Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 18 [18] MVP, sea I will give you monkeys

Chapter 18 [18] MVP, sea I will give you monkeys

"Shoot a punch, lest a hundred punches come!"

"The operation of the dog's head directly scared Ryze Flash out!"

"C9 can no longer die."

"Except for the policewoman, the rest of EDG has assembled in the middle. If Ryze dies again, C9 will break through the high ground again!"

At the last second of 16 minutes, Ruiz surrendered the flash and hid in the front tooth tower.

Announced the end of "God Dog Havoc on the Highlands".

Qi Zhou listened to the praise of his teammates in the earphones, and after presenting a small dance for C9, he left gracefully.

Even if the male gun was resurrected, he would not dare to walk with Ruiz and spy on his back.

On the seat, C9 coach Reapered shook his head again and again.

He had foreseen the ending.


C9 is gone.

The game rhythm of League of Legends S7 is relatively slow as a whole, and even the first blood is produced after 15 minutes in many cases.

This also conveyed a wrong impression to most audiences: most of the key decisive battles are half an hour later.

As a tactical coach, Reapered knows that in terms of EDG's speed push system, the wave just now is a decisive battle with C9.

The strong period of the hero Kotou is generally between 20 minutes and 32 minutes.

Too early, the dog head Q skill layer is too low, and the equipment is insufficient to deal damage.

After 32 minutes, the enemy's equipment took shape, and the dog's head was easily pulled by Poke and could not hit anyone.At the same time, compared with the top laner San Huan Shen, the frankness of the dog head is very substandard.

Can't last a few seconds.

In addition to the dog head, EDG actually has only one C position left, and that is the female police officer.

The two strongest time points of the policewoman are just after making endless and after making a three-piece suit.

At the end of the 15th minute, Kreer danced over the tower and forcibly opened the group.

The purpose is to get stuck on the timing when the female policeman makes endless, attack speed shoes, and outputs explosions.

Because no matter how late it is, the Aegis's stand output, Big Mouth, and Time Seraphim Ryze will take shape, and the situation will increase variables.

So in fact, the team battle just now was a decisive battle between EDG and C9.

EDG wins, C9 loses wild resources, falls into a comprehensive disadvantage, and will continue to widen the economic gap.

C9 wins, and EDG's offensive is slowed down, which buys time for the development of double C, provides economics, drags the game into the middle and late stages, and accelerates the formation of the lineup.

In fact, seeing Ryze save the big bug, Reapered could barely accept it when everyone in EDG retreated.

Although the team battle was lost, it was not too miserable.

But as the dog's head appeared on the stage like a demon god who destroyed the world, he pushed down the highlands and crystals all the way, and forcibly killed the newly resurrected Dazui and Fengnv.

Reapered fell into despair.

How is this played?
Wait for the EDG dog head single to take the lead, and push the rest.

C9 has no development time at all, and a big bug can no longer stop the dog's head from pushing the tower, not to mention the super soldiers spawned in the bottom lane!

A full 1500 points of life, 190 points of attack power!
Big Mouth doesn't have this attribute.

At this moment, "failure" seems to be written on the faces of everyone in C9.


"Strong, bully...Qi Zhou!"

"I haven't felt this comfortable in a long time!"

iBoy frantically pointed at the C9 people who wanted to give up the second tower in the middle.

Just now, Qi Zhou's dog head jumped over the tower to kill the big bug, and at the same time pushed down the second tower on the road.

"so so!"

Qi Zhou's operation was not delayed because of the reply, and the dog's head continued to QA and destroy the high ground tower on the road.

[Triple kill! 】

The male gun was sniped by the female policeman, and the kill result jumped out.

Only C9 left Ryze to escape through the teleportation array.

The Highland Tower on the Red Fang Shangzhong Second Road was destroyed almost at the same time.

The five EDG players pressed their front teeth, and the only remaining Ryze gave up resistance.

