Chapter 176 [175] Defense Tower?Duo?

It was another [Void Thrust].

When the mantis walks up, Gnar comes with the "Isolation and Helpless buff". If there are no minions around, even if it has the advantage of long arms, it is still very dangerous.

Therefore, sOAZ is very careful, always standing near the pile of soldiers.

But this also caused Gnar's movement to be limited, and the collision of the unit volume prevented him from avoiding the W skill of the mantis.

Due to the long distance, the mantis cannot enjoy the blood recovery effect provided by the skill, but the 80+1.0 AD panel damage hits Gnar.

In the past, sOAZ endured it.

But now, you are a level 2 praying mantis, why are you so arrogant?
What's more...Gnar is going to be promoted to 3!
The E skill is upgraded in seconds, Gnar jumps forward, the rebound mark and the general attack are shot, and the blood volume of the mantis is hit to 308 points.

Gnar, on the other hand, still has 350 health points, and his anger value is close to full, and his whole body begins to emit red violent light.

It's getting bigger!

As far as the mantis is concerned, the deterrent power of the giant Gnar is even far higher than that of the small Gnar.

Little Gnar is flexible and has low damage.

In the face of Gnar, the frankness is very high, and the skill damage value has also been improved, not to mention that W and E will have control effects.

A praying mantis with only a bottle of corruption potion, even if the giant Gnar is "isolated and helpless", it cannot pose a fatal threat to it.

After all, Mantis is positioned as an assassin, with high explosiveness, fragile body, and fear of control.

The characteristics of the giant Gnar just outweigh its strengths and weaknesses.

Realizing the danger, Qi Zhou even used two layers of corruption potion, and Mantis retreated.

Gnar refused to let go, and chased and launched another general attack, which once again lowered the mantis' blood volume.

Moreover, the red light on his body reached its peak.

Transform into a giant Gnar.

At the same time, the signal in the red side's upper wild area continued.

Amumu stuck in the ornament eye in the grass behind the red buff camp, and saw the prince's figure.

The prince has no EQ Erlian.

Obviously he knew that Amumu was gaining popularity.

Broxah inserted an ornamental eye into the partition wall, but he didn't see the figures of Crybaby and Red Buff.

"It must be in the grass. Amumu's jungle speed is not that fast." sOAZ currently has no pressure on the lane, so he can cut the screen boldly to communicate with his teammates.

"I know…" Broxah responded.

He didn't hand over the EQ second company first, but went straight to the camp to grass.

No need to guess, Crybaby and Red Buff must be playing games in it!

2 seconds later.

The 7 eyes met, the red buff, the prince and Amumu looked at each other.

Amumu's HP is still [-]%.

Red buff, 533 points of blood.

The prince's blood volume is still three-quarters strong.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

However, what happened next was rather strange.

The prince didn't move, and neither did Amumu!
Only the red buff never gets tired of doing it, hammering on the crying Bobby.

"Hehe" Broxah sneered, he knew that Xiaotian wanted to go with him, and both of them wanted to punish and take down the red buff.

However, the prince is now almost at full capacity.

But Amumu only has half of his health left.

"I can make several mistakes, but you only have one!"

Seeing that Amumu hadn't left, Broxah manipulated the prince to go straight forward, ready to attack.

Seeing this, Xiaotian also started to pull.

"These two are so patient!"

Su Xiaoyan stared at the strange scene with her eyes wide open.

Soon, Amumu, Red buff, and the prince formed a straight line!
The image of wearing skewers flashed before Broxah's eyes, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

EQ two consecutive tentacles, Amumu was picked up.

At the same time, a yellow light fell, and the red buff was hacked to death.

"Xiaotian is in danger!"

Wang Duoduo yelled, "Wait! Xiaotian is so popular!"

In the picture, there are red rune circles under the feet of Amumu and the prince.

Punishment returns blood.

Amumu, who grabbed the red, did not drop significantly compared to before.

"But the form is not optimistic!"

"The prince is popular and clingy, and Zoe is already leaning towards this side!"

The LPL audience held their breath and locked their eyes on Amumu.

Can you escape? !

Just as everyone was holding their breaths, the director came to Boda.

The screen switches directly back to Top Road.


In the Internet cafe, a young man cursed loudly. I don't know if it was because he was too focused on watching the game just now and didn't notice the reason why the mosquito coil was hot, or it was the director's intrusive operation.

Flick with one hand, and the mosquito coil falls into the ashtray accurately.

But the young man was not proud of his operation, but stared blankly at the screen.

"WEAQ, cooperate with [Electric Shock] damage explosion, flash to keep up, can you kill it?"

"The ignition is gone, and there is still a little damage!"

"It's beautiful! Use the Q skill at the extreme distance, kill Gnar, and get a blood!"

