Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 151 [150] All heroes in the world can enter my nest!

"Flash stepping on the trap?"

"Ignite the wrong person."

"Reverse q skill?"

"Is this stupid operation outrageous?"

Watching the replay on the big screen, all the audience were amazed.

[Although the king next door, Nongyao, is s30, but the League of Legends is also s8, how can such outrageous operations still occur in the professional arena? 】

[Outrageous operation?It is obvious that Uzi is good at walking around? ! 】

[All members of the Phoenix team are happy, in this state, congratulate rng in advance for winning the championship! 】

[I said I can do it, I shouldn't be sprayed, right? 】

Several commentators, before watching the replay, more or less saw some "mistakes" made by the players of the Phoenix team.

But in slow motion, they found that in this wave of team battles, almost everyone in the Phoenix team made mistakes.

It is precisely these mistakes that silver will not make, which made the 4v3 fight first, and only played a 1-for-1 record.

"The uzi policewoman eawaqa is too smooth, this wave of damage is full, and the succubi is replaced!"

"In order to kill him, Team Phoenix even handed in 3 flashes..."

Senior Colonel Guan squinted, "The next bot lane will completely belong to rng!"

Yu Shuang, as the Iron Emperor, was supervising the battle in the background.

Colonel Guan naturally wanted to favor rng in his commentary, otherwise, even if the two were in the same city, he would most likely be beyond his reach.

But this time, Colonel Guan's evaluation was not too exaggerated.

Xiao Pao Fengnv was going down the road, and she was crushed to death by the policewoman Thresh.

The female policeman got the head, and with the economy provided by the terrifying number of last hits, she can attack the speed shoe sword when she goes home.

Under the coercion of the 650-yard sniper.

Lin Weixiang could only be more cautious.

After all, when the small cannon is at level 13, the range will exceed the policewoman.

At that time, the laning period was almost over.

What's more, rng's jungler is blind. With the flexibility of his skills, it is quite easy to cooperate with his teammates to cross the tower.

Shen's big move every 3 minutes can even escort him.


rng player seats.

Xiaohu laughed when he saw the end of the team battle.

Uzi's voice came from the earphones.

Xiaohu's laughter stopped abruptly.

"I can't think of how to lose this game?"

Facing the gray and white TV, Uzi laughed heartily.

"There are so many mistakes on the opposite side, obviously the pressure is too great."

"It's not like I entered the finals of the S game at the age of 17. I didn't panic at all just now!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaohu laughed along with Uzi after a few seconds of delay.

"4 vs. 3 is like this, and the opponent's operation is really crude."


fpx voice channel.

After losing the team battle, the players were not depressed, but were talking and laughing.

under the lens.

The audience who couldn't hear the team's voice couldn't understand the grim smile on the left hand.

They all thought that he had also been "shown" by himself.

The fact can indeed be said to be so...

"Brother Zhou, is my acting too fake? This doesn't match my strength!"

"Fake? At least your output is full, what happened to the operation almost~"

"Die once, drop kda."

"Winning the championship will be worth more."

If Qi Zhou had followed Qi Zhou's command, the last way to die with his left hand would be to step on the trap and be killed by Uzi.

Knowing that he has become a "dog breeder", his left hand does not stop doing anything, and directly staged a "devil scene".


The succubus stepped on the trap in a flash.

The dishes are from the original grass, which is really outrageous!
"Uzi policewoman is fat!"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to kill him in the middle and late stages."

Xiaotian still looks like a dead person, "rng four guarantees and one is a must."

"Let's finish the naked screen blade of the wild knife, and don't want the three phases."

Qi Zhou thought for a while, "If you go through armor-piercing explosive damage, you only need to use the big move qae's damage."

"Cooperate with the left hand, let's make up for some more damage, and it will definitely be done in seconds!"

Uzi is the absolute core of rng.

In this game, Shen, Thresh, and Blind on the blue side all have shields.

And with full control.

When the team fights in the mid-term, if the Phoenix team wants to use the policewoman, it must be the succubus who uses the big move first to pull the canyon off.

Causes the blue side to lose vision, then Uzi.

