Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 135 [134] Targeted, playoffs start!

Chapter 135 [134] Targeted, playoffs start!
People had already expected the combat strength of the eastern and western teams.

After several rounds of confrontation between different groups.

The strength ranking of LPL's 14 teams this year has also been roughly figured out.

IG undoubtedly belongs to the first echelon, and can even take the top spot.

RNG, which is also in the Eastern Division, is hard to judge its strength because Uzi has just returned from illness.

But in terms of performance in the recent period, the first tier definitely has their place.

The overall strength is also very close to IG.

Similarly, the Xia team did not bury their "Galaxy Fighter" title.

In this confrontation between different groups, except for the final match, they lost to the Phoenix team.

They completed the feat of 6 consecutive victories!
Both IG and RNG have achieved a proud record of 7 consecutive victories.

This also means that the West was "penetrated with zero seals" by the two teams in the East.

If you rank according to points, you can infer the strength of each LPL team.

Then IG is undoubtedly in the first place.

Then RNG tied with the Phoenix team, and the Xia team was fourth.

The fifth place is the snake team.

It has to be said that the strength of the Snake team after the big change cannot be underestimated.

In the west, their limelight has surpassed EDG and WE in the "Yu Sanjia".

"It's not that I want to badmouth the West, it's that they really pull the hips."

"If it weren't for FPX to play RW and let Neptune make an emergency rescue, I think the West will be swept three times."

"The factory manager changed the ID to clearlove8, but as a result, few heroes can play figure 8, now it's GG!"

"This year's Spring Split is so it because of the Chinese New Year in the middle?"

"Compared to last year when the top laner was full of three phantom gods, the S8 Spring Split is too much to watch!"

"The West is really rotten. I'm already looking forward to the mid-season game. I hope the East will strike hard!"


"PBE (US test service) has released a version update."

"The fist is so good, even the laborers in a free country will be squeezed?"

"I guess it's the chicken shooter in Los Angeles who doesn't have a few hairs left on his head now!"

White Crescent was looking at the recent data of each team, but was informed by the assistant that a new version had been released on the other side of the ocean.

In previous seasons, Riot usually updated every two weeks or so.

Occasionally hot patches will be added during this period.

But at the beginning of this season, Riot's chicken shooters seem to have hyperthyroidism.

Work overtime and type code at every turn.

Count this time.

Twenty days after the year, this is already the fourth version update!

FPX has not been established for a long time, and the club's various facilities and personnel have not yet been perfected.

As a coach, White Crescent's workload far exceeds that of other professionals in other teams.

The fist will update the version at every turn.

As a "good old man", he couldn't help losing his temper and began to complain.

"Is the translation ready?"

White Crescent saved the Word document, then turned to ask the little assistant beside her.

The little assistant nodded.

At the same time, he handed the tablet to White Crescent.

The white crescent took over.

After he sent a message to Qi Zhou with his mobile phone, he started to study.

"A revision of the ghost book?"

"The return of mana has been removed, magic penetration has been added, the application of the serious injury effect will ignore the opponent's health, cooling reduction has been removed, and spell power has been reduced..."

White Crescent was a little surprised.

This... seems, seems, probably, maybe, a bit aimed at it?
Since the debut of Qi Zhou's AP dog head, LPL has become popular with the combination of Luden + Ghost Book.

Explosive and poke-flow mage heroes have replaced functional mages and become the first choice in the LPL arena.

Players who used to be careful about budgeting are no longer cautious about mana.

As a result... Fist revised the ghost book.

The newly built ecological model of the middle road was instantly destroyed.

From frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality.

I don't know how to enjoy the free release of skills, but players, can you just adjust it!

Shaking his head, the white crescent then rolled down.

"Add new equipment, [Spell-Binding Orb]."

"Consuming energy to gain movement speed and magic power, it's quite interesting to take the initiative."

"[Twin Shadow] seems to be a substitute for [Decree of the Frost Queen]."

"Mage equipment has changed a lot!"

White Crescent sighed a little.

At the same time, Qi Zhou also walked in.

"So fast?"

Seeing that Bai Yueya was a little surprised, Qi Zhou explained with a smile: "I saw you send a message just after the battle was over."

"That's a coincidence."

"Come and take a look, I feel like you are being targeted by fists."

The white crescent showed a wicked smile.

"He even changed the cooldown of [Aftershock] from 20 seconds to 35 seconds!"