Under Jensen's disappointed gaze, Qi Zhou seized the time and used his Q skill to destroy the red side's barracks at the last moment.


Spray rice Kurt, perfect~
"The game ended in 19 minutes and 55 seconds, less than 20 minutes!"

"Let's congratulate EDG! Won the first victory in the group stage!"

"I hope they will be able to advance to the knockout round like today in the next game!"

Doll and Miller also sent heartfelt blessings.

Flicking her hair, the baby looked at Miller and said, "It's a pity, the game is over before 20 minutes."

Miller smiled.

Then he said: "I've been staring at the number of layers of Goutou Q! 19 layers in 45 minutes and 552 seconds. If Q crystal also adds layers, then a total of 555 layers!"

"It's still yours~"

"Eh ha ha ha ha, each other!"


On the other side, after the two sides shook hands.

Qi Zhou, Ming Kai, Xiao Zhao and others exited.

Before Abu appeared, Mouse greeted him.

"Strong, Brother Zhou!"

Qi Zhou fisted with him, haha ​​said: "What do you say, why do I feel that I have become a bully?"

"Brother Ba was not weak when he was young. I remember playing the mid laner in Dao Sa's [Panic to Death]." Kreer Spicy Wu interjected, "Sion is number one in the national server!"

"Is Bago sauce awesome?" Scout, the junior, speaks Mandarin well, but his accent is still a bit wrong.

As a Korean aid, he has been in the LPL for a long time, so he naturally knows Wang Muba's label in the e-sports circle - [Hunzi].

Suddenly learning that Brother Ba used to be the No. [-] Sion in the national server, his tone was full of disbelief.

"Don't look at Brother Ba's frowning, lava monster; the corner of his mouth smiles, thunder roars; he is unconscious, twisting tree spirit; his face sinks, desert death..."

"In the past, his strength was still very good."

Meiko has a gentle appearance, and she can have a lot of flirtatious words in her mouth.

"Hey, Lao Zhou, are you a desert god of death who is a disciple of Brother Ba! You played so steadily~"

"Stable? Do you call Qi Zhou's God of Death in the desert "Stable?" Kreer Lawu's eyes widened and said, "After pushing the crystal, he rushed to the opposite high ground and chased the three hammers. This is considered steady, so am I going to be punished?" Call it cowardly?"

"Indeed, I watched him hit three times off the court, and I couldn't be nervous!" Mouse added: "By the way, brother Zhou, you keep quiet, when did you practice your dog's head so well?"

Following the words, everyone also looked at Qi Zhou, their eyes flickering with desire for knowledge.

"Ahem...that's a long story."

"My dog ​​head practice lasted for two and a half years, and the story starts from the end of the game that day."

"Lying on the bed, I couldn't sleep anyway. After reading carefully half the night, I finally saw the words between the words. There are three words written all over the book, which are dog heads..."


On the big screen at the scene, the MVP data of this game is given!


ID: EDG.sea
K/D/A: 6/0/3
Participation rate: 50%
Damage ratio: 23.3%

Qi Zhou's makeup photo.

Inch head, self-confidence, sunshine, calmness.

"I'm Zhuo, I want Brother Sea, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!!!"

The trendy girl with double ponytails on the left side of the auditorium roared wildly the moment she saw Qi Zhou's photo!
Since the top laner is an orphan position, the support position is the one that gets the most shots from the player seat.

Coupled with the lighting problem, even if the director gave Qi Zhou a shot, the audience's eyes were still focused on the mighty desert god of death.

No one pays attention to the appearance of a veteran who has been dusty for more than half a year.

But when the MVP photo appeared, all the female fans at the scene were shocked by Qi Zhou's spirit which was different from other e-sports players.

It can't be said that he is more handsome than Wu Yanzu, but his facial features are correct and clean.

Especially sunny!

The trendy girl's voice first attracted the attention of the surrounding audience.

After a two-second pause, the scene was completely out of control...

(End of this chapter)

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