Chapter 175 [174] Change is a good thing!
——"Change is a good thing!"

Void Marauder Kha'Zix, a veteran assassin from the Void!

Paris, Zenith Stadium.

At this time, the S8 Concentrated Championship Invitational Tournament is being held.

The white crescent lost a rare coin toss, and FNC got the red side by giving priority to side selection.

The five heroes of FPX have been selected, followed by Tsar, Verus, Tam, Amumu, and Khazik.

On the FNC side, coaches and players are still thinking about the last hero selection for Conte.

The exchange of heroes on the floor has not yet started, but the commentators are guessing the split of the FPX heroes.

Needless to say, Verus and Tsar must have an AD position and a mid laner.

As for Tamm, he can go on the road, and his laning ability is quite good. Compared with some recent versions of mainstream top laners, he is even much stronger.

But the Phoenix team's ADC is Verus, which makes it very likely that Tamm's split will be locked in the auxiliary position.

Because Verus is a rare character in the League of Legends who is strong throughout the period and has a crispy meat shield.

As long as he is not possessed by GodV, when Verus is on the line, his Q skill can be suppressed. Recently, late-stage heroes such as Kai'Sa and Dazui, who have been unscrupulous in the field, make them unable to take care of themselves.

Retreat can also clear the towers under the attack of the early aggressive heroes such as the policewoman, Han Bing, and Lucian.

FNC took out Kai'Sa and Wine Barrel first, and FPX locked Verus with a backhand, which was a very standard response.

Because Verus's W skill, combined with his ultimate move, is like hitting garlic with a watermelon knife, and it can be smashed easily.

And the healing reduction that comes with the E skill can leave Verus with the gold coins to buy the death sentence.

Backhand AD selection, Conte Kaisa, wine barrel, the Phoenix team is very beautiful.

Of course, Verus also has the problem of short legs and a fragile body. Facing the assassin, he fell in minutes.

So in the third selection, the Phoenix team sacrificed Tam, a classic hero who cooperates with Verus.

In this way, the commentators and the audience only need to think about the split between Amumu and Kazik.

"I didn't expect Sea to choose Kha'Zix!"

"It's hard to imagine that Sea will actually take out Kha'Zix who, through continuous evolution, wanders in the void and completes the ultimate harvest and change in the extreme environment in the game!"

Charlie's tone was full of surprises, while Scott on the side frowned slightly and touched his chin with one hand, looking hesitant to speak.

"Haha, I know you want to ask, why didn't Amumu go on the road?" Charlie glanced at Scott and said, "Trust me!"

"Your suspicion comes from the player Sea."

"And my judgment is precisely because he is Sea!"

Scott said "Oh?" and said, "Tell me your reason."

"The top laner, Ka'Zix, has been weak and silent for a long time."

"In your eyes, the player Sea should be synonymous with black technology and laning stability?"

Scott nodded, and Charlie continued: "So you think that FPX's Kazik should be locked for the jungler Tian, ​​and Amumu, who is easier to operate, is for Sea?"

"That's wrong!"

Scott was puzzled, "Why?"

Charlie pulled his tie and said seriously: "Because... Sea always chooses the last hero every time!"

"No exceptions!"

The sonorous and powerful words came to the ears, Scott's eyes grew to the top of his head, and his eyes kept rolling.

The front sounds reasonable...but the back is so sloppy.

Qi Zhou will play whatever FPX chooses last. . .

Although it seems to be the case, there are always exceptions to everything.

"Not so sure!"

Scott exhaled, "This judgment is too reckless."

"Although judging from previous matches, your current judgment is correct."

"But we take it as a set formula, and FPX can use it to make a fuss in the Banpick session!"

"This will be a big loss!"

Charlie smiled and said, "Brother, we are commentators, not coaches and players of the team... There is no need to be so serious."

"Well...FNC finally chose Gnar."

“It's a good choice!”

"Look, I'm right! Kha'Zix is ​​on his way."

Both teams are confirmed.

Top order: Mantis vs Gnar
Jungle: Amumu vs Prince
Mid laner: Tsar vs Zoe
Bottom lane: Verus, Tahm vs Kai'Sa, Japanese girl


"I didn't expect it! Neptune would choose Mantis to go up."

In the LPL commentary seat, Wang Duoduo, Su Xiaoyan, and Leng Shao are discussing the lineups of both sides.

"It was really unexpected... At that time, I thought he would take Amumu."

Su Xiaoyan nodded, "After all, Mantis' operation requirements are relatively high, and it's not easy to match up on the road."

"And this time FPX is on the blue side. If they take out Mantis, FNC will definitely think that Aquaman will use him to go up. As expected, they chose Gnar."