Qi Zhou walked forward quickly and got the tablet.


"I thought you were kidding me."

"Is this necessary... It is impossible for the dragon turtle to appear every time."

"Everyone knows this trick."

Qi Zhou felt that the fist was making a big fuss, but after thinking about it, he also understood that the weakening of the aftershocks was an inevitable result.

Because in the early stage.

Aftershock is activated, it is almost impossible for normal heroes to kill its user.

And when the aftershock is detonated, it will also cause damage.

A 20-second CD... like a hero with aftershocks in the lane (especially the top lane), there is almost no vacuum period for keystone runes in the duel link.

The cooldown time is changed to 35 seconds, so that the summoner who is in line with the aftershock carrier can have the opportunity to use the vacuum period to consume it.

However, this vacuum period is not as long as a wave of soldiers!

"This cooling time seems to be able to make a fuss."

Qi Zhou stroked his chin, lost in thought.

White Crescent and the little assistant looked at each other, then fell silent.

Qi Zhou is particularly sensitive to the various values ​​​​of the League of Legends.

They have seen Qi Zhou enter this state more than once.

Therefore, the two understood that Qi Zhou was thinking about the feasibility of some kind of "dirty thing".

Although after contemplation, the result was obtained.

After experimenting in the game, the results are sometimes not as expected.

But once it succeeds, Team Phoenix will have an extra "killer card".

this time.

Qi Zhou just thought about it for about a minute, and then smiled brightly.

"Lao Zhou, what did you think of?"

White Crescent couldn't hold back her inner curiosity, and took the lead in asking questions.

"Zhong*Aftershocks... Ah bah! Zhongdan Yushuang!"

"No, no, there is an aftershock in the middle, play the ice girl!"

White Crescent didn't bother with Qi Zhou's slip of the tongue.

Instead, the eyes shine.

As a coach, no one knows the strengths and weaknesses of the FPX lineup better than him.

The top laner, Jin Gong, is very stable and has top-notch strength.

He loves the game.

Compared to Qi Zhou, in addition to not being able to engage in some showy things, Jin Gong is even better in terms of operation.

Play wild Xiaotian.

In the first few games of the primary competition, I was a little timid and didn't dare to use my fists.

But as the Phoenix team topped the Western Conference, his self-confidence also rose.

In recent games, he often showed amazing ideas to control the game.

Bottom duo.

Lin Liu is an old partner.

Needless to say, there is a tacit understanding, and the technology is also constantly improving, although it is far from the world's top.

But in LPL, it can also be among the top.

The only thing that makes White Crescent feel bad is the left hand.

His strength is really good.

However, once he encounters a player who is more powerful than himself, he will become timid and more cautious than Jerry.

Unable to take advantage of the roaming advantage in the middle, he became an invisible man in the team.

White Crescent really wanted to talk about him.

But after each game, look at the data.

Good guy, not too low!
But to say what he did in the game, it's really racking my brain and I can't think of it.

And just now, Qi Zhou proposed "Aftershock Ice Girl".

White Crescent instantly understood that this was a qualitative change for the Phoenix team as a whole!
Ice Maiden's W skill can trigger [Aftershock].

And the Ice Girl belongs to the kind of Fatan hero with high mobility and strong control.

With the armor and magic resistance bonus of [Aftershock], cooperate with the stopwatch, and learn the ultimate move after reaching level six.

how to die
Without three or four people, they couldn't be killed at all.

The left hand that is afraid of hands and feet, what else needs to be afraid of?
[Aftershock] In the middle of the ice girl's walk, even Teacher Da Fei at his peak, he can split [-]-[-]!

Moreover, the hero Ice Maiden can use her passive skills to push the line quickly.

With his high mobility, he can make troubles in Summoner's Rift.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"If the crooked man is invisible again, it won't be justified!"


New version changes.

Soon it was also known by other teams.

"Male Spear has been strengthened, Kayn has been strengthened, Nightmare has been strengthened, poodle, clown...all have been strengthened!"

"Fist fucks kun hair."

"Does this make us AD players happy to play?"


"[Shria's Rhapsody]?"

"Why does it feel so familiar?"

"Is it a crown?"

"Park Zeyuan's father? Ahem, I remember, it was removed in S3."

"It should be the same as [Twin Nightmare], making up for some functions after the removal of the third-level auxiliary equipment."

