Chapter 17 [17] I can't bear it anymore, I punch it with one punch, lest a hundred punches come
"Hurry up! Hurry up! GKD!"

"It's been a long time since I've had this much fun!"

"Zhou, just now Xiao Zhao's Caitlin was selling meat and giving bounties to delay the other side's return to the city, you have to hit hard!"

"Work hard, smash their crystal in 16 minutes, and win the game in 20 minutes!"

Several teammates locked their perspectives on the desert god of death, and their mouths were full of tiger and wolf words.

The urgent tone expressed their desire for the dog's head to remove the crystal.

At this moment, the bottom lane crystal is a strategic point for EDG to establish victory.

If it is won, the chances of winning this game will directly increase to 90.00%.

"Get it!" Qi Zhou responded, and the ring finger of his left hand tapped the Q key on the keyboard quickly and continuously.

Whenever the dog's head uses the Q skill, the crystal's health bar will suddenly drop by a large amount.

"The wind girl is resurrected!"

"Big Mouth is also resurrected!"

"The wandering mage has 3 seconds to return to the city!"

Under the ravages of the dog's head, Crystal still has half of its health left.

"Oh—my—god! Stop it!"

Impact looked at the gray and white TV with a pained expression, and he put his hands on his head and yelled.

Just hit the road, whether out of emotion or reason, he must send support.

When he pressed the D key, he was ready to fall down the second tower and live alone on the high ground.

But unexpectedly, Qi Zhou's speed of pushing the tower with the dog's head was much faster than that of the demolition team.

It's only a few seconds...

Why so fast?

Desert Death God Nasus... How long has it been since this hero has appeared in the arena?

"Jensen, come here!"

"This purgatory dog, Janna and I have no way to stop it!"

Sneaky's big mouth ran to Fengnv's side, and they ran towards the dog's head together.

"Be careful, I'll be there soon!"

"Turn on W to consume a wave, pay attention to your own safety!"

Jensen also frowned, he knew that the two heroes, Feng Nu and Da Zui, were not enough for the dog.

If you are not careful, you will be seized by EDG's sea.

Then when the crystal is broken, it is likely to lead to another "double-killed" tragedy.

Void silt, living cannons!
Sneaky didn't dare to get close to the dog's head, and used E and R skills to consume.

But Qi Zhou was unmoved, and still knocked on the crystal.

Fengnv gathered a powerful whirlwind and blew it towards the dog's head.

However, the dog's head just twisted the male dog's waist a little, and escaped [Hurricane Howling (Q)].

"No way, the crystal is about to break, he just ignores me!"

"I'm here, let's go together!"

The rune mage walked out of the spring, and the dog's head was still concentrating on Q crystal.

Sneaky looked anxious, seeing that Ryze was almost behind him, he immediately activated the W skill to shoot the dog's head.

There is only a sheep knife in the outfit, but the percentage health magic damage of the W skill is still very high.

The blood volume of the dog's head is also dropping from small to small.

When the blood volume of the dog's head was knocked out by one-third, the red crystal finally fell into the endless void.

Totally out of the way!

"Nice (steady)!"

"Brother Sea is mighty!"

"God bastard!"

"EDG come on!"

All of a sudden, the audience shouted loudly!
Immediately afterwards, all fans of EDG stood up and shouted for encouragement.

If water enters the oil pan, the scene is extremely shocking.

some corner.

"Family, the dog head is so ugly, but why is he so strong?"

"Emm...Maybe the players who play dog ​​heads are better..."

"But that sea seems to be just a substitute for EDG!"

"But he has 16 multi-layer Q400 make-ups in 200 minutes."

"That's great... Brother Sea, come on! I've been your fan for ten years!"


"In 16 minutes, C9's bot lane crystal broke, and the economic difference between the two sides reached 3900!"

"In the current situation, it may be difficult for C9 to withstand EDG's next attack...wait! The dog head is sprinting, what is Sea going to do?!"

Huawa and Miller took advantage of Qi Zhou to push C9 crystal, wanting to analyze a wave of situations and speculate on the development of the next game.

As a result, the desert god of death who had turned around and left Qi Zhou suddenly turned around and started sprinting!

— "Don't test my patience!"

