Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 158 [157] Hold the Cup!Borrow the famous words of the factory manager

Chapter 158 [157] Hold the Cup!Borrow the famous words of the factory manager

Great angle, perfect explosion!
After hope, despair comes!
The Spartan warrior shook the earth, and the shock wave centered on him and spread in all directions.

How could Han Bing's slender body withstand such an impact?
Even on the edge of [Falling Strike], Han Bing's blood bar still dropped by a quarter.

But this is just the beginning.

【Holy Shield Strike】Continued, Uzi can't operate at all.

And Galio and the prince, also because of [exploding wine barrel], can only watch Han Bing being beaten by Shen Bing behind Shen.

Kun is beyond reach!

Even if Xiaohu's W flashes, there is still a long way to go.

"Too brutal!"

"Panson, Barrel, Ezreal, and even the output of the wandering all hit Han Bing!"

"What is instant melting?"

The doll looked at the frozen corpse on the ground with an extremely exaggerated expression.

FPX doesn't know what it means to keep skills!
As long as they could cause harm, they all poured into Uzi's ice.

Xiaohu EW flashes, quite timely.

But still failed to save Uzi!
The moment Galio taunted Pan Sen, the magic ball shot by Rogue had already killed the ice!

All this is between the light and the flint...

"The defense tower is only now breaking Pan Sen's passive refresh!"

Colonel Guan was dumbfounded.

How much hatred?
How much resentment?
The damage has already overflowed!

What a group of violent men.

Is it necessary to be so cruel to treat puppies?
If FPX players can hear it.

That must be, "It is necessary!".

In the case of Nightmare without a big move, Ice died, and the main output on RNG's side was only the outer tower in the bottom lane.

However, the two big moves of Ryze and Pan Sen have actually pulled the battlefield of the team battle to the area between the first tower and the second tower in the bottom lane.

"Uzi is dead, there is no worry in the team battle." Qi Zhou said lightly, "Don't worry about the old goat, kill the nightmare and the prince first."

After being attacked by the defensive tower, Pan Sen went straight to the rear.

Ezreal and Wine Barrel also approached their teammates while the soldiers were entering the tower!

In the end, Galio and the prince were killed first.

In order to avoid the destruction of the group, Mala Xiangguo paid tribute to the factory manager and ran away directly.

Just like the British soldiers who met in Afghanistan, the old goat hiding under the outer tower cannot escape the fate of being wheeled to death.

"It's incredible!"

"This is really an amazing team!"

On the European Broadcasting Station, the blond commentator was full of praise.

"I always think Sea is the core of FPX. Yes, I have always focused on him in team battles. But I have to admit that the most eye-catching operation in this wave is Tian's wine barrel!"

"He is the biggest contributor to killing Ashe!"

If Xiaotian Wine Barrel hadn't stepped forward, then the most eye-catching character in the team battle just now would definitely be Uzi's Ice.

With a decisive flash, he predicted Pan Sen's big move, and avoided Shen's ridicule.

This is operation, this is consciousness, and this is also the confidence of top players.

It is not difficult to imagine that FPX, whose formations were separated after Galio and Aoun landed without being able to drop the ice in seconds, must be defeated.

But it is an exquisite [Exploding Wine Barrel], which rewrites the ending!

"It is FPX's luck to have a player who dares to stand up!"

The bearded commentator is also extremely affirmative of Xiaotian's performance in this wave.

"If there are no accidents, then the champion of the LPL Spring Split is already obvious."

The blue eyes also nodded frequently, expressing their affirmation.

After winning this wave of team battles, Xiaotian Wine Barrel released the Canyon Herald.

Nightmare was alone and did not dare to guard the tower at all.

The game time was 12 minutes, and the red side dropped two defensive towers in a row.

FPX took advantage of the situation and took Xiaolong.

According to the panel display, at 12:27, the blue team's economic lead reached 5900.

RNG's situation took a turn for the worse, and winning seemed to be a luxury.

But none of the five players was discouraged...they were eager for the championship!
"If the base is not bombed, we still have hope."


"Wait for me, Mercury!"

"The opponent is weak in the late stage, and there are still some fights."

In the team channel, several players encouraged each other.

Then focus on it and continue working.

The disadvantage is too great, but RNG has not been sentenced to death.

But if they want to make a comeback, they can't leak any more flaws later.

The five of them couldn't help but become nervous, feeling a deep sense of crisis!
The frequency of eyes looking at the small map, the number of mouse clicks, and the communication of voice channels are also becoming more and more frequent.

Their faces also gradually turned red and hot.

This is due to the abnormal excitement of the cerebral cortex and the regulation of the endocrine system, resulting in accelerated blood circulation, increased blood pressure, and dilated capillaries.

