Chapter 195[194]
"Neptune Dog Tooth TV premiered, the popularity value broke 2800 million in the middle of the night, setting a record! "

"Extra!Extra!Aquaman team kimchi suit tulle SKT! "

"Great Demon King Faker is late... entering the World Championship may miss the World Championship! "

"Aquaman's [-]-game winning streak, last night's kimchi service! ! "

"Pigs and dogs are on the same team, with golden sentences again and again, the factory director deserves to be the king of coquettish words!" "

"#Faker super ghost, on the hot search, netizens make death collections! "


is the day.

The major e-sports media have published articles one after another.

Netizens' comments are overwhelming.

Some people think that although Qi Zhou has been in the public eye for more than half a year, he has become the No.1 in the LPL league!
The popularity far exceeds that of veteran players such as the factory manager and Uzi.

And more people were talking about the Qizhou team over there. Last night, they played [-] consecutive victories in the kimchi server and killed the sticks like pigs!

In fact, even in the S7 World Championship, EDG won the first championship trophy for LPL.

However, the fear of Korea among the players and audience is still very serious!

Being ruled for four seasons does not mean that one championship can be eliminated!
Most viewers think that it is a fluke for LPL to win the championship in S7!
Because EDG, which won the championship, was defeated by AHQ, C9, and SKT in the first round of the group stage.

Later, he relied on Qi Zhou's endless tricks to save the situation.

And now, the old rune version is gone.

AD equipment has been greatly changed!

Fist used his actions to forcefully throw many of Qi Zhou's unique skills into the trash dump of history.

And the summer version.

According to the exploration of the pioneers, the traditional way of playing can no longer achieve good results.

All kinds of strange things were taken to different branches.

The creativity of each team and each competition area is fully stimulated!
The way Qi Zhou used to lead the team to win by relying on show routines in the past, it is very likely that it will be difficult to reproduce in future competitions!


Last night, Qi Zhou took Uzi, the factory manager, Xi Ye, and Liu Qingsong to form a small anti-cold convoy, which turned the kimchi suit upside down!
SKT, which was invincible in the LPL before, was killed like a chicken!

"Faker didn't start broadcasting in the second round! He was 0/4/0, and was hit by Xiye Dansha three times. I really want to see his expression!"

"Aquaman crashed not only SKT last night, but also KZ. KZ's performance this time is not even as good as in the mid-season championship!"

"Rank is not a competition... What is there to brag about? If you have the ability to win the championship in the Asian Games!"

"One thing to say, Neptune's barbarian is indeed a unique skill. In the end, E entered the spring water and killed Faker Ritz with two swords. It just made me look high!"

"At the scene, to be honest, it was better than watching the World Cup!"


"Qi Zhou"

"Huh?" Qi Zhou answered the phone, "What are you doing?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was a bit like a lark, very special.

Even without looking at the notes on the phone, Qi Zhou knew it was his sister calling.

However, Qi Qin used to call him "brother", but this time he called him by his first name.

This made Qi Zhou feel that something strange was about to happen!

"Why did you ask me?"

"Do you know that today is June 6th?"

"Why did you ask me?"

Qi Qin's words were overwhelming.

Qi Zhou couldn't find Bei for a while.

June [-]th?

This isn't Qi Qin's birthday either!
Qi Zhou touched his head, looked out the window, and began to think.

Suddenly, he found that the street was very quiet today.

Too quiet!
"Yesterday I took the language test, and today I'm going to take the physics test!"


Two more angry words came, and Qi Zhou was dumbfounded.

He just wanted to explain something.

But there was a blind tone on the phone.

Beep, beep, beep...

When I called back, the phone was turned off.

Qi Zhou stood in front of the window, feeling a little numb.

He was so busy with the premiere that he forgot that it was the college entrance examination these days!
And Qi Qin's way of speaking and tone just now, it is easy to detect the anger in it.

"Could it be... It shouldn't be because of me... Hey, what if she fails the exam?"

Qi Zhou became a mess.

I'm not in the mood for lunch either.

In the evening, I only drank a bowl of mung bean porridge and ate a few slices of sauced beef, and started the live broadcast hastily.


"What happened to Neptune today? The operation is broken..."

"I'll go, are you sure it's Neptune himself playing? Why do I feel like this nervous operation is playing by Teacher Ma?"

