Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 138 [137] 3 The origin of mung beans, the grass duo

Chapter 138 [137] The Origin of Three Mung Beans, the Grass Duo
"Step on the watermelon rind, wherever you slide!"

Game loaded successfully.

Although the Xia team made a mistake, they selected a lineup that is against the sky for team battles.

But in the hearts of the people, they are still quite confused.

From the end of the S7 winter window transfer period, all the way to the semifinals of the spring split.

The positioning of each RW player and the early game style are basically determined.

Ah Guang's position in the Xia team is similar to when he was in EDG. The main thing is to stabilize the line and wait for team battles.

The single poison coin in the middle is to lead the little husband to beat the rhythm.

When the top laner is less aggressive, the center of gravity of Poison Coin is basically on the bottom lane.

Many times, he would voluntarily "help" the old thief Sima.

Make some weird builds, let yourself be the mid laner C position, and become the front row mid laner.

This time Steak let Poison Coin choose Galio, which is more in line with his style of play.

But instead of using heroes such as Gnar and Dashu, Ah Guang chose Kenan, who has strong online suppression and needs to take the initiative to start a team.

Generally speaking.

A good coach can plan the tempo for the team for the first 10 to 15 minutes of a game.

Help the team stabilize the early stage.

The situation on the field is often not as it is on paper.

The battle of focus is often exciting and brilliant operations continue.

This will also make it impossible for the team to play steadily and steadily according to the pre-match arrangement due to changes in the situation of the game.

And this time.

Ah Guang took Kenan, so he was doomed not to play games according to his previous habits.

Against Jin Gong, he must show absolute suppression.

Because in the early stage, the online capabilities of Xiaopao and Thresh cannot be compared with the king of positional warfare, Datou.

In the middle, Galio faced Yasuo.

In the passerby game, the poisonous coin can completely rely on the explosion, and leave after finishing a set, hammering the left hand into a Muggle.

But in the professional arena, you still need to be steady.

What's more, with the temperament of poisonous coins, he will definitely take advantage of the characteristics of Galio's high basic damage of skills, and go to the bottom lane after clearing the line.

When neither line is dominant.

When Ah Guang gets the hero of Captain Conte, he must play an advantage and create an economic lead.

Otherwise, in the mid-term team battle, when Kenan enters the field, he can't be like Yang Yongxin, the king of thunder and lightning, which makes people terrified.

So everyone in the Xia team.

At present, I only know about the mid-to-late team play, but the planning of the early line rhythm is not very detailed.

"Brothers, don't worry."

"Our lineup is steady against them, and we can win if we play hard!"

Thin, poisonous coins are the most spiritual.

The camera fell on him. Although the audience couldn't hear what he said, they thought of the word "hyperthyroidism" at the same time.

"We don't make troubles in the early stage, do you understand the Korean operation?"

"Reduce the frequency of gank in the jungle, and don't think about changing blood and solo killing online."

"Let there be no variables in the game."

"In the end we will win!"

Poison Coin is full of enthusiasm, but Ah Guang's expression is a little unnatural.

Steak said that he is the most important point, and the development must be good.

Poison Coin feels that the team needs to avoid conflicts as much as possible in the early stage.

What can I do?
To press online or not to press?
After much deliberation, Ah Guang still agrees with the poisonous coin... After all, several teammates have already echoed their voices.

I can't stand out from the crowd and be out of tune with the team.

What's more, Jin Gong's strength is quite good, and it is still very difficult to suppress him.

It's really like the poisonous coin said, if you go to gank or exchange blood, it is easy to have accidents.

Coupled with the influence of EDG culture for several years, Ah Guang also determined a general idea for the laning mode of this round.

That is, they cannot give the Phoenix team Nakano a chance to catch themselves.

This is risk aversion.

Not "I'd rather do nothing than make a mistake".

"Defend... the big head can steal buffs at level 1, let's not give it a chance."

The five heroes on the blue side rushed out of the spring.

Go to various key nodes along the river in Summoner's Canyon.

"The field of view can be made deeper."

"Team Phoenix likes level 1 grouping very much."

Poison Coin has a deep research on FPX.

In the replays in the past, it was often seen that the five members of the Phoenix team sneaked into the enemy's wild area in a group of level 1, and took a blood by surprise.

Facing this circumstances.

The solution is also very simple.

That is to make the field of vision in advance, insert the jewelry eye outside the center line of the river, and lean towards the red square area.

In this way, the trace of the Phoenix team can be predicted in advance.

Avoid getting caught and dying.

"The Xia team is quite stable." Su Xiaoyan stared at the screen, "Their lineup is level 1, which is stronger than the Phoenix team."