However, it is indeed rare in late spring nights when the temperature is slightly lower.

But no matter how cautious RNG is, be careful.

They also couldn't stop FPX from giving Uzi strength.

RNG team channel: "Pan Sen disappeared! Go to the tower!"

Commentary seat: "Uzi was instantly killed by jumping over the tower..."

RNG team channel: "He's coming to have fun again, let's turn off the lights and turn on the sheep first!"

Commentary seat: "Let the emperor reach the wine barrel, EZ, beautiful!...Why did Uzi flash and was killed?"

RNG team channel: "The ancient dragon can't be released!"

Commentary seat: "WAQ! Nightmare was instantly killed by Pan Sen! Master Ashe is still scraping!"


The base exploded and the problem was huge.

RNG lost the championship that was close at hand again.

In all fairness, there is basically no problem with every decision they make.

The only fault among the five contestants was Rang Di.

He was caught by the wine barrel at the beginning, and Pan Sen got the head.

But this is unpredictable, and Rangdi is also aware that the wine barrel may be in the stone beetle camp... But unexpectedly, FPX reminded Xiaotian that Ashe released the E skill.

Uzi died 7 times in normal play, no super ghosts.

But when Pan Sen moved down the road for the third time, his prediction flashed and he was blown back by the barrel ult. It was already doomed that there would be no stage for him to perform in this game.

Because of the developmental rhythm of the ice, it was completely disrupted.

And Master Ai is an ADC who needs more equipment and needs a lot of time to develop.

Qi Zhou is very bad.

In this case, he still chose to gank Uzi twice with his left hand and Liu Qingsong.

Whenever Pan Sen disappeared, Jean Di also reminded him.

But the combination of "Shuangfeiyan" did not leave any room for Uzi to operate.

Unless he can predict the flash and flee in the opposite direction, if Shen lands, the ice will be a fatal situation.

Then... Uzi finally made quicksilver.

But he is no longer a weight on the balance of victory.

Because of Master Ai's development, he can only scrape the patient's neck.

And it's a scraping board, not a coin scraping.

An arrow hitting a person is no different from scratching an itch.

"Let us congratulate FPX, a new team that joined the league this season, for winning the LPL Spring Championship!"

The commentators announced the champions with passionate voices.

Huang Za off the field celebrated the moment RNG was wiped out.

They were less than one-third of the total audience, but the shouts of joy were enough to cover everything up.

FPX, the Phoenix of Nirvana!

As a brand new team, it can always surprise fans by smashing through the west, bravely fighting the east, and sweeping the finals.

As for the emperors, they were filled with sorrow.

The expressions of most of them were more powerless than the RNG players whose complexion had returned to normal on the player bench.


how many years?

So you can't win a championship?
As the saying goes, the greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment.

At this moment, the hearts of many queens were broken.

Even though many viewers understand that the failure of the tiebreaker does not mean that RNG is not strong enough or has abnormal operations.

But they still feel uncomfortable!

Similarly, the feelings towards the RNG team have also undergone subtle changes.

"Shen output 21422... 200 higher than Han Bing!"

The post-match data panel is presented.

All the audience were very surprised.

Shen, who has the lowest output on FPX, is higher than the five RNG players.

It can only be said that it is very normal for RNG to lose the game.

"Shen and Pan Sen teamed up with a lot of assists, plus Liu Qingsong played the three-phase + Jujiu, and he didn't play as a support at all. It's normal to be able to play such a high output."

Miller recalled the game and gave an explanation.

"Hey, this is also impossible."

"Ice has no displacement, and when it comes to the lineup of FPX, it has no parry power at all."

Guan Zeyuan felt a little sorry.

The baby shouted passionately, "FPX, as the champion of this spring split, will also represent the LPL in the near future and go to the Berlin arena, presenting us a wonderful matchup in a foreign land!"

"It can be believed that there are frequent strange moves, and the rhythm is intertwined. FPX, which is at its peak, will definitely bring surprises to LPL!"

"After the awards ceremony is over, we will bid farewell to the audience for the S8 Spring Split in the LPL Division."

"And FPX will go to the mid-season game in May!"


At the same time, everyone in the Phoenix Team shook hands with everyone in the Royal Team.

Looking at Uzi's helpless and sad eyes, Qi Zhou patted him on the shoulder, but didn't know what to say.

In the end, he choked out a sentence, "Come on for the summer game."

Uzi shook his head, his expression was very painful, as if he was still immersed in the moment when the base exploded just now.

"I don't want to meet you anymore... Target me every time."

Qi Zhou laughed loudly, "You were the one who said you were a vicious dog before the match!"

