Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 137 [136] Painting the ground as a prison, the conspiracy of the yordles!

Chapter 137 [136] Painting the ground as a prison, the conspiracy of the yordles!

"The Phoenix team banned Kai'Sa."

"The first round of bans from both sides is over."

Daughter of the Void, Kai'Sa.

Became a member of League of Legends in version 8.5.

With her beautiful appearance and perfect figure, she finally ended the "era of fear of beauty" created by fist with heroes such as the queen of void beasts and octopus.

However, in the LPL arena.

Kai'Sa is not very popular.

All this is due to the high upper limit of Kai'Sa, and Chicken Shooter has made a lot of moves in its factory settings.

For example, the range of 500 yards is shorter than the wheel mother and VN.

It is extremely difficult for Kai'Sa to exchange blood online and gain an advantage.

And her E skill needs a casting time of 1.5-0.75 seconds (decreasing with level) before gaining acceleration.

It also makes it less flexible.

Fist's setting for Kai'Sa is originally a mixed damage AD.

Its skills can evolve after the attack, attack speed, and spell power reach a certain value.

However, Kai'Sa, who just came out, has too little ability power.

As a result, players are forced to be optimal and unable to flexibly build equipment.

"Version 8.6, Kai'Sa has indeed been enhanced, but in the professional arena, it seems that no player has used it yet?"

Colonel Guan raised his upper lip, "However, the Phoenix team banned Ezreal and the policewoman in the first two songs."

"Then ban Kai'Sa, it makes sense."

Everyone knew that when Qi Zhou played, the Phoenix team would definitely work hard.

And this time, Qi Zhou is the backup support position.

Obviously want to make a fuss about the bottom lane combination.

Several commentators were a little surprised that the Phoenix team banned three AD heroes in a row, but they were not shocked in their hearts.

The fans of the Phoenix team on the scene kept shouting.

In such an occasion with tens of thousands of people, even if only a small number of people's hearts are touched, it is still in units of hundreds or thousands.

The emotions conveyed by these people are enough to infect most of the audience.

The sound was like a bell at first, and then it was like a wave being stirred up, entering the soundproof booth.

Transparent acoustic panels obviously cannot block all sound waves.

The RW players heard the cheers from the Phoenix team.

Old Thief Sima looked extremely pale.

"The opponents ban are all relatively flexible ADCs."

"Xiao Pao, Lucian, skate shoes?"

"Han Jin, which one do you plan to use?"

Coach Steak's vision is very vicious.

At the moment when Kai'Sa was banned, guessing the combination selected by the Phoenix team and so on, would definitely be a disaster for ADCs with poor mobility.

"First pick a Thresh..."

"I'll wait and choose."

The old thief Sima gave an answer after careful consideration.

Steak's speculation coincided with his.

Old thief Sima believes that if the Xia team does not take out the AD position in the first round of selection.

Then wait until the second round of disabling links.

The Phoenix team will still give ban opportunities to ADCs with strong mobility.

Of course, it is obviously unrealistic to choose ADC.

Therefore, he proposed to choose Thresh first.

Since the incense burner was cut.

As the support with the most excellent mechanism, Thresh has returned to the professional arena.

Although the number of appearances is not many, its powerful protection ability and first-hand skills are almost versatile.

And Thresh's lantern.

It is simply a magic escape skill tailor-made for short-legged heroes.

"The Xia team chooses Thresh."

"They understand the intention of Team Phoenix!"

"The red side chose the captain first."

The cursor naturally jumped to the second floor.

"Captain Jin Gong's performance in the Spring Split was quite good."

Wang Duoduo glanced at the data given by the director, "But the Phoenix team's first round of bans were all AD, and they didn't deal with the road."

"Heroes like Rambo, Kenan, and Jess are compared to Captain Counter."

"However, Mouse's style is more team-oriented, and he is not sensitive to these heroes."

The top order from EDG.

I understand everything I understand.

Therefore, the Phoenix team showed the captain first, and there was nothing wrong with it.

On RW's side, discussions have already begun on the other side.

"Use Saen to resist pressure?"

"I think it's still Gnar. As long as you don't take the initiative to attack, you won't be afraid of the captain online."

"Personally, I think the big tree is safe."

"Actually, Shen is not bad. The Phoenix team's focus is definitely on the bottom lane."


"Yasuo? Ah Guang, can you do it?"

"It's not's not Ah Guang, the opponent chose Yasuo!"

on the big screen.

The elegant figure of the broom-headed swordsman appeared.

Shocking cheers sounded.

[Death is like the wind, always with me! 】

[Hey hey, are you going to play the Sauron combination again? 】

[Suo, my so, I want to repeat! 】

[The second floor... that's not what Brother Zhou played with. 】

"Blue bans Chaffinch, but not Braum."

