Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 132 [131] Don't lie to you, hitting me is hitting yourself!

Chapter 132 [131] Don't lie to you, hitting me is hitting yourself!
The life value of the dragon turtle keeps rising.

In a few seconds, it broke through a thousand again.

"This is very similar... a big Mundo?!"

The doll spoke out the hearts of the audience.

Green continuously fills the blood bar of the dragon turtle.

Its recovery ability is worse than that of level 11 Mundo.

"It's scarier than Mundo!"

Miller smacked his lips and said, "Even if Mundo uses CD reduction, it will take about 1 minute for a big move."

"As for the technological gun dragon turtle, as long as the minions are refreshed, they can recover blood."

"Equivalent to one [Mundane move] in half a minute...and its armor value is ridiculously high!"

"LGD, no one can touch it except Galio!"

Eimy Qinggangying threw the hook lock, hung on the front tooth tower, and immediately released the second stage E.


There was only one thought in his mind.

That is to suppress the blood volume of the dragon turtle!

But the sharp blade slashed across the dragon turtle, and the damage caused was not considerable.

With another wave of attacks from the soldiers, the blood volume of the dragon turtle increased instead of decreasing.


Eimy cursed angrily.

But did not continue the general attack.

Yes, he can only be impotent and furious now.

The dragon turtle with high armor is such a hero who restrains physical damage.

"I eat the midline, you can hit it..."

Eimy asks Yuuki for advice.

This is also the best solution he can come up with now.

"Uh... well."

Yuuki is very willing, but there is no way.

I couldn't see what happened just now.

Eimy really has a way to deal with that old Wangsi.

The real injury of Miao Zhenyun's seventh stage Q skill, hitting the ice really hurts.

However, the game time is only 15 minutes now.

Lin Weixiang only made a warrior jungle knife, and the core equipment, Baxiang, is still far away.

The explosive value of the seven-stage Q can also be generated.

On the contrary, Frost had more than two hundred points of armor without turning on the W skill.

In that situation, Lin Weixiang continued to "grind" Han Bing's blood volume, which seemed to be no difficulty for the weak.

And as the only AP output hero in the team.

Xiao Ren, who beat Wang Si, obviously can only be accepted by himself.

Damn it!

After clearing the middle lane and returning to the city, Lin Weixiang was also relieved.

Eimy headed to the jungle first.

The result... was empty.

All eaten by the barrel.

Although I didn't expect it, but I am happy, this is a fake.

And the red square pawn line also retreated into the middle tower without any hindrance.

——Our own soldiers are circling around Wang Si, committing suicide quickly!
"Hehe, his luck has come to an end."

Yuuki looked at the ice behind his eyes, and remembered the lines of Nangun.

Is there any firmness.

QEA made a combo.

Compared with the low armor value, the magic resistance of ice is only 62 points.

The added magic damage is up to 40%.

Although it still looks very low in terms of value, compared to the armor value that can increase physical damage by nearly 70%, it can be regarded as "tough".

"LGD obviously realized that their own AP output is not enough."

"Gawai'ao chose the staff of time instead of the abyss for the first item."

"The damage caused by the skill to the ice is very objective."

"But... there seems to be a sequel?"

The game is limited firepower.

Before Jiawaiao finished throwing a set of skills, he retreated into a short vacuum period.

Although Yuuki's Q skill is full.

But in the case of not making heat reduction equipment, the CD is still as long as 10 seconds.

"That's it?"

He took a look at his blood volume, which was considered to be working.

The rune smile grew dimmer.

Immediately, the frequency of Ctrl+3 became lower and lower.

Frozen happy circle ing~
【How cheap!You are disgusting~~~]

[Why are fewer people coming back from LGD? 】

[Just arrived, Wei Shen hit the entertainment bureau in the official live broadcast room! 】

[Haha, Jiawaiao even dares to attack normally! 】

After about ten seconds or so.

Yuuki's skill cooldown is complete.

However, the blood volume of the anti-armor technology gun Hanbing also recovered to 9%.


There are still 6 half-blood melee soldiers acting as its "perpetual motion" components.

Every basic attack hit under Bing Bing's body will restore its blood volume.

"If you let go of the last tower."

"You can do it alone!"

Angrily, Yuuki smashed his skills under Miao Zhen.

"We need a reduction treatment."

"Otherwise someone can threaten it!"

"Even if that wave hits it in, it will still come running later."

Ten seconds away in a daze.

Yuuki thought very little.

I was also vaguely aware of the weakening effect of the reduction treatment on the ice.

"You want to come out?"

There's nothing wrong with a big bitch...

My Qi Zhou only made shoes and a small piece.

The price-performance ratio of issuing "death sentence announcements" is very high.

"All right!"

