Inheritance comes from Crlove!

Classics always come back in another way.

Xiaotian's second-level catch put Khan in a dazed state!
Because the next second when Quinn Q [Dazzling Offensive] hit him, the front monitor turned gray.

He only saw the falling German flag...

"Unlucky khan...he must be in the dark!"

"It's really irritating that the death is unclear."

At the LCS commentary stand, Charlie and Johnson are talking.

"If it were me, I would be very depressed too."

"You need to know Planck's position at that time, as long as you hand over the flash, you can go over the wall to the explosive fruit. With the support of the pig girl, he will not be killed at all!"

"But Quinn's Q skill is really tricky."

"The moment before Jarvan IV walked out of the triangular grass, Khan lost his vision, and he couldn't make a flash judgment at all!"

Compared with Khan who had already died in battle, Little Peanut was equally uncomfortable.

He chose the fast three-wielding route to take advantage of the fact that the pig girl was faster than the prince.

Unexpectedly, Xiaotian did something even worse.

After only eating the double buff, he came to the road.

"God, this wave is very decisive!"

Qi Zhou who accepted the head was in a very good mood.

"Then it's mainly Brother Zhou's Q, it's blinding his vision!"

Although Xiaotian's tone was weird, his teammates could hear that he and Qi Zhou were bragging about business.

In fact, if the captain hadn't deliberately gone to the river to ward off the impending arrival of the pig girl, the Phoenix team Ueno would not have been able to seize this opportunity and complete the kill.

In the original idea, Xiaotian would walk through the triangular grass and reach the fog of war in front of the tower on the red side.

Then Qi Zhou looked for an opportunity and used his Q skill to black out the captain's vision, and the prince took advantage of the opportunity to enter Yicao.

Then Xiaotian can look for opportunities according to the development of the situation, and choose to take the initiative or counter-squat.

Kill KZ here by surprise!
Unexpectedly, Khan actually walked to the edge of the terrain where Birdman Q must be eaten.

The head given away for free must be accepted!

Otherwise, I will be sorry for the other party's good intentions.


The two sides fought each other down the road.

This is mainly because Lin Liu and Xuan Ming from the LCK division haven't played against each other yet.

Xuan Ming and Er Lao are regular visitors in the S competition, but Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong have not traveled in the World Championship yet.

Although the two elders, Xuanming and Ming, were dubbed "Xuanming Erluo" by everyone due to age problems, their skills declined, but Lin Qingsong and Liu Weixiang did not dare to be careless.

Although the veteran is old, but he has eaten a lot of food, it is impossible to be poor in operation.

Similarly, because they are not familiar with Lin Liu, Xuanming and Ming only know that the two are also a tacit old partner, so they are very cautious in laning.

In the middle of the two sides, it is just the opposite.

Because of his own disadvantage in the top lane, BDD was deadlocked in the bottom lane. He gave up the idea of ​​a safe development in the early stage, and he began to try to exchange blood with the left-handed ice girl.

I want to restrict my left hand and prevent it from wandering.

After all, before the evolution of the E skill, Victor's line-clearing speed cannot keep up with the ice girl who has 3 AOE skills and the Q skill can splash and penetrate.


"Hi, hello. I'm Plank, and I need you to ride a Poro to support me... What? You've wandered to the bottom of the road? Let me last a few minutes?" …

"Oh, my God. Today I put my words here. If you don't come to the road to support within 1 minute, I will die for you!"

Charlie, the fun guy, directed and acted, looking a bit awkward.

But it is a good illustration of the form of the road at this time.

Quinn's offensive is fierce, and he cleverly uses passive skills and skills to continuously consume the captain's blood.

A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped Khan.

Didn't it mean that Sea can only play black technology, and the operation is not very good?
Why is this bird man in his hands, as if he really is the partner of Demacia's elite guerrillas.

The linkage between the crossbow and the eagle claw makes people powerless to resist.

What annoyed Khan the most was that Qi Zhou could always seize the time and light the explosive barrels exactly before him.

My own Planck...has become a golden boy?

[Aquaman's birdman proficiency is too high, right?He even beat Khan! 】

【what did I say?Neptune used to be too lazy to operate because of enough damage!With the operation now, Khan was beaten into a rotten banana skin! 】

[Screaming shit!The captain's powder keg has never been blown up by himself. 】

[Captain's replenishment is 11, bird man's replenishment is 29... Tsk tsk tsk, Khan can't even beat brother Xiao, so he can retire. 】

Qi Zhou changed his normal way of laning, which made the audience feel incredible.

This feeling……

It seems that this bird man is not operated by Qi Zhou, but The shy!

If Qi Zhou knew how the audience felt, he would definitely smile silly.

It really has something to do with The shy that his Birdman can play at this level in this round of laning.

In a BO3 before the spring playoffs.

IG faced LGD, which is also in the Eastern Division.

