Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 168 [167] Thunderbird, play 1 flash!

Verus was instantly killed!

The voice channel of the KZ team fell silent instantly.

Full of blood!

Verus is full of blood and flashes!

But he was killed before he could produce any output.

"Sea player's flash is really too essence!"

Regardless of the continued team battle, Johnson began to praise Qi Zhou's operation.

"Quinn's E skill can interrupt the opponent and force them to move."

"Similarly, Quinn will also have a back-swing when returning from the second stage E!"

"Sea's flash, not only dodged Verus' ult with his flash, but he also cleverly landed the flash in front of the wall of Xiaolong Pit!"

"In this way, not only can E land quickly, but also cancel the skill back shake!"

"Before Player Pray couldn't control Verus, Quinn used [Dazzling Attack], which is impossible to dodge!"

Small flashes, full of details.

The Mouse King died unjustly.

KZ also lost the team battle without any suspense.

Suffocation uses the brain.

The huge disadvantage caused all members of KZ to be poisoned by nitrite.

Livid, livid!

Perhaps the only consolation they can get is that FPX is in a bad state and cannot accept Xiaolong.

But Birdman has such a huge advantage.

With the ultra-high mobility of its ultimate move, there is a high probability that this little dragon will be captured by FPX.

"KING-ZONE! You have to cheer up!"

"FPX is not terrible, what is terrible is Quinn, it is Sea!"

"He is the sharpest sword of Phoenix, break it, we still have hope!"

The 3.1k economic gap caused the two stick commentators to fall into a state of madness.

It's this Sea again!

When commenting on the global finals last year, it was this nasty guy who swept Samsung, making the two of them utterly annoyed and crying bitterly.

Unexpectedly, in this year's mid-season, it was he who caused the LCK team to be devastated.

"I hope that the players will not be obscured by the momentary haze, and they must use the most powerful operating system in our competition area!"

"Slow and steady, get back the situation!"


take off!

Take off completely!

Qi Zhou got 3 kills in this wave of team battles. On KZ side, only Victor sold his teammates, and Phantom fled the battlefield quickly, barely surviving!
A little short of money from the Storm Sword, Qi Zhou made up for a pickaxe.

With the 70% extra movement speed provided by 【Deep Behind Enemy Lines (R)】, Qi Zhou returned to the line.

Khan, on the other hand, had long since fled.

When Qi Zhou was on his way, he hid in the grass and tapped the B button to return to the city.

The 650 gold coins in his pocket were not enough for him to synthesize a small wooden hammer.

In the end, Khan chose shoes and cloth armor instead of buying small parts such as long and short swords that synthesize three phases.


The game time is 14 minutes and 47 seconds.

During this period, the captain was single-killed by Birdman again.

Little Peanut really couldn't bear the shame of his top laner becoming a disgrace to the pirate world, so he chose to come to the top lane to help the captain stabilize his line.

Unexpectedly, the moment Quinn W illuminates and discovers the location of the pig girl.

The prince and the ice girl appeared together.

Under the instillation of tons of control and damage, the Poro pig fell to the ground, and Qi Zhou got Zhuang Nise's head money.

Birdman's record came to 8/0/2.
Super God!


"Missing! I like this feeling so much! Hitting the stick must make this kind of destructive force, such as beating wild cards, become the main theme of the game!"...

"Sea King, King of the Sea, cheers from the audience, little brother, little brother, the stick is in pain!"

"Go kill the Rat King! The captain is worthless, and another LCK AD will be abolished!"

"What kind of injury is this bird man? Penetrating injury or penetrating injury?"

The audience of LPL vented their hearts out in the live broadcast room.

And the live audience in the Berlin LCS studio, especially the fans of Qi Zhou, was even more powerful!

Cheer, jump, inspire, scream!
In their own wild and enthusiastic way, they praise the 8/0 super god birdman...and her operator, Sea!

"Did Tian make a mistake?"

"But it doesn't matter, Planck still can't escape, and died tragically under the tower!"

Johnson looked at the big screen and described the situation.

On the other hand, Charlie smiled badly.

"My dear colleague, you are too simple!"

"What a mistake Tian made!"

"This is clearly giving away Khan's head... 0/5 Planck is worthless!"

"Jiavan IV gave Planck a head, half of which may be a courtesy among the players, so that Planck's record has come to 1/6, so it doesn't look so ugly."

"The other half is to make Planck valuable again... Otherwise, Quinn will kill Planck in the future, and it will be no different from replenishing a cannon."

What Charlie said was complicated.

But the LPL audience could understand, they input "raise pigs!" in the pop-up box one after another, and then sent it out.

