Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 131 [130] You think I hang up on the high ground, but I am actually opening a gold mine

Chapter 131 [130] You think I hang up on the high ground, but I am actually opening a gold mine
"I really don't understand why FPX concentrates resources on Dragon Turtle."

The little bitch said in a frivolous tone, "If the captain was the one enjoying the treatment, maybe we would have blown up long ago."

"But now, it's easy to win."

After fighting the dragon, go back to the city and go online.

As long as this wave of soldiers is cleared, the next tower of the Phoenix team will be in the bag.

On the line, there is still only Xiaopao alone.

"Team Phoenix is ​​really irresponsible to its own AD player... Anyway, let's help him grow steadily."

The Freljord duo is on the offensive.

While replenishing troops, the position is aggressive.

As a result, Lin Weixiang's small cannon can only stand in front of him, which is more uncomfortable than a level 1 dog head.

After all, he must always pay attention to the small map, the position of Bron and Ashe.

A little inattentive.

Hit by [Magic Crystal Arrow], or knocked into the air by [Glacier Fissure].

He would end up dead in the street.

——No help to collect his body.

"Dragon Turtle ran to the lower field!"

Yuuki made a signal on the minimap.

Eimy glanced over.

Good guy, there are two big men, wine barrel and gem, behind Long Gui.

He was so frightened that he immediately let Qing Gangying back his legs.

They punished and ate the big birds, leaving a few small ones to flee.

"Is the economy so high?"

Eimy looked at the equipment panel of Dragon Turtle and couldn't help sighing.

Dolan Shield, Cloth Armor Shoes, Anti-Armor, Great Defeat.

"Do I want to play the game of attack speed Qi Zhou?" Eimy said to himself heavily.

When the new version of Runes first came off the assembly line, the unique brother who didn't have Qi Zhou adopted "Attack Speed ​​Flow" Wan Jia.

For Qi Zhou who played that way, the rune carried [Fatal Rhythm].

Before the jungle sword is released, according to the enemy lineup, the last piece of equipment is to choose one of the broken blade and the wisdom end.

Follow the whole meat.

With Qi Zhou in such a costume, his mixed injuries exploded, and his ability to single-handedly is extremely weak.

It also changed the situation that it could only be "passively beaten".

All the rage.

Yes, its shortcomings are also obvious.

The characteristic of Wanjia is not "meat".

The jungle knife only provides health bonuses and does not provide any resistances.

That makes Qi Zhou's four shells hard enough.

And its continuous output ability is not weak.

The only advantage that can be counted is that Qi Zhou's efficiency in clearing the wild is much lower, and he can free up his hands to stir shit in various lines in the mid-term.

"It's really like raising a captain."

Apparently Eimy agrees with the big bitch.

"Be careful on the road."

Before knowing the location of the disciplinary group of eight, LGD also made corresponding adjustments.

Ash Dragon Turtle pushes the line slowly.

The line of soldiers retreated into the red square defense tower.

"It's really cheap for him," the big bitch muttered.

Looking at Bobby in the form of the cannon, and eating the residual blood of the cannon car line, I felt a little unhappy.

But still quickly back to the defense tower.

"That formation... Is the Phoenix team trying to jump over the tower weakly?"

Miller wasn't surprised.

"Although I have used the small trick of adding foreign skills in the next wave, I don't have TP!"

"Shen didn't send it either."

"... Let's keep it a little longer."

Compared to LGD, Miller personally prefers the Phoenix team.

Seeing Qi Zhou's eight people, they bypassed the red buff and approached the top road.

I hoped in my heart that Qi Zhou was going to eat stone beetles.

on the screen.

The eight members of the Phoenix team seemed to have a telepathic connection with Miller, changed direction, and stopped going up.

"Wan Jiajie's location seems to have been guessed?"

A move by the Phoenix team made the director also give the perspective of the red side.

On the screen, Wan Jiajie, who was roasting the low ground wall and heading up the road to support, was not spotted by the red side's vision.

However, Qi Zhou's wine barrel gem is retreating in the direction of Qing Gangying.

That normal behavior.

Apart from predicting Eimy's location, there seems to be no other explanation.

But at the moment, Eimy didn't notice it.

All I wanted was to slow down and make it to the road, keeping my duo safe.


