Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 157 [156] A wave of team battles to determine the championship

Chapter 157 [156] A wave of team battles that determine the championship

The moment Nightmare entered the field, the main output of the RNG lineup, Ice, was instantly killed.

The originally confusing team battle ending was instantly clear.

The sudden Spartan warrior, killing the ice in seconds, shocked the audience greatly.

RNG has no vision and doesn't know what's going on.

But the audience really saw it!

The landing point of Pan Sen's ultimate move was on the edge of the teleportation array at the bottom of Ryze's feet, and the moment Ryze's teleportation array ended, Pan Sen also fell (see the picture, I don't know if the gif can show it).

But the air wave generated by his ultimate move appeared at the other end of the teleportation array.

Ice, hit by the inner circle!

You know, the panel magic damage of Pan Sen's level 1 ultimate move is a full [-] points!

Except for the big-headed RW and the full-charged ult of the Snowman Knight, his ult has the highest damage.

In the early stage, which AD hero will have magic resistance?

This ass directly took half of Han Bing's life!
Qi Zhou's first item was the Black Cleaver, which provided 50 attack power, 300 health points, 20% cooling reduction, and a passive percentage armor-piercing effect.

Many viewers and even commentators believe that he is doing this to be able to be online and increase his suppression of Aoun.

Actually it is not.

What Qi Zhou likes is Heiqie's 20% cooldown reduction.

Combined with the cooldown reduction provided by [Transcendence], his cooldown reached 30% at this time!

This also means that the CD of Pan Sen's ultimate move has been reduced from two and a half minutes to 105 seconds... It can better exert the power of the "global flow" system!

FPX's global stream is obviously aimed at Han Bing.

Compared with the first black cut, Youmeng, which can provide 60 attack power, 10% cooling, and 18 armor penetration, can cause higher damage to ice.

Pan Sen, who came out of Youmeng first, a set of combo moves, combined with ignition, is enough to kill him.

And with a black cut, the damage will be slightly lacking.

This is because Pan Sen's ultimate move takes a long time to charge, and it will display the prompt "The King of War is on his way" before falling.

As long as the opponent does not owe, no one will drill into it.

So... the damage from the big move is generally not included in Pan Sen's combo.

Otherwise, the three-level big move, 1000 points of basic damage, second in the league, who can stand this (No. [-] or Nunu)?
Ke Ruizi and Pan Sen's unexpected linkage directly made the damage of [Falling Strike] full.

It's hard to survive the ice!

If the linkage of Ryze + Nunu is an air-dropped nuclear bomb, then Pantheon + Ryze can also be called a bomb from the sky.

"FPX played 0 for 3!"

"This wave of their linkage is really exciting!"

"I thought Pan Sen+Shen was the ultimate weapon of the Phoenix team, but I didn't expect that they also had a hidden hand of Pan Sen+Ryze!"

The doll doubles the volume and screams loudly.

Obviously, this kind of clip in the up collection, appearing in the professional arena, is really super moving.

"Haha, it's only been 1 minutes, and both sides have made strange moves frequently."

"This spring showdown is really exciting!"

Miller couldn't help sighing, "Of course, in this wave of team battles, FPX was able to be so unexpected, thanks to the five-speed shoes under Pan Sen's feet."

"Because I just noticed that Mala Xiangguo has pinned a signal on the blue buff side of Lan Fang."

"RNG must have thought that Pan Sen was playing blue. No one expected him to go directly to Ryze and come back to Shuangfeiyan again."

Senior Colonel Guan nodded again and again, "FPX has two [Global Streaming Modes] that are hard to guard against. Uzi and Xiao Ming will suffer a lot!"


Uzi's expression was very bad. He understood that the cooperation of FPX's upper and middle assistants would make his living space infinitely compressed.

The Huangzas in front of the stage were also silent, listening to the cheers of the Huangzas next door.

Many hardcore fans have a good understanding of the game. Not only do they understand it, but they also know that the difficulty RNG will face in the next 10 minutes is to ensure the development of the ice!

In the next wave, Shen's big move will be better again!

Uzi doesn't have the money to make quicksilver ribbons, which means that once FPX takes the initiative to attack, Han Bing will basically face a deadly situation.

Unless Uzi could dodge Shen's taunt that suddenly appeared in his face.

The probability of this... is very small.

"Brothers, we must form a group first for the next wave."

"Otherwise it's too passive... No, otherwise just G!"

With two waves of deaths in succession, Uzi Hanbing's advantage of three kills at the beginning has been canceled out.

If the next wave is killed again, then his development will fall behind.

You know, although RNG's lineup is not an extreme four guarantees and one, it retains the output position of Nightmare.

But in team battles, no matter how Malaxiangguo operates, how much damage can he deal before he dies?

You must know that nightmares have no displacement, and once short-handed fighters and assassins enter the arena, their living environment will become extremely harsh.

