Two and a half years of lurking in the dog's head, I have a day

Chapter 194 [193] The 3 Laws of Metaphysics, I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm stuck again!

Chapter 194 [193] The Three Laws of Metaphysics, I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm stuck again!
Xiye, the second person in the alliance metaphysics!

The metaphysical aura he exudes from the inside out is second only to Senior Colonel Guan!

Because of his existence, the WE team also reveals its strangeness from the inside out!
Balotelli's nerve knife player is the best summary of Xiye.

However, although Xiye's performance was unstable, it was not ethereal and unpredictable.

When he plays the game, he roughly abides by three laws!

The first is "Double C Conservation Law"!
Double C conservation, as the name suggests, the mid laner Xiye of the WE team, and the brother-in-law who plays Sea with his wife, the combined strength of the two on the field is a value that tends to be constant!
Whether it is the S6 season or the S7 season, or the S8 spring season.

In the vast majority of competitions, Xiye wins the competition in C's brother-in-law, and Xiye wins in the big brother-in-law's competition!
The brother-in-law of S6 has entered the peak, and the brother-in-law of S7 is still mighty.

So in the past two seasons, Xiye's performance in WE has not been too outstanding.

But in the S8 Spring Split, the brother-in-law's taste was not right.

Therefore, according to the "Double C Conservation Law", Xiye's combat power has been raised by more than one level in an instant!
This is why Xiye was selected for the Asian Games list.

The second law about Xiye is "Please don't get your hopes up!" ". ,

Whenever you feel that Xiye can do it, Xiye is so fierce, and Xiye quacks, Xiye will feed you a bucket of laundry detergent.

And this laundry detergent is still the kind filled in Mr. Mighty's packaging!
Like the S6 playoffs, the S7 mid-season championship game, and the S7 intercontinental game.

With Xiye's performance, Cai's performance can't be looked at directly...

You can never guess how this round of Xiye will end up in the gutter.

He was so angry that Zhenxixi yelled "Jianzhong!"

And the third law of Xiye is "Invincible in civil wars, invincible in foreign wars"!
This is exactly the opposite of EDG's previous title of "invincible king in civil war, soft-legged shrimp in foreign war"!
When competing outside, Xiye will automatically increase the corresponding strength according to the nationality of the opposing player.

The most commendable thing is that when the opponent's ID is "Faker", Xiye's strength will skyrocket like eating gold!

Automatically reach the top!

This can also explain why Xiye was able to Dansha Faker just now!

Because, under the action of the third law.

Faker is useless!
Xiye is the Great Demon King!
"Faker is old, his level has dropped a lot from before, and he didn't even press the flash..."

Xi Yefeng said lightly, "I feel that Xiaohu is much stronger than him."

"A tiger in spring, right?"

"The autumn tiger... emm, it's hard to fight anyway."

[Xiye>Faker, Faker>Xiaohu, so logically speaking, Xiaohu should be>2Faker!Why was Xiaohu caught by Faker last year? 】

[Is SKT really so obsessed with beating up?Suddenly I feel that LCK is not that strong anymore. 】

[...The top players in every position of the LPL are here. If they are veiled by SKT, then the world championship will not be counted. 】

[Damn it!There is no playback! 】


SKT training room.

In the huge room, there are only clicks of the mouse and the sound of keyboard tapping.

No one speaks!
Terribly quiet!

Faker's screen was gray, he never expected that he would be dansha again by that man!

Is this fate?
Suddenly, he noticed that there was no voice from his teammates in the headset.


So, Faker is still facing the screen, but his eyes flick to the left and then to the right.

Wolf's mouse clicking speed is too frequent, obviously he is trying to hide his nervousness.

Is Untara's right thumb always pressing the space bar?
Faker withdrew his small eyes, and then turned on the cut-screen mode.

Hit the road.

Gnar jumped around in place, throwing a boomerang from time to time.

Its blood volume is only half.

On the other hand, the barbarian king with short hands has almost full blood!
Funny, right?

Faker just wanted to open his mouth twice, but his gray computer screen swallowed his words abruptly.

Send a blood...

So humiliating.

The majestic devil, the world's number one mid laner and eternal god Faker, was solo killed by the opponent's stomach at the third level!

Moreover, it is still Yuetadansha!
If you say this, won't you be laughed to death by others?

Forget it!
Faker swallowed and forcibly forbade himself to speak.

Then the fingers kept clicking "F1", "F2", "F4", "F5" several keyboard keys, and began to observe the situation of teammates.

Missing sports car?
Make a question mark.

There are enemy eye positions here, so remind your teammates.

Otherwise they thought I was watching them all the time!