In the first game, LGD was beyond everyone's expectations and played a huge advantage. There is only one IG front tooth tower left.

LGD's big dragon forced the group, but IG had no choice but to fight.

IG, which is good at reckless miracles, failed to create a topic that the audience likes to talk about this time.

They lost the teamfight, and LGD took Baron to seal the victory.

But LGD did not push the IG base. Their captain chose to go back to the city, sold the shoes and replaced them with a resurrection armor, and then waited for his teammates to revive, and then fought against IG.

Finally, the IG defense tower was pulled out before its crystal was pushed down.

It was this kind of behavior that completely angered IG.

In the second game, Theshy chose Gnar to face the captain.

The sharp boomerang made the captain unable to find the north. At the same time, the captain's explosive barrel also became a tool for him to earn pocket money.

Finally, after the two front teeth of LGD were removed, the spring was abused.

Created a wave of team battles, ten people died in battle, and the epic picture scroll of super soldiers smashing the base.

After the game, of course, the majority of righteous netizens criticized this "spring abuse" behavior verbally and in writing.

But the old Sea King Sea player was so shocked by the details of Theshy Gnar's laning captain that he couldn't speak.

You know, under Gnar's boomerang, the captain becomes a captain without a powder barrel.

The most important consumption and output skills in the middle and late stages are gone, what a fart!
Qi Zhou has always believed that with drill 1 operation, combined with top-notch understanding and advanced awareness, he will not fall into a disadvantage in line with any player in the professional arena.

But this game changed him.

As the league continues to grow, so does the strength of its players.

In high-quality professional matches, the number of solo kills has also been greatly reduced compared to previous seasons. …

Everyone is making progress.

If you stagnate in operation, then even if your theory and consciousness are invincible.

It will still be pulled away because of strength, resulting in the possibility of being exploded.

Therefore, after the game between IG and LGD, Qi Zhou moderately reduced his research on theory and increased his practice on operations.

Tap the dynamite barrel.

It was "Subject One" at that time.

After hundreds of times of practice, Qi Zhou already has muscle memory.

No matter how precise Khan's control is, there is nothing he can do about Qi Zhou's almost pinch pointing.


"Send, send!"

"The ice girl has teleported!"

Due to the fierce battle between the two sides in the middle lane, BDD and Left Hand were basically exhausted at the fifth level, and they both chose to return to the city.

After updating the equipment, the left hand did not return to the line at the first time, but directly TP Qi Zhou inserted in the blue square wild area, the jewelry eye next to the exploding fruit!

"The captain's blood volume is still one-third, is this going to be over?"

Soldiers enter the tower.

Khan's explosive barrels had already been lit up by Qi Zhou.

The captain had no way to quickly clear the line and forced the Phoenix team to retreat.

Birdman was still outside the tower, and the ice girl approached slowly.

Khan's eyes sank, and he understood the idea of ​​the Phoenix team's tower jumping.

[Gun fire negotiation], the bullet flew out of the Planck pistol and shot at the ice girl.

Although it comes with immortality, the damage is not low.

But for the ice girl who is in full condition, it is like scratching an itch.

— "Stupid child!"

With a terrifying and shrill cry, the Ice Maiden threw out her ice fur, and the ice shards hit the captain, slowing him down and attracting hatred to the defense tower!
Birdman threw out his Q skill, and the captain dodged in a flash.


Black and green ice spread around the ice girl, and the captain was frozen by the W skill!
The captain immediately eats oranges to release control, and recovers a little blood.

The ice girl is the reverse E skill, released towards the outside of the tower.

At the same time, Birdman also used the E skill to quickly get close to the captain, link up with the general attack, release the ignition, and play [Electric Shock].

The captain died under the tower!

And the second section E of the ice girl walked out of the range of the defense tower.

Since W triggers [Aftershock], she still has about half health at this time.

The FPX voice channel is very cheerful.

The left hand laughed wantonly.

With this wave of gank, he got assists, but he would lose a wave of soldiers in the middle.

But the bird man just rose to 6.

Qi Zhou let him go on the road to eat the line, and went straight to the middle road after returning to the city.

In this way, the left hand is not at a loss!

The kimchi country netizens on the Internet were blown up.

Captain Khan wanted to be safe, he didn't bring [The Stealing Omen], so he couldn't steal money.

And the captain died 6 times before level 2.

What the hell is this?
You must know that the captain, like Victor, is a hero who eats and develops.

And the power of three phases is the key equipment for the captain, the sooner it is released, the better.

But according to this situation, it is estimated that it will be 16 minutes later.

During this period of time, the whole map of birds is flying around, and the ice girl is wandering around. Even if your captain can make a big move to support, is it more useful than being there in person?
Khan, fight for us!


The arrangement of FPX minimizes the loss of pawn lines. …

Taking advantage of the high mobility of Ice Girl and Birdman, the red Fang Shangzhong returned to his own lane.

