chapter 16
Impact sat weakly on the gaming chair.

Stare blankly at the screen for more than two seconds and then Q the little soldier's dog head.

12 and a half minutes with 306 floors.

This hero, who is jokingly called the son of all top laners by players, has grown to such a state.

Is it somewhat exaggerated?

The dog's head is eating soldiers, but Impact dare not show his face.

His own experience of being greedy and smelling often appeared in his mind. The dog on the opposite side sprinted towards him with its sheep tail hanging on its head, and the big bug was violently beaten into a small flea.

Now all Impact's hope is to end the cooldown of his ultimate move as soon as possible, and go to eat the magic marsh frog left by the male gun.

Four small soldiers came in line, and the big bug activated the E skill to clear them.

Impact knows that Qi Zhou is fully capable of controlling the line and not letting himself eat one.

The reason why he doesn't do this is because he wants to finish Q early and go to Q Stone Beetle.

Seeing that the dog head is about to level 11, but he is only level 8, Impact said anxiously:

"What should we do? Let Gooutou stack Q like this, etc. We have no chance in team battles!"

"I can only carry 4 Qs at most, Sneaky and Smoothie are low-level, two Qs are gone!"

The jungler Contractz can best understand Impact's mood.

In the past few minutes, his male gun stayed in the lower river more than once.

When the real eyes under the wind girl saw him, Qi Zhou's dog head remained unmoved.

After waiting for a few seconds, the male gun still left.

Contractz can confirm that the prince is in the first half of the field, and there is no one behind the dog's head.

But this is not the empty city plan in the story of the Three Kingdoms that I am familiar with.

At that time, Wolong had only a bunch of old and weak soldiers around him, while Qi Zhou's dog head was completely capable of one against two.

This big daddy is hard to deal with!

If Ryze is called together, Contractz is absolutely sure to kill the dog's head.

But if Jiangzi does it, it means that Dazui and Fengnv who are on the road will be overtaken by EDG.

"Let's also make a fuss about the opposing duo. The dog head can't deal with it right now. If Impact can defend the second tower, it will be a victory."

It's the voice of mid laner Jensen.

"As long as the development of the policewoman can be curbed and Big Mouth can grow up, with the protection of Fengnv, Kermog will be a rapid-fire tower on the battlefield in the later stage!"

"The dog's head is as brittle as thin paper!"

"Victory will be ours!"

"Impact, you didn't make a big mistake in this round, and you can hold the second tower for 20 minutes, you are a great hero!"

I have to admit, Jensen is very talkative.

Encouraged by Reapered's words, the hope of winning reappeared in the eyes of several North mold youngsters.

Q skill drops.

10 Stone Scarabs provide 160 gold and 33 Drain Thrash stacks to the dog head.

"Beautiful, let's go home, the three-phase cloth armor child (√)." Qi Zhou took a break from his busy schedule and yawned, and the fatigue from repeating Q's disappeared immediately.

"This sea is invincible!"

The game is clear and the future can be expected.

The teammates also began to tease Qi Zhou in their voices.

"Lie down, I'm tulle!" Qi Zhou opened the game mall, bought three phases, and bought a pair of mercury shoes after hesitating for half a second.


"I beg God Sea to take me away~"

"Ahem... Be serious, you're playing a game anyway." Abu, who was listening to the team's voice in the background, couldn't stop smiling.

The communication between Qi Zhou and his teammates continued:
"The opponent should take the road as a breakthrough, get ready!"

"Understood! The sky and the earth are waiting for them!"


Game time 15:05.

Hit the road.

The auxiliary equipment for both sides is incense burner + ancient coins + red crystal.

The policewoman has 155 knives ahead of Dazui by 35 knives.

The policewoman of iBoy has three heads, so he made Endless early on. At the same time, he synthesized attack speed shoes, 2 Doran swords to provide battery life, and the remaining two equipment slots are short swords.

And Dazui can barely synthesize a sheep knife, and the rest of the equipment except straw sandals can only be equipped with a holy shield + reusable potion.

Obviously, iBOY's policewoman is still wearing a three-piece suit.

Sneaky's big mouth is to use the shield crit output equipment that is more popular in professional games recently: sheep knife, hurricane, endless, and holy shield.

