Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 180 [179] Small battles, big strategies

Sudden surprise!
oSAZ didn't expect Qi Zhou to be so bold, but soon, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With the help of 13% life steal and the red medicine, the dog's head returned to the full blood state.

And Daomei, with the help of the corruption potion, abruptly pulled her blood volume from half to [-]%.

Moreover, the corruption potion is still flowing, helping Daomei recover her life.

Facing the dog's head that suddenly starts sprinting, oSAZ does not need to be afraid!
Because the gap in the overall quality of the 2nd-level sword girl and the 2nd-level dog-headed hero is enough to make up for the blood volume of the sword girl at this time.

So next, oSAZ and Qi Zhou, who can exchange blood and win, the fight is all about manipulation!
It is true that Daomei's operation error is a farce.

But what can the dog head do?
As long as you show off a little bit, are you afraid you won't be able to beat it?
Lightspeed 2 with Q.

The two remaining blood soldiers were killed by Daomei.

In an instant, with 2 layers of Ionian enthusiasm, Daomei gains a 15% attack speed bonus.

The dog's head took advantage of the situation and applied [withering] to it.

Without 4 layers of Ionian Zeal, Daomei's attack will not gain additional magic damage.

Therefore, oSAZ's release of Daomei's E skills is particularly critical!

He is steady!

First released a period of [Between Wings and Double Blades (E)], and was not in a hurry to hand over all the skills.

at the same time.

The dog's head, whose movement speed was gradually increasing, also came to Daomei's side.

One person and one dog, start a fight.

The dog head triggers a deadly rhythm, and the attack speed is extremely fast.

And Daomei has conquerors, and the more they fight, the more painful they are!

"Nasus' damage to Irelia is obviously a little bit more!"

Charlie looked at the screen, and said slowly: "But it doesn't matter... Watch Irelia's second release of wing-to-wing!"

"If Nasus is stunned, then she can be filled with Ionian Zeal!"

"By then, Nasus will definitely not be Irelia's opponent!"

Sword girl is full of passives, and at level 2, the attack can gain an additional 28 points of magic damage.

The initial armor and magic resistance of the dog head are not much different.

Therefore, it can be roughly considered that the full stack of sword girls is equivalent to 28 more attack power!

At that time, the attack speed reduction effect of the dog's head W skill will almost disappear, and Daomei can instantly turn the tide of the battle!

"How dare you!"

"Nasus, who doesn't even have a stack of Q, dares to challenge Irelia."

Disdain appeared on the corner of oSAZ's mouth.

He was not in a hurry to release E, and still manipulated Daomei and Goutou against A.


The single noble, Nasus, raised the crutch in his hand.

The blue-purple soul flames faintly emerged from under Daomei's feet.

oSAZ didn't care about the magic damage that Daomei suffered suddenly, but his eyes lit up!
The second part of the wing-to-wing double-blade is thrown!
The two silver flying blades flew towards each other, as if they wanted to trap the dog's head between them!

However, just before the flying blades converged, the dog head turned sideways and successfully dodged!
"Hey... oSAZ is constantly looking for the best position, trying to stun Nasus."

"He also successfully caught Nasus and released the stop point of the E skill, but he didn't expect that the extra movement speed bonus provided by Nasus' Ghost Walk has reached the maximum!"…

"Extremely dodged Irelia's E skill!"

Scott is quickly relaying the game footage.

The audience also suddenly "wow"!
The dog's head's position just now is really thrilling.

As long as Qi Zhou's reaction is a little slower than [-] seconds, Daomei's E skill will definitely hit!
[Wings and Double Blades] will mark the hit unit.

During the period, Daomei used the Q skill on him, even if he didn't kill him, the skill would not enter the cooldown!
But... E missed!

Under the burning of the soul flames and the high attack speed of Xigou, Daomei's blood volume is only half!
On the other hand, the dog's head still has more than [-]%!
However, oSAZ is not panicking!
As a senior top laner, he has already left behind for himself.

Daomei waved her sharp blade and charged at the red long-range soldiers!

On the target long-range soldier, there are also marks caused by twin blades!
The 4th floor of Sword Girl is passively stacked!
——"This is the end!"

oSAZ silently read Daomei's lines in his heart.

Now, the dog's head can't beat Daomei!
With a knowing smile, oSAZ thought that in this wave, it would be no difficulty at all to beat Goutou, force him to return to the city, and then go online with TP.

When the mouse is chasing the figure of the dog's head, oSAZ keeps pressing Q but the distance is insufficient.

On the screen, the dog's head is running towards the blue square!
But Daomei, because of the Q red Fang Xiaobing, is about 700 yards away from the dog's head!

