Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 184 [183] ​​Half a year, I hope you have cracked this system

Chapter 184 [183] ​​Half a year, I hope you have cracked this system

FNC killed a wave of dog heads.

It successfully slowed down Qi Zhou's Q-folding rhythm.

However, Xiaotian and Zuo Shou also responded with an eye for an eye, catching Thresh to death in the bottom lane, and drove the policewoman to the second tower.

Then, together with Niutou and Ximingshi, they pushed down the next tower.

This makes FNC a bit of a surprise.

"The canyon vanguard can't get into their eyes? It's too early to push down a tower now!"

"There's no need to push a tower! Is it a mistake in decision-making?"

"Indeed, Catherine is not the playwright. If you push down a tower now, wouldn't you disrupt your own developmental rhythm?"

"Could it be that he is short of money for equipment? Keta money is shared equally by several teammates!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, but they couldn't think of a reason.

FPX's move, no matter how you look at it, is a bad move.

Because with the passage of time, the level of the life master has gradually increased.

Jhin's passive is enhanced as Jhin's level increases.

His online combat power at this time is not weaker than that of the policewoman.

Moreover, Lin Weixiang's ingenious "Cong Ren" drama master gave him a huge advantage in online duels.

Cong Ren is a cornerstone rune newly added to the domination system in version 8.11.

With [Cluster Blade], when attacking enemy heroes in the game, it will provide 75%~125% salary speed, giving the hero the first three attacks.

Except for Iron Man and Xin Zhao, there are very few heroes who are compatible with this rune.

The mainstream ADC heroes are still all fast pace or deadly rhythm.

Basically, no one carries 【Plug Blade】.

When Cong Renjin made his debut in this game, it can be said that the eyes of the audience and players were brightened!
It is no exaggeration to say that Jhin and Cong Ren are a match made in heaven!

Jhin's passive whisper fixes his attack speed, but the attack speed can provide Jhin with a large attack damage bonus, which increases with the level.

In other words, once the cluster blade is triggered, Jhin's basic attack can immediately enjoy the bonus of attack power, and immediately have a super high burst.

This makes Jhin's outburst during the laning phase quite terrifying!
Except that at the beginning of the game, because of the female police officer, FNC's bot lane slightly suppressed Jhin and Niutou.

After the Phoenix team's double TP supports the bottom lane.

Cong Renjin became a line bully.

Under Jhin's "whispers", the policewoman's sniper rifle has no advantage at all!

And when this wave of Jhin returns home, there will be enough gold coins to synthesize "Lanqie".

There is no need to mention Lanqie this piece of equipment... When Qi Zhou played with birds, it shined brilliantly.

Its attributes also perfectly fit with the hero of the drama life master.

The passive effect [Front of Mist] makes Jhin's pulling ability even better.

"The current Jhin is definitely a bully-level existence online."

"The damage-increasing mechanism of the Q skill makes him very capable of pushing the line, but it's really inappropriate to switch to the middle lane so early."

Master Leng also couldn't understand the operation of FPX, pouted his nose and asked himself in a low voice.

"Pioneer was picked up by FNC..."

"The female policeman has clip and Q skills, but she can develop steadily in the middle lane. Why did FPX fall to the ground?"

Young Master Leng still couldn't figure it out.

On the other hand, the "poet" Wang Duoduo began to play romanticism:

"With Thresh's head, Jhin can be said to be the red side now. Besides the dog's head, FNC's biggest enemy!"

"I bloom in the midst of killing, like flowers in the dawn, what a beautiful line."

"Lin Weixiang's Jin also explained this to us very well."

"But Jhin's charm is not only due to the lines and the dubbing of Mr. Shen Lei, but also Jhin's name, Life Master, and the names of various skills and effects are also very cool."

"The ember gun's name is Whisper, the fourth bullet is called the final chapter, and the person who hits the fourth bullet or w is called perfect!"

"Q [Dancing Grenade], W [Fatal Brilliant Color]... When the person is pinned down, the effect of W's confinement is chasing light."

"And E [All Overwhelmed], when you let go of your invisibility, it's called Lotus Falling, and when you slow down, it's called Burning Incense into Dust, and killing it is called Burial of Sacrifice."

"Similarly, the R skill [Perfect Curtain Call] also has a hidden meaning. Hitting and exposing the target's vision is called piercing, and slowing down the enemy is called stage fright."

Wang Duoduo's tone was melodious, while Leng Shao curled his lips in disdain.

This version of Playing Life Master has few natural enemies.

Anyone who knows the game a little bit knows that he will definitely play.

You guys, it looks like you are ready in advance!
What kind of cup is it in!
I also know that Jhin's weapon Whisper holds 4 rounds.

Jhin's Q skill bombs 4 times, W and E skills have a marking time of 4 seconds, and R skill has 4 super bullets.

The counting symbol of 4 is engraved on the weapon, and 4 heroes are attacked in the promotional animation. The number 4 is also often related to the sound of "death", which fits Jhin's background story.

Even in the background story, it takes 4 strokes to wipe the gun, and 4 strokes to touch the ground with a cane!
Am I proud?
Am I so impatient to fill a glass?