Did the teammates answer?

The big bitch also saw a new wave of soldiers leaving the base, and Han Bing's blood volume became full again.

If there is a reduction in treatment.

Even if the eight or seven people on my side beat Han Bing together, as long as there are no soldiers around, its blood volume can be recovered!

"Brother Zhou, we are all here to find him~"

Liu Qingsong's tone was mischievous.

Lin Weixiang was restricted to the middle lane, and the barrel alone could not wipe out all the wild monsters on the whole map.

It just so happens that my gems are used to help Ice gain less economy in the later stage.

It also brings punishment.

So... it's only natural that I take on the burden of helping clear the jungle.

That is to say, the wild area experience catch-up mechanism is really fragrant.

As a support, my current level is not higher than my own AD form.

and many more……

Own AD?

Liu Qingsong put his eyes on Da Pao.

I saw Bobby in hammer form, bouncing and bouncing towards him.

"Qingsong, let you brush up on the economy first."

"When the equipment is out, the tower push will be slower."


Blue Square Lowlands.

Jiawaiao, Qi Zhou, Bulong, and Miao Zhenyun are committing violence against the hateful Miao Zhen.

"Haha, the blood is falling slowly!"

"You feel that within 5 seconds, it will be G!"

"Still running, what are you pretending?"

The voice in the LGD team is very useful.

But it can be vaguely heard that everyone's voice is extremely excited.

Obviously, bullying a big ice who "will fight back" brought us a great sense of anxiety.

Of course, the smallest source of that slowness is that everyone has been suffering for a long time.

"Break the army line? Why does he break the army line?"

"Are you still using W and small moves? Are you pretending to be N!"

"In addition to reducing the healing just now, the head will be given to you, but since the beginning of the game, you have made an eight-piece suit."

Miao Zhen's blood volume dropped to 1/4.
On the camera, the expression of Rune, who was full of dim smiles, gradually became serious.

Work by pressing the W key.

As before, continue to dim the sun.

"Yo huh? Finally Kaida slipped away?"

"But he is using a small trick, can he come back?"

One second after Bron opened the small, Han Bing activated [Spike Defense].

At the last moment, Qi Zhou's [Magic Crystal Arrow] also shot out.

Plus Wai Ao releases the Q skill and turns on the W power.

Want to have seam control.

If Han Bing had time to resist, he died from the beating.


What happened next made us believe in the League of Legends game.

"Miao is really dead!"

"It is dead, and its blood volume has decreased!"

"Oh my god, 480 points of armor and 101 points of magic resistance before turning on W..."

"Then who can move?"

Wawa was so shocked that she spoke sharply, "Why...why did Qi Zhou not reduce his healing, but Han Bing's blood returned?"

On LGD's few seconds of control chain.

Miao Zhen was not killed.

At the same time, another wave of soldiers came out of the base.

Seeing this, Miao Zhen used the E skill to taunt Lin Weixiang who was close to him.

【Aftershock trigger】.

Ice's armor and magic resistance are increased by 20+30% when the after value.

From less human violence to the end.

The director kept putting the ice attribute panel on the screen.

At this moment, its armor value has reached 661!

40.00% damage reduction!

Under Miao Zhen, she was also wearing a pair of cloth armor shoes, which could block 12% of the damage from special attacks.

[Laughing to death, Miao Zhen only hurts a few points when he hits the ice, and the ice returns less! 】

【report!Lock blood hang!Ask for a ban on Aquaman! 】

[Okay, the line of soldiers has come out again, killing the turtle wins. 】

[Stupid people went to rank for work, and stupid ones are still watching the game. 】

[The sand sculpture downstairs, the cold patch is also so slow, afraid of being a chicken shooter? 】

The blue Fang Dabing is not Li Yunlong, but the imperial army.

With our arrival, the blood volume of Han Bing soared.

All the efforts after LGD were in vain.

Because of being ridiculed, Eimy Lin Weixiang received double damage from anti-armor and W, and was hit by aftershocks. At this moment, his blood volume was only 2%.

Runes also unlock small tricks.

Lin Weixiang's blood volume dropped again.

This is the place to stay for a long time!

Eimy made a quick decision, released the hook lock, and tried to escape.

However, a blue-green lightning shot out from under Han Bing's body.

Then came the news that Miao Zhenyun was killed.

"Haha, I almost forgot, Han Bing doesn't have a technology gun yet!"

"Lin Weixiang, who is only level 9, has too much HP."

"Then die directly..."

Eimy died, and the worst face in the LGD team was the big bitch.

Because my Qi Zhou has always relied on basic attack output.

Afterwards, Frost didn't turn back his armor, and his blood loss was not slow, but as it activated its W skill, Qi Zhou only had 180 blood points left at this moment.