Qing Gangying stretched out the hook lock, retreated and moved, and hurried on the road at a slow speed.

Exactly that move.

By accident, the eight members of the Phoenix team who walked out of the grass did not get Qing Gangying's vision.


"As soon as the Phoenix team came out of the grass, Qing Gang Ying released 2 stages of E."

"Beyond 1500 yards, there's a way to gain vision."

In Miller's view, Wanjia's group of eight won Qinggangying, so they should choose to give up and go back to the middle to take the line.

However, the development of things was beyond my expectation.

Wan Jia's head is armored and Qi Zhou is so iron.

He even rushed to the road again!

"Come on, come on!"

The LGD duo has already made a vision.

When Qi Zhou walked to the back of the stone beetle camp, I was spotted by the ornaments in the grass.

Yuuki and Jianxian are ready to support the road at any time.

"Too arrogant?"

"Just walk out like that?"

The big bitch looked at the punishment group of eight who appeared in front of the defense tower, and was speechless.

That's like the style of catching people...

Instead, it seemed like he was warning himself, take it easy, is he going to bully Da Pao too much?


Eimy's green steel shadow, in the grass behind the Seven Towers, is ready to go.

My hook lock has already cooled down.

"It's not difficult."

"Those eight people are all rough-skinned and thick-skinned..."

"See if we move hands."

The big bitch quietly looked at the eight people in front of the defense tower.

And Wanjia, wine barrels, and gems also have no intention of leaving.

The two sides were deadlocked like that.

Until a new wave of pawns came, they were all eaten by Qi Zhou, and the red pawn line retreated into the blue square tower.

A red pillar of light rose up into the sky.

The situation became easier again.

"The captain handed in the teleportation first."

"Qi Zhou also activated his Q skill and charged towards the ice in the defense tower!"

"The dragon tortoise stands behind the ice..."

In an instant, plus Wai Ao's teleportation, Shen's small moves were all used.

The blue side goes up a tower.

In a very short period of time, ten heroes were gathered.

"Hey, what is he doing~"

"Why have you been staring at you to kill?"

The big bitch was slightly aggrieved in his anger.

Qi Zhou's Q skill hit the front of the dragon turtle, and was kicked up by Wan Jia's trick.

But Datian found the right time and threw out an exploding wine barrel, knocking the ice wall under the terrain wall.

Suiqian [Meat Bullet Impact], perfect control.

"Gem's E skill, Wan Jia's taunt!"

"Han Bing only fired a thousand arrows, and was sent back to the spring."

"Then Qi Zhou is real meat."

"The defensive tower hits so little, and it's not even half blood."

The rough terrain and neat situation gave Captain Jin Gong little room to play.

Yuuki immediately noticed the hero of the Phoenix team, who is the least threatening at present.

E skill knocks up the captain.

But Jin Gong ate the orange and lifted the control.

Before Jiawaiao released W, Lin Weixiang had sharp eyesight and slow hands, and pressed the R button.

Kun Wai Ao was shot in.

"Qinggangying joins the battlefield."

"Gems also unlock small tricks!"

"Qi Zhou doesn't even have one-eighth of his blood volume!"

"The captain exploded to 3 people... Wow, the damage is not low!"

[Qi Zhou turns on W, isn't it too resistant? 】

[LGD's position, Jin Gong's depressed face looks like a monkey's butt. 】

[Why is Wan Jiajie tender and crisp?He was melted as soon as he left the stage...]

[It's because you are fragile, but because the turtle is too fleshy. 】

[If there is no comparison, there will be no harm. 】

The ten-man team battle did not last as long as expected.

Qi Zhou had a flash and was trapped by Qinggangying's trick. Before Kangta died, the Phoenix team had no intention of continuing to fight.

In the end, the team battle ended with eight for eight.

On the LGD side, Han Bing, Long Gui, and Qing Gang Ying died earlier.

As for the Phoenix team, Wan Jia, Gemstone, and Wine Barrel died in battle.

Facing the captain and cannon who were almost full of blood, Jianxian and Yuuki did not dare to retreat.

"It's not a bad thing..." Miller frowned.

"Before the Phoenix team kills the ice, it will output to Gawaiao."

"That wave of team battles should be able to play 2 for 3..."

