Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 179 [178] If you have a sheep tail, you can look like a dog, and I am very strong!

"Tulle! Tulle!"

"Opening, let's guess this round, how many layers of Q can be stacked in 10 minutes of Neptune II!"

"It's a bit difficult to beat a knife girl, 500 can't be more."

"Teaching Bureau! The notes are ready!"

"Definitely the eighth level!"

"If Neptune loses this round, it's definitely not because the dog can't beat Daomei, but because he didn't stack enough Q skills. If he stacks up to 1000 layers, he will definitely win. If he loses, then 1500 layers!"

The game is loading, and there is a happy and peaceful atmosphere online.

The LPL audience didn't yell at Qi Zhou for choosing Goutou to play against Daomei.

It all stems from their trust in Qi Zhou playing with the dog's head.

Because Qi Zhou is a well-deserved dog head king.

In the Desert Grim Reaper Bar, Qi Zhou shared posts about troop line understanding, operation details, and playing against different heroes, so that the overall strength of the Desert Grim Reaper Bar friends improved rapidly.

Today's desert god of death is not the dog head of the past, and not everyone can be bullied.

In the past, when a top laner player found himself playing against a dog head, his lips might split into four with a smile.

But now, in the Banpick interface, after discovering that the opponent's pick is a dog head, the top laner will turn frivolous and dignified.

It's not because the hero Desert Reaper is strong.

It's because the players who operate the Desert Reaper are strong!

They can always inadvertently use various details to reverse the situation on the road, and then take advantage of the situation to create an unrivaled desert god of death.

As for Qi Zhou, as the nominal owner of the Desert Death Bar Honor Bar.

In the world championship, he won three battles and three victories in Goutou.

Facing the top top laners and powerful heroes in the version, they are not at a disadvantage.

Based on these, LPL audiences are not worried that Qi Zhou's dog head will be blown up by Daomei, which is understandable.

"Sea King has many heroes, but he has only one famous hero, and that is Desert Death!"

"The match has officially begun!"

"Let's enjoy the wonderful show!"


The new version of Daomei is loved by those who love it, and there are also those who hate it.

Compared with the old version of Daomei, her skill mechanism has become more complicated, and her operation requirements for summoners have become higher.

This makes it difficult to use this hero to perform Tianxiu operations without a certain degree of proficiency, even for veteran players of Daomei.

Even, many Top1 sword girls who claim to be a certain school and a certain platform will fall to the altar because of the lower limit of the sword girl who is too low to look directly at.

But even so, the blade dancer Irelia is still a high-spirited and immortal female blade!
As long as her proficiency is high enough, she is the most perfect existence in the eyes of top laners.

Obviously, oSAZ can be sacrificed in the mid-season finals, he has absolute confidence in his sword girl!

"Don't put too much pressure on it, this is not a tiebreaker!"

"Even if you cut off the Q skill, Nasus may not be able to beat Irelia."

"What's more, when you are in a group, as long as you throw out your big move and create a disarm effect, the value created will be much higher than Nasus."

Gnar of oSAZ was solo-killed several times by Qizhou Mantis in the last game, and his mentality was a bit blown. Although he made adjustments during the break, Caps still encouraged him.

"I don't think Irelia in my hands will be inferior to Sea's Nasus."…

"It's mainly because of his cornerstone rune, he chose a deadly rhythm, very bold!"

Hearing this, Caps glanced at the attribute bar, and sure enough, he found that the rune next to the dog's head surrendered was Huang Cancan's precision system.

"I've been on Ike just know, Knight's Ike had a good performance in the semifinals, and even scored a quadruple kill."

"Having said that, Nasus has [Fatal Rhythm], and there is absolutely no room for it!"

"I really don't know what Sea thinks...but at least it's good for us."

Caps frowned, puzzled.

As a mid laner, he has not faced Desert Reaper this season.

But I also know that the Grip of Immortality and the Unsealed Cheats are the most suitable cornerstone runes for the dog's head.

Of course, if faced with a hero like Daomei, there are some dog-headed players who will choose the witchcraft department and ask Alley to help consume them so that they can get through the early stage safely.

Even to the extreme, there are dog-headed players who will bring predators, firstly to make it easier to go online, and secondly to be able to use the high movement speed provided by predators to go straight into the rear of the enemy team during team battles. rabies.

Resolute, Enlightenment, Innumerable, Dominant... These four rune systems are chosen by dog-headed players, but I have never seen anyone choose the Precision system!
The reason is simple, because the dog headband is precision-made, and the price/performance ratio is too low!
As a warrior hero, Kotou is pitifully weak in the early stage.