Of course, rng will definitely be wary.

But the Phoenix team still has Wei.

Like the Nightmare, the "lock" of Wei's ultimate move cannot be interrupted.

Nightmare's w skill can resist a skill.

As long as the left hand can find the right time, block the blind man's big move or carefully hammer the stone hook or pendulum.

Wei enters the arena and can still threaten the policewoman.

Even if the damage is not enough, the big moves of Tetsuo and Xiaopao are all locking skills, and the damage is not low.

4-core output, still afraid that a crispy policewoman will not die?
"Uzi is already fat enough... don't you need to give him a head next?"

He was crushed by 30 knives and fell behind by 1 head. Moreover, compared with the current Uzi, Lin Weixiang's skills are slightly inferior.

Down lane and lane, Alexander.

Facing Lin Weixiang's question, Qi Zhou replied: "Uzi is really fat now."

"But it's still not enough."

"However, according to the development of the next game, we don't need us to send it, and RNG should be able to find opportunities to create a few kills for Uzi."

"It's fine if you play steadily."

"When Uzi grows from a dog to a pig, it's game over."

If other people could hear Qi Zhou's words, they would definitely be confused.

What is said inside and outside, no matter how you listen to it, you hope that rng will win.

It smells like spinach.

But the Phoenix team knew that the "game over" that Qi Zhou was referring to was not for rng to win.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie~"

"Jie Jie Jie Jie~"


"Xiao Pao's outfit is so weird!"

"How to get the attack speed shoe bee sting?"

One look at the rune, and the other look at the outfit.

This is the consensus of lpl commentary.

Of course, the premise is that Qi Zhou will appear in the game.

It has been nearly half a year since Qi Zhou entered the field of vision of the big move.

And in the past six months, he has turned the ecology of lpl upside down.

Dozens of weird styles of play.

Fist has added targeted patches many times.

When ig used the hard power of the trident to kill the Quartet, and finally collapsed in the rng Kai'Sa system.

Qi Zhou's fpx, relying on various understandings and various routines, made it to the finals of the spring competition.

But have to say.

ig and fpx are the leaders of the two major trends of lpl today: hard power and development.

The ig top laner theshy frequently takes out fighters and ad top laners.

Literally changed the tradition of lpl's blue-collar top laner.

The old sheep's head and the big tree spirit were gradually replaced by heroes such as Gnar and Qinggangying, and the number of appearances gradually decreased.

And fpx has developed various routines.

Many underdogs follow suit.


There have been many times in the arena that the results of "down to top" have appeared.

Of course, this also makes teams with deep backgrounds like rng, edg, and we start to innovate and explore and absorb experience.

The strength is even higher.

As a result, in the finals of the LPL Spring Championship, many contestants from overseas were harvested.


European Broadcasting Station.

The three narrators either stroked their beards and frowned, or hugged their waists and looked sideways.

Observe for a long time.

The bearded man was the first to speak, "The female policeman's suppressive power is very strong, and Xiaopao is also very cautious. She chose to return to the city with 1/3 of her blood left."

"fpx is going to let go of the outer tower. Ming is indeed Uzi's good brother. Let him enjoy the bonus of the first blood tower."


The blond skinny monkey who was standing beside him gave a sudden exclamation as he commented.

"lwx reveals the answer for us!"

"He made the magic shoes and the devil's code."

"Are you going to play AP Cannon?"

"What a quirky and daring idea!"

Bee Sting and Demon Codex can be synthesized into Nashor's Fang.

And Xiaopao's w, e, and r skills all have AP bonuses.

This also makes the gameplay of ap cannon quite feasible.

纳什之牙提供50%攻速、80法强、20%冷却减缩,以及普攻附带额外15 0.15ap的魔法伤害。

It became the first piece of equipment for the AP cannon, and it seemed logical.

However, in the professional arena, no player has ever tried ap cannon.

In the daily rank, AP small cannons often only appear in the bronze and silver rounds.

To be more specific, a certain biscuit or a certain fried dough stick is used to fry fish, or a certain card is used to act in a play.

"It's really interesting, but can the AP cannon work?"

