Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 152 [151] All heroes in the world can enter my nest!

1 for 1.

Mala Xiangguo is a bit hard to swallow.

In this wave of gank, his various operations were full, but he was still no match for the giant mace in Tetsuo's hand.

"Two hundred points of attack power, what an exaggeration!"

"This hero is really weird!"

Without any equipment rune bonus, Tetsuo before S8 is the hero with the highest full-level attack power in the entire League of Legends.

Because of his growing attack power, it reached a terrifying 5 points per level.

Another hero who has the same growth attack as Tetsuo is Darius.

However, before the adjustment of the basic attributes of the S8 rune reforging hero, his basic attack power was only 56 points, which was behind Tetsuo's 61 points.

Maybe that's why.

In version 7.22, when Tetsuo's basic attack power has been generally improved for most heroes, Fist is only slightly adjusted to increase its armor, basic life, and growth life value.

It didn't let Tetsuo's attack power increase by an average of more than 8 points like other heroes.

It is for this reason.

The title "Iron Man ranks first in attack power at level 18" is only applicable before version 7.22.

Because the head dog has the same super high growth attack power bonus as him, the basic attack power has increased from 56 points to 64 points.

Of course, the growth attack power of normal heroes is generally between 3 and 4.

Don't feel bad.

You must know that a hero can be upgraded to level 18 and gain 18 attack power growth (the basic attack power is level 0)!

Like Juggernaut, the growth attack power is only 3.
At the full level, the gap with Tie Nan and Nuoshou is a full 36 points!
About equal to a storm sword!
Therefore, in terms of basic attributes, a level 12 Tetsuo is at least a pickaxe ahead of a level 9 blind man.

This is also the reason why Qi Zhou's Q skill hit Shen with three hammers, but he was still able to replace the blind man.

Equipped with a blood-drinking sword and a warhammer, the iron man's basic attack damage far exceeds that of a fighter of the same level!
Even... the enhanced basic attack comparable to Shen Q's skill.

It can be said that the blind man in Mala Xiangguo was beaten to death by Qi Zhou!

"If Wanderer hadn't arrived in time, Tie Nan could even leave in style after killing someone."

"After all, the damage Shen can cause is extremely limited!"

"But Tetsuo can use W and basic attack to restore blood."

In order to kill Qi Zhou, Xiaohu created the illusion of wandering down the road after clearing the pawn line.

In fact, use false vision to support on the road.

After all, Tetsuo is level 12, with a very high growth life value, plus Iron Man Baitiao's passive and blood-drinking sword shield.

The blind man and Shen wanted to kill him, but the damage was definitely not enough!

But Xiaohu didn't expect that Rangdi used W to block Tetsuo's first hammer, and then E taunted and used the explosive attack speed provided by Cong Ren to Tetsuo.

He blocked two more hammers.

Tetsuo can still kill the blind man before he ults to support him.

Ryze took a detour to the top.

The nightmare in the left hand naturally drifted to the bottom lane.

Seeing the warning red exclamation mark on the next road, Rangdi said calmly, "I'm still half-blooded, and I have great power to pass on."


Uzi, who had retreated into the defense tower, smiled.

"Then it's fine~"

"If they dare to surpass, I dare to operate!"

"I don't know if they can accept 1 for 2, or 1 for 3..."

In the blue field of vision, I observed the nightmare at the lower end of the river, and Wei in the grass in the stone beetle camp of my side. …

Xiao Pao Feng Nu led the line of soldiers and advanced forward.

The policewoman and Thresh looked like they were being double-teamed.

But Uzi took his time and set the trap.

At the same time, Shi Senming also controlled Thresh, walked behind the policewoman, and stared vigilantly at Wei who was accumulating power!

Xiaotian's current outfit is the same as Mala Xiangguo Yimao.

Showcasing the Jungle Knife with Serrated Dagger.

Both attack power and armor penetration are taken into account, and both skill damage and basic attack are painful.

The policewoman is not made of iron, and her level is not as high as that of Iron Man.

Although Wei's set of combos may not be able to maim the policewoman.

But on FPX's side, there are still nightmares and small cannons watching.

Shi Senming saw that Wei was accumulating power with his Q skill.

Instead, he relaxed his tense nerves a little.

Wei's ultimate move cannot be locked, and Thresh's E skill pendulum cannot interrupt it.

But [Strong Energy Punch] is different.