"The Theory of Relativity in the Canyon" shows the mighty power!
Daomei Q can't reach the dog's head!

And above the hero attribute bar, in the icon of the Conqueror and Ionia's enthusiasm, the white line keeps flowing backwards!

"Wise Nasus, stupid Irelia!"

Xiaotian, who was eating six birds, muttered.

Crisis resolved!

This wave of blood exchange, the dog's head has made money again!

【tease!Perfect for playing! 】

[Do you understand what is the dog head King's pulling? 】

[Do you all think that Neptune is making a lot of money?Why do I feel at a loss? Learn E at level 2, and wait until the third wave of artillery vehicles can't reach Q? 】

[Upstairs, you should go to my Death Bar in the Great Desert for further training. You don’t know the most basic knowledge of 15 soldiers rising to 3 in the single line?For a man as thin as Neptune, how could he be so willing to let go of his guns! 】

【But the dog head still lost a sprint...】

[sprint?It's just a means of transportation, use the CD as early as possible! 】


oSAZ shook his head helplessly, "Sea's top laner is indeed worthy of the name, full of details..."

"But why did he choose the dog's head?"

"Change the hero, maybe I'll be killed by the line."

oSAZ is puzzled.

Likewise, his teammates were puzzled.

"Why is Irelia unable to defeat Nasus?"

"Why are you under pressure?"

"Potion of Corruption no longer recharges? Why is that happening?"

Faced with doubts from his teammates, oSAZ sighed again.

"The hero Gou Tou is not as weak as imagined, not to mention, he is controlled by last year's champion top laner!"

"This is Sea's hero of fame!"

"It's a bad start, isn't it strange?"

Several teammates followed oSAZ's train of thought and thought for a while.

There is nothing wrong with it.

But the sword girl couldn't beat the dog's head in the early stage, wouldn't it be even worse in the middle and late stages?

The third melee soldier in the third wave was killed, and the dog's head was successfully upgraded to level 3.

Learn the Q skill [Drain Soul Blow].

The crutch glowing with purple light was knocked down, and the cannon was killed.


Goutou has finally entered the right path!
"It's so weird!"

Leng Shao, who was no longer sleepy, looked at the screen in front of him brightly, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

Wang Duoduo, who was on the side, also took advantage of the situation to look over.

"I did you find something?"

"Why is it strange?"

Leng Shao nodded, and said slowly: "Look at the line of soldiers on the road, it is clear that the dog's head is in the upper hand, but the intersection point of the red and blue soldiers is biased toward the blue side."

"And Daomei's make-up knife has now been pulled ten times by the dog's head!"

"It's only been three minutes!"

Su Xiaoyan said: "Sea King's CS skills are indeed impeccable. In almost every game, his CS is the highest before team battles."

"Daomei's level 2 wave was very hurt by the dog's head, and now it is understandable that she is so far behind in making up the knife."

As soon as he finished speaking, Master Leng spoke again.


"But Aquaman is playing doghead! Don't take it for granted that the current laning is normal just because Aquaman is playing doghead."

"On the contrary, in normal games, what is the probability of a pre-level 3 dog's head pressing down on Daomei?"

"I can say without exaggeration that oSAZ has collapsed!"

In the upper half of the river, a scramble for sprint crabs took place. The director's camera did not stay on the road for too long.

Leng Shao could only interrupt the analysis.

Because if you want to explain why the top road has the current situation, you have to go back to the beginning.

Replay allowed!

But on-site commentary is not allowed!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Except for FNC on the road, other players performed very well.

Kayn snatched the river crab from Xiaotian's blind man with punishment in the river.

In the middle lane, after Caps got the Thunder King Ryze with the peak mana value, he really showed his might.

Even if the left hand is operating the unique Ike, it can't get a little benefit from Caps's smooth skill leveling A.

Even, Caps' fierce attack suffocated him!
In the last game, the FNC duo, which was suppressed by Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong, could only release AD. In this game, they can also handle the tacit cooperation of the two partners of the Phoenix team with ease.

The last hit is the same, and the blood volume is slightly lower, but it is only [-] to [-] points, which is less damage than a level A.

The economic difference between the red and blue sides is all reflected in the top road!
"It's not right to go on the road!"

Wang Duoduo suddenly made a sound.

Because Goutou's supplementary knife reached 39 dollars, but Daomei only had 13 dollars.

This is an extremely unscientific phenomenon!

26 dollars behind, only one-third of the opponent!

If it is a short-handed encounter with heroes like VN, there is nothing wrong with it.

But the other party is a dog head!

