Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 134 [133] The Huge Field of Ice!Kimchi AD's nemesis!

Chapter 134 [133] The Huge Field of Ice!Kimchi AD's nemesis!
"It's only been a few minutes?"

"Dragon Turtle has saved up another big piece."

Brother Haier couldn't believe it.

It always feels like it hasn't been long since Dragon Turtle arrived at the Blue Square Heights for the second time and returned to the spring at this moment.

But in its equipment column, there was an extra ice fist.

"LGD is actually hopeless..."

"They are now dragged by the four-member team of the Phoenix team, and they can't develop at all."

"According to this rhythm, the Dragon Turtle Liushen costume will only last about 23 minutes."

"LGD's concentrated fire may be a back massage for Dragon Turtle."

Miller was eloquent.

He is sure that there is no suspense in this game.

The baby also agrees very much, he even emphasized that the dragon turtle equipped with this equipment is already beyond the reach of LGD.


Dragon Turtle returns to the city.

The blue side finally had a wave of mid-bottom pawns and walked out of the base.

This also eased the pressure on LGD a lot.

At least...they don't have to run around because the red square pawn line can enter the tower unimpeded.

Finally, I can develop well for a few minutes.

"What about them?"

After enjoying the middle pawn line, the little bitch noticed something strange.

The teammates let him and the support walk.

It was because Shen and Galio were able to provide quick support.

But the members of the Phoenix team all disappeared after Long Gui returned to the city!

"Have you returned to the city to replenish your equipment?"

"its not right!"

"They didn't get any money in the past few minutes, so go back and dry the wool?"

Eimy got his first blue buff at 19 minutes of game time.

Although he knew that defeat was inevitable, his mood improved a lot.

We still have to try our best to play the game, what if we try our best to turn the tide?

After all, Team Huang's dragon tortoise developed against the sky, and the rest of them, similar to themselves, were all deformed.

"Damn, they are playing the vanguard!"

Eimy walked out of the blue zone and saw the members of the Phoenix team in the Dragon Pit.

In normal play.

The Canyon Herald will escape into the void at nineteen and a half minutes and disappear in the Summoner's Canyon.

But at the time point, the vanguard is in a combat state, and the time it escapes into the void will be prolonged.

The Phoenix team's timing of this wave was extremely precise.

Although the development of the cannon and the captain has fallen behind time.

However, relying on the big eyes of attacking vanguards, the red side's efficiency in attacking canyon vanguards is not low.

And most importantly, the red side has three punishments!

While being able to instantly cause huge damage to the Canyon Pioneer, there is no need to worry about LGD grabbing the Pioneer.

If there are 3 punishments, they won't be able to compete with Qinggang Ying, who is at level 1.

Then these members of the Phoenix team can retire on the spot!

"The dragon tortoise is also here, there is no way!"

Eimy is sad.

If it's the four of the Phoenix team playing the vanguard, even if they have an extra punishment, they can still fight.

After all, the lineup selected by LGD is very strong in team play.

But Dragon Turtle, such a high level.

Punishment damage should also be higher than his own.

No chance at all!

"Let them take it, anyway, this game is weak."

"It's better to end sooner."

Yuuki didn't want to disturb the morale of the army.

What he said was the voice of most players in the team,
"Then let them take it..."

"I don't want to continue either."


The vanguard of the canyon fell, and the dragon was born.

Long Gui led four teammates and ran to the second tower on the road.

Jianxian is not stupid.

Although the largest boss dragon turtle in the field does not have burst damage, it is fleshy and durable!
In the second tower of my own house, if I want to kill the dragon turtle, it will take at least ten seconds, or even longer.

And these times are completely enough for the Phoenix team to kill themselves a few times.

Shen Kai, who is defending the road, slips away.

The Phoenix team demolished the upper second tower without releasing the canyon vanguard.

Wait until everyone from LGD returns to the city, and the spring water comes out.

Qi Zhou had already summoned the canyon vanguard in front of the Highland Tower on the road.

