Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 183 [182] Can't play the dog head without stacking Q?

Chapter 183 [182] Can't play the dog head without stacking Q?
"Three birds with one stone?"

Wang Duoduo was very surprised.

Use the mixture of anger, surrender without fighting, dispel FNC's idea of ​​catching, and force Ryze and Kayn back.

This is considered a sculpture, understandable.

Holding the anger mixture, the dog's head's life stealing attribute can be changed to 30.00% six at any time. It is difficult to kill it without reducing healing.

Forcing Kayn or Daomei to reduce healing, disrupt their production rhythm, and delay the arrival of their strong period.

This is the second eagle, understandable.

"What is the third eagle?" Wang Duoduo couldn't help asking.

"The strategic point of the canyon pioneer, or the small group battle that will break out in the next few minutes!"

In Leng Shao's words, his confidence was flying high.

The commentator and the audience also quickly understood what he meant.

As long as the anger mixture is not used, it will not disappear!
And the dog head can choose any time, use it, and can get 30 points of attack power, and 15.00% of the powerless damage conversion health value effect.

You know, the Storm Sword needs 1300 gold coins, and it cannot provide other attributes!
The dog head bought the anger mixture, which is equivalent to having an extra attribute of the Storm Sword Pro at any time.

You know, at this stage, the value of the equipment on Daomei's body plus the gold coins in her pocket may not necessarily be 2600!
The attributes that a bottle of anger potion can provide are more than half of her worth!
Although only for 3 minutes.

But 3 minutes is enough to fight two waves of team battles.

Moreover, for Qi Zhou's dog head carrying [Deadly Rhythm], the benefit of anger mixture is far more than the above simple.

A bottle of rage potion is enough to turn a dog head into a ruthless war machine in a team battle.

Nasus, the god of the team now!

[What is Desert Death God? 】

[A bottle of rage mixture will drive back the 200 million troops of FNC! 】

[Sea King's game understanding is as beautiful as the last knife in his left hand! 】

[Upstairs... but Neptune has more hits than his left hand! 】

【Your skin is up to you, I'll stack my Q; your dick is up to you, I'll Q my cannon.Meet in the canyon, see you in 10 minutes! 】


"It's really boring, I feel like I can hit three with one now!"

Qi Zhou curled his lips, and put a question mark in the fog of war where Ryze and Kayn disappeared.

"Brother Zhou, you are very strong, I know, but can you stack Q first?"

Liu Qingsong controlled Moolista and rang the bell in the next lane, "In the past 1 minutes, your Q could reach the [-]th and [-]th floor, this game won't work!"

"Hehe... If it wasn't for your lack of vision and being confronted, would I need TP?"

"Don't talk about two hundred and forty-five, I'll go directly to the three hundredth floor!"

"Hehe..." Liu Qingsong muttered softly, but he kept complaining in his heart.

Qi Zhou's bragging skills are really getting deeper and deeper.

"Three hundred floors in 10 minutes, wouldn't it be six hundred floors in 10 minutes?"

Xiaotian interrupted suddenly: "Brother Zhou, if you don't have the 10th floor in [-] minutes, why don't you take us to Rivoli Street for supper?"

Hearing this, Qi Zhou's face turned cold.

When they first arrived in Paris a few days ago, they passed by the Rue de Rivoli.

In the restaurant there, the average consumption of each diner is 500+.

Yes, the unit is Euro, and there is an extra Euro in front.

"It's only six hundred floors..."

"This game is really unnecessary!"

"With this outfit, I can penetrate the world with three or four hundred layers. It's a waste of time to stack up to six hundred layers!"

"Stack another six or seven minutes, and I'll be out of the mountain."

"Speed ​​up to the next game, I don't want to work overtime in the final!"

[FPX.Tian (Lee Sin): hehe...] (chat box)

Irelia gathered all the blade will in her whole body on a row of blades in her hand.

The golden light flashed!

She came to the dog's head in an instant.

The blade spread out and hit the sprinting dog's head perfectly, and then Irelia was like a professional dancer performing a sword.

Shuttle back and forth between soldiers piles and dog heads!

"oSAZ hit Nasus with a beautiful R flash!"

"Ryze and Kayn rushed over!"

"This wave of FNC is vowing to kill Nasus!"

"They can't bear it anymore, the dog's head is on the road and continues to make up troops comfortably, and then win the bounty of the blood tower!"

oSAZ's ability to take out Daomei proves that he has absolute confidence in this hero!
And the operation he showed just now perfectly explained what kind of high-end sword girl player is.