"Ahem, the dog's head is switched to the bottom lane, and Ike is going to go up... This is a bit unexpected."

Discovering the deployment of FPX, Leng Shao mercilessly interrupted Wang Duoduo's self-congratulations.

"I seem to understand!"

"The Phoenix team wants to use the high-definition line speed of the life master, switch to the middle lane, and liberate the bull's head!"

"Then let the bull head lead the rhythm!"

"Liu Qingsong bought five-speed shoes!"

In the picture, Molista no longer rings the bell, but wears brand new shoes and runs around the canyon.

As if to say.

"I bought my five-speed shoes on Poison, they are genuine and guaranteed, believe it or not?"

Liu Qingsong glanced at the heads of the blue square heroes one by one.

Ruiz, a blu-ray head who doesn't understand fashion.

Kayn, who looks so similar to Kreer Lawu, looks like he knows how to raise pigs, a bumpkin, and doesn't understand shoes.

Policewoman, Thresh... two people, forget it.

In the end, Liu Qingsong locked his eyes on the proud Irelia.

You are the one!

You have such an embarrassing expression!

Niutou emptied the view of the lower river, and then walked to Xiaolonglong Pit.

Because before taking down the dragon, the red side had already cleared the surrounding vision.

Furthermore, in the dragon pit, there is a real eye stuck in it.

Liu Qingsong was able to ensure that he was not seen by the blue side along the way.


Niutou put a poss on the spot.

Then, a yellow light flashed.

The bull's head flashed from the dragon pit to the blue side's lower field.

Hex Technology Flash!
The audience obviously did not expect Liu Qingsong to have such a unique operation, and they exclaimed again and again.

However, Irelia, who was constantly Q pawns in the bottom lane, didn't notice it.

"oSAZ is so miserable... Just when I was able to switch to the bottom lane to replenish troops, Niu Niu ran over."

"He went up and down the waves, I'm afraid he won't be able to run away."

"The bull's head of the five-speed shoes! Although the blue square's eye position detected it, it dropped the explosive fruit and climbed over the wall. The sword girl is doomed!"

Hit hard!

Ring the bell!

Liu Qingsong's set of combos is smooth and flowing.

Irelia was sent to the dog's head.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..." Qi Zhou smiled maliciously.

Then there is AQAAAQ...

Daomei walked very peacefully~
Although she died, it also added 6 layers to the number of layers of the dog's head Q skill.

It is of great significance to the development of the game!
Teammates asked questions again and again.

After helping you just now, are you crazy again?

oSAZ shrugged, "Who would have thought that Niu Niu would attack from behind?"

"As long as there is a head-on confrontation, I will not be hypocritical!"


The blue square hammer stone chose the boots of clarity.

The speed of support is far less than that of the tauren chief.

And Liu Qingsong brought the hex technology to flash, and made the bull's head always appear in strange places.

Come by surprise.

The game continued to move in favor of FPX.

At exactly 22 minutes, the two sides gathered in Xiaolongkeng.

The red side has already got 2 purgatory dragons, and this small dragon has miraculously been refreshed into a purgatory dragon.

If they are taken down by FPX, they will have three fire dragon bonuses!
FNC can't say anything.

Even if they can't fight the team head-on, they must harass and try to grab the dragon.

"Brother Zhou, you only have 22Q in 492 minutes, it's not good!" Liu Qingsong looked at the attribute bar of the dog head, and turned on the mouth gun mode.

In this game, he had no kills, but he had 9 assists.

The participation rate has reached 69.2%.

It can be said that the contribution of the bull head in this round to the team is quite large.

Compared with Qi Zhou's 4/2/1 dog head, the contribution value is much stronger.

"Ha ha……"

"I can tulle."

Qi Zhou disdain to argue with Liu Qingsong.

"Brother Zhou, it's not my villain who succeeds."

"The main reason is that there are too few rounds where you failed to carry."

"If you want me to say that in this round, you Youmeng and the curtain blade armor-piercing dog head, you have pushed to the opposite high ground not long ago."

"The whole three-phase, dilapidated... not frank and can't second people."

"Those who didn't know thought you were playing with weapons!"

"And the river group is not conducive to the performance of the dog's head, and it is easy to be poked."

The little man is lucky!

Qi Zhou complained secretly in his heart: "You are the only one who talks too much!"

"Tell me tulle."

Liu Qingsong dragged his voice "emm" for a while, and then stopped talking.

On the red side, the development is very good.

Especially Goutou and Jhin, the damage to both of them can be called an explosion.

The purgatory dragon's blood volume quickly stacked to only 2200.

Thresh hit the dog's head with a tricky Q skill.

Daomei flashed her big move to go down to the dragon pit.

The sharp blade of the knife spread, hitting the dog's head, Ike, and the blind man.

Kayn finally couldn't bear to move.

He strolled through the wall towards the Purgatory Wurm.

Xiaolong returned 1500 HP!

"Don't hit the dragon!"

With Qi Zhou's order, Jin and Niutou stopped attacking Xiaolong.

You know, Qi Zhou's right to speak in the team is heinous.