These two words are surging!
Piles and piles covered the display screen, and many spectators wore earphones and opened barrage.

They are walking on the road, or are hiding under the covers.

But without exception, they laughed out loud.

Khan was raised as a pig!
Who can believe this?

You must know that even if the Dragon Ball team was carried away by Samsung 3:0 last year, it became a joke.

But Khan was not killed like this by Wither!

Kenan and Gnar, who are single kings of Yodel, only played a suppressive effect on Khan.

And this year in the LCK division, Khan regained his glory and succeeded in revenge.

As a result, in the mid-season championship game, Qi Zhou, who was not built with "manipulation" and "player's personal ability", was infinitely gauze, and was finally raised as a pig.

Don't think about it, the captain will definitely become Birdman's queen cash machine next.


This is not only a personal shame for Khan, but also a shame for the LCK division!

under the lens.

Khan's eyes were ice-cold, as if he had felt the attention from the whole world because of quantum entanglement, his eyes softened, but he didn't turn his head, but pretended to be helpless and smiled awkwardly.

Although but but...

Not as natural as European and American players, it seems very blunt and artificial.



"I never thought Sea players would choose this piece of equipment!"

"I thought he would use Edge of the Night to increase fault tolerance when team battles come in!"

Birdman returned to the city and updated the second largest item.

At this time, the game time is only 15 minutes.

In the last wave of small dragons, Birdman bought a pickaxe after returning to the city.

At that time, Charlie guessed that Qi Zhou's second piece of equipment would be the Blade of Night.

Because as far as the top laner [Electrocution] Birdman is concerned, the mainstream gameplay is to go out with armor-piercing first, and then make up for critical strike equipment, so as to gain the second C in team battles and the ability to single-handedly fight.


The difference between the third-level ultimate move and the first-level ultimate move is a full 60%.

So in the early stage, the bird man moved very fast after opening the zoom, but he didn't have the posture of cutting into the battlefield in an instant like a sharp sword in the later stage.

Therefore, many players, in order to pursue higher mobility in the early stage, will choose the first item to come out of Youmeng.

In this way, support and entry can be made faster.

Qi Zhou, on the other hand, chose the curtain blade that can carry extra real damage in order to maintain online suppression.

In Charlie's opinion, as the Birdman level up, the second piece of equipment does not need the Phantom Spirit. In contrast, the Blade of Night, which can provide blood and actively open the shield, is more suitable.

After all, the pickaxe is its synthetic part.

But he didn't expect that Qi Zhou would choose to do [Lanqie] for the second thing!
Lanche is a new item added in the MSI version.

Composed of 725 gold for Storm Sword, Pickaxe, and Dagger, it can provide 70 points of attack power and 30% attack speed.

At the same time, it also has the only passive skill [Sharp Edge]:
如果你在最近的3秒内未攻击(受攻速影响),你的下一次普攻会暴击并造成160%伤害( 1%每1.5%暴击率,最多200%),并在在1.75秒内获得10%移动速度。

"Version 8.9, Riot has made changes to mages. Version 8.10 has made changes to the wild area."

"Landcut was newly added in version 8.11 of the mid-season game, and the original AD equipment has been approximated. For example, the Infinity Blade no longer provides crit, but doubles the chance of crit, and at the same time makes crit with real harm……"

Although the big colonel doesn't understand the game well, he can know all about the players and version updates.

"Quin's second piece of equipment gave up armor-piercing and chose Lancut, the burst will indeed not be weakened. On the contrary, the clinging ability can become stronger!"


"Brother Zhou, shall we start the killing moment?"

"Right on my mind!"

"I will issue a killing ring first, and I will give you a shield later."

"Hurry up, hurry up, my sword is already too strong!"

Liu Qingsong talks with Qi Zhou.

Morgana bought the equipment in the spring and went straight to the Second Tower.

There, Hua Luo was hanging Kui Quinn, waiting for a long time!

[Encouragement] - Rhapsody from Shuria!

Morgana pressed the crown active skill and put a black shield on Quinn.

Before going out, Qi Zhou had already upgraded the straw sandals to five-speed shoes.

Shuria's Rhapsody, which has been away from Summoner's Rift for five years (replaced by the Ascension Talisman in version 3.14, and rejoined in version 8.5), is playing again!

The Birdman gained an additional 40% movement speed bonus.

The ice girl in the middle, the second stage E flashed, and the big move froze Victor.

——"We Demacians are not easy to deal with!"

After the sharp bird call, Hua Luo took Quinn and rushed straight ahead.

Birdman enters!