The captain didn't go out with Blue Crystal, and there were too few reinforcements, and even Yaoguang didn't survive.

On the other hand, Birdman has straw sandals, jagged broken arms and two long swords.

As long as the captain dares to step forward to Q soldiers, Birdman will take advantage of the 675-yard range of the E skill to kick the captain with two kicks and play a small burst.

The damage is not too outrageous, it can only hit half the blood of the captain.

Of course, if the Q skill also hits, it's hard to say.

Because of Qi Zhou's appearance, FPX's tactics are obviously aimed at the top lane, so even if Peanut wants to help, he always returns in vain.

After all, under the pressure of the ice girl's speed push line, Victor can only incarnate as the "Earth Binding Spirit", and he can't run around like his left hand.


8 minutes 46 seconds.

Zhumei found an opportunity in the bottom lane, the captain made a big move to support, and Morgana was killed.

KZ regained the situation slightly.

The cold faces of the stick audience also became slightly kinder.

But only 5 seconds later, on the road, there was news that the captain was killed by bird man cinnabar.

The Umbrella Emperor said calmly: "Khan's big move should be reserved for the front line of clearing the tower. He used it in the bottom lane, which gave Quinn the opportunity to jump over the tower and kill."

"Quinn finished eating this wave of lines and went home. It should be a big one, right?"

9 minutes 20 seconds.

Qi Zhou went home and sold Dolan's shield, and directly exposed the curtain blade.

And the captain's equipment bar is corruption potion, flare, and red crystal.

Contrast is harm!
Qi Zhou didn't wander away either, he was on the road to control the line.

The captain can only rely on three consecutive barrels to eat soldiers.

Why not two barrels?
Because it is too short, the birdman can click the first barrel by pressing forward!

Khan had no choice but to scream in his heart.

He is a war criminal, how dare he speak out in the team's public screen?


"Teleport! Teleport!"

"The ice girl has teleported!"

Suddenly, BDD's familiar words reappeared.

Khan trembled all over, and looked at the signal from BDD.

same place!
It is the ornamental eye inserted by the bird man near the exploding fruit beside the triangle grass in his own house.

A stunted captain.

Facing the mid laner C and the Birdman who is better than AD, there is no way at all.

Moreover, the control skills and life-saving means of these two people can completely surpass him twice!
The ending was no surprise.

The captain's record became 0-4, and he was completely reduced to the plaything of the Phoenix team Ueno.

In this regard, everyone in KZ is also big.

If this continues, it will be tantamount to slow death.

Birdman and Ice Girl wandered around, and there was absolutely no late stage on their side.

After deliberation, they decided to come to Bo Xiaolong Group and take the initiative to attack.

Victor, Pig Girl, and Verus are very capable of teaming up, and Tam and Pig Girl can be called double masters in the early stage.

As long as the picker can hold the C position, he will not be cut to death by the Phoenix team.

The waste captain supports a big move, and KZ has a relatively high chance of winning.

Just do it.

Victor took advantage of the Ice Maiden's return to the lane, and ran down the road in small steps, although the Phoenix team found out that the gank was not successful.

But it also helped Xuan Ming Er Lao get the line right.

Then turn around and cooperate with the pig girl to take the little dragon.

Prince Xiaotian had been on alert for a long time and rushed to the next road.

"This is Purgatory Wurm, FPX obviously doesn't want to give up!"

"Yin Zerui is constantly harassing, releasing [Precise Barrage], Zhuang Seini throws a big move! But Morgana gave the black shield in advance, Yin Zerui was not frozen!"

"The captain supports the big move!"

Khan's ultimate move was intended to divide the battlefield so that his teammates could successfully take down the dragon.

Unexpectedly, the three members of the Phoenix team did not retreat, as if they did not want to give up the fire dragon!

Little Peanut made a decisive decision, and the pig girl Q flashed into Yin Zerui who had no black shield, starting a team battle.

Seeing this, the prince didn't have EQ to provoke the pig girl.

Instead, he single-handedly summoned the German flag and inserted it into the back row of KZ, poking Verus straight!

But the moment he was about to touch, Tam swallowed Verus in one gulp!
Victor immediately released the [Gravity Field] at the prince's feet.

The Phoenix team as a whole fell into a passive position!

But at this moment, the big bird Hua Luo quickly entered the arena with Quinn in his hands.

Countless sharp arrows fell.

Birdman went straight in, [Swirling and Looting (E)] rushed towards Verus.

Verus was kicked, but the rat king purified in seconds, thanks to the control caused by the forced displacement of Quinn's E skill, and then aimed at the direction Quinn returned, throwing a big move.

At this critical moment, a yellow light appeared on the soles of Birdman's feet.

At the same time, the prince also made a big move!

Almost instantly, Verus' blood bar evaporated and he fell to the ground.

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