Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 188 [187] Training match with EDG, giving advice with Brother Feng

Chapter 188 [187] Training match with EDG, giving advice with Brother Feng

"AD plays the top laner, the top laner goes to the middle lane, and the middle lane turns to the bottom lane."

"It's very interesting~~"

Toothpaste's trial training and the training match between FPX and EDG started.

EDG's players participating in this game are Ray, Haro, Scout, iBoy, and Meiko.

The reason why Haro played wild was that the factory manager was still blocked on the elevated road and could not return to the club.

If you insist on waiting for the factory manager.

It will take at least two hours, after all, he has to eat first...

Haro joined EDG's youth training system in 17, and later represented the TF e-sports club in the LSPL league, and his strength is acceptable.

16 years later, due to age, the factory manager's strength has actually begun to decline.

For this reason, Haro entered the EDG first team not long ago.

The middle and lower ones are old faces.

Top laner Ray is a veteran player from the LCK who played in North America last season.

During the Spring Split, he played 56 games, with a total of 98 kills, 100 deaths, 244 assists, 21.1% of injuries, 24.1% of injuries, and a damage conversion rate of 103.7%.

The data is quite satisfactory, with the unique brand of EDG.

In this game, the lineups of both sides have been locked.

EDG: Top laner Mundo, jungler Mantis, mid laner Knife, bottom laner Syndra + Enchantress.

FPX: Top laner Wayne, play wild boar girl, mid laner Tie Nan, bottom laner Fan Zima+Tam.

"EDG isn't hiding any secrets at all... They have brought out all the hard work."

Brother Firefox, stood upright with his hips on his hips, as if pointing the country.

He continued: "To be honest, I didn't expect to use Fanma and Tam to line up Syndra and Enchantress."

"They selected these two heroes in the second round, I was shocked!"

Qi Zhou stood at the side, "I also hit the right shot. If EDG hadn't shown the male sword and mantis first, we wouldn't have chosen Tam in the first round."

"...It's just a coincidence. Otherwise, if we switch to other supports, I really can't think of any heroes we can take in the bottom lane."

Qi Zhou did not participate in the training match, and Jin Gong played on FPX's top laner.


Brother Feng nodded fiercely, "I have played so many training games these days, and every team has a chance to launch a new lineup."

"Fist certainly never imagined that the goal that was not achieved when the ultimate talent was launched back then, would be able to achieve what it wanted because of the change of AD equipment."

The talent system of League of Legends already existed in S1.

The talent system at that time was still very immature, and the greatest significance of talent was to obtain some additional effects that could not be obtained through equipment, as well as to enhance summoner skills.

For example, "Rebirth Protection":
After using Rebirth (Summoner Skill), increase the hero's maximum health by 90 points within 400, and reduce the cooldown of Rebirth by 20 seconds.

This makes many Mundo players send towers at the beginning of the game, and then respawn on the line, so that the opponent can see the real blood tyrant at the beginning.

In addition, there is [Burnout]: When Ignite (summoner skill) is cooling down, your spell damage will increase by 10 points.

Wait for talent.

The talent of S1 is too chaotic, and the fist has also discovered this problem.

After integrating the Summoner's skills, they launched a more concise and pure second-generation talent system, which made the S1 tank alliance disappear, and the crit version came to the Summoner's Canyon.

Critical attack... I understand everything.

S2 was also criticized by players because of its lack of talent balance.

The talents of S3 are optimized on the basis of S2. Since then, the talent pattern of League of Legends has been finalized (three runes).

S4, S5 minor revision.

Until S6, in order to allow talents to stimulate the potential of more heroes, Riot added a series of cornerstone talents:

Passion for War, Underworld Fire, Wind Rider, Lord of Thunder, Immortality...

However, this talent system still hasn't changed the situation in the League of Legends where a few strong heroes have a super high appearance rate in their own lanes.

More than 100 heroes have been launched back and forth.

The designers of Riot certainly don't want to see that the heroes they designed have been left in the cold.

The new version of runes in S8 is coming, this is another attempt by them to make heroes flourish in Rank and professional leagues.

It worked, but little.

Because many cornerstone runes seemed to be set up for those heroes alone, the game of Summoner's Canyon returned to the old chapter where a few heroes appeared in a short period of time.

However, the changes in version 8.11 directly caused most of the ADs to disappear, and other neglected heroes began to take their place.

You know, the bottom road is the only recognized two-person road.

A hero who wants to maximize his skill mechanism can only find breakthroughs in runes, outfits, and points.