"Witness Neptune's first defeat with his own eyes! Being killed by the opposite human head dog 8/0 is crazy!"

"I was overworked last night, so I'm out of shape today?"

"I think it's because of solo queue and no teammates. You should know that Uzi and Xiye have reached their peak state recently, and they are invincible!"


SKT training room.

Teacher Dafei is in a good mood today.

For this reason, he ate a few more bananas, and even the sound of drinking water became much louder.

Because he played 6 consecutive rounds of solo volleyball at night, and won the final victory with an extremely good record in each round.

Of course, he usually has a high winning rate in solo queue.

The reason why I am so happy tonight is because Teacher Da Fei met Qi Zhou in solo row, and more than once!
The humiliation that Teacher Da Fei suffered last night turned into the determination of Teacher Da Fei to catch up today!
Grab the third level!

Catch up on level six!

Clear the line and grab it!
Out of the spring and straight to the road!
After one game, Teacher Da Fei couldn't remember how many times he caught and hit the road.

However, Qi Zhougoutou's record of 0/11 made him very comfortable.

Never had such a wonderful feeling!

The joy in Teacher Da Fei's heart at this time was a little happier than when he won the S competition trophy for the third time.

Teacher Dafei is happy.

His teammates were also happy.

I am in a good mood and in a good state.

So, on June 6th, SKT coach Fu Manduo discovered that the rank win rate of SKT players was surprisingly high!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

Fumanduo immediately asked Faker to understand the situation.

Teacher Da Fei was full of sadness, and said to Fu Manduo:
"Last night was the darkest night in SKT's history!"

"At that time, my inner discomfort was a bit more bitter than losing to the SSG team in the S7 semi-finals."

"Because I found that my teammates are so perfunctory about daily training!"

"We were defeated by the five-row team of LPL players twice in a row."

"In every game, they have a huge lead, and in the end they can even block our spring water and kill people!"

"It definitely won't work!"

Teacher Da Fei's eyes became determined, while Fu Manduo waited expectantly for Teacher Da Fei to continue.

"As the captain of SKT, I personally led this team to win the most trophies and the highest honor in the history of League of Legends!"

"My affection for SKT is higher than my own image!"

"The team members' perfunctory attitude towards the training game made me very sad. I also lost my temper with all of them for the first time in history!"

"Although the words used during the period were a bit extreme, the final result is very good!"

"Look at them, they are training hard now, constantly improving themselves!"

"I believe that SKT will definitely regain our own glory in the summer split!"

Teacher Da Fei spoke with real emotion.

Coach Fumando listened very carefully.

When he learned that all of the SKT players turned to the channel and their rank increased because of Faker's "bad words", he couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"Sure enough... strictness is the best medicine."

"In the past six months, the team's poor performance was because I was too gentle."

"Faker, you did the right thing, you fulfilled the mission of a captain and a senior!"

"Thank you for giving SKT a new life."

"Please continue to use this tough love to help the other team members improve in the days to come, please!"

Yes, Fumanduo found the management of SKT.

He explained to the management and asked the management to withdraw the decision to use Faker as a substitute in the summer split.

——This was originally the common opinion of several players in SKT, Fumanduo, and the management.

They believe that the existence of Faker has hindered SKT from making better progress.

Properly letting him sit on the bench can not only give rookies more opportunities to perform, but also allow SKT to have more tactical options, so that they can achieve good results in the summer split!
You know, according to the performance of the Spring Split, it is still difficult for SKT to enter the World Championship steadily.

Now, SKT's management and coaches have reached a consensus:
"We shouldn't limit Faker!"

"He is the soul of SKT, he will always be in the starting position!"

"Even if the situation is difficult, we will replace all the other four players and let him play his role in the professional arena!"

For this reason, the management of the SKT club also won the first show right in the LCK!
You know, the first game after the opening ceremony of the summer split originally belonged to KZ and GRF!

"Let's congratulate the SKT team!"

"After this team experienced the sinking of the spring split, they finally found themselves in the summer!"

In the first show of the LCK Summer Split, the SKT team won 2:0 KZ perfectly.

Neither game lasted more than 25 minutes.

The whole game is a climax!