On the road, no matter whether it is facing heavy fighters, ordinary fighters, or big meat tanks, the dog's head can't beat the start.

Precision runes, in addition to quick steps, all emphasize continuous combat.

If you can't beat it and continue to fight, it is obviously a death.

In the middle and late stages, the number of dog head Q skill layers increased, and the bonuses provided by runes such as Conqueror and Deadly Rhythm were pitifully weak.

Maybe after a wave of team battles, the extra output that the rune makes the dog's head hit is not even as good as its half-down Q skill.

In the early stage, heroes can't control the runes, and in the later stage, the runes can't match the heroes. This is the true portrayal of the precision runes and the desert god of death.

"Sea has innovated again in this round!"

Scott has a keen eye, and also found that Qi Zhou's dog's head is wearing [Deadly Rhythm].

"Innovation? I think he has the wrong rune."

Charlie smiled contemptuously, "It is undeniable that Sea is inferior to League of Legends in the development of various styles of play, innovative hero gameplay, and has contributed far beyond ordinary people."

"But in this round, his [Fatal Rhythm] Nasus is useless!"

"Look, its rune talent has chosen to teleport sprint, which is exactly the same as what he used to play Nasus."

"But against Irelia, is the talent of sprint really suitable?"

"Maybe it's suitable, it can make Nasus more flexible, and he can better move to avoid Irelia's E skills and ultimate moves in the confrontation."

"But if you avoid Irelia's skills, can you defeat Irelia?"

"In my opinion, instead of sprinting, it's better to bring weakness, so that Nasus' single-handed ability can reach the highest level!"

Charlie's words revealed unquestionable confidence.

In his opinion, Goutou can't beat Daomei no matter what.

Unless... oSAZ is a badass, and he can't play Daomei at all. …

But he can show it in the finals, which shows that oSAZ must have a good proficiency in the new version of Daomei!

Looking at Scott, who was frowning and thinking with a smile, Charlie continued: "Of course, these reasons are not enough to make me think that Nasus can't beat Irelia."

"My greatest confidence comes from Irelia's skill mechanism, which gives her absolute agility!"

Scott nodded, even though he didn't think it would be that simple.

But Charlie's rhetoric still convinced him.

Before Goutou killed Daomei, he had no reason to support himself. Qi Zhou's Goutou beat oSAZ Daomei.

"You're right, I should respect objectivity, and I can't abandon heroes because of the mythical Sea... Wait!"

Scott stopped talking suddenly and stared at the screen dumbfounded.

It looks like a hell!
As for Charlie, the corner of his mouth revealed that he couldn't help being embarrassed.

"As soon as the lines of soldiers met...Irelia was pushed out of the experience zone?"

No one expected that Nasus, who was an absolute "fine dog" at level 1, knocked out half of Daomei's blood.

oSAZ was equally shocked!

Why is a kobold being played by Qi Zhou like a human-headed dog?

As soon as the lines of red and blue troops met, the dog's head rushed towards Daomei in a daze.

If it were the top quality inspector, oSAZ might back off for a while.

But the opponent is a dog head.

Who gave you confidence?

Even knowing that Qi Zhou chose Deadly Rhythm as the cornerstone rune, oSAZ didn't panic at all.

Her sword girl is carrying a conqueror!
Within 4 seconds of entering the combat state, every attack on the hero can provide the sword girl with attack power. At the same time, after the stack is full, the output of the sword girl can be converted into real damage by 20%!
Just converting 20% ​​of the damage into real damage is equivalent to increasing the output of Daomei by 6 points!

Not to mention the high attack power of the conqueror, which is equivalent to going out with an extra long sword.

Even in version 8.8, the attack speed provided by level 1 of Deadly Rhythm has increased from 30% to 40%. Compared with this, is it very high?
You must know that the cornerstone rune chooses the precision system, which does not provide attack power, but a total of 18% attack speed.

With various bonuses, Daomei, who has a huge attack power, can produce more output with these attack speeds.

And what's the use of the little dog with this attack speed?

No one else feels it!

The scraping is still scraping!
However, what oSAZ didn't expect was that Qi Zhou's dog head learned W at level 1!



Daomei's attack speed was directly reduced by 22.5%!

The dog's head, on the other hand, triggered the fatal rhythm and began to knock on the crutches crazily.

Compare the two.

Daomei A hits twice, and the dog's head can attack three times.

Moreover, the dog's head's starting outfit is Dolan's sword. With the life steal provided by the passive [Swallow Soul], the dog's head has a full 13% life steal at this time!
On the contrary, Daomei, the speed of stacking conquerors is much slower.