But two heroes...

There are so many tricks to play!

Down the road, after the shooter is gone, countless fighters, tanks, mages, and assassins will appear in turn.

After continuous attempts, various miraculous catalytic effects were discovered by professional teams.

Among them, the Syndra + Enchantress system is one of the latest research results of EDG.

The basic damage of these two heroes' skills is not bad, and the power of combo bursts is extremely terrifying.

The cornerstone runes of iBoy and Meiko are both 【Electrocution】.

This means that Syndra and Enchantress don't even need to upgrade to 6, and they can kill people without a big move!

"Brother Zhou is very thorough, but will it be useful to choose Tam?"

"Even if it has a gray shield, it can't withstand the explosion of the two of us!"

Xiao Zhao was in high spirits.

He is very confident in Syndra, who has practiced hard for more than 100 qualifying games.

Meiko is also very relaxed, "Brother Zhou didn't come to the training match... If he was there, I would still have concerns."

"But now, this next road is our stage!"

"Wait a minute and put the output on a person, even if the toad and the fan have a shield and can swallow people, they will definitely not be able to hold it!"

The two chatted happily, and in their view, the bottom lane has been firmly won.

And the FPX base.

Brother Firefox Feng and Qi Zhou, who were watching the battle from the sidelines, focused more on the middle lane.

This is indeed a training match with EDG.

But more than that, try out toothpaste.

"Lao Zhou, your iron man is a bit of a kanter."

"It's a little difficult to fully see the ability of toothpaste. In the next few picks, the middle lane doesn't have to be so good."

Although Brother Feng is stunned, he is experienced.

Qi Zhou touched his head and smiled hehe.

Indeed, I was so preoccupied with competing with Abramovich in the BP session that I forgot that the main purpose was to see the overall quality of the toothpaste player from the training match.

Hey...the cauldron of desire to win.

Damn it!
However, the BP of this training match, on paper, FPX is indeed better than EDG.

Qi Zhou said again: "Look at the laning handling before the first three levels... To a large extent, you can know the lower limit of a player."

Brother Feng nodded.

A level 2 male sword with a set of super high burst.

If the elementary school boy can seize the opportunity of Tetsuo's lack of white stripes and successfully fight a wave, then Nandao will get rid of the hero's disadvantage when facing Tetsuo in the next line.

After the minions meet, it takes less than a minute to upgrade from level 1 to level 2.

Qi Zhou and Brother Firefox, holding their breath, stared at the display screen in front of them, carefully observing the operation of the toothpaste, trying not to miss a single detail.

"If this is a regular game...the middle lane is the biggest advantage for our side."

"So, before level 3, Tetsuo can't make any mistakes against Lane Swordsman."

"Otherwise his summoner will be sorry for the advantage created on Banpick."

Qi Zhou put away his smile, his eyes were constantly switching between the screen in front of him and the toothpaste player.

Before the second wave of soldiers came to the middle, Tetsuo did not show any mistakes.

The toothpaste player was also concentrating.

At least the attitude is correct, and he has not relaxed because of the natural advantages obtained from BP.

Studies have shown that the continuous limit of the average person's concentration is 15 seconds.

This is also the reason why in the recent period of time, a certain short video platform that has emerged often pushes videos at this time.

Qi Zhou stared at the toothpaste's eyes for 15 seconds.

The light in the eyes did not show a trace of slack.

very focused.

It seems that he did sleep a lot of time on the high-speed rail, he was well-rested and not sleepy.

After nodding, Qi Zhou turned his attention to the big display screen.

With the male knife swinging his right hand, he replaced a red square soldier, a white light flashed above his head, and his level reached level 2.

His gaze shifted and landed on Tetsuo.

"Hey, this kid looks honest and honest, why is he such a thug?"

"Isn't this just for us to see?"

Brother Feng is a little happy.

He saw a level 1 iron man standing far behind the pawn line, like a dog head with experience in the early stage of going on the road.

Brother, you are the metal master Mordekaiser, not Nasus, the Living Buddha of the Oasis!
To be so cowardly.

"The handling method is not optimal, but it is definitely the most effective... and part of the reason is that he is in trial training and does not want to take any risks."

Qi Zhou nodded, but was not 100% sure what the toothpaste was doing.

He needs to keep watching.

If it is this wave, then the behavior of toothpaste will become a bonus item.

But when he encounters danger in the future, if Bobo adopts this method, it will make Qi Zhou lower his evaluation of toothpaste.