As for the ice, at least it can pull and pull.

So, Uzi must not die!

He is dead, and RNG's hand is about to die.

After all, the whole team is counting on Han Bing to play output!

Frost Equipment is not leading. Facing the three-core system of FPX Pan Sen, Ryze, and Ezreal, RNG will fight with Kun?

"Xiao Ming, let's find a chance..." Mala Xiangguo frowned.

The cooldown of Nightmare's ult is the same as that of Pan Sen's ult, but in the last wave of team battles, Qi Zhou opened his ult first, and Pan Sen's CD reduction has piled up to 30%.

This also means that Pan Sen's big move is half a minute earlier than Nightmare's big move.

It is obviously not possible to turn off the lights and herd the sheep first.

FPX must be clear about this truth.

Even, the Phoenix team members are already discussing how to use this half minute to do things.

"I try my best, but I really can't open it, so I can only place one tower."

While speaking, the message that the canyon pioneer was killed by the barrel also appeared on the display.

The eyes of RNG players all sank.

It's even harder!
Waiting can only win, not lose.

If you lose the champion of the Spring Finals, you have to say goodbye to them.


"RNG has many ways to start a group, but in the current situation, none of them are very easy to use." Wawa smiled, "Both sides are ready to move now, but RNG's Nightmare ult is still on CD."

"Ice and Ornn's big moves can indeed start a team, but Ezreal and Shen are more flexible, and it is not easy to hit them..."

"So they can only pin their hopes on Xiao Ming's prince!"

"Prince Galio's system, once successful, it will not be difficult for RNG to win the team battle."

The baby's analysis was good, and Miller nodded again and again, and then added.

"In the next team battle, not only RNG can only win but not lose, the same is true for FPX."

"Sea King Pan Sen first played five-speed shoes and black cuts, sacrificing a certain amount of combat power in the early stage."

"He roams around frequently, relying on head money to ensure his development."

"If FPX loses in the next wave of team battles... then not only will his rhythm be interrupted, but Aoun will also develop, and it will be difficult to fight in the future."

Pan Sen is a hero who is strong in lane, has excellent expendability, high burst speed, fast support speed, stable control, and clever use of passives, which allows him to jump towers very well.

But it is such a hero who has almost everything, but rarely appears on the field.

There must be a reason for this.

That is, Pan Sen was strong in the early and mid-term, but too weak in the later stage.

As for the LPL top laner, who has resisted the pressure for so many years, the early stage may be miserable, but he will definitely not be killed by the line.

And Pan Sen's strength in the early and mid-term has a great relationship with equipment.

So no one can guarantee that if Pan Sen is used in the professional arena, he will be able to kill the Quartet in the early stage like in rank.

In the later stage of the team battle, Pan Sen had no meat and no room for output.

It's not as good as the old versions of phantom gods like Poppy, Dashu, and Titan.

After listening to the analysis of the Haier brothers.

Many spectators on the court who could understand the game but couldn't see the direction of the game were brought up in a heartbeat.

They also understand that in the next wave of team battles, the losing side may miss the championship.

"Hey... Sea King is too thief."

In the backstage of RNG, the man who was playing DJing, touched his messy hair and couldn't help sighing.

The coach and analyst also shook their heads.

The few people just discussed that apart from Xiao Ming going first, RNG has another way to break the game.

That is "Kill Pantheon"!
Observing the FPX lineup, it is easy to see that Pan Sen is the core of the core. He is indispensable in starting a team, playing damage, and leading the rhythm.

As long as RNG can kill Pan Sen once in the "half a minute" of the nightmare's ultimate move vacuum, or even let him go home with residual blood.

Then the crisis can be resolved.

Ice can continue to grow.

But FPX is clearly aware of this problem.

During this period of time, Xiaohu's Galio and Mala Xiangguo's Nightmare both leaned on the road intentionally or unintentionally.

But they bumped into the wine barrels and vagabonds who also cared about the upper half of the district several times.

Obviously, FPX is also Paul Pansen.

On RNG's side, because Nightmare didn't have a big move, and the blood volume of the old sheep head was suppressed relatively low, he didn't have the conditions to jump the tower.

If you insist on killing Pan Sen, it is very likely that FPX will end up with 1 for 3.

This is not self-help, but purple sand!

"I'm really convinced...even the magic swamp frog."

"When you see Xiangguo, you have to call Xiaotian the father of hunger strike."

Seeing that Pan Sen had finished clearing the line and ran to his wild area to enjoy the Remnant Blood Demon Swamp Frog, who was knifed by a wine barrel, he smiled and couldn't help complaining.

Jiang Zi raised Pan Sen, wouldn't it be possible to hold back another big deal in the downcast team battle?
It really took seconds.



"Go to Miss, R for ten seconds."

Xiao Ming's assistant is very competent, and he can summarize the information in a few short sentences.

Uzi reluctantly glanced at the cannon car, and turned his head cruelly.