Even though Xiaotian can Q flash, Thresh's E skill can interrupt it.

Shi Senming has absolute confidence in himself.

After adjusting the position, it is even more sure!
"Be careful! The Q flashes!"

The charging time of Wei Q skill is 1.25 seconds, which is nearing the end at this time.

You must know that Wei's [Strength Punch] will not return the CD if it exceeds the power storage time.

S8 Wei Q skill has a 1-second CD at level 16, and 8 seconds at full level.

When forcibly jumping over the tower, there is little chance to release the second Q skill.

If there is, it is also used to escape!

Shi Senming therefore predicted that it was time for Xiaotian to act!

The shield produced by the purple secret technique suddenly lit up on the policewoman.

Meanwhile, it was getting dark.

"Nightmare pull the switch and turn off the lights!"

"The target is the policewoman!"

Amidst the hurried voices of the commentators, the team battle kicked off again.

His vision was lost, but Shi Senming was not nervous.

Wei's follow-up whereabouts has already formed an animation in his mind:

Q flashes the policewoman, AE takes the big move!
However, Thresh was beside the policewoman at the moment.

[Pendulum of doom]!
The soul-inducing lamp sweeps away the green rectangular blocking area, but the moment Wei Q flashes close or hits the policewoman in the imagination, the picture controlled by Thresh's E skill does not appear.

"Where's Wei?"

Shi Senming yelled, and Uzi responded immediately, "I didn't see it, I didn't lock me!"

"Nightmare flew me!"

AD was in trouble, Shi Senming didn't think too much about it, approached the policewoman, flew in the direction of Nightmare, and released the pre-judgment hook.

At the same time, the [Ghost Prison] composed of countless innocent souls rose from the ground.

Surround the policewoman herself.

"Xiaotian didn't release the Q skill!"

"He tricked Thresh into taking control."

"My God, the policewoman used a stopwatch, and Nightmare was hooked by Thresh, but fortunately, W blocked it!"

Although Nightmare has RRQEAWA's spike combo.

But the timing of using the Uzi stopwatch is excellent.

Nightmare flew in front of the policewoman, causing damage and releasing QE, and the policewoman turned golden.

This can not only avoid the fear effect of the Nightmare E skill, but also make it attract the hatred of the defensive tower. ,
Because of the emperor's prediction in advance, the degree of mercy was sent to the policewoman.

When Shen landed, Nightmare W was just broken by Thresh's hook.

This makes Emperor E flash, the perfect taunt!

Nightmare was crushed to death by the blue energy ball of the defense tower!
"Find Wei! Find Wei!"

The golden light on the policewoman's body has not dissipated, but the eagerness in Uzi's tone overflowed the voice channel. …

The small cannon is protected by Fengnv, and it also needs [Rocket Jump].

I am really helpless.

And this Wei, dared to go around and cut himself.

Really big and bold!

She must be liquidated, and the female attacker from the dirty city must be punished by justice!
"I'll go, how dare you?!"

Although Nocturne was killed, the blue hero is still in a state of vision loss.

Uzi controls the policewoman and walks in the direction of Wei with the help of memory.

Unexpectedly, Bobby in the cannon form would push his nose on his face and press his ass on his hair.

You know, this is because she hasn't stepped out of the defense tower yet!
I really don't know how to write dead words?
But in the next second, the water dragon cannon in Tristana's hand shot out a huge blue wave ball.

The shell hit the policewoman hard, pushing her hundreds of yards away.

"Lin Weixiang is forcing 1 for 1..."

The commentators were also shocked by Xiaopao's bold move.

Lin Weixiang didn't do any fancy operations.

Only hit the damage of W landing general attack R.

Even the E skill was not applied to the policewoman.

And his purpose is also very simple, which is to send Uzi to Xiaotian.

Its daybreak.

Summoner's Rift returns to light.

Uzi's pupils constricted.

A red circle appeared on the bottom of the policewoman's feet, and she was locked by Chu Yuxun!
next second.

A gigantic iron fist sent the noble sheriff of Uptown flying.

The 【Body-penetrating Strength】 from Hex's fist hit Catherine's lower abdomen.

The blood volume plummeted.

Wei played the third ring and then took QA, the policewoman was killed!

Xiaotian handed over his flash and rushed into the wild area.

Uzi's complexion was the same as the energy bar of Rambo's frequently used skills, and it quickly turned red.

But next second.