What's the difference between this and the former mid laner of FPX, who now goes to JDG to replace you, who is also in Pingxiang like you?
What's more, at least they are invisible in the disadvantaged game, if you are invisible even in the advantaged game, then... huh.

Training continues.

Qi Zhou dragged the mouse and put the camera on the road.

Jin Gong's Wei En, and Ray Mondo's scalp is numb.

But Ray's last hit is on par with Jin Gong.

"During the winter window last year, Jin Gong and Ray both tried out in EDG, competing for the starting position."

Qi Zhou took his time and told Brother Feng what he knew.

"I was going to FPX to sign the contract that day, but EDG stayed with me for two hours, allowing me to watch the training match and help analyze these two players by the way."

"I recommended Jin Gong to EDG, but EDG chose Ray."

"Ray's performance in the trial training is indeed better than that of Jin Gong. Of course, the reason why EDG chose him is also because he played in the top divisions in the previous seasons, while Jin Gong played in LDL."

"Then I brought Jin Gong to FPX, hehe."

Qi Zhou suddenly smiled cheaply, "Jin Gong's level may not be as good as Ray's at the time, but now, he is definitely better than him!"

"A player who has played in the top divisions all the year round and has been playing professionally for nearly four years."

"One is growing vegetables in LDL, but he can fight back and forth with the player above."

"EDG ignored Jin Gong's potential!"

"As long as Jin Gong plays more games in the LPL, his upper limit will continue to increase!"

Brother Feng nodded thoughtfully and said:
"However... the club is more or less aware of it."

"However, the current situation of the domestic e-sports industry cannot wait so long. The major clubs also want short-term profits."

"EDG has its own youth training system, and it's only natural that they don't cherish Jin Gong."

Qi Zhou said: "That's true."

"But in my opinion, when EDG was able to sign Jin Gong at that time, in fact, the whole team will get a lot of improvement."

"Ray's style of play is too rigid."

Qi Zhou and Brother Feng chatted one after another.

Occasionally stop and watch scrims.

After communicating with Qi Zhou in the past few days, Brother Feng knew that he would retire and become a coach after S8. He freely shared his many years of coaching experience with Qi Zhou.

When Qi Zhou asked Feng Ge about his knowledge about heroes and game understanding, he also taught him everything he could.

But this thing is too complicated and too difficult to describe.

Only when Brother Feng asked a specific point, Qi Zhou could answer accordingly.

"At the end of the day, most of the things you develop are based on numerical values."

When the first blood broke out in the bottom lane, Brother Feng suddenly realized.

He didn't pay any attention to the enchantress of EDG, took a blood, and immediately said:
"To be honest, in terms of statistics, every team is sorting out and paying attention."

"But there's really not much to gain from it."

"And most of the things I got are obvious on the field. I used to use it as an auxiliary reference."

Qi Zhou nodded and said, "Indeed, it can only be used as a supplementary reference..."

"Look, I gave Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong the best combination to deal with Syndra + Enchantress."

"As a result, Lin Weixiang, a fan mother, has no proficiency, and he was beaten badly, and instead got first blood!"

Hearing this, Brother Feng looked at the screen again.

It turns out that the "First blood" just now was sent by Lin Weixiang.

"It can't be helped..."

"After all, the player's hero pool is limited, and the BP of the summer version is too variable."

"In the future, we still need to combine individual players and then do BP."

Qi Zhou nodded. This was indeed a basic point he had overlooked during the BP process just now.

In fact, in the final analysis, the white crescent is still gone.

The newcomer Feng, because the club discussed the scope of "rights" with him before signing the contract.

What Qi Zhou said in the team is basically an imperial decree.

Almost no one refuted.

Except for Gao Tianliang who had a sad face, he occasionally said something strange.

"Hey, I was so excited when I thought that Fan Mama was more flexible and able to restrain the enchantress."

"I'm enjoying it."

"It can give me the same joy as inventing a new black technology."

"I will pay special attention in the future, you should give me more pointers!"

Brother Feng talked happily with Qi Zhou, and agreed readily.

"My game understanding, data analysis and other things are definitely not as good as yours!"

"But filling chicken soup has a skill!"

"Don't underestimate this chicken soup, there is a lot of knowledge in it!"

"First of all, the first point is not to make people feel awkward!"

"Embarrassment is like the oil on the chicken soup. The chicken soup must have oil, but the degree must be controlled..."

Brother Feng talked more and more vigorously, but Qi Zhou was a black thread.

(End of this chapter)

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