Chapter 186 [185] Transfer
"Congratulations FPX!"

At the LPL commentary stand, Wang Duoduo shouted excitedly: "FPX swept FNC 3:0 and won the championship!"

"S8 mid-season champion!"

"This is the second championship award that Freshman Phoenix has won after the S8LPL Spring Championship!"

"The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day!"

"The night in early summer in Paris is a carnival night belonging to FPX!"

"This is the second LPL Mid-Season Invitational Championship!"

"Carnival also belongs to us!"

[It's rare, the e-sports poet finally came up with a sentence that fits the occasion, preventing me from embarrassingly digging out the ancient poems about three bedrooms and one living room. 】

[FPX is awesome!Aquaman is awesome! 】

[There are no strong teams in Europe and America, all of them are for money! 】


【What are you barking at?If KZ is replaced by SKT, FPX will not even be able to enter the semi-finals! 】

[KRD shut up! 】


"Are we still unworthy after all?"

Charlie's expression was a little lonely, but he still raised the microphone and sent his most sincere wishes to FPX:
"Congratulations to FPX! Won the mid-season championship!"

"It's a young, dynamic team."

"I believe that in the future, they are likely to create their own miracles belonging to FPX!"

LCK commentary desk.

After the three sticks said "Congratulations to FPX" in a casual manner, there was no more content.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

A few seconds later, Quan Yongjun was the first to speak:

"SKT won consecutive mid-season championships in S6 and S7."

"The myth of the LCK division continues!"

IMP adjusted the microphone, "In the past six months, LPL has performed very well in world events."

"But just as Senior Yongjun said, the history of the LCK division is there!"

"The S7 finals, the All-Star Game, and this mid-season championship game, the LPL won the championship trophy entirely because of the player Sea."

"But there is only one Sea in the LPL division!"

"And in our LCK division, there will be countless Fakers and endless SKTs!"

"This year's Asian Games, Intercontinental Games, and even World Championships!"

"The LCK will definitely make a comeback, and that will belong to the champion of our division."

Quan Yongxun clapped his hands and praised loudly:
"you are right!"

"Why did FNC fail in the key game of this final?"

"Because they didn't realize that Sea is the real core of the FPX team!"

"Broxah has always used FPX's bottom lane as a breakthrough. This is a major mistake!"

"If our LCK team is allowed to play...the result will definitely not be like this!"

"Hecarim's iron hoof will never trample on the core output position of the lineup!"

In the mid-season finals, although the KZ team failed to break into it.

But in kimchi country, the ratings are still not low!
This is mainly kimchi country, which has long developed the e-sports industry as a "cultural industry".

In Kimchi China, a large number of sticks are affected by it and pay close attention to the competition.

Of course, there are also sticks who want to see FPX being defeated by FNC.

But FPX won.

And it beat FNC beautifully 3:0.

Before that, KZ was eliminated by FNC [-]-[-].

In conversion, FPX should be able to achieve a record of 9:0 KZ team.

How can you accept a fragile and small stick?

The words explained by several sticks completely aroused the "resonance" deep in their hearts.

For a moment, in the LCK live broadcast room, the barrage was blank.

They are pouring chicken soup into the future of the LCK division!


Paris, Tianding Stadium.

Qi Zhou's broad palm continuously transmitted warmth to Rekkles.

This super ghost player, who was trampled by horses and horses, and his record changed from 4/0 to 5/12, forced a smile on his face.

Qi Zhou returned his bright smile.


Afterwards, he walked towards the center of the stage with Tian, ​​Liu Qingsong, Jin Gong and others.

The top of Tianding Gymnasium.

Shiny and pure tubes, focusing on the brass-colored trophy.

White Crescent and Left Hand ran from the stage.

Vigorous applause sounded, and tens of thousands of spectators were roaring, roaring, and going crazy.

European home.

Although FNC did not win the championship.

But the vast majority of audiences are still grateful to FPX for their wonderful performances.

"I didn't expect that I could see the re-enactment of the most exciting scene of last year's Bird's Nest in Paris!"

"FPX is a legendary team. How could I have imagined that they would be at the pinnacle of the mid-season championship after only half a year of establishment!"

"Sea, I'm Li Fan!"

"Wow~ oh oh oh~~~"

Colorful "rain" fell, and the flashing lights continued.

Bai Yueya, Qi Zhou, Liu Qingsong, Xiaotian, Jin Gong, Zuo Shou, and Lin Weixiang Qi took several pictures in the same frame.