"The deterrent power of the dragon turtle is too strong!"

"He fought in front of the tower, and LGD didn't dare to move forward."

"Han Bing only dares to release [Thousand Arrows] from far away."

Not the slightest surprise.

The canyon pioneer was knocked down, and the blue side hit the road to the highland tower, with more than half of the HP.

The Phoenix team took advantage of the trend to demolish.

Then smashed its road crystal.

Canyon Pioneer also fell under Qing Gangying's punishment.

"LGD was defeated like a mountain... No!"

"They have no intention of resisting at all!"

Everyone saw what LGD was thinking.

But no one blamed.

Because they go up, they can't do it either.

Just imagine, let you use a set of ice to fight the anti-armor technology dragon turtle with 322 points of armor.

Can you break armor or can you make infinite moves?

So the online professional little blackie didn't say much.

The dragon turtle, which was originally a technological gun against armor, could not be beaten by LGD with the strength of five people.

Now there are more green armors and ice fists.

Even more invincible!

"These guys on the opposite side, why don't you push the tower?"

Just when everyone in LGD thought they could get out of the sea of ​​suffering and end the game.

However, it was discovered that the Phoenix team did not continue to attack the front tooth tower.

"Maybe they... want to wait for super soldiers?"

Yuuki frowned softly.


"Hey, why are you beating the dragon turtle?"

Eimy found that in the picture, the ice archer was facing the dragon turtle, constantly firing crystal blue arrows.

"Brush the amount of damage."

"Otherwise, in this round, my total output would not be 4396!"

"Anyway, it's just going around in circles, not thinking about killing people."

The little bitch told everyone what he thought.

Teammates agree.

After that, he joined the ranks of beating the dragon turtle.


"Brother Zhou, these guys kicked their noses at their faces!"

"Shall we beat him?"

Several members of the Phoenix team stood behind the dragon turtle.

Looking at the LGD crowd, who kept taking damage from dragon turtles, they were filled with righteous indignation.

"Oh huh?"

"Qingsong, give me a break."

Qi Zhou was all smiles.

Upon hearing this, Liu Qingsong imposed a [Barrier of Fortitude] on Qi Zhou.

The radiance from the universe provides the dragon turtle with a percentage health shield and increases its armor value by 20%.

Afterwards, Qi Zhou taunted Qinggang Ying who was closest to him, and activated [Spike Defense].

"My giao!"

Eimy screamed in terror.

Due to being ridiculed, Qing Gangying passively attacked Dragon Turtle.

At this moment, the dragon tortoise is enjoying the armor value bonus of [Spike Defense], [Aftershock], and [Barrier of Fortitude].

"902 points of armor?"

"What turtle?"

Eimy complained loudly, every time Qinggangying hits Dragon Turtle with a normal attack, it will cause hundreds of points of magic damage in return.

At the same time, Qi Zhou also ordered the Phoenix team behind him to start fighting.

The dragon tortoise launches a basic attack.

The huge icy area shining with scaly luster covered the huge circular area centered on Qinggang Shadow.

Ice Fist is passive [Curse Blade].

"So big?"

The doll's mouth is big enough to fit a kun.

The passive deceleration range of Ice Fist is linked to the armor of the equipment holder.

The higher the armor, the larger the range of the frozen field.

When Dragon Turtle had more than 300 armor, the range of Ice Fist was already close to the range of the dog's head E skill.

Now the armor has soared to 900+.

The deceleration area even covers all members of LGD!

"The captain made a big effort to keep people!"

"Qinggangying was instantly killed."

"Dragon Turtle has a high level, and its skill base damage is also exaggerated."

"Half-blood ice was hit, only 2% of the blood was left, the technology gun was passively added to the basic attack, and it was taken away directly!"

Compared with the king of pesticides next door.

The probability of 1v5 in League of Legends is extremely low.

Qi Zhou chose Dragon Turtle, and it was even more difficult to realize this operation.