"But still chose a defensive position."

"Xia team is really strong in a level 1 team... After all, there is Thresh."

Wang Duoduo nodded and continued: "However, the Phoenix team also has great inventors!"

"Although the offensive ability of the red side is relatively weak, the defense is absolutely top-notch!"

"In such a narrow terrain in the wild, the Xia team will definitely not get any benefits."

"So both sides chose to defend unanimously, and they have no bad intentions..."


As soon as Wang Duoduo finished speaking, the great inventor and the little mage left their own blue area, and walked towards the blue side's lower wild area against the terrain wall.

[Hahaha, the slap in the face came so suddenly. 】

[I seem to have guessed the little mind of Neptune! 】

[Two little yordles, bouncing around, so happy~]


In the 7.10 version, which is the S7 mid-season period.

The Great Inventor has received the attention of the fist, ushering in a small revision.

When the hero was launched, Riot's in-game fantasy for him was "auto-tower hatch".

But in fact, the turret will prioritize attacking nearby enemy heroes or the first hero to attack it.

It is not the summoner who controls the big head turret, but the computer AI.

In the low-end game, or in the novice game.

This is very unfair to players with poor game understanding.

Computer AI became the ability of great inventors.

The summoner can automatically select the attack target without manipulation.

However, in high-end rounds, high-end players can use the mechanism of fort target selection to carry out a clever division of labor and avoid damage.

This makes the Great Inventor slightly clumsy and has a low winning rate.

In this case, the fist must let the control of the turret go back to the summoner.

Therefore, there is a small revision of version 7.10.

The mechanism of attacking enemies has become the same as the plants summoned by Zyra.

The turret will attack first, and the heroes who are attacked by the great inventor.

However, on the night when the update announcement came out, Qi Zhou did not celebrate wildly like his friends in [The Great Inventor Bar].

Instead, I feel a little lost.

Because of the passiveness of the great inventor, it has also been changed.

Heimerdinger's original passive was "providing additional health regeneration to nearby H-28G turrets and allied heroes".

And his own basic health recovery is a full 11.

The life value recovery growth is 1.75.
You know, Nuoshou's basic health recovery is only 9.8, and the recovery growth is only 0.95.

and many more……

Only, only?


These two basic attributes of Nuo Shou are currently the highest in the League of Legends!

That's exactly what happened.

On a whim, Qi Zhou made an attempt to "return the bleeding head".

Runes bring a few back to blue, and go out with three mung beans.

Run to the road, swing the fort, don't be too comfortable when facing the line~
After that, I will be Redemption, Green Armor, Outlaw, Banner of Command...

Xiaoqiang is simply unbeatable.

I vaguely remember that in the Canyon Diamond Bureau, I also blew up a promise player with the ID of "Silence, Fanfou".



Before he got to the stage of the World Championships, he was punched crookedly and was cut down.

Otherwise, the big brother Wither will definitely see what is a real "line dad" and what is a real brainless "single belt".

It's easy to ecstasy when you wait for parting.

Looking at the three small forts trembling in the triangular grass, Qi Zhou fell into a deep memory.

It wasn't until Lin Weixiang reminded the Xia team that the duo was coming that the pupils recovered.

"The Xia team has no vision, this wave is going to be big!"

Because Qi Ya hastily inserted an ornament eye in the middle of the lower river.

The old thief Sima was "caught by level 2" in order to prevent it.

Before going to help the little husband get the red buff, he didn't insert the jewelry eye, but stood outside the triangular grass, vigilant about his surroundings.

This skill is from the S7 finals, Chidi Verus has no vision because of his position.

It was summed up from the painful lesson of being taken down by five people including EDG people and horses.

The hero has a field of vision of 1500 yards. Standing outside the triangular grass, he can quickly spot opponents coming from the river or down the road.

There is more than enough time to retreat.

Standing in the triangle grass, it is easy to be plotted because the wall blocks the vision.

But the old thief Sima didn't expect that Qi Zhou and Lin Weixiang would come to the triangular grass to guard after he helped them fight in the field.

Changes in version 7.10, the number of charges for the Great Inventor Fort has been changed to 3 for all levels.

Therefore, when the cannon and Thresh were close to the triangle grass, the attack of the fort and the general attack of the two yordles flew out at the same time.

"Damn it, old silver coin!"

Qi Ya yelled and chose to go back.

After taking damage, the scene in the grass is also exposed.

Not to mention that it is sand tea to fight a positional battle with a great inventor.

But the three small turrets blocked the front of the red duo, and Thresh's Q skill was useless.

Old thief Sima didn't talk much.

He also chose to return the same way.