His sullenness turned into laughter!

"Hey hey!"

"This little cannon is killing me!"

"Flashing and stepping on the trap... This is giving me a head in a different way!"

On the gray and white screen, a reminder that the female policeman killed Xiaopao floated across the screen.

It turned out that Lin Weixiang wanted to escape in a flash after jumping his hips in W and blasting the policewoman in front of Wei from behind.

But stepped on the clip under Uzibu...


"It's okay for me to say that Uzi is the world's number one AD, right? With a golden body and a clip, he can easily take 2 heads!"

"Team Phoenix today... Zhencai's foot-picking, the operation can't bear to look straight at it!"

"But it's not bad for Lin Weixiang to jump face to start a group, at least he dares to fight."

"Anyway, 2 for 1, it's a shame."

"Why is the whole world targeting UZI because he is too strong? Is there something wrong with being strong?"


"It's numb..."

"Brother Zhou, I will act according to your orders. Regardless of whether you win or lose, you must clarify for me."

"Otherwise my career will be ruined!"

Lin Weixiang had a mournful face, full of grievances.

And cry in my heart.

"Am I easy?"

"Obviously she can flash the female policewoman who started the team, W left the scene beautifully, and be the most beautiful boy in the audience."

"As a result, in order to fatten Uzi, the show was started with a poor operation."

"Hey... Uzi, won't you eat the jungle area after eating the bot lane, eat the mid lane after eating the jungle area, and then come back to eat the bot lane?"

"Don't be afraid to take the blame!"


Qi Zhou was also a little embarrassed. …

After all, Flash stepped on the trap, which has happened twice in this game.

Played badly~
"Next time, I'll try to think of some clever ways to die for you guys, but it's a bit mentally retarded to step on the trap..."


Generally speaking, the strong period of the policewoman is when the first endless piece is made, and after the completion of the three-piece suit.

After the two-piece suit is made, it is relatively weak until the third piece is completed.

But this game.

Uzi made a two-piece set at 17 and a half minutes.

At the same time, with the protection of Shen, Blind, and Thresh, even in the face of a strong lineup like FPX Wei Mengmai.

When the female policemen are in groups, they can still have a good output environment.

After all, the only thing the red side can count on is the small cannon.

The unrevised version of Tetsuo is also very bulky, and there is no [Reincarnation] that can lock her into a small black room and play a single solo match.

Malaxiangguo went on a hunger strike as usual in this round, focusing on finding FPX flaws and performing ganks.

But the results are minimal.

Fortunately, RNG Shen and Ryze support extremely fast, plus the bottom lane has absolute line power.

At 18 minutes, the blind man accepted the Canyon Pioneer.

The policewoman who broke down the next tower has already switched to the road.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Qi Zhou put oil on the soles of his feet and ran away.

RNG then breaks through the red side and goes to the outer tower on the road.

Then Uzi turned to the middle.

Xiaohu reluctantly leaves...

Because of Xiangguo's hunger strike, he ate several groups of three wolves and big birds, and his economy was second only to Iron Man and Policewoman.

Although Uzi is on the same team.

But it still hurts to lose fat and water!

"The RNG economy leads by 20k in 4.2 minutes."

"Excluding the economy provided by the two defensive towers, it's actually not that much."

Keenly aware of the imminent war, Miller analyzed the situation in advance.

"It's mainly on the road... 20 dollars behind in 108 minutes of make-up."

"I can't say Letme dishes, I can only blame Neptune for being so good at brushing!"

The exact game time is 20 minutes and 44 seconds.

Tetsuo's supplementary knife is impressively displayed as 252 knives.

This made him a 2/1 record, but he made a three-piece suit before the policewoman.

Of course, this three-piece suit is as weird as it gets.

Drinking blood sword, sucking blue knife, sucking blue knife.

"I don't understand Neptune's outfit, but the attack power is really outrageous. The three-piece suit has a full 423 attack power!"

"Will the policewoman's small body be able to withstand such a hammer?"

Colonel Guan looked at the big screen, and clicked his tongue on the iron male attribute panel that the director specially called up.

"Not quite right, why is there such a high attack power?"

"There are no growth and attack runes now!"

Although sometimes the time of the game viewing interface will not match the game, which will give the audience an illusion.

But the attribute value was wrong, which never happened.

Colonel Guan silently calculated in his mind that the iron man with this set of equipment has a peak attack power of only three hundred or dozens.