Hearing this, Uzi's small eyes behind the frame showed a hint of embarrassment.

Shame to death! ! ! !

really annoying~
No normal person takes pre-game trash talk seriously, does he?

No, this guy must have done it on purpose!

Hemp egg!

You stole Lao Tzu's championship and still mocked me, I'm really angry!


"Let us congratulate FPX again for winning the ②018 LPL Spring Championship!"

Ren Dong, who disappeared for several hours, returned to the public again.

After the voice fell, six jagged figures stepped out of the shadows.

The lights in front of the aisle suddenly turned on!

Afterwards, the dry ice spray shot straight into the air, and countless fragments reflecting white light slowly sprinkled down from above.

It's a silver rain!
Like the Silver Dragon Cup in the middle of the stage, it only belongs to the winner of the final!



All of a sudden, the audience shouted the name of Team Phoenix together.

This momentum is even better than the momentum that Huangza created for RNG at the beginning!
Because it was not only Huang Za who shouted at the scene, but even many Huang Za.

This is a tribute to the champion!

It is magnificent and majestic.

"Hold the cup! My champions!"

Ren Dong didn't talk too much nonsense, and guided the members of the Phoenix team to the Silver Dragon Cup.

In the next second, six palms of different sizes, lengths and thicknesses landed on the Silver Dragon Cup.

As the players exert their strength, the trophy slowly rises!

The shiny surface reflects the overhead headlights for a brilliant brilliance!
[Congratulations to the Phoenix team, you owe me a championship in RNG... woo woo woo~~]

[FPX is awesome! 】

[So happy, the first team that entered the pit to support won the championship directly! 】

[Nirvana Phoenix!we are the champion! 】


"E Flash throws a big move? Be confident."

Under the camera, the host is interviewing FPX players.

Xiaotian's dazzling performance in the last game was unforgettable, and Xiran naturally asked Xiaotian about his wonderful operation.

"Confidence... really high!"

Seeing Xiaotian's death-faced appearance, Xiran relied on his professionalism to hold back his smile, "Then is there anything you want to say to the audience?"

Xiaotian was still expressionless.

Then he said slowly: "Actually, it's nothing, we've been preparing for MSI for a long time."

【? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Dead memories attacked me! 】

[A certain factory sneezed, and then began to study the opponents of the summer competition. 】

[Hey... Sure enough, he has to be the director of the factory. No one can be more flamboyant than him when he raises trash talk to this level. 】

On the other side, Ren Dong handed the microphone to Qi Zhou.

"Sea player, this is your second championship in your career."

"Just now Xiaotian said that you are already preparing for the mid-season competition. Is this a joke or is it true? Do you think FPX can represent LPL to win the MSI championship?"

Qi Zhou took the microphone from Ren Dong and gave a bright smile to the camera:
"Our FPX is very pragmatic, and we never engage in fake and big empty things."

"Actually, we are not only studying the opponents of MSI, but also preparing for the summer split, and even preparing for the global finals."

Qi Zhou paused, and smiled at the shocked Ren Dong.

Then he continued: "Let's put it this way, we have prepared different styles of play for different teams and different divisions."

"Winning the MSI championship is inevitable!"

"After all, we won the spring championship and got a pass to Berlin."

It took several seconds for Ren Dong to clarify Qi Zhou's words and understand the meaning.

"So how many black technologies FPX has prepared now? Can these black technologies ensure that FPX wins the championship again?"

Qi Zhou's face darkened, mysteriously:

"How much black technology...this is a secret."

"As for winning the championship, I think that if my teammates can maintain the state they were in just before the final, that must not be a problem."

"As long as they play well, I don't even need to play as a backup."

[Sea King is so easy to do, substitute! ! 】

[To be honest, every player in FPX is not bad, Jin Gong, Xiaotian, Liu Qingsong, Lin Weixiang, etc., who is the mid laner of the Phoenix team? 】

[Hey... so uncomfortable, I haven't watched the game for a while. 】

[Sea King's smile is obviously bright, why do I have the illusion of being cheap? 】


The interview is over.

Li Chun, the evil former Riot balancer and current CEO of FPX Club, appeared on the stage.

He handed the medals and gold cards to the FPX players in turn.

Many viewers also saw him for the first time.

Li Chun's image is somewhat different from their hearts, no one would have thought that "Irelia's Seventh Slash" looks a little amiable!
Quite a contrast.

The audience just wanted to criticize him.

A touch of sorrow could not stop gushing out.

Because Daomei is going to be revised... Blade Will, will it still be the Blade Will that has been hacked dozens of knives in a row?

(End of this chapter)

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