When he helped the jungler just now, he didn't learn any skills.

Now as long as you get out of the attack range of the turret, upgrade 【Rocket Jump】.

Then you can jump over the fence.

When going online, at most one wave of pawns will be dropped.

But fighting two yordles here.

At that time, it will not be as simple as losing a few soldiers.

The title of Datou, the king of positional warfare, is not a random name.

If it is the head iron, even if you hand over two moves, you will definitely not be able to beat it.

narrow escape...

When the semi-disabled state goes online, the sequelae caused will affect the entire early stage of the old thief Sima, and then the rhythm of the middle lane and jungler will also be messed up.

The damage to the team is even greater and extensive.

The H-28G turret continued to output, and the old thief Sima was in great pain.

His "Ctrl+2" skill upgrade.

Want to skip straight to the wall line.

But the next moment, Thresh and Xiaopao were besieged by the [Distorted Space] rising from the ground.

The old thief Sima had already lightly pressed the finger of the W button to brake in time.

If the small cannon is surrounded by Xiaofa's E skill, it cannot use W to jump away.

Because during the jump, the small cannon touches the distorted space and will be forced to fall to the ground in a daze.

"The little mage's E skill is too tricky!"

Wang Duoduo was slightly surprised, "Xiaopao Thresh is now in a dilemma."

"Trapped in the distorted space, unable to escape!"

The warped space lasted for a full 3 seconds.

This also means that if the Xia team duo does not exchange flashes, they will continue to lose blood.

"If the Xia team crosses flashes, then they must hand over two flashes at the same time."

"Otherwise the situation of the other person will be very dangerous."

The old thief Sima obviously didn't intend to flash.

His small cannon, at the edge of the warped space, began to attack the turret.

Seeing this, Qi Ya also manipulated Thresh to attack the fort together with Xiaopao.

Since there is only one skill point, Xia team quickly clicked out one turret.

However, the summoner skills carried by the little mage and the big head are both electrocution.

The target of the two attacks is also surprisingly consistent.

Sima's blood volume at this time is only 1/3.

But he wasn't panicking.

Because [Distorted Space] is about to disappear!

The five units on the red side discussed and focused on the small cannons again.

The old thief Sima drove W to jump over the wall and leave.

Thresh, who was in a relatively healthy state, immediately retreated and met the rushing prince.

"The handling of old thief Sima is relatively calm."

"He decided that the little mage learned E at level 1. Even with the ignition, the Phoenix team couldn't kill him."

"The damage calculation is very accurate."

"But after the wave, Xiaopao must go home."

When they were close to the triangular grass and were attacked, the Phoenix team exposed their vision.

The old thief Sima actually wanted to fight.

But he didn't expect that the little mage learned the E skill at level 1.

Isn't this special meow an operation in the low-end bronze bureau?
However, the next moment, he understood Lin Weixiang's sinister intentions.

The range of the small cannon will increase as the level increases.

At level 1, the attack range is 525.
The great inventor's turret also has a range of 525.
Trapped by the little mage.

This also means that the small cannon will be constantly attacked by the turret and the two heroes.

Even though the opponent brought out one alone, the damage was pitifully low.

But when the five are added together, each wave can cause nearly 130 points of damage to the small cannon.

Cooperate with electrocution.

The old thief Sima has no power to fight back!

No wonder you want to ban Ezreal and VN.

As long as you give yourself an AD hero with a range of 550+, this wave will definitely make the Phoenix team look good.

Unfortunately, no if.

Su Xiaoyan: "Squad Xia should be thankful that the excavator didn't come, otherwise this wave of small cannons will be bloody!"


Colonel Guan immediately retorted, "When the excavator comes, maybe the small cannon will flash at the first time?"

"But Xiaoyan is right."

"Old Thief Sima knows that the Phoenix duo can't do enough damage to kill him, so he insists on not handing in Flash."

"After all, he crosses Flash, and Thresh must run away with Flash."

"There is no flash in the first-level duo, and it will be very uncomfortable to match the line."


The duo of the Phoenix team returned to the bottom lane and did not choose to push.

Instead, the great inventor sauntered slowly, throwing the mechanical part patching knife in his hand.

"The Ring of Dolan the Inventor, the Blade of the Little Mage Stealing the Law."

"It seems that Lin Weixiang is going to be a tool man in this game!"

The two yordles of the Phoenix team have both been promoted to level 2.

Lin Weixiang and Qi Zhou saw the old thief Sima back on the line.

The two actually controlled the hero and crossed the line of soldiers.

There is a lot of experience that I don’t even let you smell it.


Qi Ya asked the old thief Sima.


(End of this chapter)

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