But relying on his equipment and leading level, he was able to lead his teammates to complete the team battle victory with a crushing momentum.

Qinggangying, Hanbing, and Bron were killed.

LGD has been unable to defend.

In the end, the game time was fixed at 21:06.
Phoenix team, 2:0 old godfather.

In the confrontation between different groups, they raised the banner for the West.


"Let's congratulate FPX for winning!"

"They once again provided LPL with a new style of play and new ideas."

"This is a team that dares to innovate!"

Miller was not shy about the compliments.

"Hahaha" Doll also laughed at the side, "Look at the damage, look at the damage!"

"Dragon Turtle can actually have an output of 2. Except for the captain, the output of other heroes in the Phoenix team does not exceed 4k."

"The output bar of the LGD team is also extremely short."

"Qinggangying deals 4395 damage to heroes, the highest in the team!"

[Laughing pee, I think the cold ice has been outputting, and the total damage in the end is only 2044... Guasha master pinches! 】

[If Qinggang Ying wasn't really injured, it would probably be similar to Han Bing. 】

[Dragon Turtle with 10 magical outfits in 4 minutes, you can't get up if you give LGD a VN! 】

[The Phoenix team is indeed the last hope of the West, when Ganxia and RNG, don't let me down. 】

See the settlement interface, the damage you play.

As the summoner of Master Gua Sha Ai, Xiao Bitch was very depressed.

Qi Zhou became famous from the S7 World Championship.

And the show routines he came up with, except for the "AP weapon" that suffered from Waterloo because of his teammates' disadvantages.

The rest have shown absolute combat power.

But looking at these routines, the little bitch found that they all have one thing in common:

[If it wasn't that the damage explosion can be done in seconds, it would be that the meat is outrageous, making AD unable to carry and becoming a waste]

Think of this.

The little bitch recalled the AD player of the Kimchi Kingdom, Chidi.

The player who was dubbed the "Most Valuable Player" by Kimchi Mystery has retired.

Now I am relying on the live broadcast, lingering on my last breath.

Not surprisingly, he will have to serve in the military in two years.

After all, he didn't get the S7 championship trophy.

military service...

The word that appeared in his mind made the little bitch tremble all over.

At the same time, a tall, sunny figure appeared in front of him.

Bright smile.

It's Qi Zhou.

Now is the time for the handshake of players from both sides after the game.

The little bitch felt the warmth brought by the broad palm, and stared up.

This guy……

He laughed foolishly, why did he give himself a gloomy feeling?
Not normal!

Seeing that the little bitch hadn't let go, Qi Zhou's mouth split a little more, revealing his neat big white teeth.

The little bitch, who was in the midst of agitation, lost his eyesight.

The white teeth...brought a coolness.

This man was sent by heaven to target AD players, right?

The unbeatable dragon turtle, the meat sword master, and the blood-returning hands.

Instant second human horse, AP weapon, armor-piercing holy shield monkey.

Unsolvable chain of control, Sauron, Que Shi Niu...


It seems that this is the case!
The little bitch has realized something, Qi Zhou's black technology seems to be aimed at ADCs...

He shivered all over, and withdrew his hands.

Qi Zhou walked towards the next LGD player, but the little bitch was still shrouded in "AD Winter Shadow" from the inside out.


[MVP of professional competition! Nine hundred plus armor, undead dragon turtle!Shout out to me! 】

Inside the Armored Dragon Turtle Bar.

A piece of news quickly went to the top after the match between the Phoenix team and LGD.

Immediately, the group of geniuses in P Fake Dragon Turtle Bar began to comment on pictures to celebrate.

The author of "The Story of a Turtle's Worker" even risked his life to open a new post, uploading the unfinished version.

This is all because:

When Dragon Turtle entered the arena, he not only won, but also performed an astonishing operation.

More than 900 points of armor!
In 4 minutes, the line of troops was cut off on the high ground.