This operation sucks, if I play it instead, I can at least earn a normal attack HP.


Hehe, do you think I don't cut the screen?
That's wrong!

The spring water is so far away from the middle road, it will take me a lot of time to walk there!
Hey, why did Wolf's cannon flash?
Is it too much pressure?
Alright then... I'll sprint to the line, so I won't put pressure on you.


"Director, come on! Come on!"

Uzi pushed a wave of pawns down the road to the blue square outer tower.

The small cannon in poor condition, Lulu began to use skills to clear the line.

The SKT duo has sensed that danger is approaching!
However, his own jungler just came out of the spring.

And Ryze didn't teleport!
They can either take a gamble and quickly clear the line of troops to ensure that the opponent cannot jump over the tower and kill.

Or you can only watch a large wave of soldiers being killed by the defensive tower, and run to the second tower in the bottom road in advance.

[Thousands of arrows are fired! 】

Uzi controls the ice and releases the W skill while standing outside the defense tower.

The coverage area is so large that Xiaopao and Lulu cannot dodge at all.

What's more, these two yordles were still attacking the minions just now, so they couldn't move effectively at all!
At the same time, a bright ice crystal hawk flew out of Ashe's body, and he flew down the road towards the red square spring.

"The opposing jungler just came out of the high ground!"

"Boss, come on!"

"My output exploded!"

Although the factory director knows that Uzi is talking nonsense, the level 3 ice has a der output?

But he didn't watch the show in place.

A colored praying mantis walked out of the triangular grass behind the red square's outer tower, and looked at the two prey in the defense tower gloomily.

Liu Qingsong's Tam moved his mouth first... oh no, move his tongue!
[Great tongue whip], hit Lulu!
slow down.

The factory manager immediately controlled the mantis and released the W skill at Lulu.

Spikes shoot out of the void, hitting Lulu perfectly.

The total damage of the two skills is not particularly high, but because Lulu's blood volume is not very healthy just now.

At this moment, she is in danger!

Tam top the tower!

Ashe raised her bow and arrow, and released the arrow towards Lulu.

The SKT duo handed over the healing technique.

"Director E!"

"Go! Go!"

Uzi yelled excitedly.

But the factory manager was not impulsive, and instead manipulated the mantis to walk towards Lulu.

He wants to keep the E skill!
Because of this wave of support in the bot lane, it is impossible for the factory manager to kill an insignificant witch Bobby and leave.

His goals are big!

Just take two heads!

Lulu was bleeding, but she didn't show up!
The factory manager saw the timing right, and just before the bow and arrow in Ai Xi's hand shot out, he made an AQ combo to kill Lulu!

Immediately afterwards, the small cannon flashed and the rocket jumped to escape.

But the factory manager is not in a hurry, his praying mantis still has the E skill!
The same flash and displacement are all handed in!

The mantis jumped behind Bobby in cannon form, A, A.

Trigger [electric shock]!
The small cannon's blood volume bottomed out.

But since he moves slower than the mantis, he can't get rid of it at all.

After a few seconds, Mantis' Q skill improved.

Xiaopao's head was also successfully accepted by the factory manager.

"Wow - I suddenly feel that I am a bit ashamed of the title of puppy." Uzi suddenly said.

"Obviously someone is better than me...cough cough."

"Why do people call you the director of the pig farm instead of the head dog?"

I am so happy to win two heads!

The factory manager smiled slightly, "Without me, you wouldn't be able to get the double kill."

"The head is taken by me, don't get involved!"

"Hey!" Uzi was excited!

Just as he was about to speak, he saw a system prompt, "Brother Zhou, the Barbarian King Danshanar?"

"This is the devil!"

[I'll go, this sword is twitching so fast, no one can hold it for 5 seconds, right? 】

[I believe it, the barbarian king is really the unique hero of the sea king! 】

[I never thought that there would be such an outrageous operation. 】

[This Gnar is too good, right? The 4th level is barbarian king Dansha, go home and feed the pigs, what kind of profession do you still play! 】

[Brother Zhou, may I ask how you typed out the operation just now, I really want to learn it! 】

Turn the time back to 10 seconds ago.

Since Gnar's blood volume is not very healthy, Untara dare not move too far.

Therefore, the barbarian king naturally pushed his troops into the red outer tower.

Gnar's blood volume was less than three hundred.

And the barbarian king is full of blood!

When Qi Zhou saw it, he was instantly murderous!
The barbarian king enters the tower.

Untara controls Gnar, throws a Q skill, and finally hits the mark this time!
Destroyed a little blood of the barbarian king.

However, watching the defense towers continuously launch energy balls, killing delicious and attractive soldiers one by one.

