Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 189 [188] Sign the contract and start broadcasting

Chapter 189 [188] Sign the contract and start broadcasting

Syndra and Enchantress cooperate, and the two can instantly play a high burst.

This gave Liu Qingsong and Lin Weixiang some headaches.

With Qi Zhou's knowledge before the game, Lin Weixiang chose "Hunger Strike Fan Mom".

The burden of replenishing troops naturally fell on Tam.

Syndra and Enchantress are not those stupid tanks in the top lane.

During the process of winning prizes, the fan mother was instantly killed if she didn't pay attention, and she was given a blood.

Experience leads.

EDG's duo was the first to advance to level 6.

This makes the situation of Fan Mom and Tam even more difficult.

Syndra's ultimate move and Enchantress' Q skill are one of the few lock-on skills in League of Legends.

Moreover, [Energy Outpouring (R)] and double [Broken Serve (R)], the burst damage is at the top.

If the opportunity is seized, the dual mages don't need to use all their skills to create damage that can easily kill people.

"Your hand BP didn't have the expected effect." Brother Firefox held the coffee comfortably, "Mom Fan and Tam's current frankness can't bear the explosion of the other side at all."

"If Little Tianzhu doesn't support her, I'm afraid I'll have to send another head down the road."

Qi Zhou sighed and said, "BP is fine, I took it for granted."

"Lin Weixiang's proficiency in playing Fan Mom is really not good enough...I will learn from it."

"The bottom lane should be suppressed at the beginning. Although Tamm has short hands, in fact, with Fan Mom's RQ, their combat effectiveness at level 1 is far higher than that of Enchantress and Syndra."

"Tam sticks out his tongue first, and if he slows down to the point where Fan Mom picks up RQ, then he hits melee directly against the damage."

"The Enchantress and Syndra are not strong at level 1... Even if the skills are lost, they are not as good as the cannon."

"It was me who made a good draft, but they didn't get my point."

"To be honest, if I take the lead now, I can reverse the disadvantage in at most 5 minutes."

Brother Firefox clicked his tongue and said: "This... is too imaginative."

"Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong couldn't think of this either!"

"It's not that everyone is the Korean aid from IG. When they go online, they push others out of the experience zone."

Qi Zhou said: "So I take it for granted..."

"It is said that Theshy seems to be on the bench, and Duck has become a substitute."

"Emm..." Brother Feng nodded.

He is a member of the provincial team. After leaving RNG during the S7 winter window, he returned to Baodao.

In fact, Brother Feng S8 wants to coach in the LCK, but no team wants him.

Turning his attention back to LPL, it was already too late, each team had a coach, so he had nothing to do in Treasure Island for half a year.

During the period, Brother Feng was also paying attention to major competitions.

RNG, IG, FPX, EDG, Snake and other top LPL teams, he naturally thinks very clearly.

He spoke highly of Theshy, the top laner on IG.

"Theshy's debut did not exceed my expectations."

"But his style is to fight too aggressively, when he should be aggressive and when he should not be aggressive. Therefore, sometimes his blood line is too low, giving the opponent a chance."

"I feel that he is in the starting position and will not stay for long."

What he said made sense, and Qi Zhou didn't refute it.

Brother Feng changed the topic, "I went to FPX to be a coach, and now I find that I don't even understand the FPX team and tactical style."

"It's really strange. The outside world says that FPX, like RNG, has four guarantees and one."

"But it's not the ADC nor the top laner or the mid laner that's being protected, it's Sea that's being protected."

"I also agreed with it at first, but recently I carefully watched the video of your spring split, and it seems that this is not the case."

"I don't understand, can you talk to me?"

FPX tactical style?

Four guarantees and one guarantee is Sea?

Faced with Brother Feng's problem, Qi Zhou's brain is a bit insufficient.

"I feel that there is really no tactical style... As for the four guarantees and one, this is not always the case."

"Every game, we will determine one or two key points. Although most of the time it is me, but many times it will be placed in the bottom lane."

"If there is a style, it means that everything in our team is aligned with victory."

"As long as you can win the final victory, then in the game, the resource tilt can be ridiculously high!"

Brother Feng stroked his chin, as if he had realized something.


"But such a flaw is also very big."

"Teammates have become tool people. In order to highlight the role of a certain position, what is consumed is the own advantages of all teammates."

"If there is no key point and no shape, it will be a fiasco."

According to what Qi Zhou said, Feng Ge seems that FPX's style of play is actually very similar to RNG.

In the early and mid-term, the advantages are being expanded, thereby creating an artificial monster and ending the game.

For the late game, there is basically little consideration.

Brother Feng left RNG in S7 because he insisted on expanding his advantage in the early and mid-term.