In just [-] minutes, SKT players showed their unparalleled online ability, various decisive decisions, and various counterattacks, which were also frequently staged!
KZ, the original overlord of the LCK Spring Split.

Known as a real galaxy battleship, the powerful team was completely defeated by SKT!

This made the predictions of major media before the game questioned.

SKT can't?Wouldn't it be even worse for KZ!

KZ is the first in the LCK in the spring split, so it means that the LCK is not good.

This is absolutely impossible!

So after the game, the e-sports media in Kimchi Country changed their tune one after another:

"The SKT team's record in the Spring Split was unsatisfactory, probably because they didn't adapt to the new rune version. You must know that the new rune has already defeated several strong heroes who split the lane at that time."

"Like Plank, Ezreal... and SKT's top laner has just undergone a blood change. It is obviously difficult to cooperate with the team when using these heroes!"

"But after a season of running-in, the entire SKT team has changed from rusty to compact!"

"The SKT team that used to rule everything in the division, he is back!"

"Big Devil Faker, he's back too!"


SKT coach Fu Manduo, and SKT's management are also very satisfied with SKT's debut in the summer split.

Sure enough, Faker is the core of SKT!
With him here, SKT will only get stronger and stronger in the next games!
"I'm looking forward to SKT's performance in the World Championship... As for the summer split, the No. [-] seed SKT has already been booked!"


On the other hand, the LPL summer split has also started.

The first show was given to the FPX and IG teams.

The official arrangement is very meaningful.

Everyone knows that the final of the spring split is the FPX team and the RNG team.

FPX defeated RNG.

And before RNG advanced to the finals, it was tulle IG again.

According to common sense, in the opening ceremony of the summer split, it is definitely more reasonable for RNG and FPX to continue their strong confrontation.

But why let FPX and IG fight?

the reason is simple!
Because before the summer games, the officials re-divided the east and west divisions.

RNG belongs to the Eastern Division, while IG and FPX were drawn to the Western Division.

So... as the champion of the spring split, FPX can only play against IG first.

Of course, on the first day of the summer split, there wasn't just one game.

The second game is RNG and EDG!

The much-anticipated pig-dog battle is about to be staged again!

"FPX seems to have never defeated IG. At that time, IG was carried away by RNG. If IG played FPX in the spring finals, it is still difficult to determine the championship..."

"You can pull it down, FPX clearly beat IG by a small game in the spring split."

"IG won two games against FPX!"

"I have to say, IG's style of fighting as soon as it comes up is really aimed at FPX!"

"It's great! I can finally watch Theshy and Neptune's battle!"



After the opening ceremony.

The LPL's summer season debut officially kicked off.

The voice of the audience reached the highest!
However, when they saw that the top laner on the FPX bench was Jin Gong, they were all dumbfounded.

Aquaman pinch?
I came here from out of town to watch Aquaman's summer season debut, what about others?

"Refund! Refund! Refund!"

A gentleman-looking man wearing glasses with an inch-length head suddenly burst into a rage.

He waved his right fist and shouted forcefully.

Soon, many audience members who had the same mentality as him stood up one after another.




There were shouts one after another.
The Haier brothers, who were explaining the BP of both sides in the commentary booth, were completely dumbfounded.

This voice directly passed through the soundproof cover of the commentary booth!
They can all hear clearly!
However, FPX’s official Weibo post is long overdue:

"Sea player suddenly suffered from heat stroke on the way to the competition venue and was unable to participate in the summer competition debut. I am deeply sorry for this!"

"We can understand the hearts of our fans very well!"

"Feel sorry!"


After seeing FPX's official Weibo account, Brother Qianqian felt very emotional, but he still left a message below, hoping that Qi Zhou's physical condition will recover soon.

"Sea King, drink more Huoxiang Zhengqi Water!"

"Would you like me to scrape for you?"

The emotion is sincere, and it can make people realize that Brother Tuiqian is a true fan of Qi Zhou!

However, it is absolutely impossible for the "heatstroke" Sea player to ask Qian Qian to help him scrape!

Because he didn't have heatstroke at all.

On the opening day of the LPL Summer Split, he was not in Shanghai, but in his hometown.

Because on June 6, Qi Qin finished all the subjects of the college entrance examination.

She successfully graduated from high school.

And Qi Zhou...

(End of this chapter)

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