Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 166 [165] 2 Quit Se Bar Friends Are Matching

"Tear up the illusion of LPL, let them see the real combat power of the LCK division!"

"The Rhine River originated from the foothills of the Alps, flows into the North Sea, flows through the Strait of Dover and the English Channel, and travels along the warm North Atlantic current, across half of the world... Yes, that's right, this is what I do for FPX A well-planned route home."

"Haha, if it's against IG or RNG, KZ may have to work harder, but FPX... it's over for the top lane, no, kha helps, they can beat Sea!"

"I remember that a commentator surnamed Park next door predicted that the probability of FPX winning is infinitely close to 0, while the probability of KZ winning is infinitely close to 10... So it seems that the evaluations of all netizens are pertinent and correct. objective."

After the S7 World Championship finals, the LPL division and the LCK division ushered in the first non-entertainment official collision this year!
As one of the few big countries in the universe, the League of Legends S game can find a sense of presence in the world, and it is barely considered a major event.The four consecutive championships have inflated the confidence of netizens in Kimchi Country.

But S7 interrupted LCK's continuation of the League of Legends S championship.

The netizens in Kimchi Country were very angry.

Stubbornness has always been inherited, and arrogance is also a kind of culture.

In addition, the LPL war has continued to bad-mouth its own theater.

Most of the kimchi country netizens think that the LCK will make a comeback in the mid-season game and defeat the LPL to win the championship.

Of course, this has a lot to do with FPX participating in the mid-season championship game.

Because IG, RNG and other teams have a lot of offensive ends, it is not easy to win them.

As for FPX, in the eyes of Kimchi viewers, Qi Zhou is the only one on the offensive end, and only Xiaotian can barely be counted as half of the rest.

As for the teams in the LCK division, even though they all have different styles of play, the Korean style of operation is the same.

Even if Qi Zhouhei has a lot of technology, as long as Khan can stabilize, it is not difficult to defeat FPX with his operation and lineup.

Therefore, the audience in Kimchi Country pays great attention to the game between FPX and KZ!
"Sea, this man led EDG to defeat the SSG team in our division last season! The scenery is endless!"

"But today, I believe the kgzone team will let him know that the dominance of the LCK division can still dominate the League of Legends!"

"The game has begun, let us enjoy this visual feast together!"

The tone of the several Bangzi commentators was arrogant, as if they were venting the heartache they suffered during the live broadcast of the World Championship last year.

The ruthless words have already been released, and whether they can swallow this tone depends on KZ's performance.

The camera of the director was also locked on the road for the first time.

"Sea and khan both respect their opponents..."

Qi Zhoukui's rune is [Electrocution], but he chose Dolan's Shield as a disguise when he went out.

The rune of Captain Khan is to choose [Grasp of Immortality] instead of the more mainstream [Omen of Stealing].

Of course, this may have something to do with [Omen of Stealing] undergoing a wave of minor nerfs not long ago. The top laner Dan of the MSF Rabbit team in the European Division only got 4 cents in 5 minutes and did not steal other items. .

"Khan doesn't dare to bring [Stealing Omen], it's because he can't trust his own character!" Qi Zhou chatted with his teammates while controlling Quinn, looking calm, as if he was facing a team that wasn't from the champion of the LCK Spring Split. , but a wild card. …

"No, this guy's trash talk is so arrogant before the game, his character has long been astigmatized." Liu Qingsong couldn't help complaining: "But the trash talk still depends on our factory, he is the originator."


Qi Zhou recalled the old teammate who was half a year older than him and changed his ID again this season, then shook his head.

He really was born to be a professional...

But judging from the last chat, he is the same as himself, ready to retire after this season, right?

"Tian, ​​do you know who we're talking about?"

Qi Zhou asked suddenly.

Xiaotian had question marks all over his face.

Who doesn't know our factory?
What kind of problem is this?
What does brother Zhou mean?
Just when he was wondering, Xiaotian saw Qi Zhou pinning a small flag on the way.

"I understand, I understand!"

Xiaotian yelled with epiphany.


"what happened?"

"Quine and Planck are both developing peacefully!"

The LCS commentary had just finished talking about the rune selection of the heroes of both sides, but found that the captain and Birdman were still at full health.

This is obviously contrary to common sense!

The captain's Q skill [Gunfire Negotiation] has a range of 625 yards, far exceeding the 525 yards of the birdman's general attack.

Khan is wearing the grip of immortality in this round. As long as he enters the combat state and waits for 4 seconds, the next Q skill can be attached with an additional magic damage of 4% of his maximum health.