The RNG management wants to learn Korean operations and post-team battle handling.

The conflict of essential concepts naturally ended in discord.

"Actually, I think FPX can adjust its style appropriately now, so that every player can perform to their advantage."

"This version of the summer split is too evil."

"I learned that the LCK next door has taken out heroes such as Crow and Sword Girl to go down the road."

"The winning rate is quite high."

"On the LPL side, it is inevitable that there will be some strange heroes in the top lane, and they will punch the master to death..."

Brother Feng's words were very euphemistic, but Qi Zhou knew that he was speaking for him.

Everyone in LPL now knows that FPX is not IG's trident, but a spear.

The tip of the spear is Qi Zhou.

If the tip of the spear could be chipped off, then the FPX would become a useless stick that could not beat even broken copper.

Qi Zhou naturally understood.

Facing Brother Feng's seriousness, he really wanted to say:

"I dare to play to such an extreme, all because I have the confidence to win."

"Otherwise, let's just choose a dog's head, and stack Q stacks until the end of time."

But on the surface, Qi Zhou still needs to show respect to this senior.

"There are definitely changes to be made."


FPX and EDG played 3 training games.

FPX had two wins and one loss, losing the first one.

Abramovich is very chicken thief.

Since it was a training match, it was naturally impossible for the Bans of both sides to target each other.

Except for banning a few buggy heroes, the rest of the ban positions are very random.

Syndra and Enchantress of EDG are naturally able to play consecutively in the second and third rounds.

This is why it is called Abu chicken thief.

On the FPX side of the first round, Tam and Fan Mom were blown away.

Abu felt that Qi Zhou had failed in scientific research.

So he sent a message to tell Qi Zhou that he would continue to choose Syndra and Yaoji for the second time, and let FPX quickly think of a countermeasure to avoid the situation where the two mages were chaotic in the mid-term team battle in the first round.

But in the second game, FPX still took out the bottom lane combination of Tam and Fan Mom.

After Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong listened to the laning ideas provided by Qi Zhou, without accident, they checked and balanced the two lawless women in the bottom lane.

Abu also immediately understood that EDG's Tamm and Fanma system was able to block the combination of Syndra and Enchantress, but the first game did not perform well in the early stage, so it ended in a big defeat.

Therefore, in the third round, Abu did not talk about martial arts in BP.

FPX did not ban Syndra and Enchantress, and EDG directly banned Tamm.

Qi Zhou immediately complained to Brother Feng, "This damn sissy wants to find me as a free consultant!"

Brother Feng also saw that EDG wanted to use Qi Zhou's mind to find a combination that could counter the Syndra and Enchantress system.

Lien Kwa Abu 666.

Naturally, Qi Zhou felt embarrassed for the other party to show face like this.

He took out the heirloom of the FPX Spring Split, the Sauron combination.

Syndra and the Enchantress rely on the 2nd, 3rd, and 6th stages to create an advantage in a high-burst second or cripple the opponent, and they go bankrupt directly.

The training match also ended with Abramovich stomping his feet and leaving the training room angrily.


"Congratulations, you joined FPX!!!"

With toothpaste, he is relatively calm online, dared to stand up in team battles, and successfully signed a contract with FPX.

Brother Feng commented objectively, "He is not as good as the left hand in online strength, and he is not as good as the left hand with the rhythm of the wind."

"But toothpaste at least dares to look for opportunities in a disadvantaged situation, and dare to stand up and try."

"This kind of player, who is better than KDA, is more suitable for the FPX team."

Qi Zhou also agreed.

The performance of Toothpaste that he praised the most was the one that FPX lost in the first game.

In the case of a big disadvantage, he dared to bet on the trial training and flashed Syndra who hammered the iBoy with six bars and one.

Of course, this is not enough.

What really impresses Qi Zhou and Brother Feng is that he can not only flash the second C in the disadvantaged game, but also dare to start with the male sword. At level 2, he chooses to give up a few make-ups directly in exchange for a safe operation.


6 month 6 day.

A very ordinary, very dull day.

There are still a few days before the opening of the LPL Summer Split.

The turmoil of the transfer period is basically coming to an end.

The operation of swapping JDG and FPX mid laners left many outsiders dumbfounded.

They were puzzled and couldn't figure it out.

"Coach, high KDA mid laner defected, can FPX still be strong in the summer split? "

"JDG buys players to hit the championship?But why let go of toothpaste? "

"Comparison of Toothpaste and Left Hand Strength"

"The most outrageous operation during the transfer period, let Hongchen Jun tell you in detail! "

There are many posts on the post bar, and the popularity is relatively high.

However, today's post bar is unusually quiet.

Not only these few posts, but also the comments under many popular posts have all decreased.