The bearded man is still plucking his thick beard. "Although Catherine's damage explodes in a three-piece suit, after Tristana makes a three-piece suit, she can perform more beautifully in team battles."

"Kaysen, I seem to have guessed what lwx was thinking."

The suit was straight, and the blue-eyed commentary who had been silent all the time spoke.

"The Piltover policewoman has already taken an absolute lead economically. She can make a three-piece suit at least 3 minutes faster than the Mailin Gunner."

"Now the uzi distance is endless, and the only difference is the synthesis cost."

"Even if Tian gave up the Demon Swamp Frog to lwx, he wouldn't be able to catch up with Uzi."

"You know, the existence of endless Piltover policewomen is truly frightening."

"The total cost of Nashor's Fang is only 3000, which is 600 gold cheaper than Infinity Blade."

"It just so happens that all the attributes of this piece of equipment are very suitable for the Mailin Gunner."

"L outfit, the first thing is to ensure that I will not be at a disadvantage in the face of the Piltover policewoman who has the Infinity Blade."

"The second is to make up for AP damage for the team. After all, fpx's mid laners and junglers are all AD heroes."

"Although the metal master Mordekaiser has high magic damage, the output ability in team battles is too limited... Wait! What kind of outfit is sea?"

The blue-eyed man locked his eyes on Tetsuo's equipment bar.

Cloth armor shoes drinking blood sword.

Of course they noticed that Qi Zhou equipped with a long sword at the beginning, and after getting a blood serum, he added a vampire scepter after completing the line.

At that time, the commentators predicted that Qi Zhou's first outfit would be a technological gun.

Because the fist modified Tetsuo's q skill 1/3/9 multiples, after this extremely exaggerated damage calculation method, he didn't want Tetsuo to become scrap iron.

Therefore, the attack power and spell power bonus of its q skill has been increased.


The technological gun is a piece of equipment that can provide 80 points of magic power and 40 points of attack power.

It can maximize the damage of Tetsuo's Q skill.

In addition, its active skills can slow down the enemy, giving Tetsuo a way to avoid being kited, and his passive skills can even convert damage into healing.

For Tetsuo, this is definitely a cost-effective piece of equipment.

But is it a ghost that Qi Zhou has a blood-drinking sword and a high-tech gun?
To know all the skills of Tetsuo, only the q skill has ad benefits.

Moreover, q causes magic damage, and the physical blood-sucking of the blood-drinking sword does not have much benefit!
"I really don't understand..."

"Although Morde Kaiser's q skill reaches the full level, the total income of AD reaches 3.8, but the AP also has 2.4!"

"What's more, stacking spell power is easy to attack."

"Is it because I can't understand Sea, or is he really wrongly equipped..."

The strange outfits of the top laner and ad of the Phoenix team naturally aroused everyone.

After discussion.

Most people agree with Lin Weixiang's ap cannon.

But he couldn't figure out why Qi Zhoutie Nan made the blood-drinking sword for the first piece.

But in view of the countless miracles and wonderful pictures created by Qi Zhou in the past six months, the audience and commentators are willing to continue to wait.

In their hearts, they also strongly hope that Qi Zhou can bring them a different visual feast.


"One thing to say, although the Blood Drinking Sword is weird, it is really strong in lane."

Seeing Tie Nan and Shen's sparring, no trace of blood was lost, while Shen lost [-]% of his health, Wa Wa couldn't help but praise.

"Uh... It's about the same as changing to a technological gun." Colonel Guan questioned.

"There is still a difference... After all, the blood-drinking sword can provide a shield. If it is a technological gun, it is impossible to finish the shot and still be full of blood."

"That's right, but I think the technology gun is better!"

The doll did not continue to argue and ended the topic.

"After Xiaopao made Nash's Fang, it turned the situation back a bit."

"This is understandable, the burst damage of the AP cannon is quite high."

"With the deadly rhythm brought by Lin Weixiang and the attack speed provided by Nash, opening Q can basically hit the full damage of e skill steadily."

"The female police officer is well equipped, but her level is not high. This amount of blood is easy to kill in seconds."

