Chapter 177 [176] Death Bloom
"This is triggering isolation and helplessness!" Wang Duoduo's voice was full of surprise.

When Mantis and Gnar were still in the same tower, he was worried that Qi Zhou would rush in.

After all, the tower next to Gnar will be regarded as a friendly unit, and it will be in double row with the defensive tower, so there is no need to worry about triggering "isolated and helpless".

Without the helpless damage, Gnar's blood volume is above the killing line of the mantis.

If Qi Zhou wanted to jump over the tower, he would be easily killed under the defensive tower.

However, in the second tower just now, even though sOAZ consciously manipulated Gnar to lean towards the defensive tower, Gnar was still in a state of isolation and helplessness.

"From the point of view of the damage, it should be." Young Master Leng replied with a nod.

Resisting the drowsiness, he raised his eyelids, thought for a while, and continued:

"The second tower is now invincible and will not be regarded as a unit, so even if Gnar is next to the defensive tower, he cannot get rid of isolation."

"Sea King's cross-tower kills can be said to have calculated the damage to the extreme!"

"The last Q shot caused 220 points of damage to Gnar, and Gnar's blood volume was exactly two squares before he died."

"If it's just a coincidence... I absolutely can't believe it."

As he spoke, Leng Shao became more and more elated.

"Actually, when the defense tower is in an invincible state, it is not considered a unit. Most professional players know it."

"But in a situation like just now, it's hard to think of that."

"The sOAZ brain may be thinking more about escaping, and has not recalled this cold knowledge deep in memory."

"After all, it is too difficult to take into account all possible situations in a few seconds!"

In League of Legends, invincible units cannot be selected by any attack, increase or decrease effect.

Coming to S8, except for some new players who joined in the first year of the Bird's Nest, most of the veterans know this knowledge point.

Like the effect of the golden body, after the angel puts on the big move, teammates can't heal it... These are the pictures that are often encountered in daily actual combat.

If one tower is not pushed, the second tower is invincible. This is also the simplest game knowledge.

Looking at the gray screen, sOAZ patted his forehead in pain.

Then click on the tower with the mouse.

I saw the attribute panel of the second tower on the top road appearing in the upper left corner.

The same as heroes, the attribute bar of the defense tower also has an equipment panel, but it is full of various buffs.

The first icon, Interference Crystal.

The second icon, Leviathan Armor (Murder Armor).


The fourth icon is to strengthen the fortress.

Yes, it was this thing that caused me to be killed by the praying mantis.

sOAZ snorted.

As an old player, he certainly remembers "strengthening the fortress."

This is the earliest batch of summoner skills in League of Legends. It can make all friendly turrets invincible and increase attack speed by 100% for 7 seconds.

Back then, he used this summoner skill to kill many heroes under the tower.

But now he was trapped by it...

"Only invincible, without a 100% increase in attack speed, can this be called a strengthened fortress?"

"If I can double the attack speed, I can at least replace Kazik."

sOAZ muttered non-stop.

Mantis evolves the W skill, so the cooling time of the E skill cannot be returned after being killed, which makes it eat the damage of the defensive tower twice.

When leaving the attack range of the defense tower, the mantis only has 110 blood left.

If you do it again, sOAZ will also be able to taste the wonderful taste brought by the first head in this game.


"Tears of the Goddess, Boots of Brightness!"

"Sea King's outfit is a bit inappropriate!"

After winning two heads in a row, De Yun was the second clown, and he was ashamed to continue to organize Qi Zhou.

After Mantis went home to replenish the equipment, the two began to comment.

"Magic Cut, Armor Break, these are indeed normal builds."

"But it would be too much to directly make a Bright Boots!"

"sOAZ and others are probably going to be scolding, no, they only know about fakers, fukers, lungs..."

Sun Yalong spoke very fast, as if talking about cross talk.

Sika on the side, leaning her elbows on the table, also began to show off her eloquence.

"Hey hey hey..."

"From the perspective of damage and evolution skills, Neptune's mantis must be the main W skill. When Gnar comes online, he will definitely be tortured wirelessly."

"After all, the yordle is essentially a bobby, and everything is shorter and smaller than others."

"Unless the reverse dart, Gnar's Q skill can't be farther than the evolved Mantis W skill!"

"And Mantis W has three, and Gnar only has one boomerang."

"sOAZ will definitely feel that he is playing a fake Gnar!"

There is nothing unusual about Qi Zhou's outfit.