The group of five brawled, the skills were released, but the dragon turtle was full of blood!

All of these all show that the revival of Dragon Turtle Bar is just around the corner.

"This is God, the king of the sea who gave us the opportunity of Dragon Turtle Bar!"

"We have to make good use of it."

"There are too many gimmicks in this game, any one will be a big hit."

"P picture group, we must make the promotional poster of Dragon Turtle Bar extremely domineering!"

"Propaganda team, act according to the original plan, let's pool money to buy hot spots!"


That night, a huge poster spread wildly in various short videos and news software.

The content of the poster is an ancient monster with sharp spikes and thick arms.

It leaned forward and punched the ground.

The bottom of the feet is a huge ice circle, and inside the circle, there are five cartoon heads.

Looking closely, it is not difficult to distinguish the five heroes Shen, Qinggangying, Galio, Hanbing, and Braum.


Accompanied by this, the appearance rate of the armored dragon tortoise in the low-end rankings and matching rounds has increased rapidly.

These Dragon Turtle players are basically assigned to the top or mid unit.

When entering the stage of rune adjustment, it will appear in the chat box:
"Champion top laner Sea, [-] armor undead dragon ghost runes, equipped with one click! Please go to the high ground to break the line on time! ——TGP"

All of this is a plot by Dragon Turtle Bar to usurp the No. [-] throne of Goutou Bar.

In this regard.

The big brothers in the Desert Death Bar are also gnashing their teeth.

They have some regrets.

I regret that I am proficient in industry and industrious and lazy in playing. I didn’t work hard every day to promote Gootou. After getting the number one position in the public post bar, I started to neglect and don’t want to make progress.

"Sea King obviously performed an AP dog head before."

"We didn't take advantage of the opportunity to build momentum, but let the group of turtle sons like Dragon Turtle take the lead."

"I'm really ashamed!"

"Although it is a step slow, we have to make amends!"

"Now, immediately, immediately!"

"Everyone go to rank and play AP dog head for me, let us dog head continue to lead the trend of the canyon!"

"Oh, by the way, you should call him the Desert Reaper outside!"


The open and secret battle between Dragon Turtle Bar and Goutou Bar started quietly.

Most players only felt that the appearance rate of dragon turtle and dog head soared.

Didn't know what happened.

But this does not prevent them from complaining in the post bar.

"Here's a silly guy who calls himself Goutou Bar, AP Goutou doesn't stack Q, he's playing a mud horse game!"

"A good Dragon Turtle didn't go to the jungle, ran over to fight with me in the middle, and was blown up by the fire man, silly x!"

"The anti-injury armor technology gun, the one on the opposite side ignites you and you are directly crippled. How dare you go to the high ground to break the line?"

"Sea King made cloth armor shoes, anti-armor, and technological guns in 14 minutes before he dared to break the line of troops. You made these in 21 minutes. How dare you break the line of troops!"


Goutou Bar and Dragon Turtle Bar have been competing for several days, and finally decide the winner.

The big brothers of the Goutou Bar, because they have been studying "The Art of War" all the year round, their personal strength is extremely strong.

In addition, the game of AP dog head already exists. Although there are occasional overturns, it still plays a good effect.

On the contrary, Dragon Turtle, but because there are no teammates to help with the economy.

Moreover, the era when heroes such as Yasuo and Zed prevailed in S5 has long passed.

In the game, basically the life of being beaten by poke masters cannot take care of themselves.

There is a lot of scolding on the Internet.

It wasn't until Dragon Turtle Bar changed its strategy and played double row and multi-row that someone successfully played the effect of Qi Zhou's performance on the field.

Let the evaluation of anti-armor technology ghosts temporarily stop falling.

To sum up, the popularity of the Gotou Bar is still the same, and it still ranks first in the league.

As for Dragon Turtle Bar, although there are many loopholes in this wave of marketing, it has also gained traffic and increased its popularity.

It's a small profit.

Anyway, never lose.

(End of this chapter)

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