"Group acceleration of 40.00% is not bad."


"April Fool's Day new skin Chicken Leo?!"

"Even Galio's name has been changed, this designer is really enough."

"But it's very gratifying, buy it!"


The coaches of each team.

The content of the new version that is the first to focus on is almost all which heroes are enhanced and which equipment.

The second is what heroes are weakened.

Finally, pay attention to whether there are any special changes to certain mechanisms.

Although they also read word by word.

According to the updated content, let the players adjust the heroes for practice.

For example:
"The mantis has been cut, go play Kayn, the blind man, these are all enhanced."

"The Xia Luo combination no longer triggers [Lethal Feather Clothes] with each other, and the ability to cooperate with each other is reduced, but Luo Q and R are enhanced, you first..."

"Great, Quinn's basic attack has been lowered, so you don't have to worry about Theshy taking her anymore."

These coaches can know what to play in the next version.

The outstanding ones can also rely on the enhancement of a certain piece of equipment or a certain hero to develop a new style of play.

However, they couldn't be like Qi Zhou.

From "something weakened", mind-expanding,

Inversion, calculation, association...

Get an idea similar to [Aftershock] Ice Girl.

Because, in the alliance has already moved toward the highly mature S8.

If you want to develop a new style of play, you need not only deep game experience, but also a very high game understanding.

More importantly, "thinking"!
Most of the LPL coaches are retired professional players.

I started playing games and games when I was a teenager.

It is undeniable that many of them are extremely talented in the game.

However, due to premature cessation of learning.

Their thinking has become rigid and solidified!
Occasional innovation is possible, but let them continue to develop new systems and new routines, then they will become modern Zhong Yong.

And Qi Zhou.

At the age of 21, he graduated from university and started playing professionally.

As a college student of science, although I haven't studied at a higher level for two and a half years.

But for League of Legends, he adopted the "scientific thinking" that goes deep into his bones.

Two and a half years of water dispenser life.

He is familiar with all the statistics of the League of Legends.

He lurks in the post bar of major heroes every day, and learns and researches the experience of all the unique skills buddies, which has benefited him a lot.

Thick and thin.

After playing.

The S7 World Championship seems to have become his solo show.

The new rune version of S8 and various changes have allowed Qi Zhou to continuously fill his hole card pool.

Continue to maintain the record of the highest winning percentage and the highest KDA in the league.


4 month 8 day.

The Phoenix team won VG.

Immediately afterwards, EDG defeated BLG.

The regular season of the spring season has come to an end.

Follow the rules.

The top 4 teams in each group of regular season points in the east and west can get places to participate in the playoffs.

Eastern Division.

IG ranked first with a record of 18 wins and 1 loss.

Xia ranked second with 15 wins.

The third team with points is RNG, and the fourth is JDG.

Western Division.

The Phoenix team has 15 wins and is in first place.

The Snakes are second with 13 wins.

EDG won the third place with 12 wins.

WE has 11 wins, which is comparable to BLG's one more win and squeezed into the playoffs.

The official announced the rules and schedule of the playoffs long ago.

The playoffs will officially start on the afternoon of April 4.

No.3 in the Eastern and Western Divisions will face No.4 in the opposing division.

The winning team will face No.2 in the division.

The winner will play against No.1 in the division.

Finally decide the champion.

The Phoenix team and IG are both the first teams in the division standings.

This means that they have already locked the top four, and in the first four match days, they did not play.


"If there is no accident, we will face EDG or the Xia team on the sixth match day."

White Crescent looked at the official schedule and smiled.

EDG played against JDG, with a high probability of EDG winning.

And WE defeated RNG miserably in the regular season. In the playoffs, White Crescent doesn't think there will be a miracle.

According to this calculation.

Next will be EDGvs Xia team, RNGvs Snake team.

"Heroes and snakes?"

"That's really hard to say."

"Although the different team was defeated by Xia against the Snake team, Xia also narrowly won."

"The third round seems to have been played for almost 10 minutes!"

Lin Weixiang found the reason in his memory.

"Indeed it is."

"We have played against the Snakes twice, and we are very familiar with each other."

"So in the next few days, let's focus our research on Xia."

"Not surprisingly, after defeating Xia... we will meet IG again."

The tone of the white crescent gradually became dignified, "However, after Uzi returns, RNG's strength should not be underestimated."

"How many preparations have to be made!"

(End of this chapter)

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