Gnar has a long hand, and in the early stage, he can suppress the mantis by relying on his Q skill and basic attack.

Not to mention the three-ring deceleration of the W skill and the displacement of the E skill.

"FNC's Gnar is really good."

"Not only can it completely suppress the Mantis in laning, but also paired with the prince, it can produce exceptional performance in team battles."

"I hope Neptune can come up with black technology."

Leng Shao didn't seem to sleep well last night, and his eyelids drooped.

However, this did not affect his brain to perform normal analysis.

Facing Gnar, Mantis wants to eat the line, the best choice is the W skill.

But using the W skill will cause the line of soldiers to push forward.

If the opponent controls the line, even though the mantis can gain experience, in fact, the mantis has already collapsed.

Because the explosive output of Mantis is extremely dependent on equipment.

Didn't advance, can't make armor-piercing equipment, take the lead to fight output?

Therefore, Shao Leng said bluntly that Qi Zhou can only rely on Qi Zhou's personal creativity to make Mantis outperform ordinary genres in terms of rune equipment.

"But the Mantis skill only has an AD bonus. In addition to stacking attack power and armor-piercing armor, what black technology can it have?"

Su Xiaoyan muttered a few words.


"Don't worry, press boldly! I won't give his vassals a chance to interfere with you on the road." Broxah operated the prince, and with the help of Kai'Sa and the Japanese girl, he killed the blue buff and successfully upgraded to level 2.

"Understood~" Veteran sOAZ answered very easily.

He joined FNC in S2, and is the player with the strongest adjustment ability in the team. His seven-year e-sports career has allowed him to move freely both on and off the field.

The reason why he was allowed to start in the FNC final is very simple, it is to let this veteran player who has been fighting for a long time stay on the road.

But unexpectedly, FPX played big at the beginning.

Rank was directly selected as the top laner of Mantis, who had disappeared in the game.

sOAZ keeps clicking the mouse.

Gnar, the little dinosaur holding a bone boomerang, swayed and walked towards the river, and placed the first ornamental eye at the midpoint of the line connecting the upper outer wall of the big dragon pit under the river grass.

After two weeks of observation and conclusion, the whole FNC team realized how good Qi Zhou's treatment in the team was.

The jungler is caught at the second level, the assistant abandons AD as his little follower, the hero has no blue bar, and the blue buff is still handed over...

There is no need for any doubts, sOAZ's Gnar must have an advantage against Qizhou Mantis in the early stage.

In this case, all he needs to guard against is a gank from Amumu.

The team's jungler Broxah naturally understands this truth.

The prince's combat effectiveness in the wild is obviously stronger than that of Amumu.

So in this round, Broxah intends to fight an invasion, disrupt Xiaotian's rhythm, and make him unable to help Qi Zhou out of the siege, so that Gnar can always take the initiative in the online game.

After all, everyone knows that Qi Zhou is FPX's ultimate move.

"Haha, I have bone plating."

When Gnar finished inserting the accessories and returned to the lane, the red and blue melee soldiers had less than one-third of their HP.

In order to avoid missing soldiers, sOAZ chose to eat the W skill of the mantis.

Anyway, there is a bone coating, and with Dolan's sword's general attack to restore blood, he can quickly replenish his own state.

On the contrary, the mantis must retreat after playing the W skill.

Otherwise it will be constantly consumed by Gnar.

"Before you learn the E skill, it is absolutely impossible to attack me."

"Of course, even if you have the E skill, you can't pose any threat to me."

sOAZ's tone is very confident, which is completely opposite to before he played.

Three days ago, after FNC defeated KZ [-]-[-], the FNC coaching staff decided to let sOAZ play.

In their view, facing Qi Zhou must be a steady player.

At least it can guarantee that the road will not be blown up.

However, in the first round of the two sides, sOAZ actually got the hero who was completely conte Qizhou.

This continues to be steady, obviously impossible!
"sOAZ has changed from the previous style of play and has become extremely aggressive!"

"The mantis is pressed behind the line of soldiers and cannot show its head!"

"In the first wave of soldiers, the mantis only uses the W skill, making up 2 long-range soldiers."

Wang Duoduo spoke very fast. I don't know if it was because he saw that the mantis was suppressed by Gnar so badly that he was worried for Qi Zhou, or because of his past habits.

"Mantis' mana and HP are not well maintained..."

Su Xiaoyan directly expressed worry on her face.

Although Mantis chooses corruption potion as his starting outfit, it can restore blood and mana.