"And they assisted in the selection of Thresh."

"The Phoenix team took out Sauron, but the Xia team couldn't choose Morgana Conte!"

Team Phoenix suddenly took out Yasuo, causing Xia to be in a hurry.

If Thresh is not selected.

They can completely grab Bron later, but now the auxiliary position is locked.

"Take the cannon."

The old thief Sima said something slowly.

In his opinion, Xiaopao has fast line clearing speed and [Rocket Jump].

Cooperating with Thresh, it can completely prevent the Sauron combination from getting close.

As long as you survive Sauron's strongest period from level 3 to level 6, then the bottom lane can completely turn the page.

After all, Thresh's protective ability was not blown out.

No matter how happy Feng Nan is, no matter how desperate he is, he will still be pushed away by the [Pendulum of Misfortune].

"Cannon girl?"

"It is indeed a good choice."

Immediately afterwards, the Xia team selected Galio again.

Get off the road and write it on your face.

The Phoenix team chose Reikesai.

The first round of the banpick contest between the two sides is completed.

"Why not Braum?"

"Don't they play the Sauron combination?"

Steak frowned.

Pace repeatedly.

At this point the second round of bans has begun.

But he didn't pay much attention to it. Instead, he kept thinking in his heart, the strange selection of the Phoenix team.

Doubt, incomprehension, can't figure it out.

"Hey... just to be on the safe side, ban Bron first."

"Then Han Jin, you just ban an ADC."

If you look at these two sentences alone, many people would think that Steak gave up the contest with the Phoenix team in Banpick.

But in fact, he really gave up.

Banpick is originally a competition to compare the degree of understanding of the opponent, the degree of mastery of the version and the degree of understanding of the game.

However, there is Qi Zhou's Phoenix team.

Every time you don't play the cards according to the routine.

Qi Zhou's own hero pool is also bottomless.

Steak dared to pat his chest and say, whether it is red rice or a gold medal coach from the kimchi division or other divisions.

Neither of them could out-banpick Phoenix.

Because once Qi Zhou plays, the Phoenix team will definitely come up with a brand new lineup system and combination.

These things are generally not within the scope of public awareness.

and so……

Steak enlightened.

What he needs to do now is not to guess or decipher the thinking of the Phoenix team.

Instead, try to make the Xia team's lineup as perfect as possible.

Turn your side into an unbreakable Maginot... Ahh!
It is the hero choice of the Knights, and also a real galaxy battleship!

The Phoenix team selected the No.4 hero.

But Steak didn't think deeply.

"Jungle Prince."

"Mosue, is it okay for you to take Kenan?"

Steak gave the answer in my heart.

The mid laner Galio has strong functionality, but in the middle and late stages, the team's magic damage will be lacking.

Let Mouse choose Kennen, which can not only slightly target the captain, but also increase the magic output for the team, and at the same time provide control during team battles.

And the wild prince.

It can be regarded as Xiaofu's good hero, and he is also relatively strong offensively. In the early stage, he can make a fuss about the Phoenix team's bot lane.

Moreover, the prince Galio system has already shined brilliantly in S7.

Cooperate with Kenan, fight together, fierce yuppie.

The most important thing is that the prince can choose to be meat or output according to the development status of the team in the early stage.

Make the team's various attributes reach the optimal state.

"Xia team's BP is superb!"

"Their lineup can be said to be unsolvable."

"Thresh, a small cannon in the early stage, is relatively strong online, and the prince can roam around."

"The overall control and output are all full."

"Playing a team in the middle and late stages is even more powerful."

"The Phoenix team's current not even a star behind them!"

"Now we can only look forward to what hero the Phoenix team will come up with as the final choice."


"It's a little tricky!"

Seeing the blue lineup locked, White Crescent felt a little uneasy.

He could easily see that the Xia team's hero selection was a temporary idea.

Before this, they had absolutely not practiced this lineup.

The appearance of Galio, Prince, and Kenan.

It's all because Team Xia realizes that Team Phoenix's focus is on the bottom lane.

The soldiers came to block, and the water came to cover it by accident.


"The victory point of this game has become a gold tribute."

Qi Zhou smiled helplessly.

He can guarantee that the bot lane combination he and Lin Weixiang sacrificed can steadily suppress the old thief Sima and Qi Ya.

But Kenan's development is not restricted.

It is difficult for the Phoenix team to beat the opponent in the middle and late stages.

"Zhou, don't worry."

Jin Gong pushed his glasses and said heavily.

"I believe you."

Qi Zhou stroked Yang's long hair, and then said, "It's best to get through Ah Guang."

The captain pierces Kennan?