You must know that this is the final of the mid-season championship game, not the strength of FNC's top laner, nor is it comparable to weak wild card players.

Leng Shao straightened her hair with both hands, and smiled slightly, looking very seductive.

"Actually, I've noticed..."

"Cough cough!"

Master Leng coughed deliberately, and began to talk about his high opinion. …

"The new version of Dao Girl's touch-up feel is very poor. Not only does the flying blade in the animation have a sticky feeling, but even the sound effects are not crisp and sharp. Compared with the old version of Dao Girl's touch-up feel, it is much worse."

"But her ability to control the line of troops is still at its peak!"

"Everyone knows that Neptune brings a deadly rhythm."

"But for the dog's head, the deadly rhythm is particularly useful in the later stage compared to the cornerstone runes such as Grasp of the Undying, Conqueror, Cluster Blade, and Swift Step?"


"Except for the functional runes such as unsealed cheats and phase rush, the rest of the runes are of no real help to the late-stage dog heads. After all, the late-stage dog heads rely on the Q skill output!"

"In front of the six or seven hundred layers of Q, the output provided by these runes is pitiful!"

"Therefore, the reason why Neptune level 1 has a deadly rhythm is to fight the current situation..."

In the first wave of blood exchange, the dog head relied on the deadly rhythm and the first level [withering], cleverly used the canyon theory of relativity, and made a lot of money in the blood exchange!

In the second wave of blood exchange, the dog's head sprinted directly, using the agile position to pull and the passive of the knife girl, the rune conqueror needs to be superimposed, and the shortcomings of continuous fighting can only be maintained, and another wave of blood exchange is completed!

After two waves, the first dog's head not only attracted the hatred of the minions, making the pawn line move towards the red side as a whole, but also exhausted the three-layer corruption potion of Daomei!
Before level 6, the new version of Daomei relies too much on skill combos, and she must stun the opponent before she can deal damage. Due to the modification of the skill set, the damage value dealt in the same period of time has dropped a lot.

This makes it impossible for Daomei, who has not yet learned the W skill, to continue to attack the dog head after the second wave of blood exchange.

But the dog head can rely on the blood-sucking attribute to continuously restore its own state.

At that time, Daomei had no line rights, and she couldn't even stand in front of the dog's head and make peace with it.

Finally made it to level three.

The three basic skills of Daomei Q, W, and E are all added, and she can make small combos.

But the dog's head relies on the passive and the blood recovery of Dolan's sword, and its state is nearly twice as good as that of Daomei!
320 points of blood hit 580 points of blood.

Even if the opponent is a dog who doesn't sprint, how can you beat him?
What's more, he is a demigod anyway, so it's not bad if he didn't chase after you.

The huge difference in blood volume caused the two sides to switch roles, and oSAZ had to adopt the method of "hearing experience".

Just watch but don't eat, and occasionally pick up a leak.

One link after another, this made Daomei fall into a disgusting cycle.

oSAZ naturally also noticed it.

He made up his mind and wanted to go back to the city to make up his condition, and TP went online.

Only in this way can you get the soldier line!
But how could Qi Zhou fulfill his wish.

Whenever Daomei returns to the city at a critical moment, the dog's head will hold the crutches, raise the left leg...the right leg...the left leg...

Run over, put an E skill and leave.

After going back and forth twice, oSAZ gave up and went back to the city.

Because of Goutou's early control of the line, it was shown.

The blue side has 3 more ranged soldiers than the red side!
If Daomei is online, Qi Zhou can continue to control the line by making up for the 3 extra blue long-range soldiers with residual blood.

But once Dao Mei returned to the city, he would definitely rather miss a few knives than make up for the three bloody blue long-range soldiers!

Because the attack power of ranged soldiers is much higher than that of melee soldiers, they are more able to push the line of troops forward than cannons in the early stage!

In this way, when Daomei goes online, the blue square pawn line will completely come to the front of the red square one tower.

Daomei still can't make up soldiers!
Can only smell experience... Isn't TP equivalent to white TP?

"Broxah, come and help me solve a wave of lines..."

oSAZ can only turn to the jungler for help in the end.


Broxah observed for a few seconds, and understood the difficulty of oSAZ, so he gave up the stone beetle in the bottom lane, and controlled Kayn to go up the road.

He knew that the blind man was in the lower half of the red square, so he didn't hide his thoughts.

Go directly across the middle road and head towards the top road in the fastest way.

Qi Zhou also observed Kayin and understood his intentions.

But he couldn't stop it.

However, Qi Zhou didn't feel lost or sad.

Because his goal has been achieved!
The dog head experience bar is almost full, and it will be upgraded to 6 soon.

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