It must be that Rune hit me with the active skill of the technological gun just now.


"Why kill Qi Zhou?"

"The damage you deal with is more than the damage you heal for you."

Rune answered Qing Gangying's doubts with a smile.

"Grow well."

"I was so miserably crushed by the big bitch in the later stage, and I can get revenge after waiting."

Facing Miao is really comforting.

Qing Gangying did not appreciate it.

The reason why my development is so poor is still because of that precious thing called Han Bing!

When Miao Zhenyun died, several members of LGD didn't know it, and gave up and continued besieging Han Bing.

Each went back to each road, and each received its own soldiers.

We understand that after the equipment is still available, it is simply a reality to want to kill the ice!
"The blood recovery of the anti-armor cold ice of the technology gun is too buggy!"

"A wave of soldiers is still dead, it's full of blood again!"

Looking at the playback screen called up by the director, the doll's low decibel resounded through the audience.

And Miller nodded frequently.

"Reduction of treatment works, it's amazing!"

Two commentators, not a computer.

We have no way to make an accurate judgment on the value between the damage suffered by the ice and the amount of blood recovered.

In fact, the seven people didn't have any deep belief in the speed of Han Bing's blood recovery.

We even felt that reducing the healing debuff wasn't working.

But neither the player nor the referee called a timeout, and the seven were also stupid.

And many old friends of Shaohanbing Bar who were watching the live broadcast of the game, all understood the reason.

The principle is very simple.

Anti-armor rebound and Miao Zhen's own W count as single-target damage.

That can be seen from the animation effects.

When other units attack the ice, the anti-armor and W anti-injury are both in the form of a "single magic ball", and the damage is caused in return.

That is group harm.

It can perfectly trigger the passive blood recovery of the technology gun.

And when the siege was at its calmest, Han Bing's armor reached less than [-].

Every time the enemy attacks the ice, it will be retaliated by the ice [spike defense] (65+0.1 armor) + anti-armor damage (25% frontal armor + 15% incoming damage).

Are there mages with low burst and continuous poke ability in LGD's lineup?

There is no way to instantly kill Han Bing.

Among them, Miao Zhen and Shen are equivalent to its charging treasure.

Once hit, Han Bing lost a few points of blood, and recovered nearly a hundred points of blood.

Then how to die?

"Ice, NB!!"

"Fuck, that data is too exaggerated."

When the old Hanbing published the data on the forum, they were immediately praised by countless fans.

Similarly, there are not some fans who are wondering.

Bing Bing, who received the reduced treatment, should have lost so little blood.

But in view of the fact that the data has not been exaggerated enough to be added later, we did not express any doubts.

In fact, Rune's technology gun, Han Bing, does not have a big routine yet.

This is not my sub-type, I ordered [Greedy Hunter] that hunts dragon turtles in the domination system.

The Dragon Turtle cannot be activated, and a portion of the damage dealt by the Hero Power will be converted to healing for him.

The healing percentage is 2.5% + 2.5% of the bounty hunter stacks.

After the rune is in the lowlands, it will not get the full 5 bounty hunter stacks.

Dragon turtles provide 15% healing.

That is comparable to the passive value of the tech gun.

That also means that even if the ice is affected by the healing debuff, the healing effect of my panel is still the same as that of the technology gun passively.

Death exists!
Moreover, the two pawn lines and Miao Zhenyun's head money allowed Han Bing to save another 4 gold coins in just 3 minutes.

Rune is not such a greedy person.

Therefore, I chose to go back to the city.

In addition to my grandfather Teemo, the profiteer, I bought a pair of invigorating armor.

500 health points.

55 magic resistance.

10% heat reduction reduction.

200% base health regen.

Miao Zhen does not value the following attributes.

What I need is the Invigorate Armor passive "All healing he receives is reduced by 25%".

[Fuck, Neptune is really disgusting!How can you die then? 】

[LGD, GG.Plus Wai Ao is also abolished. 】

[If you want to tell me, another crucible, there will be an enemy directly! 】

[Going down to the lowlands? 】


The tower pushing speed of the cannon is covered.

Even if the development is very good.

But when everyone in LGD was besieging Miaozhen, Qing Gangying pushed down LGD's top seven towers.

At this point I ran to the middle.

The captain, the barrel, and the gems are all there.

"Assemble, assemble!"

"Except for the ice, except for the captain who is slightly better developed on the other side, mine is not far behind yours."

"You just guard the middle tower and wait for us to push."

"The seven of us are here, is it possible to dare to climb the tower on the opposite side?"

Eimy is cheering on his teammates.

But in the last second, the piercing signal landed on the bottom of his house.

Miao Zhente ran to the low ground to cut off the line of soldiers again!
(End of this chapter)

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