Wang Duoduo's roar was transmitted to the young man through the earphones.

Immediately, the young man yelled "Awesome", not paying any attention to the feelings of the other customers sitting next to him.

The shouts were loud.

Beside the young man, a man about 25 and [-] who was wearing pomade and no earphones shook his hand.

On the display screen in front of him, the desert god of death holding a hammer, knocked crooked with his Q skill.

The remaining blood cannon car did not make up, and A went to the full blood melee soldiers on the side.


The wax-haired man shook his head helplessly.

Glancing at the young man's screen, oh, he was watching the mid-season finals.

He was not angry, stared back at his display screen, and said casually:
"The top laner Mantis beats Nal, isn't it just cowardly in the early stage, after the level is equipped, look for opportunities to turn around and sing."

"It's no different from how the dog's head is played."

"Sea King can single-handedly kill the Omega Lobi on the opposite side, isn't it a normal operation?"

"Is there any need to make a fuss?"


"My God, what happened before this?"

"Why does the camera cut back to the scene of Gnar being chased and beaten by the praying mantis?"

The LCS commentators were very puzzled.

Obviously Mantis was pinned under the tower by Gnar just now, but in less than 10 seconds, he directly completed a solo kill!


Before they discussed the reason, the screen changed again and returned to the red side's upper wild area.

Amumu flashed back, threw out the bandage, and hit the stone beetle through the wall.

There is only one prince left behind, messy alone!


"It's incredible!"

After watching the replay of the road, Wang Duoduo couldn't help sighing: "Aquaman's wave is really too decisive!"

"The prince pinned the signal, and Gnar wanted to go to the wild area to support. The mantis could have taken this opportunity to accept all the soldiers entering the tower to make up for the development."

"But Aquaman caught Gnar leaving the line and entering the [isolated and helpless] state. At this moment, W raised his hand, and a set of combo moves electrocuted, causing super high damage to Gnar!"

"You must know that the mantis' blood volume was only in the early [-]s just now, while Gnar had more than four blocks."

"As long as W misses, or misses a few basic attacks, Mantis will be counter-killed!"

"It can only be said that Neptune's damage calculation is extremely accurate!"

Online solo kills, whether in professional games or daily ranks, are almost indispensable in the game.

But Qi Zhou's solo kill shocked the audience and commentators for a long time.

The operation is not gorgeous, but extremely smooth.

The live applause continued for a long time, and the barrage of "666666" in the live broadcast room continued, which was Qi Zhou's decisive attack and precise control of damage.

These... can't be done by recklessness alone, what it needs is self-confidence and in-depth control of League of Legends data.

If there is a little lack, it is impossible to complete!

After all, although the mantis burst is high, its current body is very brittle, not to mention that the mantis' blood volume was [-]% less than that of Gnar at that time.

Go out and install the Dolan sword, Gnar's damage is not low!
A praying mantis with more than 300 blood points could not withstand its several attacks.


"Sea is really strong!" Jesiz withdrew his gaze and turned his attention to the bottom lane.

I am good at Thresh and Fengnv. I am a 21-year-old player with a very rich resume.

Mid laner, AD, coach, analyst, support—he tried them all.

Now in the team, he also assumes the role of half of the coach.

This is very similar to Qi Zhou.

He has the most experience with the operation of the mantis just now.

A player who can play such an operation must have good personal ability, and his proficiency in mantis must be extremely high.

Obviously, the outside world's evaluation of Sea is not correct.

"It may be that Sea's brilliance in game understanding has weakened his personal ability in the eyes of everyone."

With a mutter, Jesiz put all his heart and soul into the bottom line.

It is naturally impossible for Japanese women and Kaisha to beat Verus and Tamm so exaggeratedly, but it is really difficult to play against each other.

The tacit cooperation between Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong really gave him a strong sense of oppression.


Praying Mantis is doing well now.

Gnar didn't dare to be presumptuous either.

All thanks to Qi Zhou's understanding of the line of troops.

Gnar has TP, Mantis has Flash Ignite, the corruption potion is used up, and the blood volume is huge, so he must go home.

In this case, Gnar TP returns to the line, and can gain experience from a wave of soldiers.

The praying mantis who got the head will fall behind in level instead, and it is not even as comfortable as the beginning when laning.

But before Mantis returned to the city, he cleverly pulled the three new melee soldiers to the upper grass side.

Coupled with the red square pawn line, there are already 2 more long-range pawns.

Even though Gnar was pushing the line without sparing any effort, when Mantis went online, the line of soldiers just entered the defensive tower.

Qi Zhou didn't lose any experience.

"Sea King went home and repaired two long swords, and the line is indeed much more comfortable."

"At least Gnar couldn't push his nose to his face like he did in the beginning."