It can even provide 5 points of health permanently!
You know, this is the same as the old driver's W passive, which can be superimposed infinitely!

No Q, no Q, Khan, how can you bear it!
Compared to Khan, Qi Zhou was even more infuriating.

Quinn's range of 525 yards is not long among long-range heroes, but it is more than enough to bully short players.

Not to mention the passive [Infestation], which can mark vulnerable units and cause extra damage with basic attacks.

The captain has such a big "scope", how did you not point it?

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Umbrella Genshuo in the LPL commentary seat frowned slightly, and explained the reason:

"On the road, these two are controlling the line!"

"They don't swap HP to avoid attracting minion aggro and keep the minions in place as much as possible."

"Obviously, everyone wants to wait for the jungler to gank."

In this round, the junglers of both the red and blue sides brushed up in the lower half of the field.

Going on the road is naturally the place where Xiaotian and Peanut are most likely to go.

"The captain doesn't have the ability to keep people, so it's not easy for the pig girl to cooperate?"

"Khan doesn't need to control the line at all...and Quinn at least has the E skill, which is a stable single-target control."

Colonel Guan was a little puzzled. "Even if the pig girl comes, she won't be able to catch Quinn..."

Umbrella Genshuo was very proud of Colonel Guan, nodded and continued: "Captain and sister pig, if you want to kill Quinn, the captain must blow up the powder keg to Quinn, and then it is possible."

"However, the captain's explosive barrel loses blood very slowly in the early stage, and it is very easy to be hit by Quinn."

"So the pig girl came to gank, most likely to consume a wave of Quinn's blood, or to play Aquaman's flash."

"You must know that this Neptune is carrying a flash and ignites, the sword is slanted!"

The outbreak of Birdman is already high, and Qi Zhou Rune and Summoner skills have chosen the most violent [Electric Shock] and Ignition.

Obviously what he pursued in the early stage was not peaceful development. …

Even the pure farmer next door knows this, and Khan naturally understands it.

So he also wondered why the captain was marked, but Quinn didn't.

"This person is so strange... as if he has quit drugs."

Khan muttered to himself.

To be honest, he couldn't help thinking about Q Birdman already.

You know, this Q is 5 points of health!

And even though Birdman is wearing Dolan's Shield, the damage caused by his own [Gun Fire Negotiation] is still visible after taking into account the extra damage from [Grip of the Undying].

But lychees (fruits) told Khan to hold back!

Because after the birdman is Q, the pawn line is likely to be uncontrollable.

You must know that in order to help himself in this round, Peanut chose the fast three route, red buff-raptor-blue buff.

This also means that it is difficult for him to eat Shuanghe crab.

Such a big sacrifice, can't let him come in vain, right?

So if you want to exchange blood, you have to wait for Qi Zhou to make a move first, and then throw the Q by yourself.

"Quite patient."

Qi Zhou could naturally see Khan's careful thinking.

Waiting for him to make the first move, the captain's backhand Q can also use the indestructible to restore blood, which is indeed a good idea.

"The two people on the road are really very patient!"

"The director couldn't help but switch perspectives..."

Su Xiaoyan couldn't help but complain.

After the first wave of small soldiers, there was a single man, a woman and two birds, but no conflict broke out.

Even boiled the director away.

"Hahaha, indeed!"

Sangen Shuo laughed loudly, "But in terms of patience, Khan is definitely not as good as King Hai."

"You must know that Neptune is the owner of the [Koutou Bar Honor Bar], and even the cannon can do it without looking at it for a whole round."

"If you don't exchange blood, isn't that a search thief?"

[I really don't understand, first play a passive, then play the E skill, and then A, isn't this exchange purely for profit?Why not fight! 】

[I really thank you, Umbrella Genshuo, do you know that you are going to be called the Desert Reaper outside, and now you are wanted by the Gotou Bar! 】

[? ? ?Where did the skewer come from upstairs, fork it out! 】

[I don’t know when Neptune will have a dog’s head again, my roommate is dying...]

[Aside from other things, Neptune's bird man is really playing like a dog. 】


At 2 minutes and 15 seconds, Birdman and the captain were promoted to level 2 at the same time.

Contrary to the expectations of the old buddies at the Gotou Bar, Qi Zhou took the lead.

Birdman launches a general attack, then uses [Swirl and Grab (E)], rushes towards the captain to interrupt his action, and then launches a general attack, triggering [Electric Shock].

The base damage of the level 1 E skill is only 40 points, but with the AEA combo, after the electrocution, the captain's blood volume still drops a bit visible to the naked eye.