With a flash of R, the sprinting dog's head will be disarmed!
Immediately, Ryze showed up with Kayn in his car.

FNC Nakano, still can't bear to look at Daomei and can only hear experience.

But before Ryze and Kayn landed, Qi Zhou had already seen them through his vision.

With the acceleration of sprinting, the dog head still ran a certain distance before being left behind by Daomei's big move.

Therefore, before the dog head disarms, only Daomei is actually outputting it.

And how much damage can a sword girl who can't even beat a dog's head do?

Qi Zhou used up the anger mixture.

In an instant, scarlet light radiated from the whole body of the dog's head.

Immediately afterwards, the dog's head started its big move.

[Death is coming! ! ! 】

In an instant, the figure of the dog's head was raised a few points, becoming more powerful and majestic.

Daomei was like a little sister in front of his eyes.

Qi Zhou is not Lolita K, nor does he have the mercy of the Holy Mother.

Facing the enemy, he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately, the enhanced general attack glowing with the gloomy light of [Soul Draining Blow] fell!

Daomei's blood volume dropped by one-third immediately.

And above the dog's head, the blood bar, which was not full, became green in an instant!
"My God, the development of the Desert Reaper is really good!"

"It's Q skill, the damage it caused to Irelia is almost equal to the damage Irelia caused by its set of skills!"

"Fortunately, oSAZ has teammates to support it."

"Otherwise, in this wave, even if he has an extravagant R flash, I will still charge him with the crime of intentionally sending someone's head."

Daomei, who was critically hit, turned around decisively and retreated.

Ryze arrived, immediately imprisoned the dog's head with the W skill, and then went crazy and comfortable with Kayn!
The mixed damage of the two character methods, hitting the dog's head, the damage is still quite significant.

At least it is much higher than the damage caused by Daomei to the dog's head just now.

"It's a pity that the dog's head didn't flash, otherwise I think it would be able to catch up with Daomei and kill her." Scott shook his head, but his words revealed excitement!

Yes, FNC has been silent for too long in the mid-season championship finals!

In the first game, Qi Zhou's praying mantis showed nothing.

This round has been at a disadvantage until now.

If this wave can kill the dog's head, then not only FNC, but even the commentators and audiences who are locals will shout and encourage it.

This is a boost to team morale!

"Kill Nasus!"

"Quick! Beat it to death, don't show mercy!"

"Oh my god, it's great! It's so good!"

The audience at the scene cheered and roared.

It is true that FPX's operations in these two games are really eye-catching.

Many viewers are still fans of Qi Zhou.

But from the bottom of their hearts, they still hope that FNC will win this mid-season championship!

Yes, it has been too long since the European Division won the world championship trophy last time!

"Not bad! My lads, come on!"

Charlie roared excitedly, the blood volume of the dog's head had been hit by half.

And so far, it has only hammered out one Q skill.

Although Kayn lost [-] points of blood, Kayn's condition is still very healthy!

According to the current form, FNC can kill the dog head without killing a single person at all!

"Li Qing and Ike are both in the lower half. FNC is looking for such a good opportunity!"

"Yes, I think so too... Nasus is a dog head, which hero will FNC give?"

Several commentators from the LCS broadcast station are convinced that the dog's head must die!

"Ryze and Kayn are both fine, I personally prefer... wait, this is not right!"

Charlie's pupils tightened and he stared at the big screen in front of him, as if he saw something incredible.

And this thing... is indeed a bit unbelievable.

Because of the dog's head's blood volume, the rate of decline has actually slowed down.

The green and gray of the blood bars are constantly competing.

Almost gray advances one square, and green will pounce half a step back.

Although the overall blood loss has been, but the speed is really slow.

"We underestimated the passives of Anger Potion and Desert Reaper!"

Charlie sighed bitterly.

But his eyes are still fixed on the screen, refusing to move half a minute!
Because Kayn's blood volume is a little dangerous.

The dog's head went down with another Q!

Kayn's blood volume went from nearly half to only one-fifth in an instant.

"Kayn has opened up... Now Ryze has to bear the pressure of Nasus alone."

"Can he hold it?"

The dog's head is sprinting. Although Ryze is relatively flexible, the speed of the dog's head approaching him is also very fast.

Before Kayn got out of its body, the Q skill hit the blue bald head.

"Sword Girl is back... I feel that FNC has a chance to survive alone and kill the dog head!"

Scott swears by it.

In his eyes, the dog head must die.

The only thing that is uncertain is how much FNC will have to pay to kill the dog head.

"I hope so..." Charlie sighed faintly.

The battle goes on and on.