After Xiaotian opened the team in the bottom lane in 8 minutes, he cleared the jungle very peacefully, guarding the bottom lane, avoiding RNG mid-field linkage, jumping towers and small cannons.

The left hand is in the middle, and he is also focused on clearing the line.

The Phoenix team was on the defensive as a whole and did not challenge anything.

Seeing that the middle and lower lanes of fpx are almost impeccable, Mala Xiangguo puts his mind on the top lane.

Rangdi's Shen couldn't deal with Tie Nan at all, so he could only ensure that he would not be killed alone.

Therefore, Qi Zhou's pressure line is relatively deep.

In order to avoid Qi Zhou's suspicion, Xiaohu manipulated Ruiz to leave after clearing the line.

The blind man walked around the triangular grass from the big dragon pit.

Qi Zhou didn't notice it.

"Pretend to eat cannon carts and lie to him."

At this point the game time has reached 16 minutes.

Under the nourishment of dog-headed happy bugs and river crabs, Tetsuo's level is 12.

The blind man is only level 9, and his equipment is a warrior jungler's serrated dagger.

A lot of damage, but the body is very fragile.

And Iron Man is the Bloodthirsty Sword, Cloth Armor Shoes, and Caulfield's Warhammer.

The big move q three hammers is very likely to kill him in seconds.

After all, Tetsuo's cornerstone rune is Congren, and the burst speed is extremely fast!



Let the emperor control Shen, and while keeping a distance from Tetsuo, he walked towards the cannon carriage.

Because Xiaotian often shows up in the bottom lane.

Uzi didn't dare to go too far, so in the past 7 minutes, he only pressed Lin Weixiang 35 dollars, which was only 8 dollars more than at 42 minutes and 5 seconds.

And Tetsuo made up a full 165 knives at this moment.

Shen only has $96.

This also means that Qi Zhouya Rangdi's CS is close to twice that of Uzi's Lin Weixiang!
"Tie Nan has a lot of back ups!"

Miller knew that Qi Zhou's number of last hits beyond time was the result of him brushing stone beetles and keeping on the road.

But still couldn't help but marvel.

"It's true that there are a lot of make-ups... But Neptune's fight like this also caused Tetsuo's ability to be completely unable to play."

"Although the Phoenix team got two fire dragons, Tie Nan didn't try to enslave the little dragons. As a result, the red team's rhythm was very slow, and they were completely passive."

Colonel Guan criticized Qi Zhou's unteam behavior.

"Sea King should have his own Tetsuo, only the Q skill has damage."

"And Tetsuo's initial movement speed has been reduced to 325 yards, making it difficult to hit people."

In the words, the heroes of both sides on the road fought against each other again.

Suppressed Rangdi 70 knives, breaking his myth that all beings are equal.

Naturally, Qi Zhou wouldn't let him eat the cannonball.

Without saying a word, Tie Nan threw a big hammer at Shen.

[Shoveling Hammer] is activated.

The silver-gray hammer in Mordekaiser's hand was accompanied by a purple-red bloody light.

As soon as the hammer hit, Shen's blood volume dropped greatly.

Let the emperor press the w key, and the defensive enchantment will appear, temporarily immune to ordinary attacks.

Qi Zhou didn't have Shi Lezhi, so he continued to beat him.

Instead, activate the e skill [Siphon of Destruction] to wear down the shield provided by Shen passively.

"Taunt him!"

The blind man hiding in the shadows came out.

Let the emperor immediately use the e skill to taunt.

Hit the road to start a three-person melee.

"Brother Zhou, I'm coming!"

After clearing the line with his left hand, he wanted to follow Ryze down, but he didn't expect the blind man to gank on the road.

To know.

Qi Zhou is fatter than Uzi now.

2 to 1.

rng really may not be able to beat it.

"I'll trade with the blind man, you go down the road."

"Uzi is not fat enough, give him a head."

The left hand looked confused: "This is not good... If we wait for him to operate, we may overturn the car!"

"Believe me."

"I can turn him into the sharpest spear, and then ruthlessly stab into rng's heart!"

Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

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