The advantage of this set of outfits is that it can enhance the auxiliary economy, and at the same time get a passive shield in the later stage, superimposed the barrier of the summoner skill and the shield of the wind girl, and can become an undead legend and a stand-up bloodletting machine.

The policewoman's Q skill clears the soldiers and pushes the soldier line under the red square tower.

The swimming pool Lulu magic wand and Pixar fired blue piercing missiles, and [Sparkling Spear] hit the big mouth to slow down.

Relying on the length of his hands, iBoy began to nod his mouth fiercely.

Feng Nu puts a shield on Sneaky, and Dazui activates the W skill burst.

The few attacks of the policewoman did not have a critical hit, but the linkage between the percentage of maximum health magic damage attached to the big mouth general attack and the ultimate move [Living Cannon] made Lulu's shield disappear instantly, and the policewoman's blood volume plummeted.

But then, the female policeman opened E and hit Dazui and retreated. After a headshot, Dazui's blood volume was suddenly reduced to half.

After another basic attack, the mouth was full of blood, and Feng Nu handed over the treatment.

"Too radical, they are wrong this time!"

Sneaky sensed something was wrong, and retreated immediately by taking advantage of the short-term increase in movement speed.

The male gun who was beating the stone beetle also gave up the two big Lieba and walked towards the first tower.

Coincidentally, the prince who walked out of the triangular grass with Kreer Lawu looked at each other.


Impact, who was far down the road, also noticed this scene. Under the influence of his teammates' tense communication and the constantly flashing signal prompts on the mini-map, he finally chose to teleport the jewelry eye in the grass in front of the stone beetle.

"The prince comes back to EQ to trap Fengnv! The female policeman snipe Kogmo!"

"Galio fell from the sky, the girl with the big mouth was knocked into the air and was left with blood, and the male gun rushed to the girl and was instantly killed!"

"Da Zui was shot to death by the policewoman too!"

"The prince has been fighting against the tower, and his blood volume is very unhealthy. Even though Galio landed on the ground to mock the male gun and the big bug, he was eventually recruited by the male gun!"

There is still a little half blood in the first tower on the road, the policewoman and Lulu walked around the terrain and came to the grass in front of the stone beetle.

With two consecutive critical strikes and the Q skill Messenger of Peace, iBoy killed the male gun and rescued Galio, and the big bug turned and entered the tower.

At the same time, a wave of troops arrived.

iBoy taps the tower, he also wants the head of the big bug!
However, the belated Ryze appeared.

"The staff of time combined with the half-stacked Goddess' Tears is still very frightening. EDG's Lulu Galio has residual blood, and the policewoman did not choose to chase after the big bug after the tower was clicked."

"That's right, Ryze like this is very dangerous..."

EDG won the team battle again. The greed of Wawa and Miller was beyond words, and they were "ugly" looking forward to EDG killing all C9.

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

Suddenly, the doll yelled continuously.

A small box appeared in the lower right corner of the home screen, and then enlarged to cover the entire screen.

Qi Zhou's dog head is pushing the red side down the road to the second tower.

Whenever the Q skill is pressed, the weapon of the purgatory dog ​​will be shrouded in violent light.

Hit it down, and the blood bar above the defensive tower will drop a lot.

When the big bug is teleported up, the dog's head will open up and release E to quickly clear the troops, and no longer stack Q.

Another Q skill fell, and the defense tower collapsed.

Afterwards, the dog's head and soldiers poured into the Highland Tower on the lower road.

Seeing this, the iBoy's policewoman also ventured to release Q alone in the grass where Ryze and Big Chongzi were hidden.

Interrupt the return to the city!

"iBoy has made a great contribution, there are still 13 seconds left for Fengnv to resurrect, and 15 seconds for her big mouth, is there a chance to win the high ground?" Miller was emotional.

Under the bombardment of the dog's head, the blood volume of the defense tower dropped rapidly.

"The dog head on the 414th floor cooperates with the three phases, and the damage of the Q skill is explosive!"

"The Highland Tower is broken!"

"Fengnv 1 second, Big Mouth 3 seconds! The policewoman interrupted the big bug Ryze to return to the city again, killed the big bug, but was terminated by Ryze!"

(End of this chapter)

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