Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 187 [186] Blooming flowers?Don't do that!

Chapter 187 [186] Let a hundred flowers bloom?Don't do that!
"Lin Weixiang."

"You go with him first."

Qi Zhou turned to look at Lin Weixiang who was playing with his mobile phone.

During the recent period of time, Lin Weixiang not only did not lose weight, but gained a lot of weight.

The sharpness given to him by the sword eyebrows was concealed by the plump face.

Lin Weixiang was very surprised when he heard Qi Zhou calling him.

The one who came to the trial training was the original JDG Zhongdan toothpaste.

"Brother Zhou, I just arrived here after taking the high-speed train for more than 5 hours!"

Before Lin Weixiang could speak, Liu Qingsong said from the side: "Why don't you let him rest for a night first, let's adjust his state!"

JDG's base is in BJ, and it is also the only large-scale e-sports club in China that has its base in BJ.

"You have a stomachache just after eating beef noodles on your front foot, and you are about to play on the back foot."

"Who can suspend the game like EDG after the alliance?"

"No matter how bad the state is, you still have to play!"

"Besides, toothpaste looks like he needs to adjust his state?"

Qi Zhou smiled and looked at the energetic toothpaste who didn't feel sleepy at all.

The simple-looking native of Pingxiang said with a friendly smile, "I slept for five hours on the high-speed rail, so it won't be a problem tonight!"

Liu Qingsong was slapped in the face, touched the back of his head with his right hand, and smiled bitterly.

The left hand was sold to JDG by someone Liu after the contract expired.

And the white crescent was bought by JDG at a huge price.

Not only the players in the FPX team couldn't figure it out, but even White Crescent himself couldn't figure it out.

When did he become so hot?
"Maybe they think that White Crescent Moon more or less knows the trump card we hide? It's worth buying a few winning tricks for a little more money..."

"I heard that JDG is still undermining IG. They have very high goals for the summer game. No, JDG wants to enter the S game this year?"

"It's very possible. Last year's Double Eleven, JD was crushed by TB, and the World Championship ended a week before Double Eleven. If JDG wins the championship, the spending power of fans, everyone knows..."

At that time, everyone talked a lot, but they didn't discuss the reason.

But JDG's contract to White Crescent and the buyer's gold to FPX are prices that both cannot refuse.

So the transaction went smoothly.

On the FPX side, instead of letting the assistant coach directly become the head coach, a half-year contract was given to FireFox, who is "at home".

Salary...Compared to RNG, it is simply a Waterloo-style downgrade.

But who let me, hey...

Idle is idle, Feng Ge decided to sign it after weighing it over and over again!

Because our Phoenix team looks like a champion!
This year's contract amount is low, but in case there is a double championship in the summer and world championships, and a one-year Grand Slam result.

Then he will become the champion coach of the legendary team.

It's the winter window... the major teams are still rushing to sign themselves?
the sun is always behind the storm!
Brother Feng, who was tasting authentic beef noodles in Baodao, packed his luggage overnight and ran to FPX's base in Shanghai without stopping.

The signing fee did not rise because of his "sincerity".

But after arriving at the FPX club, Brother Feng discovered that FPX is really conscientious!
Because in terms of the signing fee and the work he has to do as a coach, the price/performance ratio is too high!

He doesn't have to make tactical plans, analyze tactical details, and adjust staffing.

He has a certain right to participate in the BP link and the rotation arrangement of the players, but it is only for the reference of the players.

Brother Feng's core job as a coach in FPX is to pick up data and replay after the game, as well as make chicken soup.

With such a small workload, hundreds of thousands of meters can be obtained in half a year.

When Brother Feng signed the contract, his face was full of "happiness" smiles.

It turns out that FPX takes care of himself so much... woo woo woo... I really want to cry.

In fact, before signing the contract, Brother Feng felt that he was not worthy.

But after much deliberation, in the end it was the potential of the FPX team that made him sign the first "power loss and humiliation" contract in the history of League of Legends!

As long as I don't say it, no other peers in the industry will know!
Still the same sentence, if FPX wins consecutive championships, then those who have spoken ill of themselves in the past few seasons will be liquidated!
You know, my Brother Feng was in charge of RNG last year!


Cough, far away.

In short, Brother Feng is now a marginalized figure in FPX.

The team signed him in order to get the coach + 6 players together, so that they can continue to participate in the LPL competition.