The shiny yellow trophy is in the middle, the most conspicuous place.



"I announce that the Fmvp winner of the S8 mid-season championship is—"

"Sea player!!"

The host didn't make a long sound, but ran to the front of Qi Zhou in small steps.

Then two Riot staff members came up.

One of them was holding a tray with a sun-shaped emblem made of the same material as the mid-season championship trophy.

This is specially customized for Fmvp of this mid-season championship!
Qi Zhou took the Fmvp badge and observed it carefully.

In the center of it, there are several sharp dents, winding and twisting.

Connected together, the ID "Sea" is outlined!

The sea in the sun.



Gently stroking, Qi Zhou could feel that the temperature of the dent was much higher than the rest of the badge.

Apparently, his ID had just been engraved in the background.

It is not that Riot prepares badges for ten players before the game, and whoever gets Fmvp gets that badge.

"Wow, Sea player got Fmvp, I'm not surprised at all!"

"Your performance in every game is so stable and brilliant!"

"Excuse me, do you have anything to tell everyone? My Fmvp?"

Qi Zhou took the microphone.

Showing his big white teeth first, he smiled at the camera.

"The road ahead is endless!"

"This Fmvp will never be my last Fmvp!"

"The journey of this season is still very, very long!"

"To be honest, I plan to retire after S8 is over."

"However, before retiring, I will definitely stand on the stage of the World Championships and fulfill my promise!"

"Create a real miracle!"

"Thank you for your support..."

Qi Zhou finished speaking in one go.

Standing aside, Xi Ran, even though she opened and closed her lips quickly, gave Qi Zhou's words exclusively to the audience at the speed closest to "simultaneous interpretation".

But still slow.

However, the audience has been applauding and cheering desperately!
Most of them do not understand Mandarin.

But this does not prevent them from realizing the great ambitions of "Sea players" from Qi Zhou's firm, passionate and confident tone!

A player who can perform miracles.

It is worth them clapping red palms, shouting hoarse throats, and cheering for them!

The sky in early summer in Paris is very clean.

The bright moonlight is exceptionally clear.

The live broadcast of the S8 Mid-Season Championship Finals, when the camera was slowly raised from the front of the FPX team, and finally aimed at the moon in the night sky, the curtain came to an end.

The jubilant hearts of LPL audiences did not calm down because of the bright moon.

But the LCK audience felt a little bit down.

Bright night sky?
Do not!
In their eyes, the scene just now can only be described by Zhou Shuren, not an idiom in Mr. Lu Xun's "Legends of Tang and Song Dynasties: Sequence".

——It's a big night!
Darkness fills the sky!

#FPX wins
#33 Killer Horse

Not long after the mid-season championship game ended.

Related topics have dominated the toilet hot list.

"LPL is the first division!"

"Have all other divisions changed? Why do I feel so easy to win..."

"To be honest, it's the Desert Grim Reaper who rules the League of Legends!"

"Voting for the Asian Games! I've been debating whether to vote for the top laner or give it to Sea. Now I have the answer in my heart. To be honest, I really want to give it to Sea."

"Upstairs, the whole Chinese class must win once, right?"

LPL viewers, the content of the discussion is very complicated and messy.

Some were talking about the wonderful moments played by FPX in these three rounds, and the reasons for the failure of the replay of FNC.

Some are looking to the future, imagining the tapestry where the LPL dominates the entire league.

Some are also looking forward to the LPL's participation in the Jakarta Asian Games in the near future.

The S8 season is full of content.

The Spring Split and Mid-Season Split have ended.

The summer competition will start in June, the Asian Games and Intercontinental Games will be held in August, the global finals will start at the end of September, and the All-Star Game will be held in December.

Those viewers who can't play the game but like to watch the game will definitely feel very fulfilled and satisfied.


The e-sports Louvre, the headquarters of the anti-stress bar.

Today, this group of elegant and easy-going gentlemen shook hands and made peace, rejecting civil war.

They either praised FPX, or boasted about the arrival of the LPL era.

Unless KRD appears.

Otherwise, nothing can break this peaceful atmosphere.

Today is a happy day.


[Desert Reaper], it's Chinese New Year again.

"Did you hear what Neptune said at the end? Promise!"

"His promise to us!"

"Woooooo... I thought it was just a joke."

"I didn't expect Neptune to still remember that he wants to fight for a champion skin for the dog head!"