A connects to EA, triggers electrocution!
The Q skill was thrown, and Victor died suddenly.

"What damage? AEAQA hasn't finished all three marks, and the person is gone?"

"Instant melting~"

"bdd didn't even hand over the flash..."

"It's just a handsome word!!"

Although I know the 15-minute two-piece birdman, the damage is extremely explosive.

But when the scene of Victor being killed in seconds was truly presented in front of Dajia, all the audience still couldn't help but marvel. …

You know, this Victor didn't die once before.

He is the one with the most normal development on the blue side!
But just like that... was killed in seconds by the simple and unpretentious!

"Charlie, is this game over?"

Johnson's expression was extremely exaggerated, but his volume was very low, obviously shocked.

"Of course, what follows is Quinn's hunting time!"

"Oh~ KZ's Verus should be thankful that his support in this game is Tamm, who can protect him."

"Otherwise, I think the nightmare of the Ruler player in the S7 finals will be imposed on him again!"



The moment Birdman entered the arena, BDD screamed, and Shu Wang naturally switched the camera to the middle.

It's okay if you don't watch it... After witnessing the whole process, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

Sea players are called AD killers, and it really is not groundless.

The picky Tamm can indeed protect himself.

But my own support is not so good that I can't hold back my mouth!
You should know that as long as the birdman after the revision is not charged, or attacks by himself, the status of the birdman will not be cancelled.

Wait to be spit out.

AEAQA, why not kill yourself in seconds?

"Let's put a tower..."

The Mouse King sighed, although he knew it wouldn't stop the Birdman from coming to him.

But it's better than doing nothing.


16 minutes 45 seconds.

Birdman returned to the road, W illuminated his vision, and saw the captain returning to the city under the tower.

There were no teammates around, but Birdman didn't hesitate and rushed into the defense tower without any hesitation.

A set of combos, the captain was killed.

But the bird man left the tower with half blood, cleared the line of troops, and returned to the city.


The red side advances steadily, neither in a hurry nor slow down (mainly to leave time for Birdman to show off).

20 minutes in game time array.

Birdman is already wearing the curtain blade Arashi cut electric knife endless crit cloak five-speed shoes.

Verus stood tremblingly on the high ground to replenish his troops.

5 minutes ago, his record was still 0/1/1.
But now, indeed 0/4/1.
"Sea is just a sacrifice, he doesn't even need me to go out, he saw me revived, and he came here after smelling it!"

The Mouse King said angrily, "Why don't you push the tower!"

"Just end the game! Don't torture people!"

The picker on the side has no desires and no desires.

He tried his best to protect the mouse king, but in the end he was killed by the bird man.

After all, the support Tamm... The output and frankness are not a star and a half behind the top lane Tamm.

"Let's go, they are in Dalong."

"Fight a wave... If we are wiped out by the group, we can also be free."

Little Peanut leaned back against the gaming chair, and it didn't look like he was playing a game at all.

Fight the big dragon group?

He had no hope of making a comeback against Qianlong.

In 20 minutes, the economy fell behind by 1...

What are you going to do to make a comeback!

The five people from the blue side wandered to the river in the upper half area.

Baron Nash also wailed at this time.

The big dragon has been beaten!
Well, it can end sooner.

Lissandra's E skill then flashes W to start a group.

The prince followed closely behind and picked up the three of them.

In just 6 seconds, except for Victor, the four heroes on the blue side were all killed.

Ddd looked nervously at the rear, and kept clicking the right mouse button.

Victor stepped on the ghost and ran towards his high ground.

It's really fast.

But with a bigger bird, the speed is faster!

As soon as Victor walked to the edge of the Three Wolves camp, Quinn, who was pulled by Hua Luo, flew behind him.

【Swirl and kill】!
The rain of arrows fell, and Birdman kicked Victor from behind and shot a crossbow arrow.

The yellow light of Statik's electric blade and the red lightning of [Electric Shock] fell at the same time.

Victor's blood evaporated and he died suddenly on the spot!


The injury made the audience click their tongues.

Cool, magical, but scientific.

The damage of [Deep behind enemy lines (R)] and [Swirling Looting (E)].

The real injury of the curtain blade.

An outbreak of electrocution.

Lan Qie's passive Lan Zhifeng increases with the critical strike of the bird man, and the damage is also greatly increased.

In addition, the extra real damage provided by the Infinity Blade to the crit damage of the basic attack.

How could Victor, who didn't even make armguards, stand up to it! ?


22 minutes 13 seconds.

The blue square crystal exploded, and KZ lost!
FPX won the curtain call on the first day of the group stage.

Tied with Flash Wolves for first place.

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