As for the part of coach Feng's rights that were reduced, it is now handed over to Qi Zhou as a matter of course.

So the trial training of toothpaste... the main person in charge is Qi Zhou.

The outside world may speculate about this situation in the FPX team.

But they never imagined that Qi Zhou's right to speak would reach such a level.

"Brother Xiang?" Toothpaste asked.

"Yesterday I made an appointment with EDG to play a training match, but the factory manager sent his cat to cut the lanterns. Now at the evening rush hour, he is stuck on the road."

"It's going to be a little bit play a solo game with Lin Weixiang first."

Toothpaste did not expect such a situation, but nodded.

In fact, there is still a club in Shanghai that invites him to have a trial training, and the time is the day after tomorrow.

And his trial training is a training match between EDG and FPX, so it is not surprising.

Because of the LPL Summer Games, version 8.11 will be officially launched.

FPX has been exposed to this version in advance due to participating in the concentrated championship game, and has competed with teams from all over the world.

Therefore, it is a kind of luck to be able to make an appointment with the Phoenix team for a training match.

You must know that the ranking of the summer split accounts for a considerable proportion in determining whether a team can participate in the world championship!
And after things are partitioned.

Every game is a battle for points.

Being able to get familiar with and understand the version first is of great benefit to any LPL team.

It is also because of this that FPX can directly take out the training match with EDG as a trial training for toothpaste.

After all, FPX is not bad for training games now.


"Hey, Lin Weixiang is indeed the best candidate for solo with toothpaste now."

Liu Qingsong stood behind the toothpaste, rambling on.

Qi Zhou originally wanted to stop him, but he didn't say much when he saw Toothpaste put on the earphones, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

Professional players have to adapt to any unexpected situation.

Furthermore, with the sound insulation effect of the earphones, even if Liu Qingsong dries up his saliva, it is difficult for the toothpaste to cause calluses in his ears.


"Rock sparrow."





"One more round of Czar."


Looking at the message from the factory manager, Qi Zhou knew that the training match between FPX and EDG might be postponed until night.

Simply let Lin Weixiang and Toothpaste play a few more solo games.

The contest between the two is still using the old rules, one blood, one tower, one hundred knives.

After an hour, the two competed against each other.

The mainstream mages of toothpaste, such as rock sparrow, tsar, Syndra, and fox all beat Lin Weixiang.

Yasuo, Crow, and Karma are invincible.

Toothpaste took the high-speed train to Shanghai in the morning, changed to the subway as soon as he got off the train, and then transferred to the bus to the FPX base.

But it was already evening.

After playing solo with Lin Weixiang for more than 10 rounds, the sky outside the base became dim.

It's dinner time.

The two also stopped fighting.

"Brother Xiang, I didn't expect you to be six in AD, and even have such a high proficiency in mid lane heroes!"

The toothpaste was familiar, "I'm really not very good at crows, but I didn't expect to lose so badly."

Lin Weixiang smiled bitterly.

"Hey, brother, you are very strong."

"I don't want to say too much about the crow. If I say too much, I will cry."

"Really, I really want to take the keyboard, run to the Riot company, and beat all those bullshit kun shooting masters to death!"

"I thought the League of Legends would get better if Boss resigned to become the club's CEO."

"Who would have thought of this ghost crab... hey! (C language)"

Qi Zhou patted Lin Weixiang on the shoulder and smiled.

"The change is so big, but you will be uncomfortable for a summer split at most, and you will definitely be transferred back before the World Championship."

"Toothpaste, you performed well, let's go to dinner first, and play a training match with EDG in the evening."

The 8.11 version, in fact, everyone is familiar with it, and it has not made too many adjustments to the heroes on the surface.

But for AD equipment, all kinds of drastic changes have actually caused ADC heroes to generally suffer a sap.

What's even more disgusting is that the basic attack power of ADC heroes has been lowered, and their growth attack power has been increased instead.

Someone has calculated that the reduced attack power will not disappear until the ADC hero level reaches level 9.

In the mid-season championship game, there are not many real quality matches.

However, after the replay of each professional team, they more or less found the signal that ADC was too weak in the early stage.

FPX, who experienced the mid-season game, naturally noticed this distorted ecology early on.

After Qi Zhou studied carefully, Lin Weixiang asked Lin Weixiang to practice more heroes such as Crow, Morgana, and Fan Mom.

After the basic attributes and skills of these heroes are integrated, the cost performance of going down the road far exceeds that of ADC.