There is no way it will exceed four hundred.

There are tricks, there are definitely tricks!
Of course, Colonel Guan would never doubt Qi Zhou's technology development.

Because of the commentary of so many games, he knew that every time Qi Zhou hit outrageous numbers, he often applied a certain attribute or rune of the game.

The brain is running fast.

In the end, his eyes locked on the iron man's secondary rune.

It's the witchcraft bar!

"I see, Neptune should have brought 【Transcendence】!"

"Excessive cooldown reduction can be converted into attack power!"...

[Transcendence] is located in the excellent rune column of the witchcraft department.


The presence of this rune increases the viability of many builds.

After all, it can convert the removed cooldown reduction into an adaptive attribute, and it has made up for the overflowed cooldown reduction caused by the equipment.

In the current version, the power of three phases, Essence Retriever, Luden's Echo, Athena's Evil Grail, Nashor's Fang, Glacier Heart, and Iceborn Gauntlets can all provide 20% cooling reduction.

Heroes like weapons and centaurs are likely to choose the combination of three phases and Bing Xin.

This reduces their cooldown and fills them up directly.

But for the purpose of stacking resistance and based on the characteristics of heroes, summoners are likely to choose the equipment of Invigorating Armor for them.

And the green armor can provide 10% cooling reduction.

You know, without clicking [Astral Realm Insight], 40% cooldown reduction is online.

The extra CD reduction is pure waste.

This appears to be a huge loss!

But in many cases, you have to buy that piece of equipment.

Very bland.

But the rune [Transcendence] can directly provide a 10% cooldown reduction at level 10.

If the hero you choose needs a high amount of CD reduction, or it will definitely be full of cooling.

This rune is equivalent to directly giving you 12 attack power or 20 spell power in the mid-term.

High cost performance!
The Essence Reaper itself has a 75-point attack bonus.

According to Qi Zhou's current equipment production method, it is very likely that he will go all the way to the dark in the future and use the Essence Seizing Scythe.

After all, under the transformation of [Transcendence].

An Essence Seizing Scythe can provide 99 points of attack power!

Who else?
"This attack power is indeed terrifying!"

"You must know that Tetsuo's Q skill three hammers can obtain a total of 3.6 AD bonus."

"According to the panel's damage, Tetsuo's Q can cause a total of [-] points of mixed damage!"

(Based on 400, 1200 points for three normal attacks, 200 points for basic skill damage, plus 3.6*400, a total of 2860)

The baby roughly calculated the damage that Iron Three Hammers could cause.

If the damage offset by dual resistance is set to 45%.

With the help of Cong Ren, Tie Nan can deal over [-] damage in an instant with his E big move.

"Sea King's understanding of game data has really reached its peak!"

"Before AP Tetsuo made his hat, his outburst was really not as good as AD Tetsuo's."

"FPX obviously wants to hit the mid-term!"

Before the revision of the rune, due to the existence of the rune of hell fire.

Top singles and half-flesh iron men were all the rage.

After the appearance of the new runes, the Netherfire Tetsuo no longer existed, and the pure AP Tetsuo also appeared again.

But because Tetsuo is too bulky.

Even with pure AP, most summoners' outfits tend to be more functional.

Generally speaking, large masks and ice sticks are must-have equipment.

The ice stick can slow down the enemy, and at the same time trigger the big mask to cause double damage!
These two pieces of equipment maximize the damage of Tetsuo's ultimate move, and increase its frankness, making Tetsuo not easy to be killed in seconds.

Again, there are pros and cons.

The spell power provided by the ice staff and the big mask is not outstanding.

And because these two pieces of equipment are bundled for Tetsuo. …

This caused Tetsuo's spell power to be at a low value in the early and mid-term.

And with the big hats that cost a lot, the compositing is not smooth.

It is often arranged to be the last one out.

Therefore, after making the ice stick and the big mask, Tetsuo's combat power will fall into a short period of stagnation, and he will not be able to complete the leap until the magic piercing rod and big hat are made.

Of course, iron men who can play often take advantage of this period of stagnation to fight dragons with teammates, enslave dragon souls to push towers, and play rhythm and operation.

But the single Iron Man...

It is not easy to play like this.

This also makes the Tie Nan in Qi Zhou's AD outfit catch the attention of all commentators!
Although the attack power is only effective for Tetsuo's general attack and Q skills.