Jin Gong obviously didn't expect Qi Zhou to have such extravagant hopes.


It's a bit stressful.

"The top order from EDG... don't panic."

"I support you in this game."

A slightly weak voice came from the earphones.

It is Xiaotian.

Although Jin Gong couldn't speak Mandarin well, he understood what he meant.

"EDG's top order."

"Crotch pulling!"

"Don't worry, I can do it!"

Regarding Jin Gong's tiger-wolf words, a certain player in the team's expression darkened.

Then click on an icon on the selection page.


——"aha, it is indeed a wise choice."

"Big head!?"

Seeing the animated poster that resembled Einstein appear on the big screen, Colonel Guan's words were full of disbelief.

"This hero should have never been in a professional game, right?"

Wang Duoduo is not sure.

The director did not insert information prompts for a long time.

"Anyway, in the LPL and World Championships, the great inventor has never been on the professional stage."

"As for Europe... I don't know much about it."

Colonel Guan speaks with certainty.

In the passerby game, the great inventor mostly plays the middle or top lane.

Not so long ago, Banner of Command and the Rise of the Portal.

Let the top laner become the treasure of the bastards.

Although the upper score is easy to use.

But this hero has too many limitations:
The skill stability is not good, and the stable damage cannot be played.

It is easy to be targeted, but difficult to get up.

The positioning of team battles is vague and cannot effectively support field battles.

If you enter the field as a middle unit, it is extremely difficult to roam; if the above units enter the field, you can only play a single belt, otherwise you will be sent to the bottom lane, and you will be killed before the fort is released.

Under the influence of these hero mechanisms, Faker's role in the game will be far inferior to that of Yue Lun who plays Jie.

The coach shakes hands.

Steak triumphantly.

White Crescent is unhurried.

The red and blue sides also completed the hero exchange link, and the lineup was finally determined:
Blue Party vs Red Party

Top order: Kenan vs Captain
Jungle: Prince vs Reksay

Mid laner: Galio vs Yasuo
Bottom lane: Small Cannon, Thresh vs Little Mage, Big Head.


"Duodo, have you noticed..."

"When the heroes were exchanged just now, the positions of the captain and Yasuo changed several times."

Colonel Guan's tone was unpredictable.

"It seems so."

"So, has Team Phoenix thought about letting Jin Gong play Yasuo?"

Wang Duoduo pondered for a while, then nodded.

"I think so!"

"But in the end, when they thought about it, Yasuo wouldn't be able to beat Kennen."

"That's why there was no exchange."

Colonel Guan was triumphant.

But Su Xiaoyan at the side couldn't help but interrupt.

"Actually... the most important thing for the Phoenix team is the bottom lane combination."

Among the female commentators, Su Xiaoyan's comprehension ability and professionalism can be regarded as relatively high.

Seeing Senior Colonel Guan diverting the topic in order to show off, she couldn't help it anymore.

Brother, the Phoenix team has Qi Zhou's game, will the audience focus on other things?

Obviously, the little mage and the big head should be explained the most.

It's common sense that Yasuo is hard to beat Kenan!

"Small method matches big head."

"Soon to draw a circle with the E skill, if it frames people, the big head will set up a cannon."

"If you don't circle anyone, push the line quickly."

"There's nothing special about this routine."

Colonel Guan has a strong desire to perform today.

In fact, at the moment when the big head was selected, he thought of the small plan of the Phoenix team.

But just don't say it.

we just play~
Su Xiaoyan didn't know what Colonel Guan was thinking, so she put forward her own opinion.

Senior Colonel Guan took the opportunity to get in the car, and pretended to be aggressive.

"Is it really that simple?"

Seeing Senior Colonel Guan being so confident, Su Xiaoyan was a little uncertain.

"It's just a conspiracy between two yordles."

"However, with this combination, it is indeed easy to gain an advantage online."

"But let's talk about what wonderful moves they can make."

"I don't believe it."

Colonel Guan has completely forgotten that before the game, he said "I am optimistic about the Phoenix team".

"Xiaofa Datou, these two heroes have no displacement, they are too easy to be caught."

"If the old thief Sima Xiaopao is the first to use the electric knife, it will be passive with the E skill."

"Big Head's turret can't do much damage at all."

"Also Neptune is basically going up the road. His tacit understanding with Lin Weixiang is definitely not as high as Liu Qingsong."

"So in this game, I think RW can win."

[Ahem... I remember that 5 minutes ago, someone said that I support the Phoenix team? ! 】

[Scared to death, I always thought that the Phoenix team would kneel in this round... Thank you, Senior Colonel Guan, for recasting the spell. 】

[I haven't seen you for a few days, Zeyuan's game understanding has improved a lot? 】

(End of this chapter)

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