Untara gave up and continued to point the barbarian king.

Instead, start replenishing troops.

After all, the disadvantages created online cannot be recovered by relying on his few basic attacks.

It's better to take advantage of the protection of the defense tower, eat a few more soldiers, gain more money, and go home to make the cloth shoes first.

At that time, beating the barbarian king would not be as painful as it is now!

Of course, this is mainly because of Qi Zhou's barbarian king.He didn't get close to Gnar, but held a big knife and kept chopping the new red square soldiers who came to the line.

If Qi Zhou reveals that he wants to jump over the tower and kill him by force, Untara will naturally consume and stretch his position without hesitation.

But the barbarian king didn't!
In addition, my own spider, because the bottom duo was killed, walked towards the upper half after leaving the high ground.

If the barbarian king wanted to jump over the tower and kill himself, he would probably lose everything!
Not only can't get the head, but also catch yourself!
boom! boom! boom!
The barbarian king kept slashing at the melee soldiers in front of him, Gnar also threw back the force mark, and kept making up the tail knife.

However, when the barbarian king slashed for the fourth time.

His animation model froze for a moment!
Then walked towards Gnar.

Untara realized instantly that Qi Zhou wanted to do something to him!


In the next second, the barbarian king started sprinting.

Since Gnar was in the tower, Untara felt safe, so he only kept a distance of about three hundred yards from the barbarian.

Therefore, Gnar was immediately included in the barbarian king's general attack range!
The big knife was raised, but the big knife... didn't fall!

Untara reacted quickly, immediately stopped the index finger and continued to press!
He left behind Gnar's E ability!
"Hehe, card critical strike... a small skill!"

Untara sneered.

The barbarian king hasn't dealt any damage to him yet, and the aggro from the defense tower hasn't been attracted.

So Untara didn't hand over Gnar's E skill displacement and left!

Because Untara's plan is huge!
He wanted the barbarian king to press the E skill at the moment of causing damage to Gnar, so that Gnar would use the unit to jump away.

In this way, the barbarian king can not only attract the hatred of the defensive tower, but also draw a relatively safe distance!

Anti-killing under the tower is no longer a daydream!

However, the moment before the sword was about to fall, the barbarian king stopped by an inch!
Of course, this is not a big operation skill, it is nothing more than the S key to stop the general attack.

But what Untara didn't expect was that the barbarian king's sword was raised again in the next second.

He hurriedly pressed the E button, but before he pressed it down, the barbarian king's sword fell again!
Untara breathed a sigh of relief, but after only a few tenths of a second, the barbarian king raised his sword again.

Untara started nesting dolls again.

In the end, on the computer screen, the barbarian king's broadsword was always pointing vertically upwards, trembling constantly.

In just a few seconds, the two sides had more than ten rounds of confrontation.

Untara couldn't hold on, and pressed the E key first.

The next moment, the Barbarian King [Whirlwind Slash] followed, cutting off Gnar's height by 2 centimeters.

Then the big knife fell, and Qi Zhouka's critical attack finally hit!
It's suffocating!

There was no suspense about what happened next.

The barbarian king put an ignition on Gnar, chased A 2 times, and killed Gnar.

When the barbarian king walked out of the defense tower's attack range, the defense tower only knocked out two-thirds of his blood.

On the road, cinnabar, cinnabar to the stomach!

So far, SKT is only left with wild spiders, and their development is fairly normal.

Everyone else was killed once!

Faker's Ryze just went to the middle.

Because there was no need for laning operations, he watched everything that happened on the road.

Gnar was shown dead.

However, Untara cannot be blamed for this.

You know, it's very simple to card a basic attack.

It's not too difficult to card two basic attacks.

But like Qi Zhou's operation that lasts for several seconds, the right mouse button and the S key can be controlled rhythmically to ensure that the barbarian king's normal attack will not fall.

It's hard, it's hard!
This operation can only be mastered after a long period of practice.

Moreover, the mastery is only for the hero who is practicing, the mastery of the card attack at that attack speed!

It's not that any random hero can complete this kind of card attack!

Faker knew that Qi Zhou could be so proficient, so his proficiency in the hero of the barbarian king must be outrageous!
Fortunately, he did not go on the road.

Faker's head shook slightly imperceptibly.

Afterwards, he immediately controlled Ryze to replenish troops.

Of course, Teacher Da Fei likes the habit of cutting the screen, and it is impossible to completely discard it just because Qi Zhou hits the road for solo kills.

Just after playing a pawn, his old problem happened again.

The cut screen cuts to the road.

Seeing Gnar resting on the ground...

Faker smiled unconsciously.


(End of this chapter)

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