"Really, I cried to death."

A small bar owner posted a post, which was refined.

And below, a bunch of comments immediately appeared.

[Verbal support?Aquaman's champion skin of last year's Juggernaut is out!Buy one for each number, this is the best support! 】

[From the moment he chose the dog's head, I knew that Neptune hadn't forgotten. 】

[Brothers, I don’t want to be sensational, I’m on the account tonight, go kill some Darius, Kyle, and Renekton, and treat it as my gift to Aquaman! 】

[God's head king is not born in the sky, LPL is like a long night forever! 】


EDG official Weibo.

The administrator sent a scarf in a timely manner:
"Congratulations to FPX for winning the S8 Mid-Season Championship! LPL celebrate together! (Salute) (Salute) (Applause)"

[Picture: Qi Zhou holding the trophy]
Soon, messages flooded the comment area.

[I don't understand, why did you let Sea go?This is a Kun that can lay golden eggs! 】

[To be honest, EDG's top lane can't stand up at all now, and the whole team has returned to the old way of protecting the bottom lane. 】

[The summer window is about to open!Hurry up and buy Sea back!This year's defending champion! 】

[1000 million? 2000?I think Sea is worth a small goal!The management is really blind! 】

[If Neptune doesn't leave, you only need to change the copywriting, and you don't need to change the pictures...]

[EDG come on, ten-year-old pig fan, but to be honest, the top order really needs to be replaced. 】


FNC official micro.

Just like EDG, it was filled with messages from netizens as soon as it was released.

However, the overwhelming majority are praises and congratulations.

And very few are:
[I heard that Knight's contract has expired?Poach IG's broiler, so as to ensure that S8 can win the championship! 】

[Personally, I think that the mid laner should still be domestically produced...Let Brother Zhou start the top laner, and Jin Gong will be the substitute, so it can barely be regarded as the championship of the all-China class. 】

[Jin Gong is quite nice, why are you targeting him like this? 】

[Hurry up and let the left hand roll, the post-match interview said a lot, Xiran's wife didn't understand, she couldn't translate, she was so ashamed! 】


The whole FPX team did not return to China immediately, but traveled in Paris at "public expense" for three days.

This was specially approved by Li Chun.

Meanwhile, the summer transfer period begins.

The complicated information is intertwined, making it difficult to judge whether it is true or false.

WE e-sports club was the first to announce that "Ke Yi is back".

Ke Yi joined WE in the summer game of 13. He has been with the team for more than two years and has experienced several personnel changes in WE.

Including the retiring of Strawberry Smile, the joining and leaving of the fanboy Sprite and the old driver Kadi, the joining of laundry detergent and brother-in-law, etc.

However, his WE record during this period of time was not very good, and when he was the strongest, he was only at the middle level of the league.

As for "Ke Yi's return", the majority of netizens immediately deduced the reason.

That's because coach Hongmi went to JDG this season.

Losing a good coach, although WE performed well in the spring split, there is still a lot of distance from the first echelon of LPL.

Ke Yi can be regarded as a rescue measure for the club.

On the same day, WE also announced the introduction of a new bot lane combination.

However, it was only revealed that it was a "little boy under [-] years old", and the rest was not explained too much.

Another few days.

The news that the original LGD team AD player Imp transferred to WE was exposed.

In the first few days of the transfer news, it was still "still holding the pipa half-hidden".

Nothing too exciting news broke out.

And the news about Xia Chuang did not appear very frequently.

But as time goes by, more and more news.

Snake Team:

"From the original ssg team in the LCK division, the mid laner whose id is Gyu first joins the snake team!"

"The original OMG team assisted Maestro to join snake!"

RW team:

"A new player will be introduced, and again, he is under 20 years old."

FPX E-Sports Club:
"The team's mid laner Knight, the contract with the club has expired, and the contract is officially terminated!"

JDG e-sports club:
"Kinght, the former FPX mid laner, joins the JDG family! Welcome!"


WE (e-sports giants) (buy! buy! buy!) (for the championship!):
"The team's new signing jungler Pepper, welcome to join the WE team!"


In the blink of an eye, most of the transfer period has passed.

The summer window is also about to close.

However, the news of FPX's new mid laner has not yet broken out.

Many fans left messages at the bottom of the team's official Weibo.

But no response.


One day at the end of May, a young man walked into the gate of FPX.

He came for a trial.

(End of this chapter)

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