He knew that if he didn't leave, he would have to explain himself here.

"Be very cautious..."

Qi Zhou looked at the ice retreating into the defense tower and muttered something.

"Brother Zhou, wait for the Great Teleportation or Shuangfeiyan?"

After clearing the line with his left hand, he also rushed down the road.

Ryze's ultimate move lasts 120 seconds, and he has the Boots of Brightness, so the CD of his ultimate move is similar to that of Pan Sen.

Shen's big move has long been ready.

So this time, FPX has two options.

Qi Zhou: (This way...)
"RNG didn't find a chance to start a group. Now we can only defend passively."

Colonel Guan felt a little pity, "However, they were very cautious when going down the road, and they have already evacuated ahead of time."

"Wait for another half a minute, after the Nightmare ult cools down, you will be able to fight back."

"After all, the opening combination of Ornn + Nightmare, like Pan Sen + Shen, is almost unsolvable."

off the road.

Lin Weixiang pressed the R key, and Ezreal released his ultimate move. While clearing the line of soldiers, he also used the flight path of the ultimate move to spy on the red side's vision.

"Nightmare has come out of the high ground!"

The hot and spicy hot pot, which rushed down the road non-stop when it came out of the spring, was the first to be discovered.

"Aoun directly hand over to TP!"

"This is death insurance."

At the same time, Galio also cleared the middle lane and walked down the lane.

The range of his ultimate move is farther than that of wandering.

So the speed of support is not slow.

"RNG made it clear that they had to die, and FPX had to jump the tower if they wanted to start a team."

"It's not very easy to fight..."

Miller was slightly worried, "Actually, they can choose to fight Xiaolong... FPX is currently [-] ahead of RNG in terms of economy, and playing steadily is also an option."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise at the scene of the competition.

Start playing!

On the big screen, the special effects of Ryze's ultimate move first appeared behind the red side tower.

And the falcon released by the ice also observed that Shen was chanting a spell, activated his ultimate move, and the purple magic special effects surged on his body.

Ezreal and the wine barrel are slowly advancing towards the defense tower!

Han Bing and the prince are currently under the defense tower.

Nightmare just passed the second tower.

In order to prevent Han Bing from being killed, Xiao Hu was so cruel that he gave up the prince Galio's system and directly used Han Bing.

However, Uzi did not feel safe.

Both Shen and Ryze made big moves.

But he didn't know where Pan Sen, who was more than 5000 yards away, would fall from.

Jump Ryze's teleportation array?

Or just smash it under the defensive tower and play Shuangfeiyan with Shen?

and many more!

Uzi suddenly had an epiphany.

Ezreal and Barrel don't have special effects for Shen's ult.

This also means that Shen's big move must be set on one of Ryze and Pan Sen.

Is it necessary for Shen to pass on Ryze?

It must be Pantheon!

In the next second, Uzi made a decision, he handed over the flash, and the ice retreated back.

Although Ryze would appear on the left in a few tenths of a second, he couldn't drop the ice in seconds!

As long as you don't die, you are successful!
And the fierce cheers erupted from the audience at the scene also confirmed the correctness of Uzi's decision!
Pan Sen is really big because the red side went down the outer tower, and he didn't choose to perform the big move of the big shift of the universe and the big Ryze.

"Ming, Hu, protect me!"

Uzi roared, and at the same time predictably fired [Magic Crystal Arrow] towards Ryze's teleportation array.

"If you land carefully, you may flash!"

Shi Senming adjusted his position immediately, and Xiaohu was also ready to land on W flash to save him.

Sure enough, as Uzi predicted, Shen's figure appeared in the defense tower.

He was right!

Shi Sen was prepared early in the morning, and his reaction speed was extremely fast. The EQ Erlian came in front of Han Bing and picked up Shen, who was dodging E.

At the same time, Pan Sen's ult indicated the range, and Galio also landed.

"Kill kill kill!"

Uzi yelled loudly. In his opinion, he could fight back after avoiding FPX's attack!

You know, the nightmare of the spicy pot has also arrived on the battlefield.

Aoun is still 1 second away, and he can also teleport to the ground!
Shen, Ryze, and Pan Sen, who is about to land, are surrounded by red heroes and defensive towers!

What's more, the blue side Ezreal and the wine barrel were cut out of the formation.

"God's Flash!"

"It's so shiny!"

"Uzi YYDS!"


In the official live broadcast room, relatively short compliments, or quick bullet screens, kept appearing.

The emperors paid tribute to Uzi's prediction flash.

But within a second of being happy, they were instantly dumbfounded.

Xiaotian predator wine barrel, E flashed into the defense tower.

He didn't hit any target, he just wanted to hurry.

Immediately afterwards, [Exploding Wine Barrel] was thrown from Gragas' hands, and the ice was blown back a certain distance!
Just right on the edge of Pan Sen's big move!
(End of this chapter)

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