But the explosion is high!
What's more, Tetsuo's W skills and ultimate moves, most players pay attention to their functionality, not AP bonus.

"The doll is right!"

"In just 20 minutes, Tetsuo's attack power has exceeded [-] points!"

"Know that 1 attack power can be equivalent to 1.6 spell power."

"Once we get into a group, Uzi must always be on guard against Iron Man's flashing three hammers."

"The explosive attack speed of Cong Ren is too fast!"

(This version of the blue sword has 75 points of attack power, but no 20% crit. If it has 70 points of attack, 20 cooldown reduction, and 20% crit, the version is even more terrifying!)


The commentators could see the intention of Qi Zhou's costume, so naturally the players could too.

When Uzi realized that he was likely to be instantly killed by Tetsuo's three hammers.

The RNG people assembled in the middle, the primary task has also changed from protecting the policewoman to not giving Tetsuo a chance to enter the field!
"I don't think this group can fight yet!"

Uzi spoke surprisingly, and he quickly explained.

"There are two locked big moves on the opposite side, and we have to beware of Tie Nan."

"Before I made Resurrection A, it was very difficult to win team battles!"

Seeing that UZI is not arrogant, Xiaohu is also relieved.

To be honest, after realizing Tetsuo's terrifying outburst, he also felt that he still had to grow.

He used the current version of the popular CD shoes and the ghost book of the Archangel.

The skill release frequency, blood volume, and shield are all very good.

But if he is hammered by a strong man like Qi Zhou, he will be disabled even if he doesn't die!
Must brush out of the abyss!
After all, the extra damage of Tetsuo Q is magic damage.

Wait... The basic attack is accidental damage, and the attack power of more than 400 points is not low!

In other words, do you want to make a Bing Xin?

That is to say, the three pieces are useless, and you have to make a four-piece set, so that you can confidently output boldly?
Be good!
"It's really not good to play in a group now... Let's develop first!"

"We have cable rights, and the support is fast."

"The outer tower on the opposite side has also been pulled out by us, and the resources are definitely not as good as our side."

"How about taking the big dragon and attacking after everyone's equipment is formed?"

Xiaohu talked a lot.

None of the four teammates objected.

"Just do it!"


On the other side, looking at the RNG crowd who dispersed in a hurry, Qi Zhou was amazed.

Did they perceive their intentions?
No way!
How many versions has Tetsuo never played?

Probably no one will notice this detail...

"They went to fight the dragon?"...

Qi Zhou asked softly.

Because a few minutes ago, the blind man knocked down the Canyon Herald and took advantage of the opportunity to push down the outer tower on the road.

In the upper river and even in some red areas of FPX, the field of vision is dark.

Just when Qi Zhou was startled, a policewoman appeared on the way down.

Uzi started his favorite last knife session again.

The middle lane crossed the border.

The blue bald king of thunder and lightning appeared, releasing various spells continuously.

"Still developing?"

"But that's all very well."

Qi Zhou scratched his head.

In fact, at this time, the Phoenix team can group together to fight the little dragons, and then use the dragon soul to push the tower and play a wave of rhythm.

But he didn't make up his mind.

There are many reasons.

First of all, this dragon is a water dragon, which is useless to Qi Zhou.

Secondly, FPX relies entirely on Wei and Nightmare to form a team, and it is easy to overturn on the bright side.

If you are accidentally wiped out by the group, the loss outweighs the gain.

This is to drop the dragon!

That's right, from the beginning to the present, he has always hoped that Uzi will become fatter and fatter!
But he is also afraid of playing off.

If Uzi is overweight, I can't lose her in a second.

Then the game can be GG.

The Phoenix team can also bid farewell to the Silver Dragon Cup directly.

By the time……

How would Li Chun, White Crescent, and even a few teammates who stepped on the trap treat him?

Scared to think about it!
"If they want to develop, they can develop~"

"Qingsong, you don't need to be a twin shadow, just do it with a big stick."



The mid-term teamfight suddenly changed back to the early development.

The audience full of expectations was burned out.

"What are you doing! Do you want to develop for 10 minutes before playing a team?"

"The more decisive the game, the more fearful you will be, and you will lose!"

"Dream back to S7..."

"Don't fight in a three-piece suit? Do you want to wait until Liushen is installed before fighting? You can't hold back, my bladder can't hold it!"

"Mullet roe."