So far, he has not come up with any black technology to play.

To say it is strange, it may be that his outfit order is a bit special.

According to common sense, he should upgrade two long swords to serrated daggers in this wave of returning to the city, and then buy a tear of the goddess.

But Qi Zhou directly bought the Bright Boots instead of upgrading the sawtooth dagger.

You must know that with 10 armor-piercing attributes, in the early stage, when Gnar's armor is not very high, the damage benefit that can be obtained is extremely huge.

And it can make the mantis quickly synthesize the first large armor-piercing armor.

And Qi Zhou's choice of outfit order shows that he did not pursue the ultimate damage.

Playing online is still the top priority at present.

The mana provided by Tears of the Goddess and the cooldown reduction provided by the Boots of Brightness allow Mantis to frequently use the W skill to consume it.

"Actually, this kind of outfit is also very good."

Sun Yalong felt a little bald, and under the light, his hair was dark green, and continued:
"If the mantis is worse than pushing the line, it is definitely not as good as Gnar."

"If it were me, I would create a Tiamat, which can push the line fast and increase the combo damage."

"But now Mantis has no shortage of mana, and has upgraded W, and the line clearing is also fast."

"Sea King's understanding is really deep!"

"It's just that Mantis returned to the city in this wave, and the income from head money has not changed to the most stable attack power, health and other attributes. I don't know if we can beat Gnar in a fight."


"Xiba, Xiba! Ah Xi!"

Although the KZ team did not make it to the finals, there were quite a few spectators waiting in front of the screen at this time.

They screamed and shouted, full of obscene language that hadn't learned the essence of the suzerain country.

KZ was carried away by FNC.

But this group of sticks is very strange. For the final match between FPX and FNC, they support FNC... To be more precise, most of the sticks are looking forward to the defeat of FPX.

Because although the European and American Lobby is called the Euro-American Lobby, when playing in the LCK division, it is not considered a trophy.

KZ was carried away zero to three. The sticks were indeed surprised, but they were not too shocked.

After all, losing to Europe and the United States was a common occurrence in the past.

At least in their hearts, they can accept this result.

Because the LPL, LCK, and LCS three divisions, there is an inaccurate "restraint" relationship.

Before the S7 finals, the LCK was basically invincible, but occasionally lost to the LCS division, but it was handy to play in the LPL.

And LPL, although they can't beat the LCK, but facing the LCS, it is really salvage and rarely loses.

Compared with LPL, LCS' style of play is more restrained than LCK.

Between the three, there is a fuzzy triangular restraint diagram.

But... After S7, this relationship was broken.

As the most powerful KZ team in the LCK division during the S8 Spring Split, it first lost to Flash Wolves and FPX in the group stage, and was carried away by FNC in the semifinals.

The sudden blow was really too big.

Obviously these teams and these divisions used to be "little toys" in the eyes of the LCK, but now KZ has become their toys instead.

Never accept it!
Therefore, in the finals, most of the stick audience hoped that FPX would lose.

First of all, except for the S7 finals, the LCK crushes the LPL division all the time. In their eyes, the LPL division is the weak, and surpassing themselves is absolutely unacceptable.

Secondly, in the BO5 that LCK is most proud of and can best demonstrate the strength of a team, they defeated KZ 3:0.

So for now, FNC>KZ.

In the mid-season, although KZ lost to FPX twice, the two have never competed in BO5.

So FPX? KZ, doubt it!
But according to the simplest comparison, if FPX beats FNC, wouldn't it be possible to conclude that FPX>FNC>KZ?

When will the LCK division be reduced to the third place?
Under the influence of the above factors, those who want to be strong all their lives hope that FPX will lose to FNC.

But the development of things just like to exceed their expectations.

At 10 minutes and 53 seconds, Qi Zhou's mantis released three void stabs forward, hitting Gnar.

Gnar's blood volume dropped to 600 points.

Seeing that there are three long-range soldiers surviving around him, and one of them is still full, there is no need to worry too much about "isolated and helpless", sOAZ decided to launch a counterattack!

To be honest, although Gnar died twice due to the functionality of the Bright Boots and Tears of the Goddess, it is not worth the mantis.

After all, the Dolan sword, straw sandals, and small wooden hammer on his body are all real fighting power!

Gnar threw the boomerang forward, hit and slowed down the mantis, his anger rose, and his body was faintly red.

After launching a basic attack, Gnar gained another 10 movement speed provided by the net eclipse.