So during this time, Lin Weixiang was very busy and uncomfortable.

Not only can he not lose his traditional skills, Ezreal, Lucian, and Kai'Sa are either panacea or still strong ADC heroes.

Also practice a series of original mid laner AP heroes.

Compared with other players, the amount of training is more than doubled!
It was for this reason that Qi Zhou asked him to solo with toothpaste.

"I can tell you with certainty that the bottom lane will enter an era full of monsters and monsters."

"Expanding the hero pool is a must!"

"Liu Qingsong, you also need to practice the heroes that Lin Weixiang trained, as well as those fighters with high damage that are quite easy to believe, you should also take them out occasionally to get familiar with them."

Liu Qingsong, who had a hippie smile on his face, immediately collapsed.

He knows Lin Weixiang's recent training volume...

Liu Qingsong: "I think the combination of Rock Sparrow Bull Head, Yasobron, and Datou Xiaofa is pretty good. There is no need to practice so much, right?"

Qi Zhou shook his head.

"Our combination has been exposed in the spring split, who knows if other teams will come up with countermeasures."

"If the two of you don't have enough hero pools, and the opponents in the summer split come up with strange combinations, even if I can think of a way to crack them, what if you don't know those heroes?"

Liu Qingsong nodded and said no more.

At the same time, he also had the urge to take a watermelon knife and go to the fist company to chop ghost crabs in his heart.

Toothpaste said thoughtfully: "No wonder Brother Xiang's crow and rock sparrow give me the feeling that they are perfect."

"I thought that if I slept, my skills would not be able to retreat..."

"If brother Zhaozhou says so, can I try out ADC?"

Toothpaste looked at Qi Zhou with excitement.

After an afternoon of observation, he understood Qi Zhou's importance in FPX.

Qi Zhou smiled happily, "Of course!"

"But you know that the salary of AD players is generally much lower than that of mid laners."

Toothpaste shrank his neck and stopped talking.

Jin Gong, who had been silent all this time, took out his mobile phone.

"Brother Zhou, you are right."

He turned the phone screen around, "I swiped this this morning."

is a picture (as shown).

From Kimchi Media Korean media inven.

"Verus said, are these ADCs from another world?"

"Ezreal says we will defeat them!"

"The villain here is a fist, he said it's over, the European division is going to be angry!"

From the overall picture, we can see that there are shadows fighting outside, and there are many shooter heroes standing inside.

After careful identification, it can be seen that almost all the shooter ADs in it are on the sidelines, including Verus, policewoman, VN, Jhin, Jinx, Xiaopao and so on.

Lucian and EZ, the heroes Dazui, rushed outside.

But his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

But outside the window, heroes like Tie Nan, Crow, and Dao Mei are fighting fiercely, which is embarrassing.

"Does this mean that all shooters will not be able to play, and the bottom lane will become the world of fighters and mages?"

asked Toothpaste.

Qi Zhou nodded, "That's probably what it means."

"I have also recently observed that there are many games where the kimchi server and the crow knife girl go down."

"It can be seen that the LCK division also realizes that the shooters as a whole are weak and cannot play any effect."

"In terms of BP in their arena, most teams will not consider marksman heroes as a priority."

"I don't know if the other teams in our competition area will choose to save AD's last face, or open a hundred schools of thought and play tricks."

Qi Zhou spoke earnestly, but Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong were mournful.

This kind of change is really unfriendly to players who specialize in marksmen, or who are only good at a certain type of support.

"Brother Zhou, if all the AD players in the summer split play as mages, should the mid laners switch to AD assassins or fighters like Jie and Daomei?"

Toothpaste suddenly asked.

"No no no!"

"Trust me, absolutely not all AD players will play Mage!"

Before Qi Zhou could answer, Liu Qingsong interrupted directly.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

Afterwards, Liu Qingsong put his hands and fingers together, palms facing forward, raised his fingertips to the level of his forehead, and then opened his thumbs to form a [-]-degree angle with the palm.

The other four fingers of both hands swing up and down in unison.


Everyone understands it in seconds!

Xiaotian pushed his glasses, and said solemnly: "That one was born in the mid laner!"

"Why do you assert that he won't conform to the version and play AP mage?"

"Don't talk too much!"

Liu Qingsong said disapprovingly: "Lin Weixiang has been able to train so many heroes in the past few weeks in Xia Chuang."

"Has he trained Xia or Jhin in one season?"

(End of this chapter)

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