"The wine barrel will also flash out of the tower, be ridiculed by Jiawaiao W, and finally die in the defense tower."

The doll nodded in agreement.

"Long ** is very valuable, so the Phoenix team is losing money!"

"Shen got two heads, and the disadvantage of Sword Immortal can be regarded as recovered."

"But the development of the cannons and wine barrels of the Phoenix team is not very good."

"There is no need for us to compete for the canyon pioneer."

"But Shangbo, plus Wai Ao's tricks are better, the terrain of the Xiaolongkeng is too unfavorable for the Phoenix team."


Wan Jia has not been resurrected.

But Bron didn't slow down the spring water.

On camera, I smiled warmly.

The whole person reveals sunshine and darkness.

No audience noticed Braum's expression and immediately realized that something was wrong.

[Sea King smiles, laying down millions of corpses]

[Sea King baring his teeth, everyone must die]

[Where is the brain T?What about swiping his sister's screen? 】

[You can't turn off the bullet screen, what are you calling? 】

[The famous saying of the dog head brother "is arguing with a fool", let you wait and see]

Barrage quarrels.

But Bron is still very comfortable.

Looking at the computer screen, he reached out and picked up the cup under the monitor.

Cuckoo gurgling.

I didn't put the cup back until Shen, Jiawaiao, and Hanbing all appeared offline.

"Brothers, develop well."

"Hang up and go!"

There was joy in the voice, but also a bit of a cheap style.

"The vampire is finally gone." Datian said with an expression on his face, "It was a torment for 10 minutes."

"Qiaodong scolds father!"

Braum suddenly yelled, "You still need a blue buff."

at once.

Datian's face collapsed.

Yes, I have never pressed the D key.

for a while.

Roll Qi Zhou to reach behind the blue buff.


The blue stone statue fell to the ground and turned into the blue circle left on the armored boat.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Zhou's whole body froze.

The red beam of light, with it as the center, rushed towards the sky below the Summoner Canyon.

Then it landed under the eyes of an ornament on the blue square lowland.

"Pass to the lowlands?"

"God and devil!"

The doll has returned to my yelling style.

I have no impression of the accessory eye that Qi Zhou chose to send.

It was when the punishment group of eight went to arrest Wan Jiajie, the wine barrel was plugged in.

"Is that to cut off the line?"

Miller noticed Braum's unique build early on.

In the team battle just now, Han Bing was killed by Bron, and his teammates also weakly beat the Dragon Turtle, giving Wan Jia his head.

At this time, the game time is only 14 minutes.

Wanjia made a combination of anti-armor + technology gun.

It's a technology gun, it's the blade of the Ruined King!
Miller had an epiphany.

The full name of the technology gun is Hex Technology Gunblade.

Provides 80 points of magic power and 40 points of attack power.

Active skills deal damage to heroes and slow them down.

The passive skill is similar to the mythical version of the Almighty Vampire.

It can make 15% of the damage done to heal itself, and the healing efficiency of group damage is only 33%.

That means that the damage caused by Wanjia's W and anti-armor cannot be recovered by the passive technology gun.

"Sure enough, the line of troops will be cut off!"

Miller rolled his eyes and roared excitedly.

In the picture, the short and big Qi Zhou swayed and walked behind the limit distance of the attack range of the incisor tower on the blue square.

Coincidentally, the base has refreshed soldiers again.

The soldiers on the middle and upper roads were all attracted by Qi Zhou and scattered towards me.

Attack ahead.

Level 11 Qi Zhou has 217 points of armor.

The big electric drill of the melee soldier and the magic ball of the ranged soldier fell under it.

Only got rid of a few dandruff.

Qi Zhou's blood bar only had a slight gap.

Before being attacked, Anti-Armor is passively triggered.

With 25% of Qi Zhou's armor value and 15% of the incoming damage magic ball, it rebounded to the body of the initiator of the basic attack.

The soldier's blood volume dropped suddenly.

On the contrary, Qi Zhou relied on the passive technology gun to convert anti-armor damage into healing.

Under the commentary stage, Brother Haier looked sideways.

And the barrage hasn't cheered up yet.

【Is it a perpetual motion machine for a long time? 】

[You are so good... you are so flirtatious! 】

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Afterwards the dog called this man!Come out and keep calling! 】

Bron moved the legendary perpetual motion machine off the stage of Summoner's Canyon.