Repressed for a long time, sOAZ continued his aggressive offensive relying on the fact that the small Gnar was about to transform into a giant Gnar.

He wanted to get back the little dinosaur Bobby, and the refreshing feeling of chasing the praying mantis and throwing the bungee.

Another basic attack shot, hit the third ring!

Gnar's anger value has also reached the highest level.

——"Gnar is great!"

Little Gnar's size skyrocketed, and at the same time, the power of the void surged around the mantis, entering a state of invisibility.

sOAZ's frown, which had been frowning all along, stretched out.

The praying mantis is getting bigger!

It's impossible to escape, right?
But in a fight, you little bug, can you beat T-Rex Poppy?

The cooldown of the Q skill is still 2 seconds away.

But sOAZ didn't panic at all. Big Gnar has W and E, and the control displacement damage is all there. There is no need to be afraid of the little squishy mantis.

After 1.25 seconds.

There was no praying mantis on the map, so sOAZ was a little puzzled.

But reacted quickly.

[Throwing Stones] Tyrannosaurus Bobby threw huge stones and smashed them into the grass.

But the praying mantis flapped its wings and flew out of the grass, dodging the skills and was safe and sound.

Horror flashed in sOAZ's eyes.

The aftermath of Mantis E's skill damage killed two minions with residual health, followed by AQ, and dropped another long-range minion in full state in seconds.

For a split second, there were no friendly units around Gnar.


"Go down! I'm coming!"

As the level increases, the Tsar's line-clearing speed has risen earlier, and the left hand in the downwind situation is no longer an earth-binding spirit, seeking to take the initiative to attack.

Caps has boundless mana, but knowing that the Tsar will go down, he must follow.

So only the jungler prince can support Gnar.

sOAZ had already noticed the prince's position, and when Broxah's voice came, he rushed down the road without any hesitation.

However, Mantis [Void Spike] made a move!
Gnar, who was isolated and helpless, was no longer slowed down by 40%, but doubled!
Straw sandals are not as good as level 325 CD shoes, and Gnar's base movement speed is only [-].
In an instant, Bobby the Tyrannosaurus rex seemed to be entangled in his legs, and his movements were extremely slow.

Glancing at the prince who came over from the stone beetle camp just now, sOAZ pursed his lips and stared at the praying mantis behind him.

Although there was a flash, he knew that his only chance of survival was to use his big move to slap the praying mantis against the wall like a fly.

"The mantis is pressing on! It's behind Gnar!"

"The second stage of the big move is stealth, flash!"

"Narkon is big!"

The ignition was hung on Gnar, and the mantis was about to chase after him again. Seeing that his blood volume was less than [-], sOAZ panicked.

At the moment when Mantis's second stage ult was invisible, the giant Gnar lifted everything around him and flung it towards the left wall.

But the yellow light flashed, and the mantis dodged Gnar's ultimate move, and reached his right side, blocking his position.

sOAZ's face froze, and while he frowned again, he pressed Blink.

But the Mantis Q skill still came out.

And because of Qi Zhou's tricky flash, Gnar couldn't lean towards the triangular grass, and had to escape along the river.

Available CDs and small war hammers provide 20% CDs, and runes provide 10% CDs.

The cooldown of Mantis W skill is only 6 seconds.

Even though the prince EQ went down to the Dragon Pit for the second time, he wanted to cut in obliquely, and then flashed a big set to trap the mantis, saving Gnar and killing the mantis.

But it was too late!

In the end, with the Void Spike piercing into Gnar's tail, Qi Zhou solo killed sOAZ for the third time.

——"Can't escape!"

The hoarse voice is shocking.

The white and light green body, the sharp knife in his hand turned pink, a brilliant color, under such a scene, everyone immediately thought of the name of this skin:

Dead bloom!

"Do you feel that Neptune is a little different?"

Sun Yalong suddenly asked Sika.


"What's the difference?"

Facing the question without thinking, Xika was puzzled, "Did you know him before?"

When Qi Zhou entered the e-sports circle, these two had already retired.

Coupled with the fact that he made his fortune in S7, the two of De Yun and Se naturally had no intersection with him.

"that's not what it means."

"I mean, do you think Neptune's style of play is a little different?"

"In the past, when he killed people in the early stage, he relied on the help of his teammates, or used some tricks."

"But in this round, he relied on his own operations to complete the kill a few times, which has changed a bit."

Sika thought for a while, then nodded.

At the same time, the mantis line was spoken, "Change is a good thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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