It seems to have felt the complaints of the audience.

Mala Xiangguo took the initiative and carried out several waves of gank.

The red and blue sides finally broke out in a limited-scale conflict.

At 25:33, Mala Xiangguo touched his eyes with a second-stage Q and drew a 7, and kicked the small cannon that the rocket jumped to the ground in front of the policewoman, and Uzi took another one.

At 28:11, the blind man and Shen cooperated, the female policeman made a big move to make up for the damage, and the spicy hot pot killed the left hand.

At 33:23, facing another fire dragon that was refreshed immediately, FPX was eager to try.

RNG naturally refused.

After all, FPX already has two fire dragons, so if you give them another one, wouldn't Tetsuo's attack power go to heaven?
But the left hand turned off the light in time, and the Mala Xiangguo fight failed, and Long was still accepted by FPX.

Fortunately, when the emperor landed, E flash taunted Tetsuo, and the blind man kicked him in front of Ryze, Thresh continued to control, Tetsunan was instantly killed by the female policeman and the wandering Gao Gao.

RNG killed Wei again, and then took down the dragon.


"The policewoman and Ryze are all pretending to be Liushen!"

"It should be a wave this time!"

After the little dragon group took down the big dragon, RNG's economy led by more than 1.

Uzi, who has the Resurrection Armor, is extremely confident.

He finally said, "Let's fight together!"

Everyone in RNG is also gearing up, excited.

As long as this wave of groups wins.

Then RNG will welcome their first champion!
6 years!
From Royal Family to RNG, it has been 6 years.

I don't know how many finals and semi-finals we played. …

But RNG didn't have any champions.

Just take this game.

They will be able to take off the title of "Void Team" above their heads.

"Tetsunan's passive and high growth points of life allow him to be regarded as meat in the mid-term."

"But now, the output of the policewoman and Ryze is no longer what he can bear."

"And Mala Xiangguo's armor-piercing half-flesh blind man, the damage is not low!"

"The Phoenix team is in trouble!"

RNG has an advantage, and it will not advance in groups in the mid-term.

This made the emperors on the Internet complain a lot.

Even part of the audience at the scene let out a sigh.

But after the wave of little dragons just now, they wanted to say "sorry, I'm superficial" to RNG.

The Phoenix team is the fattest here, and the only six gods are Tie Nan.

His equipment column is the blood-drinking sword, four blue-sucking knives, and CD shoes.

Obviously, what Qi Zhou pursued was the ultimate attack power.

For this reason, he replaced the original cloth armor shoes with CD shoes, which not only ensured the speed of movement, but also increased the attack power by more than ten points.

This outfit is also really outrageous.

With the blessing of the two fire dragons, the attack power of Iron Man who drank the red medicine reached 748 points.

If Feng Nu puts a shield on Iron Man, his attack power can be as high as 841 points!
Because the panel damage of Iron Three Hammer has reached 5750 points.

Don't say anything else.

The policewoman will definitely not be able to hold on!
When Ryze doesn't have the active skill of Seraphim, he will definitely not be able to handle it!

But Tetsuo has high damage, and policewoman and Ryze have high damage too!
In the wave of little dragons just now, Uzi made a headshot, directly knocking out half of Qi Zhou's blood.

You know, Tetsuo didn't charge forward.

In the mid-term, the policewoman may have to worry about Tetsuo flashing Q to hammer her.

But now, maybe Tetsuo is gone before he meets the policewoman!

Through the commentary, the Huangza audience thought of this, and naturally they absolutely admire RNG.

The five people from the blue side wore the dragon buff on their bodies and came to the high ground in the middle of the red side.

The war is about to begin!

Someone shouted, "Go RNG! RNG will win!"

The Rubik's Cube venue was completely ignited.

Countless shouts soared into the sky.

The cheers for RNG pierced the sky, and shocked the relatively small number of Phoenix fans.

There are so many miscellaneous things, it's really scary!
Do I want to be messed up too, if they pinch it?


"Break the high ground!"

The super gun car cooperates with the policewoman with the artillery, and abruptly knocks down the red square middle road highland tower.

Thresh and the blind man surrounded the policewomen and rushed into the wide red square heights.

Now, the red side has no choice but to fight.

Because RNG did not choose to push the other two lanes, but directly forced the high front teeth!
"Turn off the lights!"

Qi Zhou said quietly.

Facing the menacing blue square hero, he felt great pressure for the first time.