The most devout believers in the dusk suddenly doubled their confidence and speed in sending barrage.

The anti-armor returned the magic ball, and the blood volume of the soldiers continued to drop.

6 ranged soldiers were the first to die.

The audience watching the live broadcast heard the pleasant sound of gold coins falling into the purse.

That money speed.

Is it too slow?
Just as iseas were about to continue praising Wanjia, the Dabaizi also reacted.

After a while, many doubts came to the surface.

"I have cut off the upper and middle lines of soldiers, what about the cannon? Drink the blood of your teammates!"

"I just pushed down a defensive tower on the bottom road, then ran outside someone's house, and waited for the blue hero to come back. Is it like giving away the head?"

"Qi Zhou is capable of 1v5 and has no explosion damage. Why do you need so little money?"


LGD player seats.

The atmosphere in the team all sank.

Compared with the audience, we understand the profound impact of Qi Zhou's outfit on the situation.

"How to do?"

"What if Qinggangying goes back?"

The upper and middle lines of soldiers were cut off.

And the captain has not yet pushed the line to the lower seven towers.

That would make it impossible for LGD to go home and beat up this cute Qi Zhou.

The reasons are complex.

Be careful to stay on the road.

If the upper and middle pawn lines are broken, the red pawn line will stay in the middle of the split.

Will retreat directly into the defense tower.

Affirming the duo or adding Wai Ao to return to the city will cause the defense tower to eat the line.

At this time is in the best developmental period.

That is obviously acceptable.

What's more, the ADC on the Phoenix team is a cannon.

We choose to go back to the city, so when we go offline again, we can only see the ruins of the defense tower.

"In the end, Qinggangying chose to return to the city..."

"My wild area is going to become Datian's dining table!"

Sold a long sword.

Eimy rushed towards Qi Zhou.

Qinggang Ying appeared in the field of vision, but Braum did not retreat any operations.

Instead, press "Ctrl+3".

Ramos turned over, his four shells were facing upwards, his seven feet were facing the sky, and he was circling around in circles.

Seeing this, Eimy was furious.

Activated the W skill, slapped Qi Zhou, and immediately hit Wan Jia with the general attack of the previous Q skill.


Qi Zhou lost a little blood.

"That armor is too low!"

Eimy gasped.

It was very slow to use the seven-segment Q.

That hurt was really hurt!

Qing Gangying lowered her leg, and Wan Jia's health bar dropped a little.

"True hurt, the most real hurt."

"It's useless for him to have rough skin and thick flesh?"

Eimy made an emoticon, and ended up attacking Qi Zhou with flat A.

Wan Jia pressed "Ctrl+3" out of nowhere, because she wanted to interact with the stunned young man behind.

"Anti-armor damage is not low!"

"Why do you feel that Wan Jiajie's damage from being bounced back is lower than that of your attack?"

The doll looked at the small screen, and nothing was incredible.

That is also my fault.

After all, the hero Qi Zhou has not appeared in the professional arena for too long.

It is sensitive and abnormal to its damage value.

Eimy, on the other hand, grew wary.

My blood volume is only [-]%...

Wan Jia didn't have 1150 health points yet.

The situation is wonderful!

The seventh Q skill is refreshed.

Before Qing Gangying played, his blood volume was only half.

Qi Zhou's blood volume is only about [-] left.

Eimy felt wary.

Wang Si behind his eyes has been circling around, but there is no guarantee that it will suddenly attack.

You know, Qi Zhou's E skill is a locking skill!

So, Eimy decided to go back to the spring to replenish the state first, and then come out.

Time is wasted.

Qi Zhou's head is not worth 800 yuan!
"Brother, it's so wonderful..."

Eimy regained her strength and rushed out of the spring, and Yuuki's voice came from the earphones.

"It's going to run?"

"This is fine!"

Eimy said while dragging the camera.

I have worked so hard for so long, so the son of a bitch wants to run away?


The picture that appeared on the screen was the same as what I thought.

——The newly refreshed two lines of troops, surrounding Wanjia, are constantly attacking.Anti-armor rebound damage, Wan Jia's blood volume kept rising.

"Mother Ganlin!"

"Why did you come back so slowly?"

"Play with Kunmao!"

(End of this chapter)

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