Khan obviously didn't expect Qi Zhou to attack suddenly.

After all, he is very cautious in his position.

Birdman didn't hit his angle with the Q skill.

"This person is so strange..." Khan touched his nose, "Is it finally unbearable?"

AEA exchange blood.

There is no need to wait until level 2, it can be done at level 1.

But Qi Zhou did it when he was promoted to 2.

Is it for more [electrocution] damage?
Still can't take it anymore? …

Khan couldn't guess it, but he knew that his pig girl had gotten the blue buff!
Although this wave of blood exchange lost a small hundred points.

But you only need to consume one layer of corruption potion, and you can easily get back on it.

When Peanut comes to gank, Birdman will be miserable!
After all, the summoner skill Qi Zhou chose was Flash Ignite.

If he is flashed, then Qi Zhou is doomed to be unable to use the advantage of his hand length to push the line and suppress the captain in the next 5 minutes.

If you get beaten...that's a shame!

If he doesn't go back to the city, he will let Birdman know what cruelty is!
船长1级Q技能造成25 1.0攻击力的物理伤害,而等到升三2级Q,那么技能的伤害就会提升到45 1.0攻击力的物理伤害。

Do not absolutely only have 20 points.

You must know that the captain's Q skill is a locking skill!

Birdman couldn't dodge.

At that time, the Q skill consumes 1 or [-] hits, and then flashes the fire knife to pick up Q, and it is very likely to complete the cinnabar!
So in order to avoid this situation, Qi Zhou had no choice but to return to the city besides telling the jungler to squat instead.

If the prince squats back, then the pig girl can easily take down the Shuanghe crab.

If the bird man returns to the city, the captain's level will be able to take the lead, and the captain who has level 3 Q will not need to be afraid of the bird man when he reaches level [-].

Consume each other!
Anyway, with the oranges with the corrupt potion W, the captain's blood volume will not be at a disadvantage.

No matter how bad it is, there is teleportation!
TP return line, we are a hero again.

"Go on...go on!"

Khan suddenly got a little fucked up.

He had always hoped that Qi Zhou would do it first.

As a result, the summoner who plays the birdman seems to have changed from "kobold" to "human-headed dog".

Come to A for yourself every now and then.

Not cheap!

Although the captain can use the Q skill to counter it, this thing has a CD and consumes mana. It doesn't mean that you can shoot it if you want to!

Extremely helpless.

Khan used up the second layer of "tonic".

After all, Birdman's explosion should not be underestimated. With the ignition, his blood line is too low and he can easily be killed by a set.

"Wang Hao, be careful when you come here."

"Quinn hasn't used his Q skill all this time, I suspect that Sea's level 2 might have raised his W!"

Khan's suspicions are not without reason.

Birdman W [Sharp Perception] will dissipate the fog of war in a large area around it for 2 seconds.

And its range is a full 2100 yards.

Although Qi Zhou is now pressing the line very well, Birdman's position is still biased towards the outer wall of Summoner's Canyon.

Little Peanut's pig sister came directly from the river, obviously unable to catch it.

So he can only use the Q skill from the dragon pit to use the triangle grass, and then wait for k.

If Qi Zhou learned W at level 2, Birdman's current position can completely detect the triangular grass.

"I'll pay attention."

Pig girl's attack on the blue buff has also come to an end.

After Khan fired his Q skill to fill up the little soldiers with residual blood, he walked towards the river, as if he wanted to arrange jewelry eyes.

"Ah Xi...isn't that a little too much?"

"Are you still chasing after me?"

"You will regret this!"

Khan suddenly cursed in the channel, and at the same time, Peanut also punished the blue buff.

He cuts to the road.

I saw the captain walking towards the river, but the birdman was chasing after him, constantly leveling.

"Go down, here I come!"

In the next second, Hualuo (Quinn's bird) shot out.

Because the captain was close to the terrain wall and had no room to move, he was hit by Birdman's [Dazzling Offensive (Q)]!

Of course, this blinding is not that blinding.

Compared with Captain Mushroom, Quinn's Q blinding has more vision loss.

So Little Peanut couldn't observe the scene near the river grass, so he asked questions immediately.

"Is he still chasing?"

"Is it hitting you!?"

But before hearing Khan's voice, a system prompt popped up.

The captain was killed!

Quinn got first blood!

Colonel Guan, who was dozing off in the misty lake, also woke up instantly.

"Prince Level [-] Catch!"

"Cooperate to win the first blood!"

"This wave of gank is beautiful!"

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