"Two long swords with 20 points of attack power can at least make a combo of Mantises do a little more damage."


【Void Spike】

110+1.0 AD panel damage, falling on Gnar.

Quite painful!
sOAZ is under considerable pressure.

He didn't expect that Mantis would be so arrogant after reaching level 6.

Since the accessory eye is still cooling down, when he was killed by the mantis, the gold coins on his body just happened to buy the long sword + straw sandals, and he didn't have extra gold coins to buy the real eye.

So at this stage, Duan sOAZ dare not be too presumptuous.

This is mainly due to the threat from the jungle position.

Because the Ueno District did not kill Amumu, he escaped.

The aggression that the prince originally wanted to carry out was nothing.

Therefore, the blue square wild area is dark for FNC.

Amumu is obsessed with wild farming, and sOAZ doesn't know its current location.

He threw a boomerang and missed the mantis.

sOAZ is not surprised, after all, the ballistic speed of Gnar's Q skill is not fast, and it is easy to be dodged.

Mantis is still playing online at this time, and did not choose the Q skill when it evolved at level 6, but evolved the W skill.

1000 yards, three spikes.

This makes Gnar's line pushing speed and consumption ability a bit weaker than that of Mantis.

Soon, the position of the line of soldiers was reversed, and they were constantly moving towards the red side.

"Broxah, I smell danger, can you come?"

Looking at the aggressive mantis, Gnar retreated.

sOAZ chose to give up the bloody melee soldiers to ensure his own safety.

Broxah: "Not good, I need to be in the bottom lane. The lineup between Rekkles and Jesiz is not ideal. You know, Kai'Sa defeated Verus in the early stage."

sOAZ nodded.

He controlled Gnar and moved closer to the first tower.

Because the tower next to Gnar will be regarded as a friendly unit and will not trigger "isolated".

Without helplessness, Mantis' burst damage would be much lower.

It is extremely difficult to kill Gnar, who still has 450 HP.

"Come on, let me save a little anger."

"When I become Gnarda, do you dare to be presumptuous, a praying mantis?"

sOAZ does not intend to continue to control rage.

With the prince in the bottom lane, even if Amumu appeared suddenly, it wouldn't cause too much problem.

He desperately needs Little Gnar to transform into, Mega Gnar now!

Although it will become cumbersome, it can make the attack and defense transition in the top lane!

In terms of consumption, the range and quality of damage caused by the giant Gnar Q skill is much larger than that of the small Gnar, and it is also better than the W skill of the mantis.

And Danar's W skills and E skills are the key to his counterattack against the mantis.

through various details.

Qi Zhou naturally guessed what sOAZ was thinking.

So, looking for an opportunity, Mantis threw another W skill.

The distance of 1000 yards is almost double the distance of Gnar's basic attack.

It is impossible to escape!

Gnar's health dropped to 330.

sOAZ thought something was wrong, but it was because of the E skill.

He didn't choose to retreat, but turned towards the praying mantis and surrendered his Q skill.

Want to accumulate anger quickly!

This time, the boomerang hit the mantis.

But sOAZ couldn't laugh anymore!

Because it's all because the praying mantis doesn't want to get away!

The mantis was stunned, and approached Gnar in the defense tower!

sOAZ's heart tightened, and he understood Qi Zhou's thoughts.

With the corruption potion, the Mantis's mana and blood volume are still maintained at about two-thirds.

It can fully speed up, use the AQE skill [Electric Shock] when you get close to yourself, and then get out of the range of the defense tower, wait for the next W skill, and cut yourself under the defense tower with the remaining blood.

Absolutely not!

sOAZ was very decisive, gave up the line of troops under the defensive tower, and controlled Gnar to retreat.

Unexpectedly, the mantis continued to follow up and chased after Gnar.


sOAZ did not dare to use A to consume the praying mantis, and retreated in a straight line.

Soon, it will be close to the second tower.

Mantis W skill 9 seconds CD, after Gnar enters the defense tower, it will be better.

Throwing it, unable to dodge it, Gnar's blood volume will drop by another amount.

But sOAZ breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he still has the E skill, while Mantis only has EQ.

The moment Mantis E is, he can also be E.

A praying mantis that landed like this can only hit him with a Q skill at most!
Absolutely can't die!
However, the reality is just the opposite.

Seeing that the W hit slowed down to Gnar, the mantis did not hesitate, and the E skill rushed forward.

Gnar also jumped to the defense tower with his E skill.

Mantis E skill has 700 yards, Gnar E has only 475 yards.

And the Q skill of the mantis is a full 325 yards.

【Taste Fear】, falling behind Gnar.


sOAZ keeps asking questions about his own body.

He doesn't understand!

Why can the mantis kill him with a Q when he is already in double row with the defense tower?
(End of this chapter)

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