As a coach, White Crescent often asks for one of them.

On Banpick, no one could refuse Qi Zhou's suggestion.

The sudden change made Broxah panic.

With Xiaolong's blood volume, half of it needs to be destroyed before he can return to his punishment and beheading line.

In the current situation, it's not right to go, or not to go.

so awkward!

The team commander esiz gave orders, and at the same time he threw out a lantern, trying to catch the sword girl in the dragon pit.

However, one, two, one...

Two real eyes and one ornamental eye are inserted into the lantern wick.

Daomei can't go up!
Coincidentally, the disarm time is over.

The red side began to counterattack!
"After Ryze made a big pass, Caps brought the policewoman, and his goal was Jhin!"

"But the blue side has a bull's head!"

"Sister Dao was instantly killed by Goutou and Ike!"

"Xiaolong's health is less than a thousand, and the two sides are going to fight for punishment!"

"Whose? Whose dragon! My God, it was taken by Kayn!"

"Where is the blind man?"

"How did Jhin die?"

The commentators spoke extremely fast, blushing and yelling desperately.

Although Xiaolong was defeated by FNC.

But the team battle between the two sides is not over, instead they are extremely anxious!
"I'll go, Tengu descends to earth!"

Leng Shao looked at the screen, couldn't help but patted the commentary and shouted:
"The dog-headed Q basic attack Q killed Kayn!"

"Kayn hasn't even used his ultimate move yet!"

The form suddenly became clear in an instant.

Because he was hooked by Thresh first, and then disarmed by Daomei.

Qi Zhou's dog head has never had a chance to output.

After all the control effects on his body disappeared, the dog head directly [Death Descends], started sprinting, and chased the blue hero to explode the hammer.

Three phases, cloth shoes, dilapidated, ghost cloak.

The dog's head outfit is a little weird, but it doesn't affect his ability to fight and resist.

Compared with the regular dog head.

Qi Zhou's dog head, the general attack is fast and painful, and the blood recovery is super fast!

After Ryze and the policewoman went around and killed the playmaker, they set fire with Kayn's head.

But the blood volume of the dog's head didn't drop much. Instead, it waved the crutches with uncertain brightness and darkness, and knocked Kayn to death!
At this time, he was running towards Ruiz and the policewoman.

"The female policeman has an E, Ryze is still hurting and dragging!"

"But the dog's head still has two-thirds of its blood volume!"

"Ryze was hung by a sheep's tail and couldn't run anymore!"

"[Soul-Draining Blow], normal attack, basic attack, [Soul-Draining Blow] really hurts!"

"Ryze Death Flash!"

Ike killed Thresh, while the dog head seemed to be defeated, chasing the double C of the blue side.

Ryze is dead, and the policewoman is still struggling.

However, Xiaolong Pit is too far away from the blue defense tower!
With sprinting, the dog's head quickly drew closer to the policewoman.

Even if caught by insidious clips.

However, Qi Zhou pressed the broken active skill!

The policewoman was stolen 25% of her movement speed.

The dog's head catches up with the policewoman, two Qs and two general attacks, just in time to kill!

"King of the dog head!!!"

"The dog head should be this kind of outfit!"

"Sea King, I am God!"

"Passive 24%, rundown 10%, 34 life steal is simply not too strong."

"If you ask me, if the blood-recovering visual effect of the blood-drinking sword is released, it will definitely be better than the ruined one!"

"But Neptune brings a deadly rhythm... The income from ruin is obviously higher than that of the Bloodthirsty Sword."

At this point in the situation, FNC basically has no possibility of a comeback.

After returning to the city to replenish equipment, the Phoenix team accepted Dalong, took advantage of the trend to push down the FNC high ground in the middle, and then moved to the bottom lane.

Qi Zhou's dog's head was alone on the road, and no one dared to stop him.

The match ended at 27 minutes.

FPX successfully got the match point.


"Lao Zhou, how do you plan to end the mid-season championship performance?"

Backstage at FPX, White Crescent laughed loudly.

To be honest, after teaching for more than three years, he has never experienced such an easy leadership.

Moreover, FPX has already 2:0 FNC, and is about to win the second championship trophy belonging to the Phoenix team.

"Why don't you open the champagne to celebrate?"

"Anyway, it's not too late to set the routine after coming to power."

Liu Qingsong, who won the MVP of this round, was very happy.

"Hehe, open champagne at halftime, you are afraid that FNC will make the second chasing the third." Xiaotian suddenly appeared.

"It's unlucky!" Liu Qingsong responded to a certain teammate who was a yin and yang monster with three qi in one.

"The little dragon group didn't see you just now, the blind man stood up..."

Qi Zhou watched the two bicker and laughed.

Then he said to White Crescent: "Let's give Rekkles a military training in the next round. His female policemen always hit me when they fight in groups, it's annoying!"


White Crescent immediately flipped through his notebook, he understood which lineup Qi Zhou was referring to.

"Emm... that's it."

"It's good to have BP copying."

"I don't know if they have worked out a cracking method after half a year."

 Thanks for [Guapi Benpi] 1000 starting point coins for rewarding.

(End of this chapter)

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