In fact, the reason is very simple.

—— Dog Tooth TV
[Solo killing Faker, playing a retired world-class ADC, No.1 cold resistance, currently the highest KDA in the league...]

The title of the live broadcast room is extremely domineering.

Qi Zhou really wanted to write all his honors on it.

However, the strength is too strong, the title does not allow it!
When S7 was in EDG, Qi Zhou actually had a live broadcast room.

At that time, the entire EDG team was broadcast live on Penguin TV.

Compared with Douyu TV and Huya TV, the traffic of Penguin TV is pitifully small.

In addition, before the world competition, Qi Zhou did not make a fortune.

The audience who watched his live broadcast was only a few hundred people.

Later, in the world competition, Qi Zhou shined brilliantly, but during the competition, the daily training tasks were heavy, how could he have time to broadcast live?
It was hard to wait until the end of the World Championship.

Relying on the game that can blind everyone's eyes, the achievements of saving EDG several times, and winning Samsung with a super cool record in the final, winning the first championship trophy for LPL and other gimmicks.

The number of people watching Qi Zhou's live broadcast skyrocketed.

However, his contract with EDG expired.

Coupled with Penguin TV, it was too little, so he didn't continue the live broadcast.

After coming to the new team of FPX, Qi Zhou was faced with complicated affairs and had no time for live broadcasting at all.

Now the transfer period is finally over, and the summer split hasn't started yet.

He was finally able to start the great business of making money from live streaming!

"Here comes the Desert Reaper! The Desert Reaper! The Desert Reaper!"

"Can you see it?"

"Sea King! Sea King! Sea King!"

"Who the hell got such an arrogant headline? Believe it or not, I'm going to sue you for fraud? Sea? Nami is wet."

"Fuck, is this the deity?"

"Why don't you turn on the camera?"

The barrage swarmed, and the popularity of the live broadcast room increased rapidly like a rocket.

It soon broke through the 800 million mark and moved towards eight-figure popularity.

Naturally, Qi Zhou didn't start the broadcast on a whim. He and Quanya TV had negotiated a contract half a month ago.

The dog-tooth official attaches great importance to Qi Zhou.

They even made way for Zhang Fenfang, who is next door to King Pesticides.

When Qi Zhou heard the news, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Although the audiences of League of Legends and Glory of Kings overlap, it is completely unnecessary.

He is very confident in himself.

Only by grabbing Zhang Fenfen's traffic points, how could Zhang Fenfang block her own traffic?
You know, Qi Zhou has turned many professional games into eternal classic scenes by virtue of his own strength.

Qi Zhou's ability to rejuvenate is unquestionable!
As for the performance of the program?

Not to mention that.

"Thank you, Brother Ba, for sending me the Dogya No. [-]!"

"Thank you UZI for the dog tooth No. [-]!"

"Thank you chunli, thank you boss for sending us the treasure map!"

"Thank you, Little Demon King Nanbo'er, for sending the Dogya No. [-]."

"Thanks to clearlove8 for sending me Dogtooth One!"

"Thanks Karma, wait a minute...thanks Karl for the Fang One!"

"Liu Qingsong, don't you want to send a dog tooth number one?"

Seeing the gifts flashing non-stop on the screen, Qi Zhou couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

One week before the broadcast, Canine Tooth was promoting it for him.

The broadcast started today, and all the ghosts and snakes in the e-sports circle also came to Qi Zhou's live broadcast room to join in the fun.

Like Brother Ba, Uzi, the factory manager, and the boss Li Chun gave Qi Zhou a gift, and Qi Zhou knew about it in advance.

And the anchor of Seafood TV next door, Nanbo'er Little Demon King, also ran over to give gifts, Qi Zhou never expected.

It may be out of admiration, or it may be purely for traffic.

But as long as it is a gift, Qi Zhou will naturally not refuse anyone who comes.

"Brother Zhou, can the relationship between the two of us be measured by Cangya No. [-]?"

Liu Qingsong, who was sitting by the side, was full of emotion.

Qi Zhou nodded and said:

"It's true that I didn't think carefully."

"Uzi, the factory manager, and I are not teammates now, and they all sent Houndstooth One."

"You are my teammate, I want to show you a treasure map at the very beginning of the broadcast!"

"...Thanks to clearlove8 for the treasure map!"

"Thank you 7 sauce!"

Qi Zhou glanced at Liu Qingsong.

"Thank you Xiaotian for the treasure map!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingsong turned to look at Xiaotian, very surprised.

[Team Bully: Show me a treasure map, and I will turn against you for 3k. 】

Xiaotian looked at the message Qi Zhou sent him on the phone screen, and smiled at Liu Qingsong.

(End of this chapter)

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