You hit me slowly, I hit you fast.

Although it hurts from you hitting me, but Lao Tzu's life recovery can offset this gap!

This makes, when the sword girl stacks the conqueror, the blood volume of the dog head is 120 or [-] points more than the sword girl.

As for stacking the conqueror...

You know, the dog's head's [Wither] can not only reduce the attack speed, but also continue to slow down! …

Even though Daomei's basic attack range is 200 points, it's like a duck to water when fighting opponents online.

But the movement speed is too slow!

As soon as the dog's head was pulled, Daomei entered a state of disengagement.

oSAZ can choose the Q skill to shift the face and continue to fight the output of the full-layer conqueror.

But in this way, you can only play one more basic attack at most.

And the price is, wait for three melee soldiers, he probably won't be able to eat them!

oSAZ is clearly unacceptable.

Because Daomei's three consecutive Qs at the speed of light can quickly take down three bloody melee soldiers, and, wait, you can also use these three bloody melee soldiers as a pedal to use the refreshed Q skills to stand out again.

You know, Daomei is passive [Ionian Enthusiasm], and when she hits an enemy with a skill, the effect of Ionian Enthusiasm will be superimposed on Irelia.

Each stack adds bonus magic damage to her basic attacks (more damage against shields).

At maximum stacks, Irelia also gains a bonus attack speed.

In this way, she will be able to exchange blood in the next wave... at least not at a loss!Or make a small profit.

Use the corruption potion to restore the state, and then wait for the opportunity to attack when the blood volume of the dog's head drops to a certain level, so as to complete the kill!

Therefore, oSAZ does not have Qgoutou.

But what he didn't expect next was that after Qi Zhou drew the hatred of the long-range soldiers, he turned around and blocked Daomei, trying to keep her out of the experience zone!

The cooldown of the dog's head W skill is a full 15 seconds at this time.

Continue to exchange blood, Daomei will definitely not lose money!
But after the first wave of battles ended, he decisively used up the only bottle of red medicine.

In addition, when consuming each other, only 4 general attacks from Daomei, combined with life stealing, the dog's head is now in excellent condition.

Although Daomei's three-layer corruption potion can recover far more blood than a dog's head.

But it takes time!
In addition, Daomei lost more than 100 points of blood during the blood exchange just now, and the dog head went out to install Dolan's sword to provide her with extra life.

At this time, compared to the dog's head, Daomei's condition can be described as extremely poor!

If you continue to exchange blood, you will definitely make money numerically.

But strategically, that would definitely be a loss!

Because Daomei's blood volume is too low, she will directly lose her line right.

You know, the opposite is a dog head!
If Daomei loses the line right, it means that no one interferes with her stacking Q!

No one can accept this!

oSAZ could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. Looking at the dog's head on the screen, he kept holding the crutch in his hand and dancing in front of him.

So cheap!
"Aquaman's classic ctrl 3!"

"Why doesn't Daomei go up and fight with Q, the cooldown of the dog's head W is so long, and now it is absolutely impossible to beat the dog's head!"

"Upstairs, at first glance, you are not a friend of our dog's head, don't patronize the present, and think more about the future!"

"Ma De, a group of fake bar friends, I suspect that you are all spies! You must be called the desert death outside!"

"Tianhu starts the game, this one is here!"


All the soldiers in the first wave were killed.

There are 3 dog heads to make up the knife.

Daomei only ate one.

After more than ten seconds of forbearance, Dao Mei's blood volume also returned.

Facing Daomei who was in good condition, Qi Zhou had to retreat even though the dog's head was almost full of blood.

After all, the dog's head is really weak!
The first wave was unexpected, facing W Yangwei, sublimating himself with a deadly rhythm, playing an advantage.

Now oSAZ must be prepared and wants to continue to use this trick.

But if oSAZ's IQ exceeds 80, it is impossible to succeed.

Just got out of the limelight, now bear with me for a while.

Ahem... for a better future!

Seeing the dog head retreating, oSAZ smiled.

Offensive and defensive conversion!

Be sure to vent your anger well!

a little.

Daomei and Gooutou will be upgraded to 2 almost at the same time.
oSAZ didn't rush to attack, and manipulated Daomei to attack the minions, and wanted to set up facilitate Tianxiu's operation.

Qi Zhou naturally noticed this little move.

So, he decisively pressed the F key.

Phantom trot!

Blue phantoms burst out under Goutou's feet, heading straight for Daomei!

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