But before leveling up to 2, Qi Zhou had already used up a layer of charge, and this layer of charge could not restore the state of the mantis to more than 8%.

"It still depends on Xiaotian's first wave of gank, but sOAZ has obviously conducted in-depth research on FPX."

"The eye position in the river is really tricky!"

"Amumu will be found when he comes to gank from the river or around the triangular grass."

"If you choose to step on the exploding fruit to enter the grass, you will have to wait until 2 minutes and 45 seconds later... Then the prince will eat up the second half of the area!"

As a loyal supporter, Amumu chose to open the field in the first half of the game. He defeated the blue buff by himself. At this time, he was crying and fighting with the three wolves.

The prince, on the other hand, was very bold.

With the help of the duo, after defeating Lansheng 2, they did not choose to go to the upper jungle area, but directly crossed the river, entered the second company of Xiaolongkeng EQ, and invaded the blue side's lower jungle area.

"The start of FPX was a bit rotten..." Young Master Leng also sighed.

"The Tsar in the middle lane ate Zoe's 2 Qs and used up a bottle of blood."

"It's only the duo that has the advantage right now."

Through the FNC duo operation, after confirming that the prince is blue, in order to help the team detect its movements, the left hand went to the red square raptor camp and inserted a jewelry eye.

For this reason, Zoe ate a Q skill.

But Caps handled the line of soldiers very well. When the second wave of minions just came out of the defensive tower, they found another opportunity. A flying star passed through the pile of troops and hit the czar.


"The FPX game is not acceptable!"

"This Amumu went back to hunt Toad after beating the three wolves. He obviously wanted to help out on the road."

"I don't understand why we must help this praying mantis."

"Verustam's fight against Kasa's daughter is obviously a [-]% discount. If you don't help the duo to help you on the road, you really don't understand the game!"

The two of De Yunse didn't have the scruples of the anchors in the official live broadcast room. Facing the start of FPX, they came directly to the group.

"Is it because Sea is the champion top laner?"

"He doesn't seem to have won the championship with Mantis!"

"You said he has black technology? Why can't I think of any black technology that Mantis can have?"

"In addition to the magic-cut armor-piercing set online, is it possible that you can also produce meat and AP to play explosive damage?"

The bald man smiled sharply, and Sika kept laughing, with a very flirtatious expression.

"There's no need to guess, black technology is raising a father."

"I've already thought about the next script."

"Tam Level [-], open up and take Amumu to catch Nar."

Hearing this, Xiaoxiao made a suddenly realized expression. "You have a good idea!"

"But how do I feel, Mantis can't wait until level 6?"

He looked at the front screen.

Level 2 Mantis only has 4 last hits, while Gnar has a full 11 kills, and his blood volume is about 150 points ahead of Mantis.

Qi Zhou is really suffering from the fight now.

But he still kept his trademark smile.

He was so familiar with this kind of scene that he couldn't be more familiar, it was like a little kiss among little kisses.

"Brother Zhou, I can't find a chance."

Xiaotian said weakly, "The prince is in my red zone, so I want to fight against the red, or I will lose money."

"can you?"

sOAZ's field of view is very well arranged, and he is not given a chance at all.

Whenever Amumu gets closer to the top lane, Gnar reacts accordingly.

"Why not?"

"Am I in a bad situation on the road?"

Facing the question about a man's dignity, Qi Zhou's tone suddenly became serious.

Xiaotian switched the angle of view, opened the equipment panel, and then said solemnly: "It's not good."

Hearing this, Qi Zhou laughed.

"What's wrong?"

"I still have 2 layers of corruption potion!"

"You know, if I were playing Goutou, I don't know how comfortable the current situation is."

"Wait for me for 1 minute, this Gnar will die."

While talking, Qi Zhou manipulated the mantis, knocked off a layer of corruption potion, and released the W skill to hit Gnar who was replenishing troops.

"Do you want me to help?"

"No need."


The cannon line arrives on the road.

At this time, the intersection point of the red and blue pawn lines has been biased towards the blue side, and has reached the position of Yicao.

Qi Zhou looked at his experience bar, then clicked on Gnar's attribute bar, observed his blood volume, and silently calculated in his heart.

His Summoner skill is Flash Ignite, and the cornerstone rune is [Electric Shock].

Mantis upgrade three combined with corruption potion, the outbreak produced should not be underestimated.

Likewise, sOAZ is also observing the state of the praying mantis.

The prince ate the blue square red buff and six birds, and was already on his way.

If I can make the blood volume of the praying mantis a little bit weaker, or directly play its flash.

It is completely capable of cooperating with the prince and killing him by leaping over the tower.

(End of this chapter)

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