16 minutes, the dog head on the 414th floor, how dare you, a pug with a big mouth! ?
Qi Zhou turned around and left after dismantling the crystal, but Sneaky's big mouth persevered and used his big move to summon pus phlegm from the void, and splashed it on the dog's head.

Faced with such humiliation.

If it was level 1, Qi Zhou would never even dare to breathe.

If it's level 6, it's possible that Qi Zhou will hold his fart.

But now at level 13 with [-] layers of Q, Qi Zhou can't take it anymore!
A mere level 9 kid with a big mouth in pug skin is so stupid that he doesn't know who his father is!

"no! no! no!"

Smoothie shouted urgently: "I don't have a big move yet!"

Hearing this, Sneaky looked at the galloping Goutou and his heart became cold in an instant, and he didn't have two moves.

The Reaper's Smite with Soul-Draining Blow hit Dazuitou.

The big mouth lost half of its blood in an instant.

Fengnv's W skill slowed down and hit the dog's head, but was mostly offset by the storm knight's surge.


Take a break.

"Two Qs, gone!"

"What is injury?"

But Qi Zhou was obviously not satisfied, and the W skill he had been pinching in his hand was also given to Feng Nu.

Smoothie couldn't help but clenched the mouse, glanced at Ryze who had arrived and the front tooth tower not far away, and planned to struggle.

It's best to be able to run, but if you can't run, you have to create an output environment for your teammates and end this big dog head.

With the addition of sprinting and wind riding, the desert god's short legs seemed to be equipped with four-wheel drive, running fast.

In just 1 second, she got close to Feng Nu.

Fortunately, Jnesen arrived in time, and EW imprisoned the dog's head.

"45% CD, the ultimate move is refreshed, and the god of death comes again!"

"Q came out! Feng Nu was instantly disabled!"

"Extreme distance?!"

The "League of Legends" official event commentary recruitment announcement has one of the expectations for the commentary:

"Love and be familiar with League of Legends (including but not limited to basic knowledge of heroes, skills, items, talents, runes, etc.), be able to quickly understand version changes, and have a clear understanding of game data."

Wawa and Miller, as the official commentators of LPL, can participate in the S game.

Literacy is absolutely pass.

And Qi Zhou's dog's head was imprisoned by Ruiz, obviously exceeding the 175-yard general attack distance, but the scene of Q to Fengnv made the two of them a little dumbfounded.

In fact, this is a change in version 6.21.

After the dog head turns on [R Death Arrives], the attack distance of the Q skill will increase from 175 yards to 200 yards. ,

At the same time, the ultimate move has also changed from causing damage to attack power to improving dual resistance.

It is a small enhancement to improve the survivability of the dog's head that often occurs in the later stage when it dies before touching the enemy.

Of course, the dog-headed player's level 6 dream of greatness has also become a dream of strength.

Whether it is good or bad, opinions vary.

"The dog's head is made of mercury shoes, and the confinement of wandering can't restrain it at all!"

"Another Q skill, Feng Nu suddenly died!"

"Double kill! This is the damage of growing up the Desert Reaper!"

"C9's bot lane duo just came back to life, and they became spectators again!"

In the picture, the desert god of death stepped on Fengnv's body, and suddenly held the weapon in both hands, and raised his legs high.

Immediately, he rushed towards Ryze.

When Ryze's spell hit the dog's head, it also had a passive acceleration effect, but the speed of the dog's head was far faster than that of Ryze.

"Sea won't leave! He still wants to go!"

"The two will get close immediately, one Thunder King, one Purgatory Demon Dog, who will win?!"

The atmosphere in the arena reached its climax, and all the audience held their breath and stared at the big screen.

In their hearts, there is a picture scroll of Qi Zhou leaving in a row.

[PS: Today is Thursday, go and treat yourself to be crazy, and the next chapter will be posted later. 】

[PS: I heard from friends in the writer group that only accounts that have been consumed within one month of the starting point are considered follow-up.Even if it is 2 points (2 cents) it counts!The follow-up of the latest chapter of the new book issue is related to whether to give a recommendation, and whether the recommendation is good or bad directly affects the grade of the book.Readers, please do your part, reward 2 points for any paragraph comment or chapter comment, and read to the last page of the latest chapter.Thank you! ! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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