The shouts of the audience were also louder and louder!
The venue of the Signal Zenith Stadium is much larger than the European LCS studios.

Otherwise, the sound waves they cause are likely to shatter the weak eardrum.

The voices kept getting louder and louder. Obviously, the battle had reached the most intense and suspenseful point!
Then, the female voice of the system sounded.

The audience sighed angrily, and then some people were like deflated balls, while others were excited.

The dog's head killed Kayn, and died under the siege of Daomei and Ryze.

One by one!

The different reactions of the audience represent the different thoughts in their hearts.

Some people think that ending the sinful life of the dog head is a fatal blow to FPX's morale.

Similarly, FNC can also gain new life from it, and then better carry out the next game.

The rest of the audience felt unsatisfactory.

After all, three people beat a dog's head, but in the end they were replaced by another one.

You know, Daomei, Kayn, and Ryze all surrendered their big moves.

And Daomei also handed in a flash.

After paying so much, they were still exchanged for one head by another.

Of course, it cannot be said that FNC is too good, it can only be said that this dog head is too strong.

30.00% six blood sucking, combined with the deadly rhythm, plus the dual resistance bonus of the ultimate move.

After surviving the first wave of Ryze, Kayn, and Daomei's outbreaks, every time he uses his Q skills, he can restore a good amount of blood for himself without even hitting an A.

Similarly, it can also cause a lot of damage to the three upper middle and wild players of FNC.

"Actually, in this wave, FNC is making money."

Wang Duoduo said: "Although Neptune tried his best to complete the one-for-one exchange, his anger mixture has been used up."

"As a consumable, the effect of Anger Mixture can last for 3 minutes."

"But in the next 3 minutes, as long as FNC doesn't fight the dog's head, then the anger mixture will be wasted during that time..."

"Hey! That's not the case!" Young Master Leng interrupted suddenly.

"The value of Neptune's anger mixture is not only reflected in its addition to the dog's head attribute."

"It is more reflected in the value it creates."

"Just imagine, because of the mixture of anger, FNC should have caught this wave a long time ago, and it was delayed by a full 2 ​​minutes."

"Similarly, the dog's head will be relatively safe for the next two minutes or so! It is impossible for FNC to pay such a high price and put all their experience on the road..."

"You know, 13 minutes to 20 minutes ago was the golden Q-stacking time for the dog's head, and this wave of Aquaman replaced Kayn, the money in him should be enough to synthesize the power of the three phases!"

After Leng Shao finished speaking, Wang Duoduo nodded.

What he said just now was indeed a bit too one-sided.

Su Xiaoyan, who was on the side, continued to add: "Although the blind man and Ike didn't catch the dead, they took advantage of the fact that FNC Nakano was on top and took down Xiaolong!"

"This wave of FPX is indeed profitable overall!"

"And after the blind man goes home to update his equipment, he can go directly to the Canyon Pioneer when he comes out."

"Just like what Leng Shao said just now, after the dog's head has released the power of the three phases, its combat power can reach a small peak."

"And the duration of the anger mixture... You know, the FNC Canyon Pioneer Group, it's pretty good at fighting FPX."

As Su Xiaoyan said.

After a short exchange on the FPX team channel, it was decided that after the resurrection of the dog head, go directly to the canyon pioneer.

In this way, they can be regarded as holding all the strategic resource points in the early stage firmly in their hands!
And if the Canyon Pioneer is in hand, the first tower must also belong to FPX.

With this little taste, the economic gap between FPX and FNC will widen.

"Brother Zhou, you're not good enough."

"The Q skill has just broken through 250 layers so far."

Facing the gray screen, Qi Zhou heard Liu Qingsong's teasing again.

"Hehe... If you hadn't been driven off before you got off the road, I would have already reached the 300th floor."

"If I have more than 300 layers, this wave is easy to exchange for two!"

"If you exchange one for two..."

"Stop, stop!" Liu Qingsong interrupted Qi Zhou's speech while manipulating Moolista out of the city.

"Brother Zhou, why are you so stubborn?"

"If the dog head played badly in this round, it will be badly played. How good it is to admit it openly!"

"Don't worry! Win won't work overtime!"

"But I guess you want to stack up to [-] layers of Q before the end of the game, it's a bit difficult."

"Goutouba, the myths in the hearts of friends are about to be shattered~"

Hearing Liu Qingsong's humble words, Qi Zhou smiled contemptuously.

"Can't the dog's head play without stacking Q?"

"What's more, I have a deadly rhythm, and I didn't even think about stacking five hundred layers of Q!"

(End of this chapter)

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