It seems to be a bit out of play.

This policewoman is too fat! !
Moreover, the female policewoman who was protected by four in the later period, her ability to dominate the battlefield is self-evident!

By virtue of or artillery's super long range.

There are five crispy skins on FPX, no matter who gets a headshot, they will lose their fighting power in an instant!
"Nightmare opens up!"

"The team battle has officially started!"

it's dark.

But Uzi is not afraid. …

Four teammates surrounded him.

With the current equipment, Nightmare in armor rushed in, and he could guarantee that he would be able to counter-kill his resurrection armor before it was shot.

After all, it's just a matter of 2 headshots to tie A.

If E arrives, it may only take two shots.

"Ming, open the big directly!"

The crimson rune locked by Nocturne has not yet appeared under his feet.

But Uzi is very cautious.

Of course, this is also due to the loss of vision.

If Nightmare flies over with W first, then his shield will definitely be broken, and then Uzi can directly kill him with AEA.

If he uses W after Nightmare, he will be slowed down by 99% when he touches Thresh's big move.

At this speed, Uzi has enough confidence to kill him.

After all, Flash is still in his hands.

When Thresh's Nether Prison appears.

Uzi's teammates screamed in horror.

"The wind girl flashes!"

"be careful!"

From the perspective of God, Fengnv rushed into the RNG formation with her big move.

Then start the big move.

The blind man, Ryze, and Shen were all blown away.

And Liu Qingsong also handed over Flash immediately.

At the same time, Wei also unlocked the super-named R skill lock.

Uzi, it's dangerous!
"My God! Mala Xiangguo is blind Q?"

Colonel Guan looked at the screen and exclaimed.

The blind man was at least six or seven hundred yards away from the policewoman.

But when he sent out the sky sound wave, he hit Wei who was rushing towards the policewoman.

Two-stage Q.

The moment Wei hit the ground, he only dealt AE damage, but was kicked flying by the blind man.

As for the UZI policewoman, under the protection of Shen's big move and Thresh W, she took a set of damage from Moteng and killed her.

"Return 500 points of blood!"

"Uzi is not dead!"

The Huangza audience was completely excited!
Two advances, one dead and one injured, what do you use FPX to kill Uzi.

If you can't kill Uzi, why do you win?

But they were not happy yet, Xiaotian's Wei Q Flash rushed towards Uzi again.

At the same time, the second round of E is played.

Uzi was taken for a second... No, he still has the Resurrection Armor!

And Vi, ridiculed by Shen, died under Ryze's indiscriminate bombardment.


FPX Nakano passed away.

And RNG has five players!

"It's's gone!"

Backstage at FPX, White Crescent and Li Chun looked at each other.


As long as the policewoman is revived, Team Phoenix will definitely lose.

"Anti-Iron Man!"

"Anti-Iron Man!"

Uzi yelled, and the teammates immediately gathered in the direction of Tetsuo.

With the damage of Tetsuo's Q skill, he can easily kill the resurrected policewoman in Brother Chun.

At that time, with the soul of the policewoman, the situation between the two sides will become 4 vs 4 again.
It's hard to say the outcome.

Seeing the four of RNG blocking him like a wall, Qi Zhou smiled awkwardly.


It's really fun, if it's gone...

"Isn't it..."

Qi Zhou murmured, but in the next second, Lin Weixiang's roar hurt his eardrums.

I saw the small cannon flashing forward, and then the W skill jumped.

The moment it landed, the Uzi policewoman just resurrected and stood up.

[Rocket Jump] Splashing Luden's electric sparks, the policewoman's blood bar dropped wildly.

In the next second, a huge water dragon ejected.


Purple numbers floated out, and the policewoman's blood bar disappeared.

"Seconds! The bonus of the AP small cannon's big move is a full 1.0, directly killing the policewoman!"

The doll yelled, "Lin Weixiang Cowhide!"

at the same time.

A gray soul stood up.

Her figure is exactly the same as that of the policewoman.

Iron Man's big move enslaved Catherine's soul.

Seeing this, Qi Zhou laughed loudly and said, "Lin Weixiang made the first contribution!"

Then he manipulated Tie Nan to retreat, while the soul of the policewoman raised her gun to shoot the strays.


Magic damage.

Just one shot, and the stray dies.

(It’s too late, I coded very carefully, the reason for the high damage will be explained in the next chapter)

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