate my escape.

But I didn't think of it.

Da Pao actually didn't go on the road, but followed to punish the gang of eight.

"Shenna hasn't collapsed yet!"

"When I go offline again, the captain will probably be at level eight."

There was pity for the sword fairy in the baby's tone.

"Even if you pass the cannon, you also get the line."

"It also hurts."

"The assist money and kill experience gained are far more valuable than two waves of troops!"


Before killing Shenqian again, Da Pao didn't choose to go back to the city, but rushed on the road.

Instead, he swayed slightly, followed the river, and went to the middle road to eat the line.

Sheng Biao's Qi Zhou, with the help of Ye Fu, punished and ate the toad in the blue zone, and then handed over the teleportation.

See the beam of light on the red side and a tower light up.

The doll suddenly realized.

"The line of soldiers lost like that is indeed the most."

"It's because Sheng Biao was on the road alone."

"It's amazing!"

Just now the cannon was in front of the line of sight.

The LGD duo slowed down the line clearing speed.

The dragon tortoise gathered all its strength and shot arrows continuously.

Braum, who was holding a shield, also freed up his hands.

The line of soldiers was finally sent into the defense tower.

However, it occurred to Qi Zhou that he used teleportation to intercept the Hu.

See the humble expression on the thick turtle shell.

The big bitch hated it a long time ago.

Ai Xi raised the bow and arrow in her hand, and shot an ice-blue arrow towards Qi Zhou.

However, Han Bing gained experience from a few pawns in the bottom lane.

It's not level 2 yet.

Seeing the big bitch using force against me, I hurriedly pressed the W button.

Qi Zhou retreated into a defensive state.

Neat runes also appeared between the spikes on the back.

Both armor and mimic resistance have been reduced by 40.

Ashe's special attack that falls under it has low damage.

And Qi Zhou retaliated for your injury.


Qi Zhou's [Spike Defense] lasted for less than 6 seconds.

Although the big bitch slowed down his anger.

But I was stupid and didn't continue to attack Qi Zhou.

But watching Qi Zhou kowtow to make up for the soldiers, I really felt a sense of joy in my heart.

Qi Zhou's passivity can convert 25% of his armor value into attack power.

And the defense tower has its own buff.

Can cause 70% damage to ranged soldiers.

Furthermore, ADC heroes need assistance to make up a basic attack, so that they can comfortably take down ranged soldiers.

However, the rhythm of Qi Zhou's replenishment was completely following the pace of the defensive tower.

As soon as the defense tower hit, Sheng Biao knocked.

time of 6 seconds.

It didn't miss a single ranged minion.

A picturesque tower knife.

Let the LGD duo have a great atmosphere.

If you know that Qi Zhou will teleport on the road.

Seven people will accelerate the push line.

Facing that kind of lonely king four, control the line.

It's only for the sake of smelling experience!


"Qi Zhou saw you!"

With the steady stream of soldiers coming out of the base.

The big bitch finally pulled the line back to the middle of the top road.

Just when I was complacent and imagining how disgusting Qi Zhou was, I realized that Qi Zhou had disappeared.

"The cannon is back on."

"How can there be gemstones?"

After clearing a wave of lines, the big bitch found out that he was on the road, but there was still only Cannon.

In the case that the cannon girl has no W skills, it is difficult for Dragon Turtle and Braum to kill her.

"Eimy, come on for a ride?" the big bitch suggested before thinking.

But Eimy shook his head again and again.

"I still know where Qi Zhou is!"

"And if you appear on the top road, the wild area will be reversed."

This coincides with the refresh of the seventh wave of wild monsters.

Facing the Phoenix team with eight punishments in hand, Eimy dared to act recklessly.

If there is a deadly cannon.

Or get squatted back.

My play will also be the same as that of Shen watching the captain's last attack on the road tower at this time.

"Qi Zhou, with the help of his teammates, finished the second half of the jungle and ran to the middle to eat the lane."

"Wine barrels and gems are under the side, and Jiawaiao dares to be naughty."

"Um... is that the blue buff that wants to grab the wine barrel?"

Seeing that the punishment group of eight was approaching their wild area, Eimy secretly thought it was good.

But looking around, I found that there was no one who could help me.

I am willing!

But the middle road can be added to the outer Austrian, and there is no way to retreat to poke harassment.

Shen, who was going down the road, was crushed by the captain again.

hit the road...

One hundred and four thousand away.

For a moment, Eimy's heart became bewildered.

With is home.

I hit the E key.

The Qinggang shadow hook was locked on the wall, and quickly left the blue buff camp.

"Both barrels and gems replenished the shield of relics before returning home."

"From that point of view, the Phoenix team is only less developed than the cannon."

"As for Qi Zhou, he is ahead of LGD's best-developed Dragon Turtle by [-] years in terms of economy!"

"That's only a few minutes!"

Sheng Biao started with two heads.

In the alternating rhythm of constantly eating the line and brushing the wild, my economy has reached a rather terrifying situation.

The eight members of the Phoenix team formed a gang, and LGD's Qing Gangying was only going to be attacked in his own wild area, and even the river crabs were touched.

Han Bing controlled Sheng Biao, and went to clear the line after eating the wild monsters.

[Trophy] without the shield of the holy relic is passive.

The eight-man team minimized line clearing and economy.

Originally, LGD also counted on the occasional sports car line to speed up the pace of the economy.

But now, it has become a fantasy.

"God and devil!"

"The captain even made a holy shield!"

The development of the sword fairy is fine, but I have not spared the gold coins.

Plugged in the real eye, observed the whereabouts of the eight-member team of the Phoenix team.

It retreated to the defense tower again.

As for the captain who went offline again, an animation of the layers of the shield of the sacred object also appeared under his body.

"It's so smooth!"

"A wave of troops is divided up by 6 people just like that."

Miller looked at the picture and was very emotional.

Qi Zhou was always standing in the line of soldiers.

But the captain, the wine barrel, and the gemstones approached in an orderly manner, taking turns to use the [Trophy] of the sacred shield to be passive.

While clearing troops slowly, share the economy.

"Are you going to go wild?"

The Sword Immortal on the tower looked in horror at the seven members of the Phoenix Team who were rushing towards them.

Want to be weaker than you?

I immediately glanced at the big map.

When the Phoenix team invaded the lower field, Qing Gangying was forced to run to the upper field.

And before the eight-man team of the Phoenix team appeared in the bottom lane, Yuuki also seized the rare opportunity.

Crazy signal to hit the road.

At this moment, the seven members of LGD made another move, weakly killing the cannon on the road tower.

Jia Wai Ao's trick has been handed in.


Can someone help myself!
The sword fairy's eyelids twitched and he pressed the E key.

He turned his head back and left the next tower.

At the same time, the news that the cannon was killed spread throughout Summoner's Canyon.

"Who can tear down a tower more slowly?"

"Qi Zhou brought a blaster, so the demolition speed of the tower is very slow."

"Before destroying the blast, the Phoenix team's tower demolition speed didn't slow down."

"LGD is dismantled more and more slowly."

The damage value of gems, Sheng Biao, and wine barrels to defensive towers is not low.

A very small part of the blood dropped by the blue side's next tower comes from the damage of the captain's fire knife combined with the flare.

In contrast to LGD.

Sheng Biaoyou and Sheng Biao demolished the tower very slowly.

What's more, it's always been doubles playing singles, how much blood do we have on the red side for the first tower.

According to the current trend, LGD will definitely be able to tear down a tower first.

Get the amount of bounty.

"Take off the upper tower."

"When the duo turns, the rhythm of the Phoenix team will be disrupted."

"That wave is very profitable, and you can even get a big dragon!"

Brother A, who was frowning at the front desk from the beginning, finally showed a smile.

In my opinion, the timing of LGD's wave was very clever.

Grab is to grab a tower bounty, the actual download is not important.

Of course, getting the most...

"Depend on!"

Brother A stomped on the ground with his left foot, and the leather shoes made a dull impact on the tiles.

In the picture, a round shell drop point appeared on the tower above the red square.

It's the captain who's driving too small!

Countless bullets rained down from the sky, and the blood volume of the soldiers within the range kept dropping.

Very slowly, the long-range soldiers with more blood volume and higher resistance will die first.

The melee soldiers can only withstand one attack from the defensive tower.

A tower bounty is available.

There is also hope of knocking down the defense tower...

Is Jiang Zi playing with people's mentality?
Brother A cursed inwardly.

Jin Gong obviously couldn't throw small tricks tomorrow, but he wanted to hold back until then.

Really bad!
I must know that there is a way to push down the defensive tower. Before killing the cannon, LGD will definitely clear the blue field first, and then go to fight the dragon.

But now, they can only choose one of the seven.

"Take the dragon first..."

"It's a fire dragon after all."

When the LGD people approached the dragon pit, the Phoenix team also demolished the bottom tower.

The captain, the jewel, and the wine barrel eight people delayed returning to the city.

All the tower money was eaten by Qi Zhou.

"Qi Zhou's economy is a success!"

The director gave the economic panel again.

At this time, the game time is only 9 minutes, and the economy under Qi Zhou is still 5896.

As for the Phoenix team, the economy is only 15.9k.

Han Bing alone accounts for 1/3 of the team's total economy!
The economy of LGD is only 13.7k.

Sheng Biao's economy is close to 1/2 of that.
Miller's tone was surprised, but he also pointed out the key.

"Qi Zhou is the smallest boss in the audience!"

"I can only eat the economy, but it produces benefits."

"You feel that there is less difference in raising turtles, and Neptune should also play my role."

"But you're really curious about how Qi Zhou will carry."


Sheng Biao returned to the city.

Han Bing clicked the left button of the mouse and purchased the anti-armor and several other big pieces of equipment he wanted.